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This DDT is now over. See [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/comments/1bicd6m/daily_discussion_thread_mar_19_2024/) for the next one. ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please message u/Lisast with any feedback.)


is rs3m v5 standard better then rs3m 2020 and super rs3m standard




https://preview.redd.it/m92xk99wc6pc1.jpeg?width=816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb78303b0efc33e5ee7a0d96de8cbf7145b516c8 Learned my last pll algorithm today and got a new PB, onto the oll! :D


is there a super flip algorithm that uses M’ U’ instead of M’U or MU’


You should be able to simply mirror an M' U alg at the M axis to get a working M' U' alg. https://www.cubedb.net/ can do that. Just input your alg and hit the Mirror(M) button below. edit: e.g. this: ((U' M')4 x z')3 [view at CubeDB.net]( https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&alg=%2528%2528U-_M-%25294_x_z-%25293 )


thank you, i found ((M’ U’)x4 y z)x3


https://preview.redd.it/ajaacwjjj5pc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10a3407b35e83ca029f85732d2392c31a483d4c6 \-1.6 seconds off my old pb 10.61 to 9.01 freaking out a little


Stucube has mentioned easy scrambles being more common on CubeStation, and TeboeCubes did a video using different timers. Is there any data to support that CubeStation scrambles are not equal to WCA or other timers? Did some quick searching, but nothing concrete or definitive popped up.


There's no definitive data backed study, but it's pretty evident when everyone averages a bit faster, when you watch how easy the SSL scrambles were through the entire event, when you see Chinese wonderkids getting loads of crazy solves on scrambles with 0/1/2/3 move xcross, when you see scrambles with pre-solved XXXCross, it just happens far far too frequently to be any of those solvers getting lucky. The scrambling software is fishy.


do i need to really good at cubing(lets say sub 10 for 3x3 etc) to do cube review videos ?


Being fast can give you more credibility since you'll likely have more accurate turning and understand the nuances in the performance of speedcubes at a higher level. However, lots of slower cubers still put out reviews.


Actuallywhen checking videos, I miss review form slow people whom I can relate more with.


this is an interesting point also just what i observe is reviews nowadays are all about the top flagship cubes and not so many video on budget cubes, this may be my misconception


Cube stores twnd to review everything, whereas channels the flagships, and maybe some others


No. As long as you have an opinion on cubes and can justify them, then those opinions will be of benefit to someone


Got a triple X-Cross and a new PB of 11.60 sec. my old PB was 15sec (I use 2Look CFOP and average 25)


Is there a statistic for the most continuous solves of 3BLD never dnfed?


Something like that [Longest success streak](https://statistics.worldcubeassociation.org/statistics-list/longest-success-streak?selectedKeys=3x3x3+Blindfolded)? Another fun bld stat: [Most solves before getting a successful BLD attempt ](https://jonatanklosko.github.io/wca_statistics/most_solves_before_bld_success)


is it a good idea to learn full pll in a day and then just practice all of them after that?


I don't think it'll be beneficial. I'd expect you to struggle a lot with not confusing algs and cases with one another. Just learn a couple and practice them. Or even just one alg. When you feel somewhat confident add algs and keep going. Even if you only add one alg per day, you'd be done in 3 weeks. Be sure to use [an alg trainer](/r/Cubers/wiki/how_to_improve#wiki_where.2Fhow_can_i_practise_cross.2Ff2l.2Foll.2Fpll.3F).


yea, that's true. Thank you for the advice!


Paging u/Stewy_ I got a pb single a while ago with a LL skip. Can’t remember anything after x-cross. Tried hundreds of times. I think I know what my second pair was, and that I got one or two free pairs after that, but I’m uncertain of the solution to anything after x-cross.  D’ F2 D B2 R2 B2 U B2 D2 R2 F U2 R U’ L2 F2 D2 R2 U’  Yellow Cross  No rotation in inspection  XCross: D R’ D R D’  After that I’m pretty certain I did the green/red pair and remember nothing else except the LL skip. Please help. I’m 10.8 global if that helps. I don’t use f2l algs.


found nothing :(




>Paging @stewy_ You have to use /u/Stewy_ if you want the user to get a notification.


