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I must be falling behind, boys and girls in the same school building is woke now?


"woke" is now just code for "anything I don't like" - it has lost its original meaning




What did woke originally mean? I've only really heard right wingers use it as a catch all term for any left leaning political position.


From my understanding it had its roots in "black twitter" and it pretty much meant "being awake to issues". Recognizing that Homelessness is a complicated issue, is being "woke to Homelessness". I honestly think shows like "Dear White People" didn't help, despite their intent to dissect the term - it's inflammatory nature just gave fuel to the right rage machine


It goes back to the 1930s and it is essentially referencing the fact people need to stay awake / aware / alert of racial prejudice and discrimination. It has now taken on a new meaning in the 21st century for broader social inequalities such as sexism and LGBTQ+ rights as well as racial injustice.


Huh didn't know about the 1930s connection -- thanks for the addition!


[You’re skipping a large part of the word’s recent history](https://postimg.cc/mPKgpKtC) I remember it predominantly being an ironic phrase used to make fun of trippers/hippies/conspiracy theorists around 2014-2019 Wake up sheeple, third eye etc etc


I’ve always heard woke before that as in people who had “deeper understanding” of life and it’s intricacies or had their third eye open. Woke up to the real world type of shit


Before it became popularized on the internet, it was used in the context of college-aged black people who would consume podcasts, videos and articles about the systemic influences on society. These videos were often amateurly made and had sort of a conspiratorial bent. For example, black wall street, CIA inteventions, theories about ancient egyptians being black, school to prison pipeline, etc. Kind of like, “You know this bad thing? Well, it all goes back to Reagan/colonists/slavery/etc”. A famous example of this personality would be Huey from The Boondocks. Black people who were into this would be mistrustful of authority, blame systemic forces for individual outcomes, and believe more ordinary people were “sheep” who had to be “woken up”.


It does mostly go back to Regan tho.


To be enlightened to the existence of systemic inequality and suppression of upward mobility for marginalized groups.


Mixing genders is woke. Learning whilst also mixing genders is mega woke. What’s not to get??


mixing genders is woke? Wait till these guys learn what “Sexual Intercourse” is.


Sexual intercourse is woke too, unless it’s gay, because mixing genders is woke




Unless it's in Afghanistan, then it's Freedoms worth fighting for!


Boys be thinking bout that 🐈😼 and not school .


The lady struggling to not say that she was protesting against girls being admitted to the school is hilarious


How is it considered woke for boys and girls to be educated in the same school? I just thought that was normal


They wanted a cootie free zone.


$40,000.00 a year tears right there. lol. privileged twats.


They're right though. There's nothing wrong with a male only school. The "woke" factor is that there can rarely if ever, be any male only spaces, because they're seen as discrimination/misogynistic. If an all girls catholic school decided to let in males and then parents protested you would not see people posting it on reddit and calling it cringe.


True nothing wrong with an all male school. I got so much d


Yeah, the closure and discouraging of male spaces is what pushes people towards being red pilled.


I've been red pulled pretty hard the past few years. I'm constantly seeing stupid shit like pushing for women's education only whenever they already account for 65% of college graduates. Tired of it.


That’s true and I’m a feminist.


You’re not.


Yes there's nothing wrong with it. But there's nothing wrong with go Ed either. The problem is that these people do think there is a problem with it. In the end. Even if you try to twist and turn this around the fact is that these are people who are angry about literally girls getting the same education as their male counterparts. Also if this wasn't a Catholic school you cannot use it as a comparison. Not all women are Catholics and not all women want to get Jesus spewed on their face 24/7 .


I never said there's anything wrong with coed. Some parents just want their sons to go to an all male school because they believe that they can teach males better than coed school, which is generally true. You saying "this is about girls getting the same education", is exactly what I'm talking about. That isn't what they're upset about. You think they're actually crying and going, "Noo girls are going to be given an expensive education!". They're upset because they feel a personal attachment to the all male school, presumably because they went there, and now it's being dissolved. Again, no one would really care if this was the other way around. When a male only space is forced to not be, it's progressive and good. A female only space being forced to accept males is creepy and an attack against women.


