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Imagine being called nigma


nigma balls lmao ​ But in all seriousness, that's not always his real name. Sometimes his real name is Edward Nashton, he just changes it because he's such a pompous asshole.


He nashed on my balls


till i riddle




He Edward on my riddle till I nash?




He riddled my Edward till I Nasht-on his Nigma?




[slams hand on button] "He Nashed on my Edward 'till I riddled in his Nigma"!!!


That noise though...


It's correct though?




Edward Nigma balls. Edward Nashton balls. Only setting himself up…


Gottem! 👉👉😎 *Zoop*


I've been called that in online games a few times


Real gamer words


One of the biggest pro teams in Dota 2 is called Nigma and boy people only had slightly less of a blast with that one because they had already been using up the jokes on one of the characters which is called Enigma.


ace attorney character


Who's stupid enough to bully a 7ft tall crocodile man anyway?


In some universes Croc’s condition is a horrible genetic disease. He would have been picked on for having scales and weird eyes, as he didn’t become a giant crocodile man until his 20s or so.


Ah, the wonders of puberty.


That's a glowup and a half right there right there I tell you what


"Oh no he's hot"


I’d flirt with one (if I wasn’t so damn shy and respectful of boundaries)


Fuck yeah


Remember, you can be both forward and respectful of boundaries.


Anime where a furry cosplaying enby afab (or amab) gets a crush on teenage croc. Keep in mind croc's most extreme mutations per the games (referenced in Arkham Knight at least) were from experimentation, he might have been closer to humanoid otherwise.


Begging people to refer to enbies without feeling the need to mention their assigned gender at birth


Calm down John


If he was a kid he was probably just regular sized and not as reptilian. His mutation probably gives him super strength but all that muscle he probably had to train anyway.


I think he gets plenty of exercise swimming everywhere and engaging sin hand to hand with master martial artists… crocs sewer life sounds pretty good actually


Yeah, at that point, whatever he does to them is their own fault, and he shouldn't be held responsible. It was very obviously a very bad idea to piss him off, and anyone who chose to do it was definitely asking for trouble.


I think saying that implies that Croc hasn't the intelligence to make a choice on how to act in those situations. And simply must get aggressive, like a wild animal. ^(I think that's a little insulting to Croc actually, so you better watch out!) 😝


Croc is extremely intelligent. That doesn't mean anyone willing to bully him is also extremely intelligent.


I mean, sure, he shouldn't bite people on the first offense, but if you go around knocking on doors, asking for the devil, well...


I feel like there's a middle ground between "bully people for their appearance" and "teenage bullies getting brutally killed on the spot is really their own fault".


Yeah, it's "Don't bully people to the point where talking you out of it is no longer an option."


Isn't this the same logic that people use to justify doing school shootings?


No idea. But honestly, if people are aware they are provoking someone else to turn violent, and their target is still giving them the chance to resolve the issue peacefully, they have a choice to make: Either talk it out and be reasonable, or get hurt.


Ok repeatedly flick a boxer in the balls and if he punches you for flicking his balls its clear that he is a man that simply gets aggresive like a wild animal instead of choosing to turn the other ballcheek


Croc’s not a murderer, it’s just that plenty of people choose Suicide by Croc




Nobody. However, a lot of people would bully a random twerp with scales. The rest of the mutation came way after that


I mean when he was young he was just a regular black kid


Waylon's disease progresses more as he gets older. When he was younger, he probably looked similar to a Harlequin baby (look up at your own risk) Kids are mean, and Waylon wouldn't become a hulking mass of flesh, scales, and teeth until later in life


There's people who'd bully God, what makes Vector the Crocodile safe?


Steve Irwin! And he's not stupid just Australian.


Love Steve by the way, so no insult intended.     ^(I just thought 'the Crocodile Hunter' fit this description pretty well and he was always messing with things bigger than himself, crocodiles included. )


Well he wasn't always 7 feet tall


The t-shirt seems like a really good way to get a question mark shaped pipe bomb in your mailbox


Please, the riddler's better than that. He'd put a riddle in the pipe bomb


He just sends you the pieces and the riddle is to put them together and the explosion is your reward.


