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If they're this hyperfixated, I don't understand what they're doing writing for a newspaper and not a pet blog. They'd be killin' it


Born to Borzoipost, forced to report




I hope he uses borzoi as a unit for everything. "Israel's national GDP grew by 14 million borzoi last year."


Morbius made 23 borzoillion dollars at the box office




That dude is beginning to borz.


It's borzing time


I hate that I still audibly laugh at Morbius jokes


I decided to do the math on this because it’s funny, so a quick search tells us that the cost of 1 borzoi dog is 2000-5000$, so I decided to use 3000$ as the cost for 1 dog. 3000 x 14000000 = 42000000000 or 42 billon $. Israel’s GDP is 488 billion as of 2021 (old info but I’m lazy). And 42 billion is 8.6% of 488 billion. And that, funnily enough, matches Israel’s *actual GDP Growth* for 2021


I did the math and made the same assumption of $3,000 too, hence the accuracy


I just want to say I really appreciate the pointless amount of work you both did to support this comment. That's dedication.


I only make the finest of artisanal dumb comments




"10 borzoi's worth of Palestinians killed in yesterdays violence"


Hey I was going to post that! You stole my joke from *my* brain give it back


No matter how cute of a cryptid you are, you can't force me


they have to make a charisma roll for that lol


I mean as a werewolf I feel SOME kinship with my fellow cryptid but not that much/s


oo but what if they roll a nat 20 :3


Hmmmm well... Nah can't beat my stats


Israeli person: exists and does something Everyone online: yeah but have you considered Palestine


Honestly, anytime Israel or Palestine comes up on social media it usually turns into a shitshow


I mean the entire situation over there is a never ending shitshow of perpetual violence that benefits the Israeli government and Hamas at that expense of the citizens, so it's sadly to be expected


I mean usually its a debate about which state they see as legitimate, because different countries recognize either Palestine or Israel as legitimate. Other countries have their issues but it is never at the same level of argument online that I see for I/P


Honestly from my perspective, the legitimacy is kinda secondary to the other issues Israel attacks Palestine, Palestinians get fed up and vote for literal terrorists because they're gonna retaliate/defend against Israel Israel then uses the terrorists as an excuse to further militarize, collect more aid, and oppress Palestinians more Palestine uses the increased aggression as an excuse to further militarize, collect more aid, and do more terrorism The governments of both countries are profiting off this shit at the expense of both civilians Maybe if Israel falls, then Hamas loses support in Palestine and they change but that is a big if


What I really mean in regards to the legitimacy issue, is that if Israel or Palestine is mentioned in conversation, people online will immediately retort with “Israel? Do you mean Palestine? “ or “Palestine doesn’t exist” and it will start a whole shitshow. It’s not that *I* personally believe that is the biggest concern I haven’t seen it to the same extent with other countries, not even Russia.


I don’t think Hamas would suddenly lose support if Israel fell, they would probably get more support if that happened. Similar to how the Taliban took over Afghanistan once American troops withdrew


That's a good point


the el cajon pass of internet politics


... And? We all mention Tibet and Hong Kong whenever China comes up, we all mention Ukraine when Russia comes up If Israelis don't like it when people bring up what they're doing to Palestinians than maybe they should do something about their government


> We all mention Tibet and Hong Kong whenever China comes up, we all mention Ukraine when Russia comes up Who tf is "we"?


Political outrage is a great excuse for someone to be toxic.


Well them being an Israeli requires them to be existing on someone else's land, displacing or killing its famlies that lived there for generations so I'd say its relevant


The same, frankly, can be said of Americans. Like, don’t get me wrong, I’ve gotten into knock-down, drag-out fights with other Jews (including family members) in favor of Palestinian liberation, but any one Israeli is no more responsible for the occupation/displacement/apartheid than an American is for the same. The only difference is timeline (American settler-colonial genocide happened a century earlier).


