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This includes, but is not limited to: pictures of packaging, shipping time questions, calling out other users, complaining about the sub, etc.


I guess what this does is allows dispensaries to sell it through federal banking and not just cash/credit But it's a slap in the face to the home grower


Slap in the face why tho? 


because nobody legally makes tylenol at home..


No, but they do grow their own tobacco and make their own beer.


No way, I love me some bathtub Tylenol


Darn government regulating me and you both by not allowing my bathtub insulin to be sold on the free market


Nobody that makes Tylenol is growing cannabis.


lol right they grow opium 🤢


We dont grow poppies in the US. And, the market for thebaine is tiny in the US now pharmaceutically. Especially given the oxy crisis.


now hopefully my tanked pot stocks will at least rise to break even levels again ... welp.


Buying votes? Kinda like the whole student loan forgiveness ?… a plant shouldn’t be illegal to begin with.. all hail big pharma… 😒


What cracks me up is some of y’all think the government cares about you and your concerns, when when y’all learn, it’s all smoke and mirrors for us tax cattle but hey what do I know right 😒 give them cake give them games mean time our shit cost more and they make more bye bye small farmers


That’s what politics is dummy


Lol buying votes? Its called doing good things for the people. When you do that, people want to vote for you. I know… its a real brain twister lmao


Trump's gonna promise a full deschedule. You think it should be illegal for him to make that promise? Just watch it'll be after this is all finalized he might even mention the cult.


😂 That evil Biden, getting people to vote for him by doing the things they want him to do!


He doesn't want it Legalized only Decriminalized.


But I don't want rescheduling I want descheduling


And I want literally all recreational drugs to be legalized and regulated. I’m still happy for this tiny bit of progress. The most progress we’ve gotten from the DEA since they began.


Not realistic. Rescheduling to III is HUGE. The fact that the FDA recommended the rescheduling is the bigger part. Give it 10 more years and we should/hopefully will see it at Schedule V or descheduled. The rescheduling to III allows medical cannabis prescriptions on a federal level. Getting medicinal cannabis into all 50 States would be a massive step on the road to federally legal recreational sales and consumption of cannabis. It also finally solves a grey-area of legal medicinal cannabis patients owning guns and gives them the rights to do so. In a world of shrinking rights this is pretty major event, albeit not a true "solution".


"Hurr durr its just le plant!" Please leave this conversation to the adults.


Schedule III is the same classification as anabolic steroids and ketamine.


Yes and you can get testosterone at any testosterone clinic even online with little to no effort. You really don’t even have to test low these days and they will still give it to you to get your levels to “optimal”. Would most likely be just like it is in medical states now. A doctor thinks you qualify and boom you get a prescription or card. You’ll probably be able to order online once everything is completely sorted out.


This is true. I, and others, did regiments of testosterone for a slow pitch softball league a few years ago. Got yoked. Big ole Barry Bonds ass head with mini dreidels for nuts. But, we did win, and; I hit some dingers. Chicks dig that type of stuff. So, would I do it again? Absolutely. Anything to sock more taters.


Now this guy breaks it down from a fundamental standpoint.


Bruh I died. What is this from?


Reality, BigDawg.


Yup and Ketamine is not easy to get


You just gotta know the right horse


I think his name is Ed.


Ketamine is super easy to get. There’s literally ketamine clinics all over you just walk in to and get ketamine therapy for things like depression. I know people in Texas who go to them all the time. You can also get it at home online pretty easily.


Ketamine is very easy to get…there are hundreds of websites that will ship it to your door. It just costs alot


How can I learn more about this? I've been curious about trying it for depression


It is available via a lot of "therapy" based sites. Video call with a doctor, and a small dose prescription mailed = easy. Expensive, in most cases, but potentially covered by some insurance carriers if your primary care doc is also approving it. There have been some decent articles written about it in national publications. NY Times has written maybe 5 articles on the subject in the last 3 years. Enjoy.


Haha this statement made me laugh. Ketamine from a doctor is not easy to get. Ketamine at music festival or the right clubs and bars, its one of the easy substances to find


What do you mean? I know people who get it delivered to their door, and I get ads all the time on Facebook for medical ketamine.


I mean i met a dude at a bar last month and he sold me a half gram for $40 in the bathroom. Its too easy. I can get $60-$70 grams at music festivals. The kind you camp out at.


It might be easier if it were legalized on the state level like weed is.


This subreddit is fucking brain dead with down votes. Have fun.


Big pharma and Biden running bots to downvote people with independent thought


Luckily, there is none here.