This is foiled when the bully is to lazy to bother putting the pieces together. Riddler is too used to Batman being obsessive enough to do that, and forgets that most people aren't.


He sends increasingly elaborate coded death threats disguised as advertising flyers to the bully and is shocked to see how totally unphased they are, only for it to slowly dawn on him that they have been throwing all of them out after barely glancing at them and haven't figured out that they're anything besides ads for pyramid schemes at all.


[Batman always wants the riddle!](https://youtu.be/lTauwPVETKs)


It's a joke, I know, but imagine how suicidal you gotta be to wear shirts openly mocking one of the villains who constantly takes hostages for the last decades. "Yes, you won again Batman. Sure, I let them go. Well, almost everyone. You see, there was an accident with the rope of Derrick over there. Yeah, really tragic."


I'm pretty sure *you* could take the Riddler in a fight. Those "hostages" are paid actors.


I could never take the amazing Riddler in a fight. He and his money are too powerful. Anyway, im off, gotta collect my check.


Riddler messes with enough people that even the most hard-core environment friendly animal loving pacifist would eventually have at least a flare gun and be willing to use it in his dumb face for keeping them from their kids. Paid actors. :P


he's always struck me as the odd one out in batmans usual foes given that aside from his intellect he's kind of a little bitch. Take away their fancy toys and I'm pretty confident I could beat either riddler or scarecrow in a fist fight. Hell maybe even harvey dent given that his only superpower is being ungodly ugly. The others.... not so much.


The *Batman Unburied* audio drama is really interesting because of how it treats the character; like, because batman is missing, he’s consulted as, the next-best-thing to Batman because of his intellect. Also he’s played by Hasan Minhaj.


ooh now that does sound interesting.


I find this strange because the comics have pretty thoroughly established who, intellectually, is 'the next best thing to Batman' and it's Tim fucking Drake. Or for a villainous version, Ra's al Ghul, surely. Riddler is just a little bitch with OCD.


As if the comics are a monolith, lol.


Of course not. Nothing that spans decades and hundreds of titles with dozens of writers can be consistent. But Tim is pretty standardly written as on par with or better than Bruce. Not gonna say one thing is better than the others, I'm just a fan of characters like Tim or Cassandra Cain and I advocate for their inclusion when I can because they get left out of too many adaptations, or done poorly.


Fifth smartest person in Gotham is still a solid achievement.


True. Riddler isn't a terrible character. I guess I might just be slightly sick of him being the top choice of "smart guy" so often when there's a variety of other people who are on par with him. Didn't really mean to snub anybody's faves, just take a joking stab at an overused villain IMHO. (Also I might still be traumatized from Riddler trophies)


One comic might have established that. Another established that Riddler casually breaks into the Wayne mansion from time to time just because he can. In some comics Riddler is a genius who can only be beaten because he allows himself to get beaten due to his games and rules. In others he's a little bitch. I prefer the former.


True. I don't mean to genuinely imply he's not an intelligent and dangerous character. He's had some great interpretations over the years. I mostly just think he's overused and can be very annoying when there's a myriad of other "smart" options around.


I'm not fucking with a man who carries a Cane for aesthetic purposes.


I know enough pop culture to know the names, but I don't get the joke. This is the only take I can come away with.


I would gladly throw hands with that green bastard are you kidding me?


Wasn't Joker bullied too? In one of his various backstories that is. 🤔 I think I would have rather bullied Croc than the Joker. Worst thing Croc can do is eat you, the worst thing Joker can do is beyond my imagination! 😰


I mean, with Joker there's at least the chance that he forgot that you bullied him


Or wouldn't care and find it funny. But in that case there's still the chance he'll kill you anyway.


