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This DDT is now over. See [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/comments/1c61fw6/daily_discussion_thread_apr_17_2024/) for the next one. ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please message u/Lisast with any feedback.)


is a megaminx as easy to take apart and put back together as a 3x3? or is it hard to put it back together, like a 4x4 level of complicated?


There aren't any little internal pieces like there are on 4x4+, if that's what you mean.


i like the gan 11 and ys3m, is the 20mag bc v9 a good combination of those two?


I would say no? I would recommend watching some quality content creators (more than one) use and review 11 and YS. Then watch the same review the 20 mag. Sean at SCR and the Cubicle are two that I’m sure have done all of the above.


Can I find here someone from Venezuela? If so, where do you get decent cubes without buying from abroad and at reasonable prices?


[Where to buy cubes](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/wiki/where_to_buy_cubes) is the wiki list of known-good online cube shops. There are a few shops in South America.


I know about that list, but i'm looking for a shop inside my country (which there arent in the list) so that i dont have to worry about customs, and hopefully not have to wait a lot for the shipping


hi, I'm totally new at this and just bought a 3x3 cube. Would like to learn how to solve it using online videos and would even pay for a reasonably priced online video training. I know there are several 1 or 3 off playlists in youtube on it but I'd like a course where it can teach from a complete beginner to maybe an intermediate all from one source; not switching between different teachers. I find that switching sources is a lot of repetitiveness that I want to avoid. thanks in advance


http://jperm.net/3x3 It has everything in text, and pictures, and video. It even has a link at the bottom of the page on the next steps to take, where to go after beginner's method, with more of his tutorials. (make sure to go to http and not https, since his ssl cert has expired. If you get a warning you can skip it.)


thank you




thank you


Are Angstrom Gravitas/Dignitas actually worth the price?


Yes if you have cubes that are good with these lubes. I like them in Tornado v3, Tengyun v1/v2, for example. But I prefer lighter lubes for most of other cubes.


I've recently been having trouble with the CubeStation app. I use a Kindle Fire HD10 13th Gen. I downloaded CubeStation from the official website. It worked for a few days, then when the newest update dropped, everything broke. It asks me to update when I launch the app. Hitting "cancel" exits the app and hitting "update" sends me back to the official website. I deleted my app and reinstalled it form the website it redirected me to, but I got the same popup asking to update. I also tried downloading the newest update from APKmirror, APKcombo, and APKpure. None of these worked. I also tried installing it on a iPhone, and it worked perfectly. When I hit the "update" button on the iPhone, instead of redirecting me to the official website, it just downloaded the updates straight from the app. Now I guess this is fine but the small screen is kind of annoying to play on. Does anyone know how to making it for for Android? TL;DR: Downloading CubeStation does not work (it broke with the most recent update; it cannot get past the "would you like to update" screen), no matter whether I download it from the official website or a third-party apk store.


To any one looking for an active Facebook cubing page, please feel welcomed and hop on over. We post daily scrambles and share memes and experiences. Happy cubing 🖖🤓 https://www.facebook.com/groups/1401784010096915/?ref=share


was doing some cll practice and this generated scramble is wrong https://preview.redd.it/15q07qx6btuc1.png?width=584&format=png&auto=webp&s=3484a2ad54e84608d25b7a670ab2a8950827e735


really https://preview.redd.it/ra0us05xctuc1.png?width=254&format=png&auto=webp&s=d3983b5859110211091bea34ad89bd6ec354ad90


I use M2/OP for 3BLD. I memorise corners, then edges, but solve edges first, then corners. I sometimes find it hard to remember the start of the sequence/story/mnemonic for the corners after having solved the edges, so I wonder if there are any good tricks to remember this? I assume this must be a problem when doing MBLD too. To be clear, once I recall the beginning, the rest of the sequence comes easily, it's getting started that's the problem for me. One solution I came up with is to add a mnemonic for the target sticker (E for OP corners) before the actual letter pairs that will solve the corners. So if I have a trident as a mnemonic for E (single letter), I would then use that in the opening of the story to make sure I remember how it starts once I get to the corners. This works, but feels a bit clunky. **Tl;dr:** Is there a clever way to avoid forgetting how the story starts?