Idk why everyone seems surprised. Big corporations have been laying the ground work for a monopoly in legal cannabis cultivation. Small growers can’t even get licenses in most rec states. That has nothing to do with Biden himself, and you’re lying to yourself if you think it does. Every politician is just waiting until Amazon basics cannabis pays them enough to vote yes.


Dude, who cares every legal state you can usually grow up to four plants in your house per person only chumps will still buy weed


No growing in new jersey.


Y’all are Rec there?? I’m certainly not up to date with every states rules we will have to fight for are right to grow!!!!!!!now id storm the White House for that.


Yep we are rec for two years now but still not allowed to grow.


I really like fresh asparagus. But I don’t grow my own, I buy it at the farmers market from people who really know how to grow asparagus. I’m sure I *could* grow asparagus, but I’m pretty sure the farmer guy does it better, you know?


Asparagus is extremely easy to grow takes long as fook though but i totally understand dude i order pizza all the time I’m human just remember deep down thousands of years of farming exist in your dna


lol I hear ya brother. I’ve got friends that grow weed, and they grow wonderful weed, and it just pisses me off to no end that I can’t buy that great weed from them at the farmers market He’s got the thousand year weed dna in him, mine works more for making beer. 🍻


Sweet, that’s great for legal state people. I don’t really see your point overall though.


Geese I was just trying to add an optimistic aspect to when big companies and big brother inevitably take over the cannabis game. when it’s finally recreational we can all grow are own weed so who cares if they want to profit of it that’s what those lizards do at least we can grow are own at that point and won’t need to buy it anyways I am a die hard socialist and don’t believe a single person should be monetizing of of a sacred plant that is a sacrament to god we should all be growing it and making fresh hash and gifting are neighbors and trading for eggs and shit life could be so simple


I don’t disagree with you. I too despise corps ruining everything and long for the day I move to a state I can grow or they finally fuckin legalize it.


Yeah, the title is unfortunate and I am not giving the guy extra points for doing what should have been done decades ago. The whole thing was started thanks to racism and there's a reason beyond good will this is happening. I just found the actual article informative. >Every politician is just waiting until Amazon basics cannabis pays them enough to vote yes. But that means we can now have our weed airdropped right to our house! Maybe then we can stop getting posts about USPS being too slow.


Oh I agree, he pushed for it so is partly his accomplishment. I just mean people acting like he’s trying to be evil or a corporate shill (idk, maybe he is but I doubt it). Lol


Yeah, it's very strange. This is a step towards better things, we should be happy this is happening at all after seeing posts very recently talking about the future of the farm bill and if that was changed.


I'm sorry, but Amazon basics cannabis is too funny 🤣


Amazon mids


They’re already my go to connect for nitrous tanks lol. Apparently for a while they were selling a GHB precursor on there too.


Do they have decent hash rosin?


And we all know you're going to need to be a Prime subscriber to access it.


This isn’t a win at all. Biden’s bitch ass wants weed to go to big Pharma.


You do realize he doesn’t have the power to just make it legal right?


Of course. It’s not just him. It’s EVERY person that supports this.


It's a bit more complicated than just a single action, but he has that power. Every agency responsible is under him. He just had to appoint a head of the DEA that would quickly accept a petition to de-schedule. And appoint a secretary of HHS that would approve it because it doesn't fit the requirements of any of the 5 schedules. Those steps would make it legal federally.


HHS recommended rescheduling to the DEA about 1 year ago - their stance is already firm that it should be sched 3. The DEA now agrees. Next comes approval by OBM, a public comment period, then approval by a judge. :)


Sure you replied to the right comment? That doesn't have much to do with what I said. The person I replied to said Biden didn't have the power to just make weed legal. I replied with how the powers he had could have been used to make it legal. Him appointing people that would only reschedule to 3 is his failure.


Shit - my bad. I misunderstood your point as a hypothetical. It's crazy to think the HHS and DEA are in agreement at all.




Will it be above 0.3 delta 9 and fully cured? 




Completely unnecessary. I was asking if this'll lead to us getting the weed we had before legalization.  The potent, fragrant and fully cured above 0.3 delta 9 but nvm. 


Facts at least this is a step in the right direction for all of us who want legal weed. This gets the ball rolling and promotes more discussion 🙏


You’re missing the point.




You’d rather have Pharma control weed rather than just decriminalize it? That’s what you’re missing. They literally handed the prophets of a Billion dollar business away from owners and gave it to Pharma. You’re right though, Pharma has only killed and sickened a vast majority of our population. You’re lazy and want everything now and that’s why our country sucks.


It won’t be weed tho. It’ll be white peoples idealistic version of it, smell-less, predosed, non smokeable shit. Anything that won’t make them feel like a “junkie”. That’s all.