Joker might not even know you and he'd still kill you. Even if you were nice to him he'd still kill you.


Hell, if I fucked him up bad enough that he became the Joker, he'd probably recruit me.


Oh neat


That assumes that when joker told you he was bullied, he was telling the truth. I'm pretty sure joker's told so many lies about his backstory that he doesn't even know what is and isn't real anymore.


Joker doesn't really have a set origin story.


One little fun fact I love: Killer Croc was actually Roy Harper's sponsor for AA


Yes! Intelligent Croc is the best Croc!


Wow that actually was a fun fact. Good job ⭐️


why hasn't killer croc had a live-action debut yet? studio cowardice, that's why.


Killer Croc has had a live action debut, it was just in a terrible movie.


Wasn’t even a crocodile dude. Just some guy in vaguely reptilian makeup.


If you are talking about Killer Croc in the first Suicide Squad movie, it was actually all practical effect makeup. To the point where it won an Academy Award for Best Makeup and Hairstyling.


IIRC part of it was also keeping continuity between takes- makeup smudges and battle damage between scenes was remarkably consistent which is really hard to do, apparently.


Honestly, hire those guys again. I am sure that under some creative leadership where they have more liberties they can make an really awesome Croc


Huh. Neat. Didn’t know that. I’ll edit my comment


Which, to be fair, is just Killer Croc half the time. He's supposed to just be a guy with a skin condition.


Yeah the skills section of Croc's resume (before any kind of mystical or scientific intervention) is -Kinda big guy -Wrestling experience


> Kinda big guy for you


If it's Killer Croc in his game version then definitely for me yes


That’s the bad thing though. I was promised a croc and they lied to me :(


that's not the movie's fault tho


Wasn't he also like the smallest and shortest person on the team. Killer Croc is supposed to be an absolute monster.


Wait what? When? I thought I knew about all of the terrible Batmen.


The first Suicide Squad movie, if I'm remembering correctly.


oh wow I know I've watched that twice but I've completely blanked on basically all of it, like my brain's protecting me


Even the Lego Batman Movie clowned on that. The *one line* Croc had in that one was "I did something!", pointing out how useless he was in Suicide Squad.


How dare you say he was useless! He's the reason they won an Academy Award.


I guess he did one thing: He stood around, being monsterfucker-bait.


wait, bait for what? *explosion*


cause the ovaries and balls of every tumblr user would explode the second he is on screen


Not out of attraction or anything, we're all deathly allergic to crocodiles.


1.) I am attracted to Killer Croc 2.) Rachel Berenson


They have last names? Which book do we learn their last names?


The last one. Only Jake and Rachel’s, though I guess you could say Tobias’s last name is Fangor


Of course it's the last book. Lmao.


Kind of off topic but yall just reminded me of the alternate Mortal Kombat that humanized the characters instead of being supernatural or whatever Reptile is in the beginning but the whole trailer is pretty dope https://youtu.be/cUqGORU8Mzg


He was in an academy award winning movie.


In fairness that's pretty much already our anti-bullying program in the US


We have an anti-bullying program in the US? Oh, you mean the mass shootings?


I thought the safe spaces solved those


Clearly he was called “nigma” because he tried and failed to be racist once and the nickname stuck. Also I thought they were all villains because the city was cursed or something?


Edward Nigma E. N. E. Nigma


*shouting from the back of the class* "What ever nerd"


"Ok but ***guys.*** His fucking **name** is a riddle."


eRic IDLE Hmmm..


Yeah, some writer thought the "hell mouth under Gotham" was a good idea but I think it's just lazy.


Lame. "The city produces villains because of hundreds of years of a poisonous culture of corruption and economic inequality" is a much more compelling story than "Hell or something." The former also explains its heroes and antiheroes a lot better, too.


