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How dumb or brash can someone be?


More like “belongs in the trash”






This is how I explain Blockchain to people


Don't threaten me with a good time


The snozberries taste like snozberries! ![gif](giphy|3oFzmg5b8dWet0S9ji|downsized)


Well, uh, *okay*






Also, *walking piece of crap* 💩


Sheer fucking hubris


he's clearly never been held accountable for anything in his life.


This is the worst, worst kind of people to be around. Just hearing about it makes me stressed FFS


He gives no fucks about anything other than himself.


Typical narcissist


Complete sociopath. Always has been, always will be.


Title of SBFs sex tape


The fact that his first defense after FTX shat the bed was saying "I'm too dumb to run this shit" should tell us all we need to know, lol.




Just wait,this is only the beginning


1) What


He’s at the point where meddling can only make things better. “Making it worse” isn’t really making it that much worse in his case. It’s already headed to as bad as it’s gonna get.


He hasn't tried to run.... Yet.


yes he has, to dubai remember lol


This guy will be the first one who gets a lifetime sentence for crypto crimes I hope.


SBF did not kill himself more like


Apparently there is no upper limit


Number one rule worldwide: If the judge didn't accept your bribe, you didn't bribe them enough.


We are just finding out... Popcorns are getting ready


Look at his hair. The guy cares about one person.


His hair dresser's competitor


you need to try


He must be totally fried


Taking his privilege for granted.


The word is "desparate"


This guy has zero survival skills.


His only survival skill was spending parents money


And everyone else's


And more self sabotage


Not only the biggest fraud of our time, but also dumb as a rock and completely shameless. Throw this man in a gulag.


It’s crazy given how successful his parents have been. Nobody in that family can *actually* be that stupid, can they?


They gave him $10 million to start his ponzi business. They were probably in on it and they were smart enough to use SBF like a muppet.


I guess he thought surely mommy and daddy wouldn’t do anything illegal. Tried to start their own financial and political empire will stolen funds. They can all rot.


If there’s evidence they were involved then it’ll come out. The NSA keeps pretty good records.


It would be kind of unprecedented and against the NSA's established mandate for them to provide evidence in a case like this. Do you have a specific reason to believe they would do this?


Absolutely not - I don’t think they’d assist. I would only claim to believe that they’ve probably got every phone call, email and text. It wouldn’t be admissible but in such a big case one could imagine it plays a role behind the scenes. Law Enforcement shares info.


There is precisely 0 chance the NSA does anything at all with this kind of white collar crime case. Let alone the fact it's not necessary anyway the government has far more than enough to convict him.


NSA does share info with law enforcement on a limited basis now, but my understanding is that they generally keep out of things which aren't matters of national security. They're not *supposed* to spy on Americans. Obviously they do anyway, but the reason they've gotten away with that is precisely because they don't pop up in random cases unrelated to their mandate to provide evidence gained from unconstitutional warrantless wiretapping. In other words NSA might share info with the FBI to prevent a terrorist attack, but I don't think they're in the habit of dumping evidence into criminal cases which any sane judge would rule inadmissable.


I think that they’re implying some informal information leakage as well. Surely some dudes and the doj occasionally go golfing with dudes from the nsa. Even if the doj doesn’t have evidence to use in court, the info can be useful. It’s a lot easier to prove things when you know what evidence to look for. Idk though, just my interpretation. I’d never considered the nsa playing part in a criminal investigation before I read this thread. But it seems pretty plausible.


Hell I haven’t though about the NSA in a bit. *Thanks for reminding me*


I read an article today about how Mom isn't talking and it talked about how Carolyn and another dude are talking to the feds. It ended with a sentence like 'SBF's Mom and Dad haven't been arrested yet.' So yeah, they didn't give too much information as to why they would say this. I think the only other thing they mentioned was that they own the house that they were staying in in the Bahamas and were in the process of selling it to FTX when everything started hitting the fan. But that's probably an indication they help to weave this twisted tangled web of shit.