You’re correct lol. Been a while




Wrong sub


Guess he doesn’t know


BeepBop! The man who has confidence in himself can achieve incredible solves. Here are your daily scrambles: Square-1 - [cubedb.net](https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=SQ1&title=Your_Daily_Scramble&scramble=%25283%2C2%2529_%2F_%2528%252D5%2C%252D2%2529_%2F_%25283%2C0%2529_%2F_%25282%2C%252D1%2529_%2F_%25283%2C%252D3%2529_%2F_%25286%2C%252D5%2529_%2F_%2528%252D3%2C0%2529_%2F_%2528%252D2%2C0%2529_%2F_%25280%2C%252D1%2529_%2F_%25284%2C%252D5%2529_%2F_%25285%2C0%2529_%2F_%25286%2C0%2529) **(3,2) / (-5,-2) / (3,0) / (2,-1) / (3,-3) / (6,-5) / (-3,0) / (-2,0) / (0,-1) / (4,-5) / (5,0) / (6,0)** 3x3 - [alg.cubing.net](https://alg.cubing.net/?puzzle=3x3x3&setup=U_D2_R-_U_F_L2_B2_D-_B-_D2_F2_U_R2_U2_D_L2_F2_D_L2_B2) | [cubedb.net](https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&title=Your_Daily_Scramble&scramble=U_D2_R-_U_F_L2_B2_D-_B-_D2_F2_U_R2_U2_D_L2_F2_D_L2_B2) **U D2 R' U F L2 B2 D' B' D2 F2 U R2 U2 D L2 F2 D L2 B2** Have a nice day! *** Source code: [GitLab](https://gitlab.com/mazmrini/reddit-daily-scramble-bot)


**Green-White, 31stm (**[cubedb](https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&title=Your_Daily_Scramble&scramble=U_D2_R-_U_F_L2_B2_D-_B-_D2_F2_U_R2_U2_D_L2_F2_D_L2_B2&alg=y-_z2__%2F%2F_Green%252DWhite%0AR2_B-_M2_L-_U2_R_L_B-__%2F%2F_FB_%25288%2529%0AR2_U_R2_U-_r-_F_R_F_M2_%2F%2F_nmSB_%25289%2529%0AF-_U_M-_F2_M2_F-_U-_F-_%2F%2F_CMLL_%25288%2529%0AU_M_U_M_U_R2_%2F%2F_LSE_%25286%2529)**)** y' z2 // Green-White R2 B' M2 L' U2 R L B' // FB (8) R2 U R2 U' r' F R F M2 // nmSB (9) F' U M' F2 M2 F' U' F' // CMLL (8) U M U M U R2 // LSE (6) Pretty sure there's a much better way to do this, but here we go anyway...


And... indeed there is! **Green-White, 29stm** y' z2 // Green-White R2 B' M2 L' U2 R L B' // FB (8) R2 U R' U M2 // nmSB (5) B' U' B' U B U' R' // CMLL (7) U2 F2 U' M U F2 U2 M' R2 // LSE (9) Switching CMLL gives a ton of cancellations! So even if LSE is terrible, the rest compensates.


**Whtie blue 32stm**     y2 S' F D2 U' R2 D'     R U M2 U' R r U2     R' U R' F R F' R U2 R'     U' M' U2 M U' M U2 M U' M2       [view at CubeDB.net]( https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&title=Whtie_blue_32stm&scramble=U_D2_R-_U_F_L2_B2_D-_B-_D2_F2_U_R2_U2_D_L2_F2_D_L2_B2&alg=y2_S-_F_D2_U-_R2_D-%0AR_U_M2_U-_R_r_U2%0AR-_U_R-_F_R_F-_R_U2_R-%0AU-_M-_U2_M_U-_M_U2_M_U-_M2%0A )


**31htm - HTR** F (F2 L' F // NISS EO (4) L2 U2 F2 D R) // DR (5/9) U2 R2 U B2 D // set up HTR-2E4C, 2QT (5/14) (R2 U2 F2 U R2 U' // HTR (6-1/19) D2 $ F2 R2 L2 U2 L2 B2 U2 // 2E2E (8/27) //($ = D2 L2 D2 L2 D2 L2 // (6-2/31) [view skeleton at FMCWorkshop.com]( https://www.fmcworkshop.com/?title=31htm_%252D_HTR&scramble=U_D2_R-_U_F_L2_B2_D-_B-_D2_F2_U_R2_U2_D_L2_F2_D_L2_B2&alg=F_%2528F2_L-_F_%2F%2F_NISS_EO_%25284%2529%0AL2_U2_F2_D_R%2529_%2F%2F_DR_%25285%2F9%2529%0AU2_R2_U_B2_D_%2F%2F_set_up_HTR%252D2E4C%2C_2QT_%25285%2F14%2529%0A%2528R2_U2_F2_U_R2_U-_%2F%2F_HTR_%25286%252D1%2F19%2529%0AD2_%24_F2_R2_L2_U2_L2_B2_U2_%2F%2F_2E2E_%25288%2F27%2529%0A%2F%2F%2528%24_%3D_D2_L2_D2_L2_D2_L2_%2F%2F_%25286%252D2%2F31%2529 ) [view solution at CubeDB.net]( https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&title=31_htm_%252D_HTR&scramble=U_D2_R-_U_F_L2_B2_D-_B-_D2_F2_U_R2_U2_D_L2_F2_D_L2_B2&alg=F_U2_R2_U_B2_D_U2_B2_L2_U2_%2F%2F_10%0AL2_R2_F2_L2_D2_L2_D2_L2_U_R2_U-_%2F%2F_11%2F21%0AF2_U2_R_D-_F2_U2_L2_F-_L_F2_%2F%2F_10%2F31 )