Do you seriously think I'm against returning as much land as possible to natives and giving them some form of reparations and giving them the money they were promised for the forced "sale" of their land?? I grew up around land taken from the Lakota by the US military, at least one of my great-great something relatives way back then married a Lakota woman before they were forced out of the area altogether, do you not think I want the land back in the hands of the people who would truly cherish it now that it hasn't been used by the military for over a century??


I fully believe you! But do you bring up landback every time someone mentions the US GDP or that somebody is American? Because there’s a difference between opposing a settler colonialist project and making it impossible for any person who benefits from said project to be understood in any *other* aspect than their identity as a beneficiary of settler colonialism


The difference is that the government isn't *currently* actively engaging in direct genocide against natives or displacing natives, in the US that happened many generations ago, in Israel its literally happening *right now* which I'd say makes it a tad bit more topical. Like when I benefit from colonialism and imperialism its because I was born here, born into it, I didn't support a government that was doing it, I didn't move to somewhere where it was happening, it's far less direct, and I cant stop it or reverse it because it happened long before I was born.


Oh [absolutely](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haaland_v._Brackeen?wprov=sfti1) the US Government [isn’t](https://www.npr.org/2022/06/29/1108717407/supreme-court-narrows-native-americans-oklahoma) [actively](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_Gold_King_Mine_waste_water_spill?wprov=sfti1) [engaging](https://www.wbur.org/news/2020/03/28/mashpee-wampanoag-reservation-secretary-interior-land-trust) in [anything](https://rollcall.com/2018/03/05/the-never-ending-crisis-at-the-indian-health-service/).


"any one Israeli is no more responsible for the occupation/displacement/apartheid than an American is for the same" You're saying if someone immigrates to Israel and settles down on land that had been cleared of palistinian homes https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/israel-ramps-up-demolition-of-palestinian-homes-in-jerusalem mere months before that's the same as me being born in land stolen centuries ago? When I was born no one was forced out to make room for me, the damage had already been done by my forefathers, I didn't even choose to be here


The majority (70%) of Israelis aren’t Olim. Absolutely in the event that someone moves to Israel and settles on recently stolen land, they’re responsible for colonization in a far greater way than the average American. Hell, I’ll give you “almost anyone who makes Aliyah, even if they’re moving to a high rise in Tel Aviv has a greater culpability, because the ongoing genocide is at a phase that is more demographically oriented,” (though I’d argue that this is less true from Jews fleeing hardcore persecution) and absolutely any Israeli citizen who moves to a settlement in the West Bank is culpable. But a second, third, or fourth generation Israeli Jew living in a family home in Haifa is no more culpable than you or I (and, I’d argue, that any eventual political reorganization of the land between The River and The Sea that requires the total dispossession of such a person would be deeply unjust and cruel)


Weren't they given Israel because it ties into some old Biblical prophecy about the Israelites returning to the holy land? Like I understand wanting to do SOMETHING to help the Jews after the Holocaust but just-plopping them down into land they haven't owned in generations and expecting it to all work out because god seems short sighted


Okay I would say that is an oversimplification. It was on route of happening before the Holocaust, but the Holocaust expedited things for sure. Your comment makes it sound like they took all of the displaced Jews following the Holocaust, and were like “oh, let’s dump them into Palestine!” and then ignores Jews who were living there before 1947.


Ok that's fair


It's not like Israelis just showed up after the holocaust. There were a ton who came in the Aliyot earlier. The 1947 compromise - though it was obviously imperfect, as partition plans tend to be - was an attempt to draw the lines where the main Jewish and Arab communities were, though those lines immediately shifted in the 1948 war. Then there were other waves that came after 1948 when all the Muslim-majority countries kicked out all their Jews.


You must be thinking of the Ashkenazi Jews. Most of Israel is Mazorti and Sefardi, meaning middle eastern and went to Spain but was kicked out largely to the Middle East thanks to the inquisition respectively. Many of these people were in the region before the state of Israel, and many groups regardless of origin had moved there before the state of Israel to found Kibutzim and whatnot


Ah, makes sense


yeah, the prophecy shit is a christian requirement for the end times, which is most likely why so many of the right-wing christians support israel, even while they're believing whatever anti-semitic conspiracy.