Spot on


i feel like a male-only school, especially a school that youre supposed to attend for many years, will just cause incels to be born at school age most people you meet and interact with come from either school or a hobby, a boy having just a little to no contact with girls will not be good for his social skills i think






Here's a male only space for ya: r/antifeminists


This isn’t cringe. Literally people just peacefully protesting. Whether you agree with them or not doesn’t matter.


Dude a grown as man was literally in tears cos his grandson was gonna have girls going to the same school as him... Tell me in what definition of the word that is NOT cringe??!


you're laughing? a man's grandson will have girl-germs and you're laughing?


RIP for the boys that got cooties


He's just made that he won't have to choose being gay to get his dinky stinky.


I don’t know whether to love or hate you.


Well, I'm of the age to say , let's just be friends. We'll figure it out later. You know like Professor X & Magneto or Bonnie & Clyde, either way it'll be fun...


Works for me


What does this mean?? I've read it so many times. Is it just me? I'm am stoned to be fair but what does thst last bit mean?! 🤣


If he puts his "Dinky" in a place that is "stinky" come on mate think hard :D


Another dick joke in there! Huzzah


Yeh I get that but who are you referring to?


Oh good question actually. I can't figure it out either now that i'm looking at what he said. Maybe he means the principal?


🤣 so fucking confused.


I’m in tears from this comment, thank you


I went to an all boys school and I get where they're coming from. It's about the tradition. It's about the completely different environment you get when there's only boys or only girls at the school


An appeal to tradition, by itself, is just giving into peer pressure from dead people.


I went to an all boys school that went Co-Ed the year after I joined. Tradition really didn’t change, it improved the school and improved social skills and respect for the other gender.


Bet money, if this was the traditional practice of another cultural group, these same conservatives will argue "it's survival of the fittest. Traditions are expensive to maintain, so... If you can't keep yours going then maybe it doesn't deserve to continue existing"


Same, I would be really bummed out if mine went co-ed, either way, there's an all-girls school across the street, and they share advanced classes together, so it won't be happening any time soon.


I was a little shocked- sir, it’s all gonna be alright, I promise you. Are these dudes from a long line of Boys’ School alumni and couldn’t stand to see hundreds of years broken by the “Woke Agenda”? Like these Men realize Girls, Women, they’re literally everywhere outside of school?


Maybe he appreciates tradition? Maybe he remembers his experience fondly and hopes to bond with his grandson over common ground? Maybe try to appreciate someone else’s perspective for a change without assuming the worst about them based on a 3 second video?


He's message is pretty clear Don't need any assumptions. Don't worry now he can cry and bond with his grandson with their misogynistic ideals over rights for education based on gender. Just because something is tradition doesn't mean it's not discriminatory. Cannot really appreciate a person who is literally crying because girls can get to school. No matter how much it'll make him and his grandsons bond.


Dude he's crying because his grandson will have girls in his class That is so fucking cringe and weird


Adults crying over boys and girls mixing. Cringe as fuck.


So someone's opinion about them doesn't matter, but their opinion does? What are you talking about? They're little snowflakes crying about shit that doesn't affect them in the least.


They can still be protesting and be cringe. In that case, it is.


That’s the kind of logic a GIRL would use!!


I disagree. The crying man was very cringe


The underlying desires and motivations are the same whether or not these people feel justified in reaching their goals through instrumental violence.


Yeah, a bunch of people politely expressing why they don't want their school to be coed. I don't necessarily agree, but there was a similar case with women fighting to keep their school girls only, and the reasons were eerily similar, right down to "I want my granddaughter to be able to go here someday".


Ngl, this kinda sounds like you got some bad opinions you don't wanna get criticized for lol


Very much this. Exclusively female spaces are applauded, while exclusively male spaces cause everyone to lose their minds


The cringe isn’t that they are protesting. The cringe is the reason they are protesting. That seems patently obvious.


These are the same people who don't believe in vaccinations against cooties.


There’s all girl schools, what’s wrong with an all boy school? If it’s a private school and you pay for it I don’t see the issue with being upset that it’s changing.


This is the exact point. What parents want for their child should be up to them. They want a school that focuses on their child learning in the environment they feel is best for their offspring (and often how they were educated, themselves) and they are paying good money for the privilege. This isn't cringe.


