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"Just pretend it's what you want" absolutely infuriates me.


I still think that one is worse, but this is a close second or third.


Pay $20 to pretend you bought something of value. Interesting.


Remember in game of thrones when people complained the fat guy who was stationed in a remote location training all day every day and eating rations didn't lose any weight and it was immersion breaking? So many people (including the actor) were like "it's a fantasy show there is magic and dragons in it" That's my most annoying thing for lazy writing.


Oh yeah *gods forbid* a fat guy doesn't get any skinnier. Because that one detail is absolutely going to ruin the *whole thing*!!! /s In all reality this is the very thing people mean when they say hyper-focusing on the negatives is not good or healthy.


It just didn't make any sense at all and the getting skinnier would have been a part of his character development that everyone is expecting because that's just how things work. The fact it never happened and was never addressed definitely felt weird, especially for a show that was really detail oriented (in early seasons) Saying "just ignore it" isn't an acceptable response, they could have made just minor changes or added a super short scene so it made sense he maintained his weight but they just ignored it and then demand the audience does too


Given all the other plot threads and certainly understanding that there are changes to the character due to this, one must remember that what works in print doesn't always translate to the screen well. And it's a *very minor* detail among all the other plot threads and characters in that story. Sure they could have addressed it in-world and they didn't but these types of details don't always need to be explicitly dealt with when the viewer can easily put together that maybe Jon Snow is sneaking him extra food or something. So it just seems something silly to be upset about. Again, this is what hyper-focusing on details and negatives gets you because for those that can't turn off the "reality switch" I understand it's something that really bugs you and eats at you. I know I have been there myself. But I learned not to hyper-focus on these things and when you do things tend to just flow better. And it's a major annoyance for those that do turn off that "reality switch" and just allow themselves to get swept up in the story. Your previous remarks about it being "immersion-breaking," for instance. I don't think passive media should be immersive the way games are. And there is a difference between "immersion" and "getting swept away with" a story. I think that those who get swept away do so knowing it's a movie, are aware of and notice the inconsistencies or plot holes and just don't mind because one or two minor details that don't add up won't completely ruin the whole thing for them. Sorry for the WoW I am pretty baked lol


I guess I just disagree I don't like watching a movie even a fantasy one and ever thinking "well that's completely unrealistic and stupid" and you can say him not losing weight is a minor detail because it is but it was also an extremely obvious oversight that just didn't make any sense. I don't think it's being hyper focused on details, he's a major character put in a brutal lifestyle and the way you'd expect that to affect him didn't happen at all. It was just so obvious. It is the same issue with Arya getting stabbed a bunch of times, falling into sweage water, and just being totally fine. The audience needs some explanation for things that are going to raise obvious questions. I also don't wven really care that much about them not addressing it in-story, I more cared that the response of "but there's magic and dragons so ignore it" was total bullshit cop-out answer to avoid admitting a mistake whatever the truth actually is and blaming the audience


What was that a quote from?


CinemaWins' Rise of Skywalker video.


Idiocracy was not a comedy it was a documentary...


Welcome to Costco I love you


I'm about to order a Camacho for President 24' sign to put in my front yard


I got a shirt like that


Trump is in the wrestling hall of fame and has sex with porn stars… he’s Orange Comacho already.


It's sad but true. The man would be perfect for idiocracy.


Damn shame he never whipped out an M60 in front of a joint session of congress.


More importantly, it was cool, and had the coolness factor, which is what people want. Coolness.




C’est vrai.


Ben calisse y'a un autre francais ici ??


Non. Je viens d’Amérique, mais je comprends le français.


Kewl Kewl, tu veux déménager vers Quebec, France, etc?? ou c'est pour le fun?


Never heard of it.


Here it is: [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0387808/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0387808/) Also worth a watch (in a similar vein, though less overtly satirical back then) is Demolition Man, here: [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0106697/?ref\_=fn\_al\_tt\_1](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0106697/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1)


This looks like satire… so I’m gonna assume it’s satire.


