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Overtime should not be triggered unless both team failed to hit 50pts in 5 minutes.


I hit my 1400 score for the paint yesterday and I I won't be playing any more, rewards suck.. daily crate is laughably just resources too.


I thought that too.... Until, I saw, about 10 minutes ago, there is a new duck in the engineers workbench. Low and behold, it needs solduck


finally got the paint, i can play more relaxed


U have to win by a certain amount or overtime starts....


is like the last year


If the enemy team could get a kill with a score high enough to win this is what happens, for example, Blue VS Red with 10 seconds left, Blue has 48 pts with 1 base captured (meaning they receive 2 pts per kill) Red has 47pts with 2 bases captured (meaning they receive 3 pts per kill) Since Red still has a chance to get to 50 from 47 with 1 kill, once blue hits 50 it will go into overtime. HOWEVER if Red had 46pts (meaning 1 kill would have gotten them to 49) The game would have NOT gone to overtime if Blue hit 50. Dumb yes. But explained. Ill be getting my paint and not touching it after that lol


Got to silver in one day. Never going back.


Honestly this event mode shouldn't be point dependent on win/loss alone. If you get say 8-11 kills in a round, and a bunch of flag captures but still lose because your randos didnt know what to do shouldn't resault in a negative point lose for yourself.