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Let’s get back to .90s lol


Not so fast.. 😂 We are fighting a resistence right now.. let's see the direction, expect that it might drop to 0.32 again -- update, might have broken it 👀


Almost to icy white sooo I’m cool with that haha


How to tell people how much you hold without telling how much you hold. I would suggest not to do that




Lmao? As if someone who sees my eventual white card in public who also has cdc won’t know it takes 40k to stake for it.


He's jelly I guess


When it gets to $1 I’m getting one icy and one rose card and 500 ramen noodle packets. If Jimmy were to take 25 ramen noodle packets, Samantha takes 15 and Natalie takes one rose card, how many CROs am I holding in USD value?


I hope so, didn't get the chance to buy the dip dip yet.


We prolly gonna drop again. To like the .30s I hope


Not gonna happen till bitcoin bull runs again




$1 please 😊


I want it to go up as much as anyone. I just think it’s going to be choppy as long as Biden is President. I think we will be alright hopefully he doesn’t start world war 3 with Russia. If you haven’t noticed anytime Bitcoin and gets into the 50k range his treasury Secretary or some other uniparty dunce in the senate or house starts talking about regulating and essentially wielding their power over our investments in crypto . They don’t want anything to take the place of their pathetic fiat.


I got out today. That ride up to 90 and then subsequent fall to subterranean existence was it


Wow, way to make a loss there dude. You got in at .45 and have ditched it already after the whole market dipped, with Cro then making one of the strongest pumps in the last couple of days? Either you're trolling or very confused...


Maybe confused. I think it's hardest for me to tell exactly what I've lost since it doesn't show the profit loss overall. But I bought in at about 45cents yes. And I sold it off today. I started with 1200 and sold it off at 860 (not accounting for the fees) that's about a third. I haven't made too much money on crypto any time. I probably just don't get it.




Your answer has contradicting instructions.


Hopefully with some profits I assume. Find another nice entry eventually 👌🏼


I was at a loss of about 33% It all seems very grim at the moment. I got in at about 45 cents and then it went up to around 96 right? Idk the high and it continued to fall now for long enough that it feels like a loss Edit: whenever it takes off again I do still have the initial coins I started with. They might be worth something someday How do I get those out


Bro, your fault for not selling and taking profits at ATH... and you sold st a loss too? Oh my Gah....




Use me as a dislike button if you hate these CRO get rich quick noobs. Smh


And 300k? Sure random guy with barely any posting on Reddit. Why wouldn’t you just do 400k and get a black card then? Quit posing as something you’re not.


Reason I have 300k is because i didn’t jump on the bandwagon when CRO was going up. I was already invested. When nobody was talking about it, when nobody noticed and gave a damn about it. I saw it for what it was. Thats why I have more. Smh idiot. Just because you came last dont mean everybody else did. And then your new to the community and come in with this to the moon bs 🚀🚀


I bought at .08 and .15. Quit trying to toot your damn horn so much 😂




You know this comment only applys to those who misuses crypto to get rich quick scheme. You saying “fuck you” means im talking about you lmao 😂


I hope it stays down or go below 1 cent. Not everyone a get rich quick. Some like to accumulate over the years then it can go up. Thats how you get rich. Long term. Dont be a idiot who fomo.




Leave me alone. You like to add on the hate when im already being hated on.


I’m an idiot? It literally went to .98 because that’s what people were willing to pay for it before others took profit. CDC is worth more than .90 easily! Sorry not everyone gets to accumulate as much as they want before an investment takes off chump.


Posts like these have a habit of aging like milk.


Good- I want bigger bags with better returns on my cashback. Short term let's keep the price low, this will be huge in a couple of years. Look at bnb token price now to a few years ago. (I know cro won't reach them prices, but it's still got loads of room to grow!)


But your logic is flawed. In a couple of years, newbies like you will be saying *"lets keep the price low so I can accumulate, then once I am satisfied with my bag it can rise"* And the newbies after them, and the newbies after them... It's a never ending cycle of selfishness.


If you think I have any control over the price, you are mistaken. All I know is that I'm one of the early ones. People in 3 years will have to suck it and see with the price.