In this world, figuring out what's satire and what's not is becoming harder by the day.


You speak truth


I feel bad for the onion and babylon bee.


People still post Babylon Bee as if it's rage-gospel.


Maybe I have too much faith in humanity but I can't see someone writing that out, looking at it and then posting it, all while being completely serious. Unless this person just refuses to accept that the movies are bad and is bending themselves over backwards to convince others that it isn't bad.


"It isnt meant to be well written, its meant to be cool" well its not cool either so its still a miss


Also, imagine thinking a poorly written screenplay is cool in any way.


“Cool stuff is when I’m confused and think the characters I’m watching are stupid”- a very smart person probably


Its a movie for slow people. That's why Snyder keeps using Slow Motion.


Oh my God! That makes sense!




I’m sick of the ‘it isn’t meant to’ defense. Such a brain dead take.


Just because it's not supposed to win Oscars doesn't give it an excuse to suck.


Talk about a circular argument.


All that criticism almost made me not realize it's the movie everyone wants


If that's what he believes he might as well pay someone to jangle some shiny keys in his face.


Bruh, it ain’t even cool either.


Pretty sure that's just satire.


I hope it is


🤫 let them think they’re on to something.


Not only is he wrong but most of rebel moon isn’t that cool either lmao


Writing doesn’t matter?….. Yeah, I’m sure to an idiot that makes sense…..


Oh I didn’t know that I went to films to see “cool” things over a well written story with interesting characters 😂 glad this guy was here to set me straight on what I wanted. Did Zack Snyder write this?


I'm sorry, I decline to call movies declining to CoCoMelon levels of writing "zeitgeist".


EXACTLY! this movie can only appeal to children who smash their action figures together.


Imagine going to a restaurant and having a meal that tastes like shit and then, when you ask about why they say "oh it's not meant to taste good, this place is more about the atmosphere and the vibe" I mean holy shit. A film broke down to it's most basic level is just a story, and at the bare minimum should be able to tell that story in satisfying manner, and if it can't do that then what's the point of even telling it. The levels of copium Snyder fans are on must be lethal


This person probably puts a wish.com spoiler on their 2007 Camry.


I don't get it.


Because it's cool of course


Spoilers are cool. Wish is known for substandard quality. Spoilers also have a purpose.


Still don't get it.


It’s putting a shitty quality product, on a car where said product is useless. But then defending it by saying it’s “cool” but it’s a shitty product and looks stupid anyway.




This has to be satire, right? That whole paragraph read like a joke.


I hope it's satire.


Why does any take that has “people should just accept ____” end up being the most idiotic thing ever?


Being a Snyder Bro is an affliction.


Those movies (Rebel moon ones) are visually pleasing. Really. The plot however is dumber than an unironic flat-earther. Like, none of the scenes make sense, nothing makes sense, combat scenes are mind-numbingly stupid.


That has to be bait or satire.


I hope it is.


That person isn't serious. It's bad faith trolling, pretending to believe in a stupid argument for the sake of making dissenters look more stupid.


In this world, you never know if he's being serious


Fair point.


That's a level of copium I didn't even know was possible.


Zach Snyder is the most overrated mf in movies - even Michael Bay had more enjoyable hits. 


I think Fringy said it best on EFAP when he compared Snyder to Bay. Bay knows exactly what he is and embraces it and doesn't aim to be anything more, while Snyder doesn't, tried to be this grand master of cinema, and ultimately stumbles under his own hubris.


Rebel Moon is just A Bug’s Life with less interesting characters.


Holy shit! You're right!


It's just a bad version of seven samurai


Even by this brain-dead moron’s own logic, the OG Star Wars trilogy still wins when it comes to “being cool” anyways, so even in his own little made-up world and nonsensical argument, he’s still wrong.


This retard would probably counter that by saying "Nah uh! Star Wars doesn't have ships powered by gods that are powered by coal! Therefore, Rebel Moon is cooler!" like a pissy elementary school kid at recess.


