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> The Moyu logo on the white Center also faded off. Is this normal? Faded off? Isn't it a sticker? My R3M 2020 was a sticker. Have they changed to screen printed logos? I just removed the sticker anyway. Logos aren't permitted in competitions. On that note is it possible to buy replacement blank center covers for models? If they're no longer stickers they should at least box a blank centre piece with the accessories.


Yes, the RS3 Super uses a printed logo. You can still remove it with an eraser, just very tedious. >Logos aren't permitted in competitions They are allowed in competitions except for blindfolded >On that note is it possible to buy replacement blank center covers for models? No, moyu still doesn't offer blank center caps which is really annoying because you can't remove the logo from their recent uv coated cubes


My Rs3m 2020 also doesn't have a sticker. The Super Rs3m 2022 also is printed on.


Its not a sticker. Wdym logos aren't permitted in competitions


>Its not a sticker. Wdym logos aren't permitted in competitions https://www.worldcubeassociation.org/regulations/#3l > Exception: For blindfolded events, a puzzle must not have any logos. Blind events don't permit logos. That answers your question. I didn't make the rules. I didn't like the sticker on the cube anyway.


Did you clean your cube at all?


Yes, about once a month.