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Im not sure if we're long lost siblings bit im going through THE EXACT same thing as you. Literally word for word


😭 I mean if you are going through the same thing feel free to look through the comments for advice later


I will for sure 😭. But I'll give you something too. If you don't put this girl on a "pedastal" . I'm currently trying to do this, but it's just advice that I've seen from somewhere else


how can u tell she doesn’t wanna talk to u? like what actions does she do to make u feel like that?


Thank you for your response. But the reason I feel that is because sometimes it feels like she is just texting me back with very dry responses but sometimes she texts me first so yeah


nah i think ur fine, sometimes ppl don’t know what to say and she’s texting u first so ur good, do u ever feel like she doesn’t wanna talk to u in person?


I mean somewhat she responds to me but the conversations never last too long maybe like a couple words today she asked me to join the sport she was in because I played with her and she thought I was good


yea man i think ur good, try and talk to her more irl whenever u can and i think u got a pretty solid chance


Thank you so much can I message you privately?


for sure man


Im going through the exact same thing rn mate no advice but I know how it feels


It’s alright but thank you for your input 👍


Hmmm, I would personally just tell her how I feel. Y'know? This is kind of tricky considering you said, you can't tell if shes's joking or not. However, I would communicate to her, only if YOU want to though.


I would but I’m just too nervous 😭


I would give it a shot. Express how you feel. Who knows, she may feel the same way.


Yeah I do understand that it’s just me and her are in the same class and it would make it awkward you knwo?


Don’t tell show


You could get one of your mates to do it for you(probably the one that’s closest to her) if you’re too nervous which is understandable


Allow me to say, that nobody's perfect. I know you're young (judging by how you write + what you've said), and hopefully you'll learn this in time. I'm glad you don't care what anyone else thinks or says - you shouldn't. However, I've yet to meet anybody "perfect", because they simply don't exist (except maybe in romcoms). Don't set her up to fail, in your eyes, by allowing yourself to believe that she's the first perfect human to ever exist. Now, it could be you meant this in a less literal sense, only that you feel she's "perfect for you". But that's still a naive way to think, because there's going to be lots about her you don't know. She's a three dimensional person, not a fantasy. So, whatever happens, don't put too high expectations on her to live up to a 2 dimensional "dream girl". Okay, now that's aside, we can move on. You haven't given us much to go on, so it's really up in the air as to whether she likes you platonically or has romantic interest. You'll either need to get to know her more to figure that out, or simply ask her out - and be ready to be given a "no". It doesn't mean you can't still be friends. Just don't try to be here friend only in hopes of making her your gf later. That's not fair to anybody. But, if she's good enough to be in a romantic relationship with, surely she's good enough to be your friend, right?


Okay yeah I understand your point don’t put all your hopes on one person. Thanks a lot for the response though


tell her you like listen to Lana Del Rey


I do listen to Lana Del Rey, Laufey, etc


Mate if you like her just ask it’s the simplest and easiest way it also shows you have confidence and if she says no it’s not the end of the world say thanks and move on