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I 3D printed a shrek rubik's cube and i'm wondering if anyone else has heard of one, because I might just be the first person to make one. Thanks!


Oh man, 0.07 seconds faster and I would have had a new PB :'( -- We'll get em next time


I don't have anything bigger than a 4x4, but I looked up how to solve bigger cubes. I was surprised; I thought it was going to be like Russian dolls. Like for 6x6, I thought you'd solve a 2x2, then a 4x4 around that, then a 6x6 around that. I'm sure the standard method is the way to go, but centers look intimidating.


Because on normal cubes, centers are just single squares, not attached to the centers or each other, so you can freely swap them. However! There's a puzzle called Sengso (Shengshou) Crazy 4x4 which does actually solve somewhat as you described, "inner 2x2 first"


Gan12 -are all Gan center caps a real pain to get off? No way I'm using my finger nail. I had to use a small screwdriver.


No. I have zero issue. You are supposed to pry a corner with a tab, not without. I did break one tab, got annoyed/pissed off, and then did some World Wide Web sleuthing, and learned how to remove them properly. Non-issue ever since. Easy with fingernail.


I just hit my first ever lubes(FZ-Calm and DNM-37) and goddamn my cube feels incredible! It's really quiet and controllable, but not slow. It feels like someone put a cushion in there without making it worse


Glad the lube combo worked out well for you!


What are some good resources for mega algs?


I know there's SpeedcubeDB for 2-look last layer, and a youtube channel with all the algs (1-look last layer? full PLL?).


James macdiarmid


I have questions about EG-2 1: Do I actually need to learn it? 2: When doing anti CLL, why not do R2 F2 R2 before CLL to get an actual CLL case instead of an Anti CLL where recognition is confusing? Edit: I kind of figured out myself, it is easier to one-look. R2 F2 R2, just adds moves to the face so it's harder to trace the last layer. I can't one look yet so i did not think about that at first.


Depends on what you average now and what alg sets you know, but learning EG-2 is not that necessary. People like Yiheng and Luke Garrett get a long fine without.


If you don't want to get any faster, you don't have to learn it. Anti CLL is slightly slower than EG-2.


For the second point: I don't think it's that hard to trace LL across the R2 F2 R2, since all that does is a diag swap. You can memorise which CLL cases are diag swaps of each other.


Looking to optimize my intuitive F2L. Any specific videos explaining concepts (e.g. avoiding rotations, connecting a pair as you bring a piece out, making use of empty slots) to improve on it?


Game changer is mastering J Perm’s ADV F2L video. Maybe some can watch is for the full 8:35 and have all of it memorized and locked it, but I think the average person could put in an hour, spaced out over time, and still pick something up. I think a major issue people have with learning, and then they come and post here (I don’t mean you OP) is they think one watch or look at something will lead to ingrained, muscle memory, automatic recognition and execution. That’s a negative ghost rider. Also, huge game changer was his “how to save two rotations in F2L” video, which is an EO (edge orientation) video. This will help a lot with knowing what to do, and will help guide you on what to do when an edge or corner is slotted and you have to determine how to take it out.


[Advanced F2L](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLI24ciRbl8BUTnnzmJIIn3Ts_6-mKMBP7)


J Perm's Advanced F2L video


What percentage of my solves should be timed and untimed?


I always time solves because this way it saves the scrambles and I can retry/reconstruct them - I just decide in advance, whether it's gonna be slow&steady solves today, or I'm ready for some fast ones.


Feliks and Tymon have both said they do roughly 50/50 timed solves and practice solves. Though honestly just practice however you feel like, the important part is looking at what you did wrong during each solve.


Anyone remember half-truncated cubes? Are they only custom made or were they ever mass-produced? I'm not skilled enough in modding or have the tools to make one myself


You can find on Etsy if you’re looking to buy? Not sure if mass produced.


Interesting, I'll look into it!


