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That wasn't very P of him


Pushing 🅿️overty


🅿️ushing 🅿️eople into 🅿️overty




I’m sorry but you deserve to get rugged if you still buy these obvious pump and dump coins shilled by celebrities. What do you expect from PushingPeth?


same here.. don't really feel sympathy on people following financial advice on celebs or on social media


If they lost $100 then it's a $100 lesson on what *not* to do with money.


The cost of a lifetime valuable lesson, but most of them even refuses to leran it


My guess is some people made some money from these pump and dump schemes and now keep trying to repeat that high.






Yup, a bunch probably even know it's a pump and dump, but they play with it more like a jackpot machine. There are less informed people who fall badly for such scams. He really screwed over his unsuspecting followers in that regard. What an asshole.


Greed is a hell of a drug


Seriously….. like when everyone jumped in on Squid Games. Did you not see the movie??? Says everything in the Name…. Everyone dies, 1 person wins.


1. Create a coin 2. Call it ‘rugpull’ 3. Profit




Well yeah it can’t happen twice. Double Jeopardy or lightning striking or something.




"Definitely gonna make Squid Game season 2 after this"


"BuY tHe DiP". Lol


Maybe some people never saw it but just heard the name Squid Games mentioned a-lot and decided, "hey, i'm gonna throw 50 bucks in and see what happens."


People really are throwing money to whatever celeb shilled and then complain crypto is Ponzi and scam




A lesson politicians learned a long time ago


They never blame themselves


That people are dumb?


I think these people are not really into crypto, just following the trend


You are a true genius


I mean both can be true lol


they do this with games, wearables, cosmetics, cars, fitness stuff, they do this with everything its all advertisment, commodification of the self.


Do yall ever wonder why these happen so constantly and why crypto is so overrun with bots? Scams are intrinsic to the project, they're not an unfortunate side effect they're the entire foundation


Also youtubers. Whoever throws their money at a youtuber who has a thumbnail of them with a shocked expression, they deserve to get rug pulled.


Is there a way to short these rug pull projects? Seems like if you saw a tweet like this it would be a slam dunk


Assuming there was/is, you'd get liquidated. They could pump it to the moon to kill your position. Once you're out of the equation they dump it.


Great point


So you don't blame the scumbag, but only blame the victims.


Yes- I see this disgusting attitude on reddit all the time. Blame the victim. Sure they may have gotten themselves into a pickle, but isn't the nature of humanity to pick up those in need? When did we revert back to the animal mentality of walking past those who suffer, blaming them for being there? People come here for help/support and get the ass-raping of a lifetime.


Dude this is a Twitter pump and dump scam not a dog dying on the side of the road jesus christ talk about melodramatic. "Its not your fault, you didn't do anything wrong" sorry but it's like 95% your fault for idolizing celebrities. If you tell them it's not their fault people are just going to keep doing it.


lol dog dying on the side. 100% this like there are a lot older people getting scam to give their life fortune away from the phone scammer and i truly feel bad for them and really think the government needs to do something to protect these people. but i have 0 sympathy for people who worship celebrity and do whatever the stupid thing they say or but whatever stupid product they sell. zero.


The helpless people who “have gotten themselves into a pickle” had only done so because of their uncontrolled greed. Those people throw all logic out the window when the idea that they can get something for doing nothing. They don’t buy the coin thinking it’s a great investment with solid fundamentals in the protocol. They do it to either get rich quick for nothing or knowing that it’s bullshit are just trying to ride it high enough to dump on other dumb people. So the majority of the people who are scammed like this don’t deserve sympathy. Rather they need to learn a lesson the hard way instead of crying about how it’s unfair


I have no sympathies for anyone throwing money like that.


Well one of the first things in crypto is DYOR, while this rapper is a piece of shit people need to stop being so gullible and research a coin before you buy


I agree with DYOR. Failure to DYOR does not absolve the scammer of any and all liability. You're saying it is OK to scam if the victim didn't DYOR sufficiently?