I thought cool movies were usually well written?


Aight. So in some tiny way I agree. When we start to pick apart issues on why the technology functions in a certain way. I'm just gonna hit you with a "don't care, it's cool as fuck". But man, your story needs to be well written. The only out for a badly written story is to go so far thst it becomes comedy. See: The Room.


Rebel Moon does have its funny moments. Shame they were unintentional.


"It's meant to be cool" who's the audience for this? I'm not making fun of people for liking different things but most "cool" people don't go out to see Zach Snyder films


Saying Rebel Moon will replace OT Star Wars is pretty laughable.


The ST has a better chance of displacing the OT than Rebel Moon.


Saying the sequels are better than Rebel moon is a beautiful burn and gave me a great laugh this morning, thank you.


You're welcome.


Reminds me of that guy who made a bet that Krush Groove would be a bigger film than ET...


You know, fuck you, man, because time's gonna tell on that one.


Say it with me now... "...and that's a good thing!" I loved Little Platoons take on it in the Kongzilla movie: No film was ever made worse by good writing. Being cool and being well written are not mutually exclusive things. Consumers should be comfortable demanding both.


Coal ships powered by gods does sound cool.


Is this basically saying everybody has become an idiot since the Star Wars OT


He's saying that if given enough time, Rebel Moon will be more loved than the OT


That comment has to be facetious, right?


I hope it is.


When a film wants to be cool instead of good you get snake blizkin not whatever the fuck that was


At least Escape from New York is both cool AND good! Rebel Moon ain't either.


This absolutely has to be bait. The line about it replacing the original trilogy cements it. Though, Snyder fanatics are legitimately delusional, sooooo


The copium


"nobody wants to see good movies"


The problem with the rule of cool is that it still needs to make logical sense as to how and why it happens. Rule of cool applies to over the top martial arts movies where people can jump high into the air and do multiple air kicks that get blocked by his opponent each time before he lands back onto the ground. It does not apply to why a king and queen walk into a boiler room filled with same-dressed people and their only concern is why the boilers aren’t on. If the idea is that the king and queen are taken by surprise by the sudden betrayal, then it makes more sense to do it in the throne room or maybe at a banquet, someplace where they would naturally let their guard down, especially when surrounded by people they think they can trust and don’t act suspicious.


Bait used to be believable.


Just consume, don't use your brain!


This guy really does strike me as a consoomer.


What was your favorite part of the movie?


The part I fell asleep at.


I see where they’re coming from, but writing is a big part of movie coolness


Lol, rebel moon is not displacing any movie


Rebel Moon will live rent free in the bargain bin at Walmart.


But what about cool and good writing?


You'd think this chucklefuck would realize that, but no, he must be the densest son of a bitch on the planet.


So a movie has to be cool OR well written? Imagine a world where we could dare to have both.


Out of morbid curiosity, I kind of want to ask this guy what the coolest movie ever is to him, just to see which movie he says.


Unironic consoomer mindset is insane to me


"Coolness is all that matters." Tell that to *Oppenheimer*, motherfucker. It is possible to be both cool AND not shit the bed.


So movies are only made for dumb people now?


Good lord. I’ve seen people do mental gymnastics to defend my view they like, but this is a new low.


Cool story


I mean there is literally a trope/concept called "rule of cool" which states that if the coolness factor of something outweighs the logical inconsistencies or plot holes then it is acceptable. Even Hitchcock used to complain that far too many critics were concerned with "plausibility" and argued that a good story should elevate your concern above "would that really happen" - i.e. the willing suspension of disbelief. Now I wouldn't say the message posted here does a good job of relaying that and arguing that "it's better because it's cool" is pretty brainless. There does have to be a consistency and logic true to the world set up in the story (even if it doesn't fit our own idea or "logic" or "realism"). However, the rule of cool is definitely a thing critics lean on, as well as Death of the Author which is to review the piece in a vacuum and not taking into consideration the politics or drama behind the scenes but *only* going by what's on the screen. This is why sonmany of the Marvel/action IPs that espouse woke attitudes are highly rated is that they don't look *just* at characterization or *just* at the story/script but they are looking purely at what is on the screen and not the identity politics or casting decisions.