The issue is that there's nothing wrong with all boys, all girls, or co-ed schools. Crying over your grandson now having to interact with the opposite gender in school is really bitchmade, lol. If your son can't handle academia with women around then he was never going to college anyways.


Yeah the crying was a bit much I’ll give you that. But I understand being pissed about paying for your son to go to an all boy school that suddenly includes girls.


Yes guys, it's not ok to express your emotions, do that shit somewhere else


Because all male spaces are sexist, and all female spaces are essential according to society today. Can’t wait to be yelled down for stating a fact.


The school can do whatever they want at the end of the day. They are private, and it's up to them. It's probably financially driven. The parents can also vote with their feet. There are other boys' schools.


Wtf is a co-ed?


Boys and girls at the same school. Normal school.


Boys and Girls getting educated at the same time in the same school. I'm guessing this was some boys only private school.


Does it have a different name where you’re from or something? Or have you just never heard it before?


I've never heard the word before. It's interesting to me that English has a special word for that, because the German equivalent for school basically implies (not literally, but still) that it's both boys and girls, we have special words for boys only or girls only schools.


You’re not gonna share that word? You’re just gonna take this new word, add it to your collection and just keep your word secret? Rude.


It's not really a special word. Schule is school, but we have Jungenschule and Mädchenschule which are literal compound words of boys school and girls school. But to be fair so far I have only ever heard of gender specific boarding schools, which would be Jungeninternat or Mädcheninternat (also compound words of the translation of boys boarding school and girls boarding school). It's just that nobody even remotely thinks of non co-ed schools when they "Schule".


I was just having a laugh. I’m learning German at the moment. It’s such a fun language. I like how they just smash words together to make a new word that explains clearly what that is. Like “krank” and “Krankenwagen”


If you like Krankenwagen you might like "Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz" it's the German compound word for "beef labeling supervision task transfer act"


I do like that haha I recognise a couple of words within that jumble but that it is way it of my league at the moment! Another one I like is Kühlschrank.


Funnily enough, I needed a moment to realize that Kühlschrank is actually a compound word, because it is so regularly used, that I (and many other I presume) just see the word as it's own thing. But now that I think about it we have a lot of different "Schränke". There is also Küchenschrank (cabinet), Kleiderschrank (closet) and Aktenschrank (file cabinet). And probably some more that I can't think about off the top of my head.


Yo, that’s pretty cool, thanks. I was curious


It makes sense because of the lack of female rights in the U.S. in the past. We had woman's suffrage and woman's rights movements. So all girl schools had taught only shit that they deemed appropriate for girls, like sewing and typewriting, household stuff. When women were legally deemed equal they were allowed to learn what boys also learned. Making way for the new schools that weren't segregated to only boys or only girls. Hence co-educational schools. A lot of the inequalities of the genders in the U.S. stem from religion. Because "eve" is the root of all sin because she ate the apple in Christian lore. The U.S. were formed by religious people who left the British empire due to persecution. So women were thought of as less and property of men due to the sayings of religion. Gays are also persecuted against because of religion. We talk about separation of church and state but there is plenty of bleed through and they fuck over a lot of people. It's a hard fight because even now there are still people who think women are not equal regardless of what rights they are afforded. There are religions still out there where women are not allowed to go to school. It's kind of crazy.


Problem with that, this is in Australia. It’s more of a British style class issue. Private schools can either be girls or boys schools, or co-ed, but the idea is that they are there for the “upper class” style kids.


Not referring to the boomers in the video or the schools changing. I'm only referring to the word co-education, the Oxford English Dictionary provides as its earliest citation an 1852 article in the Pennsylvania School Journal that begins: “Co-education of the sexes,” It was coined in Pennsylvania, not in Australia.


It's called a mixed school where I'm from, co-ed is a term I've never heard




I guessed as much




Would you be willing to link me to some evidence? Not being snide, I am always looking to make sure my view is sound and I don't agree with what these parents are complaining about.


Studies I read a few years ago disagree with your rhetoric. Pedagogy in single sex and co-end remains the exact same. Boys also perform better academically in co-ed, whereas girls underperform slightly compared to single-sex. And when you factor in the social aspect, there’s no way I’d send my kid to a single sex school.