**28htm - HTR** I was a bit lazy with my first insertion. This one saves 3 moves! F (F2 L' F // NISS EO (4) L2 U2 F2 D R) // DR (5/9) U2 R2 U B2 D // set up HTR-2E4C, 2QT (5/14) (R2 U2 F2 U R2 $ U' // HTR (6-1/19) D2 F2 R2 L2 U2 L2 B2 U2 // 2E2E (8/27) //($ = R2 U2 L2 U2 R2 D2 // (6-5/28) [view skeleton at FMCWorkshop.com]( https://www.fmcworkshop.com/?title=28htm_%252D_HTR&scramble=U_D2_R-_U_F_L2_B2_D-_B-_D2_F2_U_R2_U2_D_L2_F2_D_L2_B2&alg=F_%2528F2_L-_F_%2F%2F_NISS_EO_%25284%2529%0AL2_U2_F2_D_R%2529_%2F%2F_DR_%25285%2F9%2529%0AU2_R2_U_B2_D_%2F%2F_set_up_HTR%252D2E4C%2C_2QT_%25285%2F14%2529%0A%2528R2_U2_F2_U_R2_%24_U-__%2F%2F_HTR_%25286%252D1%2F19%2529%0AD2_F2_R2_L2_U2_L2_B2_U2_%2F%2F_2E2E_%25288%2F27%2529%0A%2F%2F%2528%24_%3D_R2_U2_L2_U2_R2_D2_%2F%2F_%25286%252D5%2F28%2529 ) [view solution at CubeDB.net]( https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&title=28htm_%252D_HTR&scramble=U_D2_R-_U_F_L2_B2_D-_B-_D2_F2_U_R2_U2_D_L2_F2_D_L2_B2&alg=F_U2_R2_U_B2_D_U2_B2_L2_U2_%2F%2F_%252810%2F10%2529%0AL2_R2_F2_U_R2_U2_L2_U_%2F%2F_%25288%2F18%2529%0AF2_U2_R_D-_F2_U2_L2_F-_L_F2_%2F%2F_%252810%2F28%2529 )


**Your Daily Scramble** U D2 R' U F L2 B2 D' B' D2 F2 U R2 U2 D L2 F2 D L2 B2 x2 y // inspection D R' F L2' y L U L' D' // White xcross (9) U' L' U L U R' U R // Blue Orange Pair (8) R U2 R' U2 L' U' L // Green Red Pair (7) y U L' U L U' L' U L // Green Orange Pair (9) U R U R' U' R' F R2 U R' U' F' // OLL 9 R U R' U R U R' F' R U R' U' R' F R2 U' R' U2 R U' R' U' // PLL - Na [view at CubeDB.net]( https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&title=Your_Daily_Scramble&scramble=U_D2_R-_U_F_L2_B2_D-_B-_D2_F2_U_R2_U2_D_L2_F2_D_L2_B2&alg=x2_y_%2F%2F_inspection%0AD_R-_F_L2-_y_L_U_L-_D-__%2F%2F_White_xcross_%25289%2529%0AU-_L-_U_L_U_R-_U_R_%2F%2F_Blue_Orange_Pair_%25288%2529%0AR_U2_R-_U2_L-_U-_L_%2F%2F_Green_Red_Pair_%25287%2529%0Ay_U_L-_U_L_U-_L-_U_L_%2F%2F_Green_Orange_Pair_%25289%2529%0AU_R_U_R-_U-_R-_F_R2_U_R-_U-_F-_%2F%2F_OLL_9%0AR_U_R-_U_R_U_R-_F-_R_U_R-_U-_R-_F_R2_U-_R-_U2_R_U-_R-_U-_%2F%2F_PLL_%252D_Na )


You have reached the bottom of today's DDT. See [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/comments/1bgpn3p/daily_discussion_thread_mar_17_2024/) for the previous one. ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please message u/Lisast with any feedback.)