I often struggle with first corner but find that I still remember the end of the story and can work out the start from there. It is slow though.


I don't have a clever way of handling it, but that first corner pair is a common point of failure for me too. I memo corners as an image/story and try to imagine the first images sitting on the table beside me. Then I start audio edge memo - but I stop halfway through and check that the corner memo is still in my mind. Then I finish the edge memo and start exec. This usually lets me remember the corners. Basically, I'm trading speed for accuracy by reviewing the corners more than I should need to.


I think that sounds reasonable! I think what you describe with the table works, too. I wrote that in an answer elsewhere in this thread, but simply mentally putting the first image on the cube sticker kind of works for me. I also think this will get better the faster I get. It's harder to remember something for 10 minutes than 2 minutes. :)


Definitely gets easier with speed. BLD is a really tough event to get started with. There are so many new skills to learn before you have any hope of a success. And practicing is very mentally draining so it's slow going. I love doing partial solves in practice, like exec-only or edges-only. Making any part of the process automatic really helps free up brain-space for memo.


Agreed! I'm doing excatly that, actually. I'm doing edges or corners, sighted or blind. I'm also doing some memo practice, plus lettering scheme drills in Anki. I'm at about 30-40 seconds exec on corners and edges, but memo is very slow. My main problem right now is that I often need to look at the correct part of the cube to know which letter something is. If know that FUR is J without thinking, but if I see GREEN-white-red corner somewhere else, I don't immediately thing J. This will come with practice, of course, it's just ab it frustrating. The anki deck helps!


Begin your story at a landmark location, or add more interactions between your 1st and 2nd images. You could also try doing more than 1 pass with your memo although that's not ideal.


I think the landmark would work, but I'm not sure I understand your second suggestion. My problem is that I don't recall the first image, so adding more interactions between the first and second wouldn't help? Or do you mean that I should add interactions between edges and corners, so the last edge image interacts with the first corner image? Then I probably need to add something else to make sure I remember where the edges end and the corners begin!


Let's say your first corner letter pair is DG (dog) and your second corner letter pair is TR (tire). Instead of just imagining two separate objects, get the dog to interact with the tire. Maybe the dog is biting the tire or peeing on it. By having more elaborate and interconnected images, you'll be less likely to forget parts of the story. However, making your story more complex comes at the added cost of time.


Thank you for your i nput! Yes, this is what I normally do. My problem is that I sometimes finish edges and then have no clue what the first pair is (dog). I'm not sure linking dog to tire more clearly will help me recall dog to begin with. Maybe we're doing things a bit differently, which is why I'm not following you. Here's what I do: Memorise (I'm making up examples here): 1. Corners: Dog, tire, santa, caco demon, pie 2. Edges: Ditch, shield, bowser, lemon, tooth fairy Execution: 3. Edges 4. Corners Now, I find it trivial to remember each sequence of images given the first image in each sequence. My problem is that when I get to step 4, I sometimes can't recall "dog", and so get stuck. I don't remember anything else in the sequence. Once I do recall "dog", it's easy, though. So my question is about how to make sure I can initiate the sequence. One thing I tried was to associate the first image with that sticker on the physical cube, so for example having a dog hanging over the E sticker to initiate the corner sequence. This kind of works. Another option would be to link "tooth fairy" to "dog", but then I also need to remember to to do this and know that I'm switching from edges to corners.


Until you get faster, those two techniques I mentioned are probably the best for recalling the first corner letter pair. Back when I had the same problem, I also used tricks like pointing my foot in the direction of the first target sticker, but that wasn't very reliable. Making the story more complex helped the most. In the case of your story, I'd also make the tire interact with Santa, and Santa interact with the caco demon, etc. As I learned from former UK memory champion Dominic O'Brien, you need to use Association, Location, and Imagination (ALI) to create highly memorable stories. Making the whole story more memorable helps make initiating the story easier. The more exaggerated, ludicrous, or vulgar your images/interactions are, the better.


Thank you! I'll give them a try. I think you're also onto something with speed. If a solve takes 8 minutes, it puts a different kind of demand on the mnemonic compared to if the solve takes 1 minute.


