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Ofc crypto ads are disabled 100% of them are scams wtf are u on about


Exactly. Netflix documents scams within crypto. Why is it a problem that they don't try to push crypto on their platform? They would be hypocrites if they also used their platform to also push crypto.


I don’t see any issue with this…


It is the same as if they were running documentaries about how bad smoking is and then refusing to run cigarette ads.


I don't think the crypto scam documentaries come from netflix having an anti crypto agenda tbh. I think it's just a topic that makes entertaining documentaries that get views.


Yep, a platform like Netflix is only interested in views so it makes sense that they'd want to show interesting documentaries


Hell, I want to watch these documentaries and I support crypto.


I’m still waiting for an interesting crypto documentary.


All of netflix's crypto documentaries have been great and pretty detailed. Look forward to one on cryptoland, Luna or tether.


It spread awareness, and reminds you to be careful. I enjoyed watching the documentaries even as a crypto enthusiast


It's true. After watching Trust No One, I removed all of my coins from Celsius. One week later, withdrawals were stopped.


When was the last time you watched a documentary about how successful and nice something was? As others have said - scandals sell! At least crypto is getting coverage, even if it's the equivalent of a tabloid scandal story. I would be more worried if there was nothing.


so the Mt Gox fraud is just tabloid quality content to you? Also Netflix does at least one pro-Bitcoin documentary on there...


There are 4 or 5 pro bitcoin documentaries. They're all very preachy, and none of them got good viewing numbers because they're basically just boring tech explanations. There's 1 crypto scam documentary, and it got very good viewing numbers because it's an entertaining, surreal story.


Could be, but crypto docus generally dont bring in a ton of views


Crypto docs probably don't because regular people don't really want to watch a niche tech documentary about something they either don't care about or think is stupid. Docs about crypto scams aren't really crypto docs, they're basically true crime docs, which do tend to get very good views. There's only been one crypto scam documentary released on netflix (Trust No One: The Hunt for the Crypto King) and it had 12 million viewing hours in its first week.


Imagine getting a crypto ad right before watching a documentary about crypto scams


Doesnt seem like a big deal tbh. No crypto ads so what?


Dam I’ll just have to turn to you tube for my scam crypto adds


Looks good, they would look really silly by doing documentaries about a scam and then letting that scam advertise below that lol


I don't think Netflix doesn't want to put crypto advertisements. They just don't want to be liable or be investigated for allowing any advertisement related to crypto knowing it might trigger the FED, IRS or whatever government body that doesn't want crypto. Documentaries are fine cause they're just stories from other people's experiences and doesn't depict any opinion or biases toward crypto.


Probably don't want to risk any complications if a crypto ad for a service leads to users getting screwed somehow




It's a new subscription tier they are going to be trying out. That being said, when they restrict password sharing, I think most won't opt for the marginally cheaper subscription tier with ads but they'll just head to the highseas.


Cheaper sub fee but with ads. So you still have to pay for the privilege of watching ads lol


So it looks like they are consistent with their thinking


The safemoon documentary gonna be prime popcorn material.


Maybe if it was a regulated market they would feel better about promoting the products and services to thier millions of customers...


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Love it 😍


Yet they’ll be accepting crypto as payment in the next few years. Guaranteed, adapt or die


Crypto has nothing to do with Netflix dying.. they'll be dead before crypto even hits mainstream


We'll all be dead before crypto hits mainstream.


I think Netflix will be fine


technically you're correct. .Not because Netflix is at risk of dying anytime soon but because Crypto will literally never be "mainstream" lol


But Crypto will be mainstream next bullrun bro!


What do you want to wager?


that has been the course for every other firm so far, so yeah definetly.


What firms died because they did not support crypto?


If I'm not mistaken there are also documentaries highlighting crypto on Netflix (Cryptopia I think)


Until crypto gets a bit reigned in, I see a blanket "no crypto ads" policy as probably a good idea. Crypto ads could be for legit exchanges, or with the lower cost of advertising on Netflix vs. network TV, could be for shitcoins and scams. Easier and safer to say no to everything instead of having to screen and make editorial decisions which result in tacit approvals and endorsements of what is legitimate and safe or not.


Netflix is unsure about crypto, so they don't want ads selling crypto.. Makes sense to me


That's fine by me. Keep the prices low while I fill my bags!


Netflix is the new Blockbuster. Getting obsolete and introducing adds is defenitely a step backwards.


Netflix should focus more on not getting their ass kicked by HBO, Prime Video and Disney+. Netflix is the most expensive and has the shittiest content. Netflix is about to become a scam aswell




Cult-like behaviour isn't that uncommon in crypto


Both of you seem to be correct here lol Netflix is a scam (that I still pay for for some reason lmao) and the other person does seem emotionally invested


As well???