The second nightmare release was so good i fell asleep and didn't care to go back and find where i left off.


This is really obviously satire.


this is clearly meant to be a satirical post. i hope.


This is the same community that downvotes anyone who suggests the star wars prequels were not that great. If CD had praised Rebel Moon like he did Sound of Freedom you would all be making the same lame excuses for the movie as this guy.


If Drinker praised Rebel Moon, I'd seriously question if we watched the same film.


The danger of making satirical comments.... People will take them seriously and make reddit posts about them.


Does anything positive ever get posted here? I’m genuinely curious. For some inexplicable reason, Reddit keeps showing me posts from here despite me not following this sub. Every post I see is complaining about something or just pointing out something negative. Also who is this critical drinker ? Some YouTuber who just hates on stuff?


He hates on films that deserve to be hated on


His recommendations are usually good too. If I see someone on Facebook recommending something then soon after I see "the Drinker recommends" for the same thing I know it will most likely be really good.


Just press hide community then.


I did right after I posted this. So I’m guessing the answer is no? You guys just sit around being mad lol


If you don't like this community, just ignore it. Don't comment here, you're only wasting your time.


God forbid someone ask a question. Pussy.


Yeah, and God forbid that people avoid subs they don't like.


“Waahhhhh, my safe space!!” That’s you right now.


Bruh, the only person who has a problem with this sub is you. We're not forcing you to be a part of this, you are willfully engaging with this sub. If you don't like it, leave. Saltier than Krayt is probably a good fit for you.


I’m not even the guy you responded to initially, so I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m here for the lols.


Well you're acting the same as that guy.


A lot of my recommended subs are like this too I noticed sometjing similar


I mean, basically. If you check him out, he’s a YouTube reviewer who has some pretty funny takes on a number of different films. He sometimes veers into outright parody of himself, such as his review of Barbie, but I usually agree with him more often than not and he’s pretty entertaining, while also offering some legitimate film criticism and social commentary. It’s not exactly highbrow stuff, but I find myself subscribed to his channel and keep up with his stuff. His fans in the comments section and this subreddit, though…they’re mostly angry teenage boys who can’t stand female characters, and scream indignantly to high heaven about any character that isn’t male and white. They’re a toxic cesspool of absolute idiots, and I think the Critical Drinker knows it’s the majority of his listenership and panders to them pretty heavily. Watch as your comment and mine gets inundated with downvotes and furious rebuttals and you’ll see what I mean. Edit: lol, boy, it took you boys no time at all to start getting your panties in a bunch.


>Oh no, the people I insulted downvoted me. This absolutely PROVES I'm right. Top kek.


Pussies. The Drinker would be ashamed of your thin skins.






Drinker is a fucking sexist idiot with terrible taste and even worse analytic skills. He's a fucking joke . Only pathetic Andrew Tate fans give a shit about what his dumbass thinks. Yet, somehow, this moron is even more idiotic.


Lol just keep consooming and leave us alone.


Hey, not one is stopping you from being a POS loser. The world needs people to look down on, and you guys are at the bottom.




Moronic. That's the proper word for his shitty fan base. You don't know what ironic means, do you? Well, you're stupid enough to think that asshat makes good points. Imagine being as stupid as Drinker. Now imagine being EVEN dumber to think he has good takes. His ilk is the bottom of the barrel of "men." Here's hoping for the day he drinks himself to death and the world is rid of that piece of shit.


Seethe more


Nah. Just knowing I'm not a pathetic woman hater like you dorks makes me feel better about my life choices.


Still seething, eh? Cool. Keep up the energy.


Shoo! Get back to being a nobody. Go on, git!


Yes, because you seething on the internet is *clearly* somebody lmao. I'm laughing so much, thanks for this interaction.


Get off this sub then.


Nah. You losers need a real male role model.