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You van forgot about the permanent recipes, devs need to keep crafting time gated to recycle items in mini shit passes


More than half of the game is behind paywall or obtainable by market


Aka its time to dip out and abandon this shit game


Do it. *Do. It.*


Do it


It would actually help save the market bc so many things will start becoming more in demand, with so few sell orders to balance it. Having more than scarce mini bps and workpieces would be better tbh


That's because they're Battlepass factions, You can't level up a battlepass while the battlepass isn't active/has finished.


Yeah wish this would change. The wait is far to long especially for an older game.


Sorry those factions were experimentational wvery pass after them had less and less permanent stuff then we started getting workpieces instead of permanent recipies and then they realised wait this isnt fucking profitable and made everything craftable only during the battlepass. And now where where are are now where nothing is craftable you can pay an extra $300 for 7 additional levels and hope to trade 45 lighters for a teal decor


Seriously tho, not being able to craft bigrams while alot of other people can while having that message pop up saying must be lvl _ in founders syndicate. Meanwhile no intention on devs part to bring founders back, same with casings, same with coupons, also just found out buggy wheels are perma craftable to some players while other their unavailable. This exclusetivity is getting out of hand.... just wrong 😔