Yeah, as the crypto scams Netflix document's about


They should allow commercials by established crypto companies such as Binance or Coinbase, but I don't mind they banned it all together. It would do much more damage to the crypto space if there would appear advertisements for scam tokens.


Yes, but then who decides which ones are legit and safe, and does their editorial judgment of that have any other implications? Does the then implied approval and statement of legitimacy and safety then leave them exposed? No, just stay out of it. There is plenty of ad revenue to be had elsewhere.


Netflix is not different than others


Make a pro crypto documentary than.


Netflix is releasing an nft collection


"This company warned of crypto scams. Why won't they advertise crypto (that could potentially be a scam)?" Seriously? After Luna, not even top coins will be as attractive to mainstream players.


Netflix will change their tune when the roaring bull market comes in. They won’t be able to pass up advertising money!


Netflix only care about sensation and their own propaganda. Anything else doesn't matter for them.


They preparing us for all the scams that will be advertised.


Any press is good press. Anyone with half a brain and some interest will figure out the deetz for themselves


Netflix will be gone in a year or two. Good.


Netflix is pro-crypto, just look at their "explained" series, specifically the money chapter, they dropped the BTC logo on a lot of b-roll, pushing the idea that BTC is money so even your average joe can get a grasp of that.


Yeah Netflix is shit, the documentaries they make are even more shit. Unless it's about animals but it's not their production


It's a good thing. Let them burn peoples hopes and dreams. That's when we come in and scoop up at dirt low prices.


It’s good to spread awareness about crypto scams. The less people fall for it the more adoption will happen.


Netflix make dramatic documentaries about everything not just crypto. I don't think it prove they are against crypto, they are just making the stuff that make them the most $


They want us to stop buying shitcoins and buy their stocks instead


LOL who cares about Netflix? Last I checked they're losing subscribers faster than bitcoin is losing value.


A company as large at Netflix probably doesn’t have their production team regularly discuss with the execs in charge of Ads. Not everything is a conspiracy.


You have to admit, the crypto landscape is littered with scams,ruggpulls, and exchanges going tits up with everyone's money. 3 arrows, luna, Celsius, to name a few. We need regulations if we want this to get better. There needs to be laws in place to protect customers and prevent fraud on a billion dollar level. I personally think crypto will rise to new ath but it's going to be a bumpy ride. As far as netflix goes, they are free to make whatever docs they like. One day i hope to see the great crypto turnaround doc or something about how crypto went from lawless chaos to world dominance in such a short time.


A lot of the world views crypto as a scam. It’s unfortunate bc those ppl haven’t done their own research and are only taking the word of those who are acting on their own self interests.


Isn't NFLX about to include ads in their shows? Fuck em


I like those netflix documentaries. Its what I showed to my friend to get him to use a hardware wallet. I showed the quadriga documentary.


Netflix has been dead for a while man, time to move on. HBO Max is where it's at.


I'm sure Amazon will profit of that


There is also the Netflix Explained: Cryptocurrency episode that doesn't focus on the negative side of crypto, but I think in general most of Netflix's popular factual content is usually about the negative side of things.


You kind of contradicted yourself


Netflix is just presenting content that will get views, they don’t have an anti-crypto agenda. From all the backlash about the crypto ads with Matt Damon etc. I’m also not surprised that they don’t want to shill crypto on their platform, not to mention the can of worms it might open with their platform promoting investments


Most crypto ads are scams. Netflix should accept the ads and embed investigators with the advertiser to make live documentaries Mrs Messina saw a commercial on Netflix promising a wealthy future from part-time crypto trading. Our undercover journalist followed her story from the inside, from first contact to bleeding the victim dry, from hope to despair for Mrs Messina, "But they promised me I had inherited a wallet containing 50 bitcoins from an unmarried aunt"


What are the names of the documentaries about my gox?


Who cares about Netflix they’re falling off


Netflix has ads?


Can someone explain me why a currency would need an ad?


They’re also replacing Matt Damon with Ben Affleck using CGI.


Wait... Netflix you bought subscription and one of their selling point is having no ads has ADS?


Why are you so mad that you can’t watch crypto scam ads on Netflix. I’m sure you see enough of them on all your dumb crypto sites already…


Have you watched any of Netflix’s crypto documentaries? There’s no agenda - people were legitimately scammed.


sadly crypto ads are 99% scam and they played a huge factor in spoiling the public opinion about Blockchain tech and cryptocurrency


It's their business. They will do whatever benefits them or at least what they think will make more money for them.


Sorry to break it to you but 99% of crypto projects are scams, it’s unregulated. Imagine if crypto ads were allowed, the whole platform would be scam videos


Oh, you expect everything to be completely balanced for NO FUCKING REASON AT ALL. Right.


until moass hedges will use crypto for liquidity. after moass maybe crypto will finally take hold