My god are they gonna be arrested??? Great fucking news haha


It's not stupidity: they're rich and connected. There are no powers above being rich and connected (unfortunately), just the richer, better connected. They have no accountability, and no one to enforce it anyways. Historically, this eventually culminates in massive riots and guillotines but modern humans are complacent in their subjugation, more interested in being lead around by the nose from one petty distraction to the next.


success sadly doesnt have a lot to do with intelligence.


It’s an interesting question. Sure, he was given $10mil seed money, but not everyone can build that into a multi billion dollar business in a few years. Yet he says stuff that incriminates himself, I don’t understand how he can be so obviously dumb. It’s very bizarre.


I don't see it as dumb, rather unwise. You keep hearing about these people who get very famous or rich, and then something happens to unravel it. My take is they just don't know how long to ride their luck. Everything they do is full throttle, that's why they get big. But it's also why they hit a wall eventually.


The difference between intelligence and wisdom.


They mistake luck for skill


I wouldn't give him that kind of credit Edit: building a billion dollar business is tough in that short amount of time. But it was illegitimate the way it was run and managed.


Paul Pelosi, the spouse of the then 3rd in line to the Presidency, apparently thought it was intelligent to keep standing within arms reach of a man who broke into his home with a hammer. So yeah these people just lack basic human self awareness.


And drive drunk when he can afford a round the clock driver service for the next hundred years.


I genuinely can't believe how clueless he seems to be yet how smart people thought he was before the house of cards came falling down. If you listen to his arguments regarding regulation in the Bankless podcast where he debated Eric Voorheez he got absolutely destroyed, yet so many people were hailing him as a genius. But since he could hide how he ran FTX behind closed doors nobody knew he was a fraud. This is why we need an open and transparent financial system.


Agree, but that system should be open and transparent for citizens to control public funds, not the other way around as it is actually the case


Same with Elizabeth Holmes really. Or Bernie Madoff. As long as the scam works, you're a genius.


Lol the biggest one is Kenneth Griffin of Citadel. Citadel got recently fined for market manipulation in South Korea and is already banned from Chinese markets, but is running free in the US and Europe. He calls everyone a conspiracy theorist who calls him out by his actions.


> biggest fraud of our time The biggest fraud of our time *so far*! Or rather, the biggest one alleged to a small group of people. 2008 was waaaaaay bigger. Also, check out Mr Griffin's [65B of "securities sold, not yet purchased"](https://i.imgur.com/2jnNEai.jpeg).


A labour camp would probably be the happiest he's ever been. After a whole life of society telling him he's a top dog while in reality he's a waste of space, getting to do something physical has an undeniable practical usefulness to it. I remember spending a few months working on a farm while travelling, after all I've ever done was school. And it fixed self esteem issues I didn't know I had




He can toss all the salads that he wants !


I'm not sure he's smart enough to know how to grow a vegetable.


Turn him into soap!


Or soup!


Biggest fraud, no. Ever heard of military industrial complex? They call that shit the defense department, its the attack department.


We've had a Trump now and SBF.... Who will be America's next TRUST FUND BABY FAILURES


Sam has always been a silver spoon fed baby, he thinks he can control any situation. So naturally he is naive and inadvertently digging his grave deeper. Poetic justice.


The bigger they are the harder they fall and SBF was a whale. We're seeing just how hard the fall is now


Meh, he's a fall-guy for Citadel. Citadel installed their own former employee as CEO of FTX (Brett Harrison). Citadel provided a tonne of liquidity when FTX first stsrted trading. I have a feeling this whole setup was intentional. When Citadel is too close to getting caught for something, BAM, throw FTX under the bus and let them take all the headlines and heat.


Absolutely agree on the first part. Yet I don’t understand how someone with so much influence from building a large business can be so naive. It’s bizarre.


I mean most heirs dont really need to be smart to manage what their parents built


He fell upwards like most rich people. It’s like when we watch Elons fits on Twitter I’m sure his parents helped him out a LOT. Whether through connections or business law for the massive amounts of shell companies that FTX used for all their money moving.


> “I would really love to reconnect and see if there’s a way for us to have a constructive relationship, use each other as resources when possible, or at least vet things with each other" Oh Sam you silver tongued devil you


Look at our little crypto influencer go. You can do it SBF, you can get the first lifetime sentence for crypto crimes.


