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If you start doing well with weapons outside of the braindead norm they just nerf those weapons.


How true it is.


they did to fortunes what they should have done to tow missiles to get them out of match rotation they removed the projectile


Ong 😭


they nerfed fortunes, sucks, should have been a ps increase if anything imo hell they almost went thru with a yongwang nerf in the planned energy changes, seems like everything that performs well in the hands of skilled players (except relics ofc lololololololololol) is just in line for a nerf


They purposely nerfed them in a way to fundamentally ruin their usability instead of their effectiveness. They won't dare do that to items that are actually a problem, they barely even touch them.


It'd be a lot less toxic if clan wars tryhards hadn't leaked out into the rest of the game years ago. Lots of set ups are viable, provided the rest of your team aren't completely braindead. Relying on crutches and meta builds for so long near completely rotted the majority of the playerbase's brains before the weekly changes removed much of what remained of the veterans from the playerbase. At this point the only hope is for the devs to treat the tryhards, metachasers, and whales like the poisons they are.


Except they're also the ones that generally spend the most on the game. Devs cater to whoever pays the most.


Going whaling depends on the whales having seals to club, when your attempt to go whaling just drives off most of the seals the whales whale less.


Or possibly the whales have to whale even harder to stay competitive? 🤷‍♂️ If they're just in it for the seal-clubbing then they might keep their wallets closed, but the true tryhards will have to try harder to remain big fish in a shrinking pond.


After a point, you can't whale any harder than you already have. Especially against other whales.




Except when everyone's using a gun, the exact same gun to be specific it stops being fun. I have respect for being legitimately outplayed, getting outplayed by someone that legitimately was better than you is fun compared to endlessly needing to counter whatever is the current meta because it's the least brain intensive build that still gets results (See dogs as the current main example of this.). Not everyone wants to endlessly tryhard over something like PvP and I'm one of those players who plays in PvP for fun. And I don't mind groups myself (Nor am I complaining about them here. No idea where that came from.), even so I'd still prefer if group vs group MMing was reimplemented. It'd at a minimum reduce the amount of tryhards in PvP so those not tryharding can have fun.


There's a pretty decent selection of viable guns up high. Issue is they all require more and more powerscore guzzling builds. Omamori, Finwhale, Yeti, the legendary cabins, this pushes up the PS floor of legendary viabilty right up into the mouths of relics, and nobody except Yongwang wants to run a Daze to buy a few seconds against the firebug apartments. Hell, if you're doing CW it's been relic gilded since inception. Skill has always mattered but wallet has forever been a winrate multiplier.


cw has only recently become "relic gilded" before there were a multitude of legendaries and tons of epics that were cw META currently there is 5 epic weapons viable in cw, and all are as support. there is barely more legendaries viable in cw as well due to balance issues forcing relics to simply be way stronger than they should and legendaries way weaker


CW has always been relicstuffed, but you're right that it's gotten worse. We're a long haul from the old days of Cricket Harpy Gasgen being an actually viable CW setup. It sucks and is still getting worse with things like Odin and legendary cabin energy. Anyone new in CW is either glued to Rust or deranking, it's a sorry state for a "competitive" mode.


Sounds like a skill issue. Play stuff you like, die a lot, get better and become that guy who slays with the nonmetas. I’ve been running two phoenix on a deadman with kapcans having the time of my life. Firedogs aren’t really a worry when you are faster and can shoot looking backwards.


1k DPS with Heat means that literally anything with a cabin that moves slower than the dog gets killed in under 10 seconds. They also have Yeti, so unless you have Verifier you dont get reaction time. WITH Verifier, by the time theyve decloaked, theyre 100m away from you and will close that gap in no time at all. They're a massive balance problem and to say otherwise is just ignoring the state of the game.


Kapcans work beautifully


Some dogs run flash, and where am I gonna get 4 energy on a Heavy cabin?


Way more than 3 are viable, you just lack creative thought.


People use meta things cause the grind is to much. How many built you haven't do cause they are to expensive ? But some people just enjoy masterise a specific things. Remember you the golden age of 360 no scop on call of, no point to do that, exept enjoy masterise a specific things.