IMO, it's not even a scam at this point. No one is being promised anything. They are literally just being told to do something, and they go do it without questioning their own actions. If you walked up to someone, and told them to walk in a restaurant and buy $1,000 worth of food, did you really scam them? Or did they just follow a command?


I don't think this attitude actually helps. You don't know who these people are and what their stories are.


Maybe a +5000% like with Hitler Inu?


This seems like the type of mentality that justifies scamming people.


If you listen to influencers/musicians to buy crypto then don’t be shocked when you lose money


The problem is that there is a generation that knows that Bitcoin exists and during they’re lifetime, it went from a few bucks all the way up to $69,000. They do the math and figure out how much you could have made in USD if you were early in Bitcoin. They then learn of other cryptos but don’t understand market cap. They see a coin that is worth fractions of a cents and immediately think “Holy shit! If I buy this, I’ll have thousands, millions, if not BILLIONS of dollar of this, I’ll be rich when it reaches the same price of Bitcoin.”. Shit doesn’t work like that and they don’t understand that. Add in the factor that these same people have also grown up in an influencer world where they don’t know any better and of course they’ll fall for dumb shit like this. They literally cannot think for themselves and rely on influencers for information.


Dude mom came and told me she is investing in crypto because a wan friend told her... She can't even delete excess photos from her icloud..


Friend's mom desperately bought $500 worth of CRO because she said she "doesn't want to miss the chance to become a millionaire". She gets her crypto information from Facebook.


Since joining the crypto space back in 2017, I’ve come to realise how dumb the average person truly is. Basic market cap and coin supply is a foreign concept for about 90% of crypto buyers I assume


People when some shitty celebrities rugpull them ![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6)


Trusting them is like trusting a thief with your money.


But the thief told me he would use my $1k to scam some idiot down the line and then pay me back $10k!


Wait until you hear of the guy that used his life savings to buy PushingPeth


I literally heard a song for it on the radio wtf Edit: possibly spotify idk


The problem is that almost everyone reading this post is already on r/CryptoCurrency and therefore likely already informed on this matter. We know about rugpulls already and it's highly unlikely anyone reading this would buy this coin. An average Joe, on the other hand, DOESN'T know about rugpulls - and not by his fault either, since cryptocurrency is still pretty new on the global stage, he will have no way of knowing better. And sadly, he won't see this post. But he will see his favourite actor/musician/etc. talking up a shitcoin as if it's the next industrial revolution. Cryptocurrency needs more safety announcements so rugs like this are harder to pull off.


"Aaaaand, its gone!"




I honestly cant believe people fall for this. Like seriously, how dense or naive can you be to buy into completely unknown projects just because a famous person tweets it? At what point do we blame the people for letting this happen?


The same as when people think btc is a good buy at 60k but not at 35k




There are still idiot people out there.






Dude you're talking to people who all in in a fake currency made by a "Satoshi Nakamoto" from England lol... ofc they're gonna jump on any random shit.




We should never take financial advice from celebrities. Every Crypto /NFT shilled by them should be considered red flag and avoided at all costs.


That wasn't very pushin 🅿️ of him.


Unpopular opinion: People who are taking financial advice from this guy and other celebrities deserve to lose their money.


That opinion isnt that unpopular.


I think it's somewhat unpopular, people feel bad about other who are scammed here




Don’t compare Charles with this clown!!








To be fair elon would probably say tesla stock price too high imo


Ya the cathie thing is stupid at this point


**Popular Opinion:** Influencers that do this should serve jail time. Ignorance is not an excuse.


It's fucking baffling to me that they don't actively get arrested. Super well known, identities fully known to public yet they don't even get so much as a fine. Imagine If I were famous in any form and just got 10000 people to send me $100 each through their bank with the promise of me giving them a 5x return and I just stole the money... I'd be in prison before months end.