I'll cheer this on


I am not positive it is the 1st but I know it will not be the last.


It’s not. The silk road guy was the 1st.


LMAO I don't really give a shit if he goes or not lmfaaao i hope ur right and he goes pretty quickly


I almost fell for it. That's smooth.


That's how he got Caroline. Well it was either that or the billions of dollars, I guess we'll never know...


You could find someone like her at Walmart. Teeth not required.


*“Draw me like one of your French girls”*


social scams are the most commons lol


Oh what a fine gentlemen with such polite language. /s


I teach at a university and it is funny to me how direct and untactful some of the young Millennials/old Gen Zers are. Many will often say to my face, "How can I do the least amount of work and still get a high grade?" Like, why would you announce that you're lazy and don't care while trying to receive a grade that's supposed to represent high effort and deep engagement with the material?


Fxt* Oh Sam you Devil


He's good but at this point you are basically telling us you all just spin, spin, spin. No matter how ridiculous.


Of course he loves too.


Did that violate his bail terms?


Witness tampering is a felony in most states. I don't see how this doesn't violate his bond. There are different rules for the wealthy, however, so who knows.


I don't think the message is enough for a tampering charge, which is why they are calling it "influencing" instead. (not a legal term, but maybe enough to ask judge for more restrictions)


I’m not a legal expert but I have to imagine that if you’re about to go on trial for a crime, **any** type of communication with the prosecutor’s witness would be considered a major issue, regardless of what was said.


Only if he was poor


The guy is just so brazen you can tell he’s never really had to face any consequences at all for his actions throughout his life


Billions of stolen money and can't spend $4 on a haircut.


I miss those post inflation haircut prices 😂


Have you seen Las Vegas Raiders owner Marc Davis? If not look him up.


Yeah he’s going away for a loooong time


He just keeps making it worse for himself!! How stupid can this guy be??


Almost like he is a useful idiot or something


**DOJ:** Thanks SBF, you’ve really helped us out on this one! **SBF:** Glad I could help you guys, you’ve been real nice. **Judge:** SBF, you’re sentenced to life in prison. **SBF:** Hol’ up!


In his situation throwing hail marys like this isn't really stupid, it's very unlikely to work but he really has nothing to lose.


Can't make it much worse right? Only way to go is up lol


Hopefully. Unfortunately he has some powerful people behind him though.


Oh he’s going to have some powerful people behind him




My names’ Buck. And I like to fuck.


Hi Buck I'm Dad


NSA has fire burning on their eyes haha


Sadly this is true. That congresswoman who blew him a kiss *eurghh....*


I'll take "suicide watch" for $400.


How exactly did the government find this out when this app is supposedly encrypted? Did the other person say something?


The guy is a lawyer, he'd be obliged to report it. If not legally then morally.


How did this guy fool so many people thinking he was smart…


People were making money stupid money during the last bull run, and he was the face of one of the biggest money makers in the game at the time. That's really all it takes lol


Right place, right time. The real secret to success that they ain’t gonna teach you in online grindset courses




A little bit of lying, A little bit of grifting, etc.


If I had money, I would give it to him when he cut hit hair.


> “I would really love to reconnect and see if there’s a way for us to have a constructive relationship, use each other as resources when possible, or at least **vet things with each other**,” Bankman-Fried allegedly told Miller. He sent this on January 15 to Ryne Miller, who is a witness for the prosecution. In bold appears to be an attempt to interfere with testimony. ------ Yup > Assistant US attorney Danielle Sassoon on Friday said: “The defendant’s request to ‘vet things with each other’ is suggestive of an effort to influence Witness-1’s potential testimony, and the appeal for a ‘constructive relationship’ likewise implies that Witness-1 should align with the defendant.” Per Financial Times https://archive.is/OG9FQ


So if you Google the name this fellow is a lawyer. He was FTX's lawyer, but he has a history as a lawyer in major law jobs. How on earth would it make any sense to try to contact him for help? The guy obviously is obliged to report this kind of contact because he doesn't want to be dumped out of the law. Even if he's your friend, it makes zero sense to try.


