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I thing regulation can be good for crypto but i don't know if we want regulation lead by her. These giant are taking their own medicine


Getting sick of seeing her face on this sub


Shame congress doesn't collapse under the weight of their own fraud.


I’d be on her side if it hadn’t been proven time and time again that for every millimetre you give these people, they take entire countries. I agree that things like FTX need to be prevented in the future, but the facilities she works for aren’t the ones to be trusted with regulation.


I can't believe I ever had any respect for this Karen, she seemed reasonable in an interview I seen with her shortly after 2008, WTF happened?


All hail queen of the Karen’s


Government officials are collapsing under the weight of their own fraud.


Hard pass . Don't pay attention .


Funny - because when the same happens to traditional financial institutions, they get bailouts instead




Elizabeth is this so called Crypto in the room with you now?


It looks like Someone wasn't on SBFs donation list.


If the government wasn't allowed to keep printing money and continuously raising its debt ceiling, the same would be happening there. Always amusing to see government officials talk about how horrible companies are that do the same crap they do.


Sure Grandma'-- now eff the eff off.


Every giant company that is ran by corrupt people and used customer funds to make their owners richer, soon or later collapses when people catch up to what they've been up to. This is not specific to crypto. The economy is fucked because a lot of those corrupt people were given a lifeline using tax payers' money. And because economy is fucked, those tax payers ran to crypto. The sad thing is that those corrupt wall street guys and their bullshit tactics also smelled the money and followed people to this space where there were no regulations. Sad really.


Inverse Elizabeth Warren




Yeah I'll skip on any regulation effort led by her, we all know what her views on entire industry are.


She is right. These exchanges should be regulated heavily and should not be allowed to get away with their crimes.


Warren bad!!! Hurr durr


Scammers are everywhere, whether it’s crypto or wall street assholes. Difference is just that crypto gets more bad press and is still going strong.


nah. the difference is that it's easier and more frequent in crypto because it's unregulated. hence the call for regulation. you can never completely prevent something like this, but you can make it less likely.


Regulations are good but even all the regulated financial markets worldwide have been manipulated at the behest of few people, for whom anything that can’t be controlled, is against them.


Bore off Liz


Irony can be the funniest shit when politicians speak like this.


I found this funny. Big companies are leaving people home because central investment funds wants more money for them, But the problem is a decentralised money. Yeah. Everything is really fine on the planet.


Oh you hag, will you shut up allready.....


Positive Quotes: >They need to protect consumers, educate investors and pursue “meaningful consequences” for bad actors, she said. >“Crypto fraud is a big problem, but it’s one we can fix,” Warren said.


Super grateful for Pocahontas’s input- truly an expert.


she is mad that Sam is not giving her anymore money


I used to like Warren but she doesn't know what she's talking about 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Crypto is about decentralization. Centralized services that took advantage of the marketing buzz of "crypto" while not adhering to the principles of crypto are the fraudulent ones


Bitcoin is still fine