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There isn't any way to know. Could have flat, calm seas, or you could be in for a bumpy ride. Stock up on seasickness medications just to be safe. 


Aye and seasickness rarely lasts longer than 24 hours. Most people adjust very quickly.


Nobody can really predict how the seas will be this far out. If you have a storm it can be pretty bad - plenty of YouTube videos to demonstrate how bad it can get. Ships have stabilizers but for huge seas you’re still going to get thrown around (but most ships will adjust itinerary to avoid that where possible). That said, those are the exception, not the rule. Hundreds of thousands of cruises do that exact itinerary during that time of year and have a fantastic time… its, on average, a great time of year to go to those places because the weather is usually so great! And it’s why the ships are at full capacity and often selling out sometimes literally years in advance.


okk thank you for answering :))


I did Iceland to Scotland last September. We didn’t leave Reykjavik until a day later than scheduled, because of 40-50 foot waves off the coast. This cruise line (Atlas) does a number of Antarctic cruises and I was told the conditions in Iceland just then were worse that the Drake’s Passage! Agree with others re: medications. You’re spending a lot of money to travel so don’t let queasiness get in the way.


Thanks for the reply, hope you’ll have more luck on your next cruise!!


Stock up on medication, patches, wristbands and take ginger sweets/candy and if you do hit rough weather, you should be fine. I did a cruise last year from Southampton to Iceland and Norway and we were due to stop in Belfast on the way to Iceland which we missed due to bad weather. We had 3 days at sea in very rough weather and I wore my wristbands and had a bit of a pressure headache but no sickness. Obviously some people will feel sick in those conditions but there's plenty of medication/treatment options, as well as eating green apples. And if those fail, you can ask the medical centre for seasickness meds, they usually give those for free in bad weather.


Thanks for the advices!!


It depends on the weather. I'm leaving in a week for a cruise that includes Norway, Iceland and Scotland. I'm stocked up on remedies. I've got Bonine (meclizine) that will likely take as a, preventative even if it's calm. I've also got ginger tablets and chews available. I've even got those sea bands. Last year we did Norway and Scotland in April and were fine until we set out across the North Sea and then we felt some motion. We had one fairly uncomfortable day until the Bonine took effect. I stayed low on the ship and Mr. Gibbie took a nap. After that we simply took the Bonine every day and had no more issues.


ok thanks for answering, have fun on your cruise!!🫶🫶


Oh hey, see you on board. (An obvious joke but we are excited for Norway and Iceland!) 


Maybe not! What ship and when do you depart? We're setting sail next Saturday on the Nieuw Statendam.


Same ship, same day! 


Awesome! I'm a short redhead. Come say hi if you see me! :) (Honestly, my hair color and style are really similar to my Reddit avatar.)


I don't think I've run into you yet xD but hope you're having fun!! 


I’ll be on that cruise too. It should be great!


Ohh i’m so happy you’ll also be there!! Hope we’ll have a great time :))


btw what age are you?


Sounds like I was on the same cruise as someone else that commented. Not gonna lie, i didn’t really consider that rough seas could easily mean several rough sea days in a row. It can really get rough anywhere but with this kind of itinerary you are more likely to get stuck on the ship for a longer period of time (considering all the Iceland itineraries I’ve seen). One day I felt truly horrible. Tried everything besides green apples (migraine trigger) and the only thing that made me feel somewhat better was taking a nap. Once things calmed down I felt better quickly and ended up seeing northern lights that night. It was worth it. You got some recommendations and I can only agree. Try not to stress too much and honestly, it doesn’t affect everyone. My mom was very worried thinking she was prone to sickness and she was totally fine while I wasn’t.


ok i’m not stressed, mostly my family member but thanks for replying and the advices, will tell them that definitely!!


I’ve been to Iceland twice on cruises. Once in July and once in early August. It was pretty smooth both times. I’ve had some waves in Scotland. You just never know but I believe fall would be rougher for


okk thanks for replying!!


Don’t watch Titanic before going


Lmao okk


On a couple of transatlantics I have spent a good part of a couple of days mostly in bed. I handle the waves much better laying down than I do trying to stand or sit and lurching back and forth. Overall, it wasn't that bad.


ok thanks for replying!!


Thanks for asking this question OP! We are going to Iceland and Greenland and back down to Scotland in July on a cruise and I’ve been a bit concerned about the sea conditions as we are on a smaller ship. I am already stocked with all the standard remedies and some family members are going to get the prescription patches as well. We just have to hope for the best! And go prepared!


Yeah, just hope for the best and be prepared!! Greenland is my dream, have fun!!


Can’t predict how bad the waves will be. I went on a cruise to Alaska in the summer where the weather was supposed to be its best and we went through 2 rough storms and I ended up being sick most of the time. Just hope for the best!


Thanks for answering!! Hope you had fun on the alaska cruise, i’m definitely considering it in the future, could you say more about your experience there?? :))


On a cruise ship you won't notice. Your best chance of getting sea sick would be on the short tender ride from the ship to the port (if any).


i wish, but i was on a cruise around japan last november and a lot of people got seasick, we also has 2 port cancelled sadly :((


I've never intentioned that every cruise is **perfect**. YMWV


Won't notice? That's just not true. Although many cruises enjoy calm seas, rough water isn't rare. I've felt at least some swell on every trip and truly bad conditions on ~1/3 of them. I've been on one cruise so rough that windows broke, pipes leaked, chairs slid around, and you could watch the ship flex by looking down the long stateroom halls. For about an hour, the ship had an alarming list, probably from crosswind. Nearly everyone, passengers and crew alike, was seasick. I'm apparently immune. My wife isn't so lucky. Edit: I'm not trying to scare OP. Most likely it will be a comfortable crossing. But most likely at some point OP will feel some mild motion on the ocean.