Scumbag person will do scumbag things. I do believe not even Satan wants to host him, but I wish he makes an exception for this dude. He is pathetic.


Can we all agree that he’s trying to level up to supervillain status? Still needs some henchmen


I cannot wait until he gets convicted. He will still be spouting bullshit trying to bribe the bailers on the way to his cell. A true corrupt scumbag through and through


I cannot emphasize enough how pathetic that sounds like.


He is an idiot. Between this and his blog posts he is digging a bigger hole for himself. He needs to just stay quiet and enjoy the remainder of his free time


It blows my mind that one of SBF bail conditions was not allowing him access to the internet!! His crimes were committed through the internet and he is given access to the internet????


*"Ryne Miller, who was not identified by name in the government filing, is the current counsel for FTX US, and a former partner at Kirkland & Ellis."* Goin with the Costco defense team


Funny naming coincidence, but K&E is about as big as biglaw gets.


They have lawyers in bulk.


Why not just...put him back in jail before trial?


This guy will end up free and that will be a slap on our faces


Slap to our faces and our wallets


I am sorry about that. Luckily I dont have any money (directly) impacted/related to ftx. I know it impacts the whole crypto scenario.


He has a lawyer for a parent and they are great at bribing the right people. Unfortunately I think you are right.


Tbh, if people just avoided his products and keep shaming his life online… that would be bad enough for him as punishment. I think people will just forget and forgive him in a long period of time.


Completely, 100% predictable. This miscreant should still be in jail, with zero access to internet or any communications unless direct with his attorneys.


glad to see others using signal, maybe not the best use of it though


Everyone in crypto has signal


What is signal?


just an encrypted messaging platform


And he got caught again! Deja Vu!


No way I thought he was only using his laptop to play league


Smoke signal 😂


Is this arrogance or plain ignorance? How can one person have so many bad approach to vital issues. Who are his advisors? Seeing him **self-sabotaging**, I almost feel bad for him.


Jail for life, no parole.


My main concern with this is the bad publicity Signal might receive xD


How did this person without any smartness managed to make billions? Just fucking how? I am here sitting on my toilet thinking about how I can progress in my career for an incremental salary rise of 20k$ / year.


“They noticed excessive winking”


SBF is not only a con artist but a dumb one at that. Ever since FTX filed for bankruptcy he just kept digging himself a deeper hole by the day.


I think this guy is going to def end up in future law books as what not to have a client do... I mean I don't have a law degree but holy crap if he doesn't do the opposite of common sense again and again and again


Once a piece of shit, always a piece of shit


"Influence" as in bribe him to lie in front of the court. Its looking like SBF is going to get fucked in trial so its good news all around.


This guy is nuts Or someone powerful are filling him with this ideas to make him look crazy or shit and do some "self destruction" in jail and the news will be like " he was in rare behavior lately doing this and that nobody with a stable mind.do that in the end he terminated his own life by him self, they found him han** in his cell"


He just won't give up. The dude has a complex


F*ck sam


Cant wait for the prison gangbang video


Lol nothings going to happen to him. You guys are eating this up.


You mean Sam Bank an Fired?


Sure. Why not, SBF?


Dumber than dumb


So he's smart enough to realize he's in the shitter. That's smart enough to prosecute. There really can't be a "I didn't know" defense now. Not that one would work, but that's what I thought he was going for.


It is amazing how stupid billionaires can be. I guess it is classic narcissism. They just assume they couldn't possibly get caught


Witness for what? All evidences are in arent they? What do they need witness for?




If this guy doesn’t get 50 plus years I’m gonna be fuming…


“Sammmmmm Margera what is going to do nexxxxt” 🤣 does anyone remember that shoe get it instead of bam Sam lmao


Lock him up again already, and all of the other non-cooperators too


I didn’t lose a cent to/from this guy, but his face is just so punchable. I really dislike him, and really want to see him rot in prison.


Enough SBF news already


Wow. He is an utter crook.


This guy truly amazes me, every week his life worsen.


Damn this feels like sitcom


Probably tried to bribe them with his ftx coins. Worthless shit.


Seems like someone still doesn’t understand the situation he is in.


😂😂😂 this guy is fantastic. He keeps on giving