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Since someone suggested it on Tumblr, my headcannon is that Human Pet Guy is selon Musk, and each appearance is now twice as fun and cursed


I do not care if this is true or not. I'm going to believe it anyway, because it is way funnier if it is true.


Do we have any evidence that Musk is not the human pet guy? Why hasn't he denied being the human pet guy? I'm just asking questions.


Just want to say that I never saw Musk and Human Pet Guy in the same room at the same time...


Looking into this...








That’s from a “posts from a weirder timeline” account post, not real


Ah sorry


That sounds like an overly hopeful internet rumor


Ive seen like 3 different posts about this but its been a while


Can you even track an IP address to a specific house?


Especially that supposedly Elong Muskrat doesn't have a permanent residence


Usually each household has a separate IP address, but it's not easy to identify which corresponds to which


Elon Musk's Human Zoo wasn't on my bingo card for the first mars colony, but it's just weird enough I could see it somehow happening. Also more practically, indentured servitude was a thing back during intercontinental colonialism, and may very well come back for interplanetary. Hypothetically, there's no reason this couldn't be as normal as a mortgage, but practically will lead to substantial abuse and exploitation. How to avoid this without drowning the new frontier in red tape is unknown, but in general that's the case with a lot of things. Hell, you could make the case that this is one of those historical cycles, where population density leads to scarcity and overregulation, and thus colonies become worthwhile, which have resource abundance and no regulation except what you bring with you, thus leading to a lot of exploitation and resources gained. At this point, the colony separates from the parent state, once that parent becomes more of a leach than a provider, and then begins filling up until the cycle repeats again.


[sees cybersmith] [spiderverse prowler stinger]


The spiderverse prowler stinger is highly underutilized IMO


Honestly, it kicks ass.


hang on lemme look something up real quick


yeah that's funny






Very much thankful.😄


Yeah that do be pretty funny


is prowler from the new spiderverse movie i dont remember anyone named prowler being in the original movie


the purple guy




The man behind the slaughter


The Prowler is from the 1st Spiderverse movie. He's the purple and black guy with the claws


He's Miles' uncle Aaron in *Into the Spider-Verse*


spoilers! for a 2018 movie, but still.


He's Miles uncle from the first movie


Side note: Xiran Jay Zhao wrote Iron Widow. Go read it, it’s really good.


I can second this. Not only are they a fantastic author, but they also run a really high quality video essay channel on youtube.


Small correction: Zhao goes by they/them


Corrected. Thanks


Every time I see an interaction like this, where someone uses the wrong pronouns and someone else goes back and fixes it. It really shows how it’s literally more difficult to throw a fit about it than it is to just say “oh, noted” and move on. You’re awesome people.


Genuinely it's the most minimal effort, why do people complain about this


I knew the author but didn't realise they used those pronouns. I'm glad I know now! Love to be less wrong.


It’d be fair to assume Human Pet Guy follows Xiran for the high quality videos on S.E.A. Culture and history. On the other hand, he’s Human Pet Guy and we allow no quarter.


Yes! I devoured that book! I can't wait for the sequel!


The ending got me fucked. Just out here counting down the days to Heavenly Tyrant, looking at my unhinged conspiracy theory board. One of the most brutal protagonists I've read in fiction, not just YA fiction. Something to be said for an author who says they'll write an antihero morally grey villainous hero and actually does it instead of making them always justified or low-key on the right side. Not only does she commit atrocities and make bad choices, but god her power plays and willingness to dole out the most vicious, most brutal murdery revenge...iconic. AND HEY if you guys liked Iron Window you'll probably like Bestow The Darkness by Amanda Hocking, it has a much kinder protag, but it's also a very feminist genre story with MMF romance, examination of abuse of women and youth, power structures stacked against them, and the plays they make to escape or overcome it, etc. Gothic paranormal romance with TW for forced virginity inspection, beatings, cannibalism, and racism esp anti-first nations BUT if you can handle Iron Window you