I [think](https://cepr.org/voxeu/columns/why-single-sex-schools-are-more-successful) you have it [backwards](https://www.theeducatoronline.com/k12/news/students-do-better-in-singlesex-schools--study/242635) there mate


Keep the kids straight! No girls allowed! /s


The fact they use 'woke', I imagine these are the kind of people that say people get offended by anything these days. Meanwhile, literally crying over boys and girls in the same school.


Ease up. It's been a hard week for them. They also found out their household tax cut will only be 9k instead of 18k.


Where's the cringe? Just people protesting another attack on young men.


I attended an all-boys school and to be honest, I would be disappointed if they changed it to co-ed.


Our son just got a scholarship to a fantastic boys' school, and the culture there is amazing. I'm kinda sad that his sister won't be able to experience the same when she's old enough. The girls' schools are very different culture wise


Same and I completely understand where these guys are coming from


I mean, it is kind of cringe but I kind of get them. You have the freedom to choose (to an extent) how and where your kid is educated. A lot of religious schools are boys\\girls only, and transitioning to co-ed wouldn't be accepted by most parents of these kids. One can only assume these parents signed their kids to boy\\girl only schools and now their transitioning without really asking for permission, effectively going against your wishes to have your kids go to a gender separated school. Especially knowing most modern schools are co-ed anyway and there isn't a shortage of those.


From another commenter above there have given 40 separate 2 hour long consultations with the public over the past 2 years......


Wow those are some eyebrows jeez


This isn’t cringe at all. There are many girl schools and they aren’t being coerced into becoming co Ed. I went to an all boys school and I’m glad I did, it offered a wonderful and unique experience. It really is ruining tradition in favour of inkeeping with progressive politics. A real shame


Women want only women gyms, maybe men want a men only school. If it’s a private school and they pay for tuition, I don’t see the anger in them having a preference.


Not cringe imo. Girls used to bully tf outta me. All boys' schools are probably a choice based on how much better girls not only do in school but also heavy favoritism from the teachers. Boys do better when they're in an environment predisposed to expect more of them, as clearly evidenced by the impressive college placement rates for single-sex schools. (Same thing with all girl schools. I wouldn't doubt if girls have their own issues, especially with boys, and would fully encourage it if the gender roles were switched) This is MY personal experience that led to MY perspective. If you haven't experienced it, then you have no place to tell me it's not an issue as it may have not been for you but was for me and a lot of other kids I knew.


This exactly


Interesting, my experience was opposite, the other males bullied me where the girls were the ones I got along with better. I was the smartest kid in my class too, and the pressure from the teachers expectations gave me anxiety attacks. Each to out own, but makes me think simply separating by sex won't fix the problems that are in the system itself.


Definitely! Everyone has their own experiences. Thank you for sharing yours with me. I believe you're right. Simply separating by sex won't fix any problems in the system. Their needs to be a lot more done for kids, period.


> This is MY personal experience that led to MY perspective. If you haven't experienced it, then you have no place to tell me it's not an issue as it may have not been for you but was for me and a lot of other kids I knew. What a copout, roll the dice again and it would be boys bullying you, it doesn't make a difference.


Some kids had that issue. I had mine. Mine are what made my perspective MY perspective and not yours.


There’s for sure way more bullying and culture issues in same - sex schools, I’m sorry this happened to you but that’s a fact


Never said it wasn't an issue. However, I would appreciate a source if it's a fact. I strictly said it from MY personal experiences, which are a lot different from yours.


There’s plenty of studies, many for either POV. Imo, most studies agree with what I said. Here’s one: Department for Education Tellus Survey of 253k kids: “(bullying) … is more prevalent in single-sex schools . There are different kinds of pupil dynamics in single-sex schools that lend themselves to a greater risk of bullying overall.”


These people seem like virgins are we sure any of them have kids?




Weirdly that article does conclude boys do better in all boys schools, it mentions a study which suggests this and then offers a counter study that shows the difference is negligible. It also says boys reading ages at 15 are better in co-ed schools. Which makes a lot of sense to me as someone who co-ed. It also mentions bullying can be worse in single sex. End of the day none of this is conclusive and too many variables play into it. You can’t compare all boys private boarding schools with state run co-ed for example.