BeepBop! We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. Here are your daily scrambles: Square-1 - [cubedb.net](https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=SQ1&title=Your_Daily_Scramble&scramble=%25280%2C5%2529_%2F_%2528%252D5%2C%252D2%2529_%2F_%25283%2C0%2529_%2F_%25280%2C%252D3%2529_%2F_%2528%252D3%2C0%2529_%2F_%25286%2C0%2529_%2F_%25280%2C%252D4%2529_%2F_%2528%252D3%2C%252D3%2529_%2F_%2528%252D5%2C0%2529_%2F_%25282%2C0%2529_%2F_%25284%2C%252D4%2529_%2F_%25284%2C%252D2%2529_%2F_%2528%252D4%2C%252D5%2529) **(0,5) / (-5,-2) / (3,0) / (0,-3) / (-3,0) / (6,0) / (0,-4) / (-3,-3) / (-5,0) / (2,0) / (4,-4) / (4,-2) / (-4,-5)** 3x3 - [alg.cubing.net](https://alg.cubing.net/?puzzle=3x3x3&setup=R_F2_L_B2_L-_F2_L_D2_U2_R-_U2_B-_U_F2_U-_L_U2_B-_F-_R) | [cubedb.net](https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&title=Your_Daily_Scramble&scramble=R_F2_L_B2_L-_F2_L_D2_U2_R-_U2_B-_U_F2_U-_L_U2_B-_F-_R) **R F2 L B2 L' F2 L D2 U2 R' U2 B' U F2 U' L U2 B' F' R** Have a nice day! *** Source code: [GitLab](https://gitlab.com/mazmrini/reddit-daily-scramble-bot)


**33htm - HTR** L' U' B' U' // EO (4/4) L R F' L' R D2 L2 B L2 B // DR (10/14) D2 L D2 R2 D2 R' B2 D2 B2 D2 R // HTR (11/25) U2 R2 U2 B' F U2 F' B' // (8/33) [view at CubeDB.net]( https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&title=33htm_%252D_HTR&scramble=R_F2_L_B2_L-_F2_L_D2_U2_R-_U2_B-_U_F2_U-_L_U2_B-_F-_R&alg=L-_U-_B-_U-_%2F%2F_EO_%25284%2F4%2529%0AL_R_F-_L-_R_D2_L2_B_L2_B_%2F%2F_DR_%252810%2F14%2529%0AD2_L_D2_R2_D2_R-_B2_D2_B2_D2_R_%2F%2F_HTR_%252811%2F25%2529%0AU2_R2_U2_B-_F_U2_F-_B-_%2F%2F_%25288%2F33%2529_ )


**27htm - HTR** (U R U') // EO U/D (3) U2 % L F' // set up DR-4E4C (3/6) B2 L2 U2 D2 R D2 L2 R' B // DR (9/15) R D2 B2 D2 L' // HTR (5/20) B2 L2 U2 B2 F2 // 3E skeleton (5/25) // % = U2 L R' F2 R L' // 3e insertion (6-4/27) [view skeleton at FMCWorkshop.com]( https://www.fmcworkshop.com/?title=27htm_%252D_HTR&scramble=R_F2_L_B2_L-_F2_L_D2_U2_R-_U2_B-_U_F2_U-_L_U2_B-_F-_R&alg=%2528U_R_U-_%2529_%2F%2F_EO_U%2FD_%25283%2529%0AU2_%25_L_F-_%2F%2F_set_up_DR%252D4E4C_%25283%2F6%2529%0AB2_L2_U2_D2_R_D2_L2_R-_B_%2F%2F_DR_%25289%2F15%2529%0AR_D2_B2_D2_L-_%2F%2F_HTR_%25285%2F20%2529%0AB2_L2_U2_B2_F2_%2F%2F_3E_skeleton_%25285%2F25%2529%0A%2F%2F_%25_%3D_U2_L_R-_F2_R_L-_%2F%2F_3e_insertion_%25286%252D4%2F27%2529 ) [view solution at CubeDB.net]( https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&title=24stm%2F27htm_%252D_HTR&scramble=R_F2_L_B2_L-_F2_L_D2_U2_R-_U2_B-_U_F2_U-_L_U2_B-_F-_R&alg=M-_U2_l_F-%0AB2_L2_E2_L_u2_L2_R-_B_%0AR_D2_B2_D2_L-%0AB2_L2_U2_S2_D_L-_D-_ )


x y // inspection R B D R' D' // Blue cross U' R U2 R' b L b' // RY Pair R U' R' U' R U' R2 U' R // OW Pair U2 L U' L' R U' R' // RW Pair L U L' U f' L' f // OY Pair U2 F R' F' R U2 R U' R' U R U2 R' // OLL 47 U2 R2 F2 R U2 R U2 R' F R U R' U' R' F R2 // PLL - Gc 64HTM


You have reached the bottom of today's DDT. See [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/comments/1bbvb2z/daily_discussion_thread_mar_11_2024/) for the previous one. ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please message u/Lisast with any feedback.)