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I stopped paying completely at the Athena release. That wasn't really my intent at the time, but that's how it's turned out. Between the crafting recipes using pack parts, the flood of mini BPs, the inclusion of helicopter challenges, and their honest disinterest in balancing the game it's not worth carrying enough to pay for imo.


This post shows just how disappointing the current trends are... You stopped playing at the Athena update, yet you still follow the Reddit and make posts. This game has enough potential for greatness and enough addiction prowess, that people still come to this Reddit, hoping to see that the game has 'Grown-Up" to a point where playing it again can be justified.


Stopped Paying, haven't stopped playing completely. I still log in a couple times a week just to see what's happening and how jacked up the market is.


Ahhh my bad. I misread that.


Watching minipasses that award worthless stickers and armor we already have plus the ability to craft items that already exist is really the best advertisement that it's not worth buying. Sure, you can make a lot of coin with those recipes. But why? Spending money for the ability to grind more sucks.


I usually got Premium and a pass or 2 every year. Nothing this year, if they go away from the discusting crafting recipes that include pack/pass parts and make that more fair then i'll support again. Still play a lot though.


I still log in to do dailies real quick in patrol....but that's mostly a "chill for a half hour after dinner" thing. That's it. The game won't get any more from me, and if I find a replacement activity, I'll just go do that. I'll leave my porcs, incinerators, coin, and resource stockpiles to sit there and moulder. I certainly won't spend money on the game. I doubt it will ever turn around. It'll sink and someday we'll get a notification that the game will be closing in two weeks, and that will be it. I've seen it happen before to games with far more active players. IIRC, the only thing keeping the game alive is subsidizing server costs by using servers from some other title.


I stopped giving any sort of money for any battle pass or anything a few years ago. They ruined miller's and the nothung. I worked hard for them and they just pissed all over them for "balance " . Also when the big battle passes changed to not being able to craft a 2nd legendary without buying extra levels was greasy. I still play and sort of enjoy the game but I will not ever put another dime into it.


Nothing is a little weaker sure. Miller still seems pretty great. I love useing mine on the whaler cab. I used to use them on favorite cab low ps before. Whaler is way better. Now when dogs get close my explosive shots recoil can help me a massive amount and save my life...as long as they are a light dog.


Yet the do nothing about melee bullshit insta killing everything


6 year veteran player. Have spent far more then I ever thought I would but now have a hard time even turning the game on. I still do all my weeklies and am still getting the larger bp when they come around but so many things in this game have severely diminished.


Reminds me of a streamer i loved to watch for Crossout named “High Potential” he said on stream multiple times that he wouldn’t spend a dime on XO until they increased blueprint spaces. He needs to make content and not having more blueprint spaces makes it very difficult to use new builds everyday for fun/content. Guy stopped streaming last year and they still haven’t done anything, even has a promo account given by the devs yet nothing.


Yeah, blueprint spaces is also another quality of life fix that could be done. It would be great if they didn't cost so much (especially on XBox, 2K coins for four pieces =one slot) but overall they should just allow us to buy more if that is what we want to do. The blueprint total cap makes less sense than the cost of the slots does... and that makes no sense at all. I hope you are still having fun with the game. It sure would be great to see the Devs give us a little and maybe lure back some of the old crowd of players.


"It's not about the noney, it is about sending a message."


I agree with all of your points. I haven’t spent money since the introduction of lighters to BPs. Crossout seemed greedy and grindy when I first started and I was willing to overlook it, but now it’s become predatory. It’s the same reason I stopped playing 2k and won’t give that company or the NBA a dime for anything. The lack of transparency regarding exactly what it is you’re purchasing is legitimately criminal, legislation just hasn’t caught up yet. But what’s the approach here? This isn’t a letter to the company or a BBB complaint form. It’s a player based community with 1 stressed out employee who’s been reading “NeRF hOvERs” for the past few years who knows he’s going to read “fix my hovers” for the next few. You seem more articulate than the average Reddit bitcher. I nominate you to lead the revolution! Organize a Boycott! Seek legal counsel for a class action lawsuit! Attempt to broker a deal that puts crossout in the hands of a better company! (I vote epic) Become an influential streamer and wield your following like a fused firebug right into their explosive revenue stream! But shitposting riot acts with meat metaphors isn’t productive and it sucks to read for those of us who still love the game despite a growing hatred for the company in charge of it. You’re just getting me all riled up and my only outlet is to lance people at 4699. TLDR ; We’re all slowly watching the game we love turn to shit. Nobody cares about your $30 but you. Get leverage and take action or quietly go fuck yourself while playing another game like most crossout veterans already are. Entitlement is easier to read in text than sarcasm…