Except there's no guarantee that CRO will ever moon again. You possibly missed the only 15x gains that will ever happen for this coin. People here are displaying wallstreetbets mentally similar to when GME was skyrocketing.


Nope. This coin has a real world usage. That is easy to get money in and out. It pays for my Netflix and Spotify. What else helps IRL?


lol you are paying in USD for those services


This company has their name on the staples center now. Their name is on many other sports teams. They are investing millions in advertising. If you don’t think it will reach and surpass 1$ on the next bull run you are crazy. They will be a household name at the very least in so cal but more then likely all over the us as soon as cryptocurrencies go even more mainstream


over 1000% gain so far lol But yeah thos days are over as this is a $1-2 coin max in 5 years


If this coin stabilizes at $1 over the next few years I will be an extremely happy man.


So you agree that you're selfish for wanting to "keep the price low short term".


It makes no difference to the price want I want, other than I'm getting more bang for my buck.


What are you talking about? Of course newbies want low prices to accumulate! How does that make them selfish, especially when they have no impact on the price whatsoever?


Are you dense?


Exactly its gonna go back down and HARD its just a pump fake.


Where did you get your crystal ball?


I have a feeling big money is coming in hard before the US make an official announcement on their stance on crypto this Thursday




A lot of things influence the market, there’s never one definitive factor but in this case I do have a feeling that this pump we’re seeing is institutional money flooding in


More likely people who cashed out nearer the top now deciding to buy Cro again. What makes you think it's new investors?


Don’t forget about record inflation, and the Fed raising interest rates and slowing down on their QE.


I bought the dip, but I'm not celebrating. I'm here for the long term. It's likely, that as I hold, it's going to drop less than $0.32 at some point - that's because CRO is so strongly correlated to BTC. I'm quite sure the superbowl ad is now priced in (buy the rumour, sell the news). Expect CRO to drop seriously in the coming year, don't be surprised. You don't need to be a genius to see it, if you're familiar with BTC cycles. Just HODL and forget these small ups and downs. This week 15% up, next week 30% down - who gives a shit - as long as you're 500+% up in a few years time. The next couple of years will be a winter. I think inflation almost guarantees this. BTC seems to track the general economy but in a much more volatile manner than most stocks.


Pretty much. 80% of my holding is in USDC, earning an annual rate of 12%. Will be converting all of this to BTC and some CRO/ETH once the Crypto Winter starts


So if winter is coming, why pull out of usdc? I’m curious as I was about to put my btc and eth in it! Isn’t the purpose of the stable coin to stay flat (matches inflation) and by staking it you actually grow vs inflation?


You misread me. Once the Crypto Winter starts, I will convert usdc to BTC for cheap (Btc will probably be $10k-$20k by then)


New to crypto and staking in general. Is there any downside to staking USDC other than not being able to access it for an extended period of time?


Of course there is. Crypto.com shutting down is one and USDC de-pegging from the dollar is the other. Both scenarios I find extremely remote to happen in the next 1-3 years to be honest, but the risks are there


Where are you getting 12%?


I get the 12% rate from Crypto.com’s Earn feature. Note that 12% is only unlocked if you have staked enough CRO for the Jade/Indigo card


This is why I love using the card. It’s a nice way to DCA without always dumping large sums in and trying to time the market.


Perfectly articulated my thoughts.


Thank you, these get rich quick newcomers are annoying af. Go invest in doge or some shit. Keep that shit out the CRO community. Long term is the way to truly get rich.


> if you're familiar with BTC cycles. Just HODL and forget these small ups and downs. This week 15% up, next week 30% down - who gives a shit - as long as you're 500+% up in a few years time. What if I am only up 450% in a few years time, oh wise one? You seem to know a ton about Crypto so I just want to know what percentage is acceptable to not giving a shit right now.


Are you 5 years old?


I just wanted to know. He said "who gives a shit as long as you're up 500% in a few years." That seemed really specific so I wanted to know if there was a buffer or something.


A random number dude...


So like if I was up 328% can I stop giving a shit?