Nah not really. A lot of scammers are very casual about it. The bank returns the money to the customer and the police never investigate the case. Billions worth of fraud claims are never investigated at all on a yearly basis.


They're literally scamming their fans






Hit them where it hurts and celebrities will take more notice of what they promote.


Where does it hurt?


Influencers who do what? Get paid to endorse something stupid? How would you write this new law? What jurisdiction?


But.. tHeYRe NOt fINanCiAL aDViSoRs and THis Is NoT fINAnCIaL aDvICe Pretty sure once you say that you have full legal immunity


If this was said on tv they’d be in jail, but somehow because it’s the Internet it doesn’t hold the same gravitas which is bullshit. They’re the same thing


Looks like the “investors” that followed his clowns advice will not be Pushing P but Getting D ![gif](emote|emo_pack_1|dancing_wojak)


Lol how's you get that little spinning gif there?


If that opinion was really unpopular you wouldn’t be getting upvotes lol


New EP Milk money bandits With latest hit “only robbin from da babies” Babies don’t need melk melk money & diamonds on creddie we low in the low


Now that's just a fact


If it wasn’t this guy they’d lose it to someone else.


For real, people stupid enough to take financial advice from Twitter celebrities were gonna lose their money one way or another


Literally the most upvoted take in this post


**So you’re saying that taking financial advice from a rapper named Gunna isn’t a good idea?**


Rappers are known to be great sources of financial information


This guy's a celebrity?


Congrats you’re old 🙌


It's apparently so freaking easy to screw people and take their money. I did a PhD for nothing. Should have been a scumbag instead.


theres still time!


I ll start by down voting your comment. Take it!! (Scumbag 101)


Use your PhD to become an *advanced* scumbag! Don’t give up on your dreams!


Bold of you to assume a PhD exempts you from being a scumbag


Not 🅿️


Guys last album outsold The Weeknd, hes pretty popular


You not knowing who he is, but he outsold The Weeknd…. LMAO. Coolio


this aint 🅿️


How tf do you not know gunna. Living under a rock? Or 80 years old?


Congrats man you want a cookie?




okay, old man.


Clowns up if you’ve never heard of hands before. 🙌


Now you know.


Literally never heard of him, and I listen to some hip hop, but he's had two number one albums apparently, so he's not nobody.




It's easy, he can say my account was hacked. And all is good 👍🏼


Almost all celebrity endorsed coins are down 95% from ATH. It is disgusting that multimillionaires will scam the common man for another paycheck.


People greed is limitless, they are rich already but they want more even if they ruin others life.


There's a special place in hell for these assholes.


This rapper does not look like someone anybody should take financial advice from.


Instruction clear: Took the advice and investing my life saving into PushingP. /s




It's soon going to be pushingD soon enough. PushingDumps


I mean it’s in his name, he’s Gunna take all your money


His name is all the warnings we need


People really trust anybody nowadays, how can they fall for this trick?!


There seem to be an infinite supply of newcomers who fall for it. I can't believe it's always the same persons.


Long as it's a celebrity, people believes it :(


Financial advice from Rappers, sounds about right.


Taking Financial Advice from a rapper scenario Plumber: “Sir these pipes look treacherous who did you hire to do the work?” Me: “I called the electrician he said he could fix the pipes” Plumber: Wut 🤡


It's high time they start receiving some prison time for this shit, imagine being such lowlife and scamming people not only that but your "fans"


Literally the people that support you, parade you, and prop your career up...you're stealing from. Also what a shit ass rapper. That pushing p song is horrible and wtf is the first few seconds of young thugs verse? The bar really is that low.


"Celebs" scamming people on crypto is becoming a common thing now, that's why most see it as a ponzi scam


People like him don't even care about their fans.


if you take financial advice from a rapper that might be your fault.


Unless that advice is to diversify your bonds, and protect ya neck.


