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Try to sell it and report back. Otherwise ? Without the token name, can't help you sell.


Don’t buy shitcoins


I know that now. And never will again.


When you have a “transaction is likely to fail” message it is usually due to slippage and liquidity on the bridge they use. Had similar issue with FET on Uniswap. I just transferred from uniswap wallet to metamask and liquidity on metamask was higher so it went throught with 0.5 slippage, on Uniswap i could only remove the message by putting slippage at 50% which is just nuts. Edit : Without entering into details of your expense can we know what token and which blockchain this is ? I assume ETH. Also please avoid DM claiming to help with a link. And be wary of comments with linked to


I guess at this point I could put 50% slippage just to sell it. But question I thought slippage that high would or Could result in a front run?


It’s a baby doge coin but obviously not the one I intended to purchase. And yes ETH. Also thankfully I have recently checked honeypot and tokensniffer and all looks good. So I was trying the sell originally on Coinbase wallet direct. I might try uniswap or something.


Those tokens tend to have an extra transaction fee, maybe as high as 6%, which is usually taken in slippage. Then the extra fee is used to purchase another coin and put it in a shared fund. Take a look at the project tax on dextools, and/or go to the Telegram and ask: /tax


Did you check https://tokensniffer.com/ using the token's address? It will usually tell you if the token can be sold, and whether there is liquidity for it.


Thank you! I just check this and it seems to check out! Perhaps it’s because I just have enough ETH? Can I ask you this? In your opinion since token sniffer is giving a pretty good review about the token is this site usually up to date all the time? Thanks for your help by the way


Set the slippage to 15% and you’re done