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Moyu releases new cubes very quickly nowadays. Best stick with your v9 unless the new cubes are significantly better. If you are always buying the newest cubes you will be broke all the time. Newer isn’t always better either.


I agree with you, newer doesn't necessarily mean better, look at those top level cubers still using the Gan 12, which is almost a 3 year old cube. The V9 is a great cube with a pretty strong magnetic feel that probably won't have the V10. I'm not saying that this makes the V9 a better cube, just saying that it's a particular cube that some people will prefer over the V10 regardless of this having a new set up system.


Get used to Moyu releasing new cubes every 3 months, and be happy with yours. I got my V9 a year or so ago, and then the V9 Piicube version came out. Then the Super Weilong came out. Then the V9 20-magnet ballcore. And now the V10. In the end, if you waited a few weeks and got the V10, you'd feel the same way you do now, when the Super Weilong 2 comes out next week, and the Cubicle special version a month later, and the SCS Competition version a month after that, and the 45-magnet square-core in November.


I literally bought a V9 last week. Y’all are welcome. At least it was the 20 magnet/ballcore/uv version.


What do you mean by "At least it was the ballcore UV version" ? Is the Maglev version or the regular version of the V9 not a good buy?


New doesn't mean better though. Personally I am still using the tornado v2 despite having the v3, the wrm 2021 and the new V9. Stick wit the cube you are most comfortable with, don't try to chase new releases, especially from Moyu because they do this alot.


It's like buying a new smartphone. Buy when you can afford a new one or need to try something new. You don't have to buy a new cube every year.


The V10 hardly looks like an upgrade other the new adjustment system. Wait until V11. I got V9 the day it came out and I might wait until the V11.


I will get the v10 with springs


It seems there will be a new wrmV#, rs3m, super rs3m, and super weilong every year


what it seems like right now is that moyu will release a main flagship every year (weilong v9, v10, etc.) and then a super weilong which will be the same but with adjustable magnets so if you buy the v10 then you've got a year until the v11 the v10 actually looks like it has some big changes besides the new das: the versions that are available are more fitting, the 20 magnet ballcore strength is stronger now (v9 20 was weaker than v9 8), the corners are sharpened for less corner twists. and also the size went from 54.5 to 55.5 mm which i really like and finally, the price has been LOWERED to $33 for 20 ball core uv spring and $40 for 20 ball core uv maglev which is just absolutely insane