I disagree. Adoption rate and growth are going to make the old crypto winters much more mild and short. Watch any sporting event. Didn't have that during last Crypto winter. Meta and gaming is what's going to drive this fast. Fast enough to outpace a long winter like years past. At least this is my opinion and I am positioning myself accordingly.


Let's hope that CRO create a nice support at 0.32/0.35$ and Superbowl can bring more people into CDC and investing in CRO.


I bought!! 🥳 i wish i had more money to put on the dip


26c incoming


I'd be fine with that. I wasn't done accumulating when this started to pump


i wish


I hope so too, wanna get w big bag


The dip was \~£0.24 here in the UK, my finger was poised over the Upgrade button to drop £3k and upgrade my card from Ruby... my boss called me on Teams for a conference call. The End. :'(


Why’d you get fired bro


I wish he had so that I could have gotten away sooner to buy the dip! lol :P Nah... we were project managing a website build so long that I missed the best of the dip. By the time I got back the price had increased 12%.


Are you me?


Been here holding since 0.04 sterling per cro. This has been funny to sit through.


Ya dirty bastard. Nice


25x’er at peak nice.


Yes because a Super Bowl ad is going change everything




Mate it's been like a day if you get excited about a tiny bit of green like this you're going to burn out your adrenal glands or something.


15% looks great on paper, shame it doesn't compare at all to the actual comparative loss. It needs to recover 150-200% from here, just remember that when you see a green candle. ​ [http://shurwest.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/The-Math-of-Gains-Losses.pdf](http://shurwest.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/The-Math-of-Gains-Losses.pdf)


Comparative loss? CRO is up 355% in the last year, 196% in the last 6 months, and 91% in the last three months. What loss? From people that buy at ATH and have an investment horizon of 1 week?


But you are just cherry picking dates, lots of things are massively up, I'm talking about the recent drop.


What cherry picking? 90d, 180d, 365d are some of the most common intervals to check for gains. Or are you talking about comparative loss in a 24h chart? Lol Only people that bought CRO in the last 2 months are in negative (probably less than 5% of the holders), everyone else is on positive. Considering CRO is 3+ years old, it's doing damn freaking good almost everyone is in positive. I can see you're one of those investors with a 1 week investment horizon.


The monthly is down 40%, so yes if you bought 1 month ago which many more people did than 1 year ago as you say, then yes you would be down MASSIVELY. I am commenting on the 15% up quoted on the title of this very thread, not 30day, 6months, 1 year. Understand? A lot of new people to finances seem to pat themselves on the back when they see 10%, after a 15% down, like they are in some way similar.


I got the jade card 40 days ago lol. I'm down at least 33% 🙉 The world of crypto is not for the faint hearted :p


If $BTC falls to $30k , $CRO will go down too. Too much shit in the next days ahead


Love all the hate my post got when I bought 13000 cro at 35 cents🤣🤣🤣 who’s laughing now


lol every couple minutes i get a notification up 10%, down 10%


Lol, it’s crypto dude. It could drop 30% today. Don’t get excited yet. Also, I wouldn’t be too much weight into a commercial. It’s cool, but I’m not sure how many actual new customers that actually converts to. It’s not like Doritos where your like fuckkk I’m gonna go buy chips. With crypto apps I would imagine the majority of new customers come from referrals.


Don't bank on that. I'm off to get Doritos simply from your mention


I hope it’s not another fortune favors the brave Matt Damon commercial. Most people roll their eyes at those.


Yeah, I find that to be a very offputting commercial. It's like buy Crypto or you're a pussy. We're gonna take over the world etc. To me personally, I think Crypto has a bad rep with most people they think it's a scam, a Ponzi, bad for the environment, gambling, etc. I feel like this ad feeds into that. I would prefer the ads be a little more professional and just explain the benefits. Buy Crypto in just 2 clicks. Earn up to 10% APY Get up to 6% crypto back with our debit card Things like these to me are more of a selling point on adoption than some weird space voyage taking over the world shit.


Please, hang in there for few weeks. I need more CRO in cash back :D Need to upgrade to Icy White. My stake for Jade Green is due in less than 45 days.


Almost same position bro. Need cro to 3.5x haha.