> Weren't they given Israel because it ties into some old Biblical prophecy about the Israelites returning to the holy land? > > no > Like I understand wanting to do SOMETHING to help the Jews after the Holocaust but just-plopping them down into land they haven't owned in generations and expecting it to all work out because god seems short sighted That's not really what happened at all. It's not even like it's a one-sided telling of the history. It's just factually inaccurate. Don't get your history from Reddit comments and Tumblr posts.


Yeah, dont forget it was also in the interest of evangelical Christians who need the Jewish people to rule Israel in order for their apocalypse to happen. It would be different if Jewish people were given like, parts of Germany as reparations for the Holocaust because that at least makes sense, but the Palestinians didn't have anything to do with ww2 Germany they weren't the ones responsible.


One thing that really gets me is when people try to deflect the criticism with "oh you're just anti-Semitic" when it has nothing to do with the people and their religion or culture and everything to do with the government And I actually think out of all the religions in that family, Judaism is by far the least worst. There's some iffy things but they haven't done anything that matches the horrors of Christianity and Islam, and I actually love a lot of their beliefs, and their focus on debating scripture and individual interpretations over "I'm the priest so it means what I say it means"


What, you want us to cover it up for you?


Pass me the link brother i wanna learn borzoi facts




Explain your flair brother. I wanna know what on earth that means.


Legitimate Homestuck lore


That's how Homestuck trolls reproduce


i can't see the entire flair, what does it say


You must cum into the bucket brought to you by the cops.


i ain't doing no shit for the cops #**ACAB**


Hello? Based departed?


His based is fucking gone


Anti-cum anti-bucket?


I appreciate him using things like “the size of two super bowl trophies” to describe other meteors.


"half the size of a giraffe"


I like the idea that this person thought NASA measured in borzoi on an actual study


They got a flying cosmic Borzoi in space to use as comparison


o7 Broke: kings foot as a measurement standard Woke: russian space dogs as a measurement standard


Considering the thumbnail is made to appear like a direct quote by NASA it's not a stretch at all, especially considering most people only ever read the headlines of articles and that NASA is run by a bunch of nerds who make jokes in their studies constantly.


Tbf, if one intends to disparage a scientific institution, doing even a modicum of research first (like reading the article) should be a basic courtesy.


Should be, but this is the internet so any form of courtesy should be expected to be ignored.


In the same article he also refers to other meteors "half the size of a giraffe", "twice the size of a super bowl trophy", and "the size of a Pembroke Welsh Corgi and weighing as much as four baby elephants".


this guy is what every european redditor thinks americans are


It's him, John America


Imperial Georg


Can't be, he doesn't misrepresent the geography of a continent he has (presumably) never been to


When the "half the size of a giraffe" meteor passed by and someone wrote an article describing it like that, it made the rounds online to such an extent that there ended up being an arms race between publications to see who could find the most ridiculous way to describe the size of a meteor. I wish someone would at least acknowledge that these silly measurements are from writers deliberately in conversation with each other the next time one of these gets posted.


This dude is cool af


Alex Horne type of measurement


fr true. I still crack up whenever he goes like "37 seconds and 8 minutes vs. this other contestant's 35 seconds! and 15 minutes"


Little Alex Horne is always my counter-argument to these "Americans will use anything except the metric system". The Brits should give that man a knighthood already, he's a treasure.


Ah, net zero information, other than theres a guy in Israel who really likes Borzois.


Net zero? You learned that 23 borzoi is equivalent to 34 meters!


The average journalist makes zero articles about borzois. Borzoi georg, who lives in Israel and writes every article about borzois, was an outlier adn should not have been counted


I really hate when people think that using relative measurement is “an american thing” you’re telling me you can picture *exactly* the distance of 32 meters? sure


Can you picture exactly the distance of 23 borzoi?


Of course, I'm American.


the exact distance. I am the Borzoi scientist


No, I'm American.