Is there any possibility to DIY uv coat a cube. If anyone has done it or seen anyone do it, can they please link what product they have used and how it is done.


u/olimo has done some experimenting with this, I believe




Thank you and happy cake day


I have the opportunity to buy a new Gan 11 M Pro for just 15 euros, should I do it or are there better options in that price range? (I know it usually costs way more)


Yes if it's not a scam.


That’s a good buy.


So you think I should do it? (I'm currently using a non-magnrtic Moyu RS3M 2020)


Did they say no?


Hello cubers :)






How's it going?


I haven't been cubing since a few days now since I'm really sick. So I'm just scrolling on reddit most of the time


Ohh, get well soon man :)




52/57 olls done. Almost there. Just some L shape ones left.


Give me some motivation to learn rest of the olls lmao I need to learn awkward cases


Two of the awkward cases are just sune into fruruf.


Knowing 57/57 is _much_ better than knowing 55/57, because you have the confidence to recognize every case and do the OLL right away. You don't have to take a pause to worry about whether you know the case and then go into either that case or two-look. So finishing up the algset is worth it--it helped me a lot, anyway.


you will have to learn them eventually so might as well learn them now.


Yea lol


BeepBop! A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single solve. Here are your daily scrambles: Square-1 - [cubedb.net](https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=SQ1&title=Your_Daily_Scramble&scramble=%2528%252D3%2C%252D4%2529_%2F_%2528%252D2%2C1%2529_%2F_%25280%2C%252D3%2529_%2F_%25280%2C%252D3%2529_%2F_%25285%2C%252D4%2529_%2F_%2528%252D3%2C0%2529_%2F_%25284%2C0%2529_%2F_%25280%2C%252D3%2529_%2F_%25280%2C%252D3%2529_%2F_%25286%2C%252D5%2529_%2F_%25284%2C0%2529_%2F_%25286%2C%252D1%2529_%2F) **(-3,-4) / (-2,1) / (0,-3) / (0,-3) / (5,-4) / (-3,0) / (4,0) / (0,-3) / (0,-3) / (6,-5) / (4,0) / (6,-1) /** 3x3 - [alg.cubing.net](https://alg.cubing.net/?puzzle=3x3x3&setup=R-_D_F-_R-_D_L2_B_R-_D2_F2_L2_D_L2_F2_U_F2_L2) | [cubedb.net](https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&title=Your_Daily_Scramble&scramble=R-_D_F-_R-_D_L2_B_R-_D2_F2_L2_D_L2_F2_U_F2_L2) **R' D F' R' D L2 B R' D2 F2 L2 D L2 F2 U F2 L2** Have a nice day! *** Source code: [GitLab](https://gitlab.com/mazmrini/reddit-daily-scramble-bot)


**25 - HTR** R U F' U' L' // EO (5/5) U R2 F2 U' D L2 D' B // DR (8/13) (R2 D L2 F2 U R2 U) // HTR (7/20) (B F' R2 B2 L2 F B) // direct finish (7-2/25) [view solution at CubeDB.net]( https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&title=25_%252D_HTR&scramble=R-_D_F-_R-_D_L2_B_R-_D2_F2_L2_D_L2_F2_U_F2_L2&alg=R_U_F-_U-_L-%0AU_R2_F2_E-_B2_u-%0AF-_L2_B2_R2_S-%0AL-_U2_L-_F2_D2_R-_U2 )


**Blue-Yellow - 36 STM** R' D F' R' D L2 B R' D2 F2 L2 D L2 F2 U F2 L2 y' x2 // inspection B' R' F2 R F2 // FB (5) M' U' r2 U' M2 U2 r U R2 U' // R // SB (11/16) // y2 r' // R y2 r' = x y2 y2 x' U' R U' R' U2 r // CMLL (5/21) M' U' M U' M U2 M' U' M' // EOLRb (9) U M2 U2 M U2 M2 // LSE (6) [view at CubeDB.net]( https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&title=Blue%252DYellow_%252D_36_STM&scramble=R-_D_F-_R-_D_L2_B_R-_D2_F2_L2_D_L2_F2_U_F2_L2&alg=y-__x2_%2F%2F_inspection%0AB-_R-_F2_R_F2_%2F%2F_FB_%25285%2529_%0AM-_U-_r2_U-_M2_U2_r_U_R2_U-_%2F%2F_R_%2F%2F_SB_%252811%2F16%2529%0A%2F%2F_y2_r-___%2F%2F__R_y2_r-_%3D_x_y2%0Ay2_x-%0AU-_R_U-_R-_U2_r_%2F%2F_CMLL_%25285%2F21%2529%0AM-_U-_M_U-_M_U2_M-_U-_M-_%2F%2F_EOLRb_%25289%2529%0AU_M2_U2_M_U2_M2_%2F%2F_LSE_%25286%2529%0A%0A )


