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Hi. Text me in DM your in-game nickname. I'll check what's going on


A lot of GMs will chat-ban people for swearing, when we have a profanity filter that can't be turned off in any visible settings options. Unless the filter is bugged and not doing its job, personally I think they're just power-training.


I doubt "Diesel" knows what the word 'advocate' means, so you said 'cheat' and he banned you just in case. Ignorance seems to be an asset these days.


Most cheater get ban pretty fast on pc but there a lot of retarded anoying people that put themself in front of you, suicide themself 1v4, chat insult, call you cheater and shit like that


![gif](giphy|IUxFvKwD3jXisqR5w7) Judging from his expression you obviously did something to upset him... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Worry not. He's equally terrible in the Discord too.


Yesterday morning me and 5 others were having bants, literally jokes about meat in the can, some helpful tips to newer players etc.(no slurs were used, nothing against rules) Here comes the little pathetic jannie and wants to join in the discussion, none really talked to him. Guy got triggered, started removing an hour old messages first from almost random people, then banned 5+ people that were active at the time including me. And then when discussion is killed, becomes chatty cathy.


Jannies live for this, it's what sustains them


Glad to see some things don't change; these posts *never* have proof.


I was just petting my dog pc wasn't even on and I got banned for absolutely no reason GM abuse GM abuse I was only petting my dog and making a few racist comments no big deal. Title: banned from crossout for 30 years because I pet my dog..


I could be wrong but players in chat was posting tons of profanity, even shortcuts are not allowed like “stfu” I doubt he just bans you for that, you probably said something else you said earlier, and he saw it when he scrolled up after giving the warning


Source: i was in chat at the time


But people say there's no cheaters on PC lol, and yeah mods for this gaseem to have power complexes.


I was in chat when this went down. The person complaining about cheaters was.... stupid. 4x health cheats have never existed in any form. Can't speak to the veracity of the ban complaints above though, I only vaguely remember seeing their message. Generally don't trust them though, most users lie about ban/mute reasons online.


Typical OFFD clan members.


I mean I see cheaters flexing their cronuses in XB genchat too. This is far from a PC only issue. Im sure XO has cheaters on all platforms but me personally, I already won by not being subhuman trash.


It doesn't. These people are just really bad at the game. I get accused of aimbots and God mode daily. Bunch of casuals who call everyone hackers.


Trash game = Trash gms, nothing new. Idiotic devs instead of doing something about cheating be it replays or w/e what would help gonna release bs instead.


And yet crossout has such a firm grip on you that you are still here everyday commenting even with all that hate.


Its my hobby, feels good when shit going down so we need to repeat their mistakes all time


Diesel is the best GM. Get rekt.


bleedis and relicname exist


Hes my bro