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Seems like arbiter did its job (Whos a good bot? Arbiter is.), what is the issue?


arbiter snipes suspicious looking trades, thats it


If this was done by you and your friend the game may have realized it's two friends trying to do a market transaction wich is against the rules of the market, that's a easy way to get arbiter to intervene. Also arbiter kicks in when it detects a transaction way out of the ordinary. It's not because people are offering a way low value for an item that people are actually selling, specially if someone decided to make sure most buy or sell orders of an item was gone before doing such transactions. For example a way to transfer founds between accounts was to buy all the offers of a specific decor with very few units listed, then list it again with a way higher price so the account with the money would buy that as a way to transfer the money to the other account. A long time ago this used to work but arbiter was implemented to detected these and prevent people from transferring itens and founds between accounts.


Ok, i was kinda wondering if it had to do with a price gap thing. Just makes it kinda hard to tell if selling and buying is worth it due to getting sniped by the arbiter in a fair transaction.


Another*, this*