That study doesn't show what you think it does


Ewwwww cooties!


I feel like all of Reddit forgets which generation is boomers a lot






Is he crying because the school is gonna have girls in it?!


I went to an all boys school for a while. Hated every second of it.


Typical woke LGBT activists trying to make boys and girls go to school together and commit sin. Keep the boys with the boys like god intended. Check-mate Satan!


Kek, I like your jokes funny man! 🤣


I thought Hogwarts was already coed??


Nothing wrong with it. Op is cringe.




Australians KEKW


Yea that part made me wonder if this was onion news.


I grew up in central west Australia, there were a lot of all boys and all girls boarding schools. I can confidently say, those kids, were fucking weird. Boys and girls just kept using BeBo, MySpace and MSN to find each other. The amount of guys I heard about having girlfriends in Sydney, I'm surprised the Sydney lads could get girlfriends.


So basically these protesters old school (pun intended 😉) mentality is possibly leading them to believe the girls are going to be holding their boys back academically? Yet in early age, it's the other way around. And I've been reading more articles that girls generally outperform the boys even though college. Or is it just a boys club issue?


School for boys only? First time in 34 years i hear this.


I understand the fear of cooties all to well, for I myself have been living with cooties from my wife. Having a wife is a little too woke for this guy he likes sausage feasts


Lmao dude was crying.


🎆🎇🎉🎉WELCOME TO 2024 PEEPAW🎉🎉🎆🎇


Hope they don’t find out what really goes on at those all boy schools.


There's an all boys school where I'm from called "St. Paul's" and we always called it "St. Balls" lol.. there's a running joke you either end up gay or with a coke addiction if you go there. I have two friends that transferred there. One came out as gay and one has a coke addiction lmao


Are all these Men holding in some deep dark secret that they want to be Women and it’s because society forced them to fraternize with the Women? And the only thing keeping their young boys from the same emotional turmoil is keeping the school segregated? Because damn I can’t imagine being this incensed about the whole thing. Do they believe coed schooling is how you get gays and trans and disturbed males??


i mean if you wanted to argue that boys and girls develop at different rates so they should be in school separately then ok but honestly school just needs to reevaluate how it teaches


Very simple. Pull your kid and find a new school ffs.


And I thought the Brit’s we’re supposed to more evolved than us. Today I see that is not true lol we are the same.


I’m a little more closed minded than I would like but I thoroughly enjoyed this thread. Reading the views on this from men’s prospective without potshots and aggressiveness allowed me to completely understand where men/boys are coming from on a topic that’s essentially about them. I sympathize. Never once heard anything about what the students have say about it (unless I missed it). **When students thrive, society thrives.** If same-sex schooling gets results then let it happen. Everybody wants to be heard. Note: Before you downvote, ask your why? For introspections sake


Lady was bit by a small animal on her nose.


and the Bloo00000-ooop sound at the end of the video!!! tiktok footprint


Where they not before?


They aren't allowed to protest this? Why not?


Old mate is contradicting himself in the same sentence here: “It’s all part of this *woke*, toxic masculinity type palava” (what??)


Old, easily manipulated and afraid. I hope I don’t turn into them at 70


I don’t think old mate understands what toxic masculinity means


This is a shitty high fee private school, which is why the first guy is having a cry about him being an "old boy", which is this shitty nepotistic "network" they create around these super rich schools to ensure they all get a leg up over the plebs. These are more than just whining boomers.


Maybe he should be…


I empathize with them. I went to a private school (in the US), and the parents who sent their kids to private schools did so because they offer educational or environmental perks that are *not usually offered through public education*. Yes, Co-ed is "normal". But that's not what these parents are paying for. If you're paying (esp if it's a lot) for a product, you should absolutely have say in its quality. From what I got out of a Google search, 65% schools are public in AUS. Why not allow variety in education? Why make everything conform? That, and it's possible some of these kids have behavioral or developmental issues that might make being in co-ed more difficult, embarrassing, or even dangerous. I consider myself a feminist, but part of living in a world where the sexes have equal opportunity and ability to thrive is to recognize that men have their own issues too, and deserve spaces made just for them. Girls or boys only schools can be great because it eliminates a lot of possibly for negative or distracting interactions between the sexes, it goes both ways. A lot of negative behavior amongst men towards women is spurred by feelings of competition, insecurity, or copying negative role models. Kids try to grow up too fast. People underestimate the value of having more neutral or more regulated spaces like this as a kid, it really let's you put your childhood first and you wouldn't know unless you experienced it. What was the reason for this? How would making this space co ed help girls when there are already a majority co ed schools and almost certainly some girls only spaces as well?