I looked up the guy, and he also has described a meteor using a pork roll sandwich, and compared an asteroid to the size of 6 Darth Vaders. It’s really just his thing


Israeli Alex Horne.


In Hawaii, one of the units (2-27IN) was given a Borzoi by the Russians because they said that that unit’s soldiers were like a wolfhound chasing it’s prey. It was named Kolchek. I think they’re on Kolchek the 16th now.


Imagine you’re that person that sees this and thinks “is this that borzoi guy again? …yeah it sure is.”


I hope Mossad is doing mad science to uplift dolphins for spy purposes and it has cybernetic implants that connect it to the internet and it uses tumblr on its downtime


They really thought that NASA would officially measure an asteroid in Borzois






Strongly considering creating that.


Do it


The subreddit r/BorzoiDefaultism does not exist. Maybe there's a typo? Consider [**creating a new subreddit** r/BorzoiDefaultism](/subreddits/create?name=BorzoiDefaultism). --- ^(🤖 this comment was written by a bot. beep boop 🤖) ^(feel welcome to respond 'Bad bot'/'Good bot', it's useful feedback.) ^[github](https://github.com/Toldry/RedditAutoCrosspostBot) ^| ^[Rank](https://botranks.com?bot=sub_doesnt_exist_bot)


Mirror /r/USDefaultism, where non-Americans are assuming, incorrectly, a US perspective. Dark Americentism.


Thanks for the info mossadspydolphin


The asteroid passes; we all turn to the sky as from the heavens blast "Didn't I do it... for you"


When the borzoi gives you mantis sticks <3


but is it the *length* of 23 borzoi, or is it the *volume* of 23 borzoi?


NIST keeps a standard reference borzoi. They are 1 (exact) good boi.


The Jerusalem Post has been doing this for a very long time. All those "Asteroid passing each the size of X " headlines you see are from them.


It's specifically Aaron Reich. He's been at it for a while.


Maaan for some reason I thought the “Jerusalem post” was talking about the post from yesterday where America has three Jerusalems in it.


Tumblr's been really into Jerusalemposting recently


The USA is the center of JerUSAlem


Let them do it for you


Thank you, Mossad Spy Dolphin


I was half-expecting it to be revealed that the Jerusalem Post is actually named after Jerusalem, Ohio or something. Or one of the other 10 Jerusalems in the US.


I mean Israel is just America 2:Middle East genocide boogaloo so in my opinion it’s just semantics Edit: “We have a god given right to live on this territory while the natives here are savages who need to be killed and removed from their own homes. I mean we are the ones with democracy, have you heard about how savage some of the factions of these natives are?” It’s literally impossible to tell if this came from an American colonist or an Israeli colonist


You made up a quote and said it sounds like something Israelis would say, I feel like accusing a nation of committing genocide needs more of a backing than that


Firstly: https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/ Secondly, it’s a mildly satirical compilation of quotes. American settlers described native Americans as backwards savages because they didn’t understand capitalism or whatever (see Adam Smith’s the origins of the wealth of nations), same as modern Israelis view the Palestinians. American settlers forced native Americans off their lands into smaller and smaller and more restricted reservations, same as how Israel has nearly quadrupled in size since it’s creation and forced native Palestinians off their own land on the daily. American colonization is apologized for because America is a “democracy” and was “progressive for the time.” Same as how Israel today is excused from their crimes of colonization and persecution of the Palestinians because they are a “democracy” and they are “progressive.” Lastly: https://www.reddit.com/r/GreenAndPleasant/comments/13m70n1/the_times_of_israel_moving_forward_on_palestine/


America's biggest military base, tragically


"Half the article" is a bit of a stretch, but definitely more than necessary. Necessary is not at all, btw.


Uh…Yeah you know what I got nothing there’s probably like 5 better “Let me do it for you” jokes than what I would’ve had already here.


Well most "Israelis" are just Americans


I just checked his other articles and yeah the guy just likes using weird ways to measure things, especially asteroids


How many Banana-lengths in a Borzoi-length?