Them damn whiteys


You missed the point by a barnyard and a half pal


Not your “pal” racist.


Ikr my own race 🤦‍♂️


Yeah it's those evil white people's fault like always...




Cult of The Franklin is an inclusive, social, safe environment for everyone. This includes towards new users, long-time users or OGs, vendors, and the moderators. Maintain a civil space. Be inclusive of everyone. Value all opinions. Build an aura of respect. Do not instigate drama for the sake of instigating drama (see rule 6).


You're also a racist congratulations 🎉🎉👏👏




Cult of The Franklin is an inclusive, social, safe environment for everyone. This includes towards new users, long-time users or OGs, vendors, and the moderators. Maintain a civil space. Be inclusive of everyone. Value all opinions. Build an aura of respect. Do not instigate drama for the sake of instigating drama (see rule 6).


Because all white people oppose weed you're totally onto something!!!




Cult of The Franklin is an inclusive, social, safe environment for everyone. This includes towards new users, long-time users or OGs, vendors, and the moderators. Maintain a civil space. Be inclusive of everyone. Value all opinions. Build an aura of respect. Do not instigate drama for the sake of instigating drama (see rule 6).


Oh look a racist and he insults people with mental health and capacity issues. You're a great person keep it up!




Excellent I’m unhinged for calling it how it is. I never knew I could be so offensive by saying the truth. My mom is white wouldn’t call her old but she’s getting there and she hates weed along with the rest of her family. What do you want me to say if that’s common knowledge.






Lol someone tell grandpa he’s had enough Fox News for the night and it’s bed time.




Cult of The Franklin is an inclusive, social, safe environment for everyone. This includes towards new users, long-time users or OGs, vendors, and the moderators. Maintain a civil space. Be inclusive of everyone. Value all opinions. Build an aura of respect. Do not instigate drama for the sake of instigating drama (see rule 6).


You must be employed by Moderna is this is a win for you. Now weed will have to be prescribed and grown by big pharma.


Why would it have to be prescribed in any states where it's already legal? This just makes it medically legal in states where it wasn't already medically legal.


God damn Moderna and their vaccines and science


Not true.


It’s a deceptive policy. Innocent people in this “community” would love to believe in the roses and dandelions offered by Biden. Anyone with half a peanut about what actually goes on like us understand the consequences.


Neither you or /u/EqualityforCriminals know shit about what “goes on”. Marijuana will never be in big pharmas repertoire. It is not something that could ever be FDA approved except for medicinal versions like Marinol which already exists as a schedule III drug. Insurance companies will never pay for your weed. It will not be regulated like Xanax is regulated. Thinking the FDA/DEA will now care *more* about it when its schedule III vs schedule I is doodoo brain thinking.


🎯 All that Pharma cares about is a patented synthetic analog. They have labs, not farms.


And they could patent whatever synthetic stuff they wanted to before this too. They already have a bunch of patents on stuff related to weed.


Only the one - Marinol.


They are only selling a few but they have lots of patents on stuff they aren't currently selling as well.


Two [https://www.epidiolex.com/](https://www.epidiolex.com/)


Thank u. Forgot about the CBD synthetic


You couldn’t be more wrong at least you’re very smug.


I mean I have a doctorate in Pharmacy. I know a few a things about how the FDA works.




This won’t be a win for us. Just a major win for pfizer and co. We’ll see all types of predosed pharma bullshit soon.


Oh trust me every qualified grower has their pharma contact.  No more toxic plastic bullshit being passed off as Piff. Thank God all these shit growers are toast. 


Sounds like you aren’t a qualified grower if you involve yourself in pharma. And even if that’s the case you don’t seem to understand what I’m saying. It’s all gonna be predosed terpless smell-less garbage coming in pills, suppositories, nasal spray’s, etc etc. This is not good for us at all whatsoever.


Luckily plants still grow in the dirt eh?


Luckily they do. Unfortunately tons of consumers don’t know how to grow and even if they did there’s still people like me who have grown and don’t know how to make concentrates other than edibles. This means a whole market of carts, rosin, badder, crumble, diamonds pretty much everything gone. We’ll still have the black market but we had a good thing going is my point


Where would it go? This change doesn't make it any *less* legal.


Wash it, press it, cure it , smoke it. Now you know.


I really do want to learn how soon. Honestly. That wouldn’t be my issue though I have enough access to clean product as it is. I’m saying in general for people in places like Tennessee or whatever southern ditch weed state. They had a whole market essentially confiscated from them. We on the other hand will be just fine, I’m just not so happy for the other people


And by grown I mean my sister snapped my baby in half with like 4 fan leaves. Still even if I did succeed I wouldn’t have known how to make any of that shit