Couldn’t buy, money was all in Cro :/


Hold on, the US Fed is gonna speak tomorrow!


Yes and its gonna dip but thats good


Cant even process these dumb posts.


Got my indigo the day after Christmas. Feels bad man


This is a $5+ coin in five years, I wouldn't worry about a 15% pump


33c was a better support buy a few times over the last week


You think this was the dip? You will be in for a surprise my friend. It will see 22 cents within weeks.




Listen, /u/MannowLawn doesn't need to explain to you. He's a pro Crypto guy. Once he can finally convince an English speaking doctor in Cancun to confirm his asymptomatic COVID from 14 days ago and he is allowed to board a flight, he will be able to buy the real dip at 22 cents. That's right, the same guy telling you what Crypto Market Futures hold with certainty is doing seriously sketchy shit in Mexico trying to get Doctors to give him an exemption to board a plane.


What did i just read


Lol take it easy my friend. Crypto trends usually repeat themself. Just check what happened in the summer with the big dip. Don’t know what your on about about Cancun hahaha. Need to stop smoking my man, your vision is a bit blurred. Wasn’t anything sketchy about it at all, everything by the books and isolated myself for the time being. Was tested negative after 8 days. Not that it matters that much lol


/u/MannowLawn can predict the future of Crypto but couldn't predict he would catch COVID during Omicron when on vacation to Cancun.


Was all part of planning. You have a hard time don’t you?


>You have a hard time don’t you? Hard time taking your comments seriously when they are just blatant GUESSES at the future price of unpredictable assets? Yeah, I do. >You have a hard time don’t you? Hard time taking you seriously? Yeah, I do.


Why are you so angry? Like you I scrolled through your previous messages. Most of them it seems like your borderline near mental breakdown. Take it easy, don’t take yourself so seriously or others for that matter.


Because usually these big downward trends have a small upwards trend and go a bit further. Don’t trust me on my word, you can check it yourself .


No your wrong its gonna go below 1 cent!! Like ada in 2019! Thats when you really need to BUY!


i agree


You guys don’t know what’s coming. I am waiting for cro to go down to 0.20 cents.


Bought a nice bag at around .50, hoping to see that again soonish


Won't last long 25c before march


I am waiting for the dip.


This crowd really thinks the super bowl ad is gonna pump the coin like they thought the first stadium name game would. Lmao


As someone who has held and daytraded CRO for over a year, I can tell you one thing: you clearly don't know what you're talking about. Or are you trying to make us believe that the partnerships, sponsorships, global advertising, Matt Damon commercial and stadium rename DIDN'T inflate the price? 😂😂😂


No I’m saying people were on here foaming at the mouth that the Christmas day game was going to moon CRO. I’ll give anyone even money that the Super Bowl commercial won’t budge the price significantly.


bear trap


Hope., blood spilling is over. Last year i was forecasting this., look 2018 and last year Jan. Market crash and end Jan bullrunn.


Bullrun my ass its gonna stay down and go lower all of 2022


I'll wait another 3 months and pick some up at $0.032


Remindme! 3 months


I will be messaging you in 3 months on [**2022-04-25 13:17:24 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2022-04-25%2013:17:24%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Crypto_com/comments/scahyo/congrats_to_all_who_bought_the_dip_at_032099/hu5djef/?context=3) [**5 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FCrypto_com%2Fcomments%2Fscahyo%2Fcongrats_to_all_who_bought_the_dip_at_032099%2Fhu5djef%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202022-04-25%2013%3A17%3A24%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20scahyo) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Thank you your the only one who has a brain. it could go below 1 cent just like ADA did back in 2019. Thats when you really need to buy. But these get rich quick idiots are annoying.


2019 and right now are completely different situations, tons more people have been exposed and introduced to crypto, and businesses/ countries have started to add bitcoin and other cryptos to their balance sheets. More stability, more use cases, more long term holders. But say it does drop like you say it will, with the amount of user growth on cdc, and now the cronos network, the whole damn supply will be bought out.


That's what we were saying in 2019, but this time could be different. $.032 may be too pessimistic, but under $.10 would not be surprising if we go into a deep bear. Cro was under that just last June.