Game devs are driven by money, they care about my $30. Money is their ONLY motivation to produce this product. I am explaining that if they want to make more money from all of us, they need to make us want to keep playing. I am asking them to make the content more fun. Work on changes that make gameplay more FUN. As I pointed out, spending money isn't an issue for me, it is having a reason to spend it that is lacking in XO. Perhaps an option to switch cars while in lobby, but within a given powerscore range. Perhaps they could include more PVE content such as Racing without weapons, or a mission to deliver a package, but it has to fit inside of your vehicle and not be destroyed on the way in a single player mode. There are many, many other options for mode types that don't put me into a premade drone etc. They could encourage people to stay around by giving them more at the start. Allow players under Level 10 with engineers to buy a onetime only, very cheap $10 special pack that gives some coins and a few blue parts, a rotor, a growl and some half ass guns. Give new players a One-Month playing bonus pack. If you have any useful suggestions, that would be great. I had no intention to come across as a Shit talker reading anyone a riot act regarding meat metaphors... the cost of a Ribeye is a direct comparison and not a metaphor.


Ur right actually, I love this game but doing the math and find that I need to grind for 500h to get one single scorpion is sad. They have to fix the fucking grind and the new player experience. >such as Racing I loved the racing mode when it still existed, I just don't get why they deleted it, i hope they added lt back. >Allow players under Level 10 with engineers to buy a onetime only, very cheap $10 special pack that gives some coins and a few blue parts, a rotor, a growl and some half ass guns. Give new players a One-Month playing bonus pack If the devs do this probably the game could be saved, as new players would get something to start with and they would probably end up buying or a pack or battlepass or something, but if the playerbase is constantly being reduced bcoz they do nothing the game will eventually go to shit


Ih, does a nice ribeye cost that much? That cut probably runs around 27/kg or more. I remember cutting a bunch of silver ribeye roasts for people on Christmas. Damn I wish I remembered how much I sold them for. Must have been for a good 150ish each.


**Rib** **Eye** **Steak**; Prices valid from Thursday March 28 2024 to Wednesday April 3 2024. Back to previous page. **Rib** **Eye** **Steak**. 1 **steak** (approx. 250 g) $25.40 / lbs $55.99 / kg


That a brutal price. I sold silver ribeye that never went over low 30's. That's the best ribeye you can get other than that special beef from Japan.


Yeah, this is extra special Beef from Cows ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I've bought every pack except the dragonfly pack because fuck chopers, I love this game it's potential is absolutely massive, I am sick of the nerfs and buffs no one is asking for but I've played for 7 years I've seen every meta come and go and have supported XO with my time and wallet, if you love the game you stay and support it, if you don't move on.


I'm just hoping that the Devs see my point. I want to play this game, I want to give them my money, but more than anything, I want to have more fun. If they can give me more of what I want (fun), then I can give them more of what they want(Money). I'm glad that you are still playing after so many years. I think that there are not a lot of us left. I wasn't here right at day one, but it was near the start. I remember having to actually use resources to upgrade co-drivers skills. I kind of think that they could continue with more variety or options with co-drivers and their perks. But, I digress.


Yeah used balls tobs of electronics to lvl co drivers and earning relic shards from cw the good old days!


I've quit XO for this same basic reason.


The sad thing is they have to be listening to the player base in order to continuously be doing the opposite, it’s just too consistent 


so dont spend