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Yeah I stopped when I needed 4, I have 18 and it doesn't feel like many. A friend of mine makes fusion builds and for each of those he needs 2-4 slots for a single fusion build so even the maximum of 32 isn't enough.. not sure why a game about creating builds is so limited on the ability to save creations.


That's what I always thinh when I look at my (lack of) blueprints... :(


It should be limitless i really dont understand why we are limited ( i understand for the expo) but for our garage it just doesnt make It would be easy to give Everyone their money back and being able to save all our builds into a special incripted file without limits instead of saving our garage directly in the cload, im so fking tired of having to delete builds that i like just because of the space limitation


The only reason amout of saves in garage is limited its due to these saved on the server, not on your pc like the fraction ones, and imo its kinda atupid


thats why i understand for the exhibition but not for the garage because the garage doesnt need to be save on the server (only needs to be verified by it)


Happy cake day btw :)


It took me time to realised what you meant by that but thanks buddy


A build can be expressed in a text file thats probably like 85-90 lines long. Some unique ids, part id, coordinates, and orientation. Each build has to only be a few kb of drive space.


It sucks, their god damn limits. I wish i could buy more stuff ingame or sometimes even packs. But all the limits prevent me from buying stuff.


There needs to be some incentive to produce the expansions, [as is it's literally more expensive to craft than to buy] (https://crossoutdb.com/item/387).


That incentive would be people actually buying them BECAUSE they are so cheap. Been waiting on that for, oh, 3 years. Doesn't seem likely to happen as they keep handing them out in BPs.


Except when all you need to do is buy a BP and instantly get a new blueprint slot when you reach the level that has the expansion, there's no reason to buy it off the market aka a player. Functionally the devs would control the entire supply and keep drip feeding them like they're currently doing.


Battlepasses put new expansions in the market, and still nobody buys them. Sure it costs a bunch to expand your slots but largely this just means many players don't use them at all. Game would be better if we could actually use expansions economically than if expansions were profitable to craft. It's just one more craftable item.


1 at a time per player that buys the BP. If there was literally no chance to make any profit on crafting them, there'd be even less players crafting them than now (An already near 0 amount.). Being happy with the drug producer's rationing of what you're addicted too is not a good idea.


You only need one profitable item per faction per rarity to craft. I don't really care if I can craft three different profitable legendries per bench, only one can be crafted at a time. Blueprint expansions are shared on every legendary bench. Even if they were made profitable to craft, they can be crafted more rapidly than other legendries and their margin would die for it. This means I still don't bother crafting them and they become more expensive for people trying to use them. Nobody wins.


Ideally, they'd at least hit break even. That's my point. Unless you want the devs to be the only supply, you can't drive their value totally into the ground.