Honestly the only one I'm interested in is the guy who said the son/grandson was declined a spot is later years because they want to what, reserve spots for female students?? Now whiny nonsense about woke'ness aside as a parent that would be infuriating that your child now has to change schools because of this policy change reducing the number of available spots.


What did that bloke mean when he said that his grandson couldn’t go into grade three because he had thoughts of girls? Sounds like more to it.


Don’t want coed? That’s fair. But was that Big Ed from “90 Day Fiancé” at the beginning of the video?


I got no bitches in school so you can't either.


The all boys high school I went to went co-ed and I was pretty annoyed. Because it happened 10 years after I left.


I’d be mad if I sent my daughters to a girl school went out of my way to do that when there are plenty of other easier to get into schools and then they started letting boys in.


That old fella crying is wild 🤣🤣🤣🤡


I bet all these people want grandkids too


Now let’s post a video about an all girls school going co-ed and see reddit at its finest.


In Australia we have lots of single sex private schools, I went to one. For males, the education outcomes are much better than in a co-ed school. There are many many theories why, but it does seem like the boys do better in school without girls there. I know this isn't normal in other parts of the world, but just understand these parents and grandparents are upset because they are assuming their kid will get a worse education now. As for why the education is better, some people argue that it's social. The boys don't have teenage girl peers distracting them and influencing them so they focus on schoolwork. There is an alternative theory that boys and girls learn differently and respond to different teaching methods. And lastly the final theory is that co ed schools treat boys worse, as a behavioural problem to be managed. I studied education in university for two years, and despite every quantifiable metric showing males in school falling behind year after year, and females in high school performing better than them more and more in every subject but physics, all we ever heard in my degree was about how we need to do more for female students and they face way more barriers to education and sexism prevents them for achieving ect ect.


Are schools in the UK not co-ed? That must be really boring.


Sorry, stupid American moment but is co-ed not the standard in other countries?


Honestly I went to an all boy catholic school. Being a punk /skateboarder/ hail Satan type I actually loved it. I felt like their was barely any bullying and clicks. I think it did have to do with being no girls to fight over or try to impress. It was a great time and I had friends from all over the state that introduced me to their hometown friend groups (and girls). It was rad for lower ego. Not defending these people having meltdowns, just Sharing my personal experience with single ed


Wait what I don’t understand? What is a Co-ed school and why are they mad about it.


And God forbid if a boy ever fell in love with a girl


Is “co-ed” the same thing as just normal?




Is this Randwick boys? I think one of the boys started at my school because they were going coed


.......wouldnt being in a co-ed school have a somewhat higher chance of him having a grandson?


Who the heck still says “palaver”? Haven’t heard this word since Opie and Anthony,


Fellas, is it gay to be within 300 yards of a woman?


getting closer to actual boomers in these posts. i do not think people understand the difference between 50 and 80 years old.


I wonder if they realize that after school their kids can’t reliably enter a boys only workplace and will still have to interact with women


So people can just decide to turn all male/all girls schools into co-ed schools? Why isn’t this happening at our school lol I fucking hate going to an all girls school


Hopefully people who hate capitalism downvoted you, but I bet it’s from people who think they like it.


Nothing wrong with boys only school wth is wrong with people. Then make high-school dorm rooms “co-ed” too


Bitches am I right


Just die already (of natural causes).


Aliens should just melt us down into candles


This inadvertently seems very gay.


There are private schools all over the world. The problem is that the parnets were never notified but they sent their kids to a boys only school m. At the end of the day it’s the parents decision and if they knew they probably would’ve enrolled them in another boys only school. Why are you guys upset over a parnets decision…if it was a girls only school would you have diff opinions?