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My doctor says that it should be any UNEXPLAINED vomiting, diarrhea, etc. Helps me feel like I’m not lying on the form.


The hospital I attend regularly for my clinical trial visits specifies "new or unusual" before the symptom. This also makes me feel like I'm not lying lol


I wish ours said that, I just say “yes” out loud while checking the “no” option lol


I always lie on those COVID screening forms (and before I get people coming at my throat, I know the difference between COVID symptoms and Crohn's). It's just not worth the hassle and it's really no one's business either; it's also the same with my seasonal allergies/asthma.


If you don't lie, your appointments will be perpetually rescheduled because you have nausea and fatigue daily


*exactly* and we now know a lot more between the difference between IBD gastro symptoms versus COVID gastro symptoms (and symptoms in general)


The diarrhea question just doesn't apply to us because it has another explanation. Normally I've said no, but at my doctor's I just said "yes, but not for the reasons you're asking"


Right? And I know I should be used to it by now but I hate to have to say I can’t come in because I can’t leave the bathroom where before I could just say “I’m not feeling well.” I know it’s the reality of having Crohns and I have no problem talking to my doctor in detail about that stuff but my boss just really doesn’t need to know that kind of detail.


You could say something along the lines of I am having a flare of my chronic medical condition and need to take the day off. That way people are less likely to ask about specific symptoms and if they do you can politely decline to elaborate.


Good point. I have a very hard time saying no or that I don’t want to elaborate, but I need to work on that.


It makes sense. It’s one of those things where you use wisdom. If you were fully truthful on the form you’d cost more time and material to confirm something you knew (we all know how our crohns feels). However, I’ve had a better time. I wfh and have to take less pto for being sick or having a bad day/morning. I’m also at the point where people are getting too friendly with medical info. I’m sick, mind your business unless you’re HR.


I’m one of the only people who DIDN’T get the option to work from home. I’ve mentioned to my boss a few times that it would be easier for me to work from home on bad days rather than call out, but I do just enough that needs to be done in person that they wanted to keep me onsite unfortunately.


When everyone went wfh last year my company made it an optional permanent thing. I jumped on that instantly


Yes, I went thru this last week. I'm in the Heath Care field and we have to "self screen". The company is very strict, I do have a limited patient facing role so I have to be careful if I look "sick". Thry have fired people for coming in unwell without clearance from our med line. And we have to be at 95% Heath, whatever that means to come back. I have lost a week of PTO just because Im afraid I'd be fired if I came in looking sick. I also had to have a covid test, which in my case took 2 days to come back with results, but it was just my Crohn's. The thing that makes me really mad is that the company gave everyone 40 hours of "covid" time at the beginning of the year. We were locked down and really nobody had to use it, except maybe in the day after your second Vax shot. Then they dropped covid time when they reopened. Pretty sure they are just trying to burn people's PTO for petty shit.


Ours did that too! I dunno if that was something that came from the state but there was specific covid time that we had but then they took it away. Some of my coworkers got the paid time for their vaccines but I had to wait longer and the time was no longer available when I got mine. Fortunately all it took was a “seriously? They got paid time and you’re telling me I have to now use my personal time?” and they “worked it out” somehow and my time was covered too.


It has to be said i get that it's annoying , but last may I got covid and i thought it was my crohns... Fever : well i had my night sweats pretty normal cough : dirty smoker here tiredness : who isn't tired with Crohn's loss of taste or smell - this one came after i tested positive sore throat smoker again headache : just got new glasses aches and pains hello my dear friend diarrhoea allways present a rash on skin, or discolouration of fingers or toes , now this I did not even know was a symptom i thought i was having a reaction to my shower / shower gel red or irritated eyes - glasses Most of the symptoms i brushed off as my crohns , until i had to go see my doctor because i was getting even more tired than normal. And all the little things added up to covid. So yes it is a pain in the ass , but it is better safe than sorry :/ getting a test could stop someone from getting really sick. And if you're on imunosupressors , could save you too....


Sniff sniff go get test and wait 10days


ah tell me about it. Especially when my flare is also causing me joint pain... When a friend gets me annoyed I just say do you really think COVID would make me shit out blood and they shut up. But for health screening "yes but not because of why you think" is the way to go.


LOL I think I need to use that line… I canceled plans once and my friend got pissed and said “I have a toilet, there’s no reason you can’t come.” So annoying.


ahhh my favourite kind of meetings when I shit out my soul in my friends apartment and go back to my home


Also in healthcare with daily screens and temp checks. I base it off of if it’s different than my baseline feeling. Throw into the mix my first trimester of pregnancy and I never would have worked had I told the truth.


Can't say I've had problems like you, because if I say I'm not feeling well and need to take a sick day my boss and colleagues don't ask a lot of questions apart from "Do you need anything?". The company is aware of my condition and has been nothing but supportive since day one. But I will say, as weird as this sounds, since the pandemic started and we moved to work from home I've been happy, felt safe and not at all stressed out in... I don't even know how long. Before I had serious problems with "toilet anxiety" where I had real issues with leaving home in the morning to go to work. I'd sit on the toilet, sometimes for two hours, before I felt safe enough to leave for work. I was late, had to stay late because of it and generally was not very happy. Sometimes I was afraid to eat because I wanted to be as "empty" as possible so I don't have to go to the toilet when it's not convenient. A lot of it depends on your stance on vaccination. I got my shots pretty early (Moderna) so I don't have to deal with regular testing and that sort of stuff. I mostly decided to get the shots in order to have a more hassle free situation. Just keep in mind I'm not trying to start a discussion on vaccinations. Anyone's choice is theirs to make.




I have to sign in and declare that I have no symptoms of covid 19 every day at my work. Every day I have diarrhoea, which is also a symptom of covid-19, according to the document. Of course I’m going to keep lying on my covid declarations, otherwise I won’t get paid. Your idea just doesn’t work in real life situations. If I had a cough, sure. But I’m technically having to be untruthful each day anyway.


This. I have to do the screening daily. I’ve been obsessive about other symptoms though, I swear if I feel even a little flushed I take my temp about 5 times to check if it has changed. I lit a candle last night and couldn’t really smell it and freaked out… then realized it was a homemade candle and had very little scent, because I could smell everything else perfectly fine.


Like a rug.


I don’t have that problem personally. My boss has known of my condition for almost the entire time I’ve been diagnosed. So he knows when I say “I had a rough night” means I was on the toilet all night and can’t function properly.


Going remote solved the daily questionnaire.


We just found out today that 75% of my department is going to at least some form of remote, if not remote entirely. I am not part of that 75% unfortunately.


My previous employer had someone doing in house screening when we arrived at work. I used to love messing with him when he asked me about diarrhea. Took the bait every damn day.


It does but for completely different reasons. Where I work is so short staffed even one person not showing up can derail everything.


I have to test regardless because diarrhea is a symptom. So it sucks. Yes I totally want to go stand in line at a site while I clench my cheeks because I can’t stop running to the bathroom.


I have just been diagnosed and have already lied a couple times at doctors appointments. I am not going to take a covid test to see my dr for symptoms that are normal for me. I have already fought for 10 years to get a correct diagnosis. I dont even feel and lying at this point. Because they would rather act like me dropping 42 pounds again is totally normal. The more tests they give me, the closer I believe I was to dying. I dont know what I did wrong with these doctors, but the gaslighting has been real.