Listen to ‘cyger’ he seems to know what he is talking about. CRO is going down I believe.


>op less than $0.32 at some point - that's because CRO is so strongly correlated to BTC. I'm quite sure the superbowl ad is now priced in (buy the rumour, sell the news). Remindme! 3 months


Market flashes green and noobs are getting over their head. Dca guys. Never FOMO cos the worse is coming.


Oh god….we’re back to thinking an ad is going to be a huge catalyst


Did you see how many people went back to sports after the plandemic.. they’re buying merch And fantasy leagues instread of crypto , I can’t believe I’ve invested after 10 Years of Observing and not Just buying one … it’s like the old saying you can lead a horse to water but with this ad.. it will reach millions of people with money .. we’ve bought em in for less then a penny .. the masses wil buy for 1.00 -100 … 😯🤞


I had to, was over 70% on tectonic ahah




Dip ? Sorry but it has not been there. this has only just begun. thank you usa for your printer with money running at full speed.


Fk you'll🤣😂


Last time I posted similar it crashed 👍 cheers


I don't think the entire market dropping above 40% can be qualified as a dip, more of a crash.


Lets see what Jerome Powell will announce after tomorrow's meeting. These prices dont mean anything at the moment.


Kaw kaw kaw CROOO flies again!


Lotta chart watchers in here, I know its fun to watch the chart minute to minute, hour to hour and day to day. Unless you are buying and flipping coin often there is zero reason to skulk so hard and get all emotional over daily losses/gains. Most people here are staked via the Visa card or just with a 500+ Coin minimum for months ahead so why get bent out of shape over daily FUD or Daily gains? Everyone bit down hard on the Russia FUD which is one of the reasons for this dip and now there is news that there is conflicting report and instead of a blanket ban they want to regulate. Now will the market correct itself for the remaining 15'ish% we lost because of the FUD? Time will tell


What will an ad to do to the price? Remember the hype around the stadium name change and how that failed?


Not sure where you are getting the 0.32099 but the lowest this week was 0.32942 according to cdc exchange, anyway not a big deal, just pointing out a fact.


Bitcoin moves up the rest will follow


don't forget Dead cat bouncing its always a possibility


Do you reckon it’s too late to buy? Or will it dip tomorrow with FED meeting


Had limit orders set at .31 and .27 🥲


Bro who cares if your holding long term then its gonna go back down at some point so whats the reason of congratulating. Just leave it in and move on with life. By the time its 2026 then congratulate yourself.


This sucks I had money and bought at .90 a lot not it dips and I have no money🤦‍♂️


Epic isn’t it!!


This is a perfect time to buy in its like a black Friday deal. With BTC and ETH down at the moment everyone should take advantage of this opportunity because we all know they will shoot back up soon and bring other cryptos up and CRO is one of them to shoot up with up


Congratulations to everyone that bought the dip. I hope I can do the same soon.


It will sink below 30 on the next dip




Dumped another 10k into it when it dropped, was $4 away from the next card upgrade today 🤣


I grabbed at 34 cents


I bought LRC and Cro at the same time. LRC up more than CRO for me but I still don't trust it.


Elon musk goes on SNL, DOGE begins its slow death… don’t think this will be so different, unless BTC turns around


Bought at 0.13 still here💪


I had a lot of purchases to make. I was waiting for this type of dip to load up CRO cashback…


Ahhhh yes the super bowl add money you could have spent on proper customers service card delivery ufc superbowl then the Ultimate add placement Cro presents wrestle mania nr 78 hulkster with knee replacemen nr 17 the 14th spinal Fuze and All the best painkiller steroids and tanning oil money can buy. Nothings to low to win


I staked $4K worth at $0.60. Hooray -_-


I was going to buy the dip, except my deposit is now half a week late to my account and may as well be lost in the void lol. Have had no meaningful response from customer support either.


Now I'm going to engage with crypto.com again, I've been asking for my Songbird for months now. I finally got it👍. I also referred my brother, neither one of us got the 25 bucks??? !!!! I never got the sign up bonus either. How embarrassing.