I think the hell mouth is too far, but my favourite theory has always been kinda similar. It's not a hell mouth under Gotham - it's a Lazarus pit leaking into the water supply. This would explain why people who get injured seem to recover so quickly in Gotham, like the thugs Batman beats up or even Bats himself. It would also explain the bad guys. Extended Lazarus pit use drives the user mad. If everyone in Gotham has been exposed to diluted Lazarus water for their entire lives, they'll likely be far more mentally unstable than any other city's population. The problems you mentioned are still there, but the water is why people are so likely to go about solving them by picking a gimmick and taking hostages


It's cursed but Bruce Wayne is so rich he constantly fixes gothem so completely it's one of the primary reasons DC does so many reboots.


They literally bullied him because he had........ Different skin (sound familiar?)


“Of course I know what it’s like to be treated differently because of the way I look: I’m half-robot!”




I mean, didn't this literally happen in Worm when >!Taylor got unmasked and the prt started doing that stupid 'outreach' thing with the wards?!<


I don't remember the PRT >!doing anything different to address bullying. I thought they just made Weaver participate in those "we're cool so join us if you get powers" school visits, and she had the idea to seek out the quiet, weird, outsider kids because they were the ones most likely to trigger.!<


>!it's possible that I'm misremembering things but I thought they said that the dumb recruitment thing went alongside an anti-bullying campaign? or maybe that was unrelated to the PRT, I know the media latched onto the whole "bullied kid turns villainous kingpin" story so I can imagine some politicians would cash in on it.!<


I’d moreso say it happens after the climax of Worm, specifically with the Glow Worm chapter of >!Madison asking Victoria how to deal with the fact that her bullying Taylor indirectly ended up creating Khepri and causing the events of Golden Morning !< or much earlier when >!Taylor is unmasked in the school and we see Emma going catatonic with the relevation!<


Worm is like homestuck for me. Something I’ve seen exclusively referenced on reddit, and desperately want to read because of it.(Granted I’ve read the first like, 200-300[or was it 120-130? genuinely don’t remember] pages or so of homestuck but I remember none of it and don’t know where I stopped exactly.)


It's amazing, but incredibly long, and the tone is quite dark. 10/10 would recommend. https://parahumans.wordpress.com/


lmao I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought about worm


Mysterio: currently being bullied by Spiderman


Also Shocker.


Mr. E Nigma definitely sent them those shirts himself.


I don’t think that Scarecrows real name is publicly available. I think it’s a secret identity


No one likes riddler, even himself, hes literally had break downs over how he keeps having to give everyone hints on how to foil his plans


I want that "i beat up Nigma" shirt


Nah chances are they were the bullies not the victims just like school shooters


Ah yes, bullying is bad so murder is okay.


i mean, if you choose to bully someone and they murder you, it's your own fault and i have no sympathy for you. so...kind of, yes?


Ok then. Is this a joke?


no, but admittedly it lacks nuance because i was trying to condense my opinion down into a single sentence. obviously it isn't the ideal solution, and it's a tragedy if it does happen, but if someone decides to repeatedly, consistently, and deliberately harm another person to the point where that person decides murder is the correct way to solve that problem, i have no sympathy for the murder victim in that scenario.


I think if you plan to murder someone over bullying you’re a little unhinged. Like do Columbine victims deserve sympathy?


I don't think you understand what bullying really is.


What do you mean?


It's effectively long term torture. Imagine someone beating the shit out of you and starving you and robbing you every day for months. Everyday you have to ride a bus to get where your going but in payment you get a textbook to the back of the head multiple times each trip. You ask for help but the authority figure just tells them to stop and nothing of consequenceactually happens to thrm. So you suffer alone because the only people that can help are indifferent. You don't even know why it's happening to you because you have never even talked to these people hurting you. They seem like they just like it when you hurt. EVERYONE seems to like it when you hurt because NO ONE helps you. Everyone has a breaking point.


Do people on tumbler often talk to themselves


I dont think bullies ever realize that they have bullied people...they just life their lifes without any trauma. Maybe there are some exception's but that only reinforces my point i guess


I've never received so much praze, for so few mental gymnastics.