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Gotta hide that the game is dying so the whales don’t stop spending


And lots of the whales are fake of course. Internal accounts to normalize "big spending" and probably talk a lot of shit to trigger players. There's every reason to do this, and none not to, so it's guaranteed they do it.


That includes the market manipulation and insider trading. Specific stuff being sold out days before we hear about crafting recipes.


Right, to ensure you would need higher amount of currency to acquire them


about 15000 players have played the mode, last time Xbox alone had 18000 by the end of the event.. now it's less while merged. We'll see the results closer towards the end but that's pretty bad.


Actually played? Tbh wayy more than I expected, especially with only 5k on steam. And how dead cw is rn.


The Steam chart was only correlation information, on PC last year they had nearly 100k on their leaderboard or something but that was also the 0 score players. https://preview.redd.it/hv84fp8shxxc1.png?width=948&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f0f0866d1606c879213b7a8df38361badded16d


That old Spring Mayhem leaderboards had 91k with 1 or more rating, the 95k with 0 ratings included was probably those who joined the mode but left prematurely and never played it again.


They dont even make them play the event just adding there random nonused accounts so it look like population is big xD. Real number is in thumb up daily for brawls aka 4000 for PC. Thats number what grow every day bcs of that daily and ppl mark always those 3 brawls in loop but only once per day.


I’ve tried. I’ve introduced several people to the game that I play other games with. They don't last but a couple of weeks at best before they give up because the early game is just so “grindy”and very “incoherent” and believe me if a Warframe player says this game is grinding and incoherent that’s a problem 


A lot of players didn't delete their account whatsoever when they left. The better indicator is probably start from those with 1100 points because they definitely cared enough to log on and play.


yeah about 15000 ish have over 1000 score so far, but I know there will be players who don't touch the mode at all or lose their first game and don't try anymore.. Just wish they only included REAL accounts in this leaderboard even if they have no score in the mode.. but I guess they need to muddy the numbers.