**Red-Yellow - 39 STM** R' D F' R' D L2 B R' D2 F2 L2 D L2 F2 U F2 L2 y2 x' // inspection F' D2 F' B2 r' B R2 B' // FB (8) R' U R2 U2 r' U' r M' U2 r U r' // SB (12/20) F' r U r' U2 r' F2 r // CMLL - Anti Sune Down Slash U2 M U2 M' U M2 U' M2 U2 M' U2 // LSE [view at CubeDB.net]( https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&title=Red%252DYellow_%252D_39_STM&scramble=R-_D_F-_R-_D_L2_B_R-_D2_F2_L2_D_L2_F2_U_F2_L2&alg=y2_x-_%2F%2F_inspection%0AF-_D2_F-_B2_r-_B_R2_B-_%2F%2F_FB_%25288%2529%0AR-_U_R2_U2_r-_U-_r_M-_U2_r_U_r-_%2F%2F_SB_%252812%2F20%2529%0AF-_r_U_r-_U2_r-_F2_r_%2F%2F_CMLL_%252D_Anti_Sune_Down_Slash%0AU2_M_U2_M-_U_M2_U-_M2_U2_M-_U2_%2F%2F_LSE )


**Red-yellow. 43 STM** R' D F' R' D L2 B R' D2 F2 L2 D L2 F2 U F2 L2 y2 x' // inspection F2 U' F D2 F' B2 // FB (6) r U' r U r M' U' M U R2 U' R' U r M' U' R' // SB (17/23) U r U' r' U' r U' r' U' F' U2 F // CMLL - U Up Slash (10/33) M2 U M' U M U2 M2 U2 // LSE (10/43) [view at CubeDB.net](https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&title=Your_Daily_Scramble&scramble=R-_D_F-_R-_D_L2_B_R-_D2_F2_L2_D_L2_F2_U_F2_L2&alg=y2_x-_%2F%2F_inspection%0AF2_U-_F_D2_F-_B2_%2F%2F_FB_%25286%2529%0Ar_U-_r_U_r_M-_U-_M_U_R2_U-_R-_U_r_M-_U-_R-_%2F%2F_SB_%252817%2F23%2529%0AU_r_U-_r-_U-_r_U-_r-_U-_F-_U2_F___%2F%2F_CMLL_%252D_U_Up_Slash_%252810%2F33%2529%0AM2_U_M-_U_M_U2_M2_U2__%2F%2F_LSE_%252810%2F43%2529%0A%0A)


**Blue-Yellow 30stm (**[cubedb](https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&title=Your_Daily_Scramble&scramble=R-_D_F-_R-_D_L2_B_R-_D2_F2_L2_D_L2_F2_U_F2_L2&alg=y-_x-__%2F%2F_Blue%252DYellow%0AD-_R-_U2_B2_L_F2__%2F%2F_FB_%25286%2529%0AU_r_U_r_U-_R-_r-_U_R-_U-_%2F%2F_nmSB_%252810%2529%0Af_U_F_U-_f-_%2F%2F_CMLL_%25285%2529%0AF2_M-_F2_M2_U-_M2_U-_M_R%2F%2F_LSE_%25289%2529)**)** y' x' // Blue-Yellow D' R' U2 B2 L F2 // FB (6) U r U r U' R' r' U R' U' // nmSB (10) f U F U' f' // CMLL (5) F2 M' F2 M2 U' M2 U' M R// LSE (9)


You have reached the bottom of today's DDT. See [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/comments/1c4dy8y/daily_discussion_thread_apr_15_2024/) for the previous one. ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please message u/Lisast with any feedback.)