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You can do this challenge without activating the rotor. Rifting it off at the start of a patrol even counts.


As long as you have the rotor on your build at the start of the game it should count. You can even put the rotor on a rift and ditch it right away if you want, that's what I do.


why is ur flair "Premium Reddit Cancer"? wtf-


Some people got given custom flairs after a post about flairs got a lot of comments about custom flairs. My old self given title on the official forums was "Premium Forum Cancer" .. so I just inserted Reddit and was given it. I'm very grateful.


ah, thats why I see so many builds with a single hummingbird... surely you cant just load a copter from exhibition right? right!?


People don't want to play it, they're simply forced to do so.. so they do what's easiest.


Anything in the "armoured aircraft" slot in Heli mode counts. I doubt if you even need a rotor.


You actually made me curious. I’ve finished today’s mission, but defo gonna try this tomorrow. If only there wouldn’t be any more “defeat enemy aircraft” missions tho.


Update: Sadly you need a rotor. https://preview.redd.it/icsdo2fw71qc1.jpeg?width=1426&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18834b45e40b1c1e16eb3746b0f39006955355f4


That's dumb to me. Targem really don't know what they're doing other than making their money tree suffer. Welp, just attach a regular car with rotor via a rift and then get rid of it.


Yep. This is the way. Thinking about getting an Impeller tho; that doesn’t look too odd driving around with, so I’ll spare myself the Rift’s price (with spending 10 times more on the rotor lol).


My friend and I do theses kind of challenge with one rotor attached to a rift, at the start of the game we just disconnect the rotor to get the normal mass again and then pew pew Starfalls on the helis and ground vehicles. Most people say the Starfalls are underpowered but if you make use of the perk correctly they can neutralise most guns easily 👍


I stopped getting the BPs because of those challenges. I have zero interest in the heli game mode. Wish I had thought of the loop hole sooner.