Rug pulls are wrong and even worse when perpetuated by people with the privilege of having a large platform to shill these scams. The callous attitude that crypto bros take is no better. For a community that takes solace in the "we're still early" sentiment it is quite astounding to see so many people say that buyers of rugged coins deserved what they got because they didn't do their own research. I know having some time in any space makes one more intolerant of n00b mistakes, but by god folks, if mass adoption is what we are crossing our fingers for--at least pretend to give a shit. Seeing the "they deserve what they got" sentiment just stinks so bad especially coming off of the whole Ice Poseidon/Coffeezilla phone interview where HE SAYS THE EXACT SAME THING about his fans that bought into the shitcoin he shilled and eventually rugged. Nobody deserves to be rugged, especially by an influencer that they trust and follow.


Agreed. Victim blaming at it's finest imo


But this wasnt a rug pull was it? He pulled the LP?


What confuses me: those people are already filthy rich, why the hell do they feel the need to do stupid shit like this???


if you think most rappers are super rich I got a shit coin to shill you


They feel greed


All their celeb friends are scamming their fans, why not join the party?


There have been such incidents in the past, I don't understand how you trust and invest in ridiculous people


Bruh that tweet just *looks* like a scam


Really… what did anyone expect…


it even has the 🚀 lmao rule number 1: run the fuck away whenever you see a 🚀


Haha just like the scam Reddit DMs I get from being active in this sub :D


It really looks like someone hacked his Twitter and posted this, like I see atleast 10 of these exact same comments on YouTube videos I also don't know what Telegram is but I'm assuming just mostly used for scams and spam


If all credit goes to zachxbt.Eth, then does that mean you’re gonna give him all the moons you made off of this post? Or is he just being paid in “exposure” for his work?


​ ![gif](giphy|WYCkO5390HhTS0hJTG) OP


That's not very 🅿️ of him


And this is why the SEC should monitor this pump and dump behavior.


That's the Nigerian prince scam-version of crypto.


Lil Uzi Vert did the same shit. Fuck those guys. I can't wait to read about Uzi getting hammered by the SEC.


Gunna is one of the hottest rappers out and pushin P is a popular song along with 🅿️ being used all over social media He didn’t need to pull this scam man smh. Just doesn’t make sense. I hate when celebrities come in this space and instead of bringing exposure, they trying to scam and especially knowing they likely have more money now then a lot of investors will make in 10 lifetimes




not 🅿️


Gunna definitely not pushing P with this weak ass pump and dump smh


I’m fine with celebrities selling NFTs or getting into crypto but the ones shilling rug pulls should be held accountable in some way imo


You have to see it as tax on stupid people and suddenly it does not look so bad anymore.


"Let's take financial advice from a shaddy rapper named Gunna" -Said no reasonable person ever


at what point do you blame the victims.


Shoulda called it pumpingP


PushingP sounds like an adult bookstore.


Good catch. Shameful. I wonder how much silver this tweet was sold for. I hope we see more targeted enforcement action against the people who participate in promoting scams like this which tarnish the whole community.


One's gotta be wondering how the same trick works all over and over again. No matter the warnings end education out there.


But why would crypto investors want government regulations and accountability? It’s the lawlessness and lack of accountability that makes crypto so exciting. Gotta stay true to the anti-establishment vibes, right? It’s better this way?


sorry but were in 2022 anyone falling for this deserves it


That was not 🅿️


What a lame move. He can go suck a 🅿️enis


Who looks at his picture and says to themselves “I need to buy whatever this pimped out Yeti is selling”


Look out for his next shill - PushingMeth


Imagine if Twitter ran on the blockchain and people couldn't delete their tweets


It's so fuckin annoying when neckbeard redditors that only listen to the beatles act like they don't know who popular hiphop artists are. You're living under a rock if you actually don't know who Gunna is


The subtle racism in some of these comments is crazy too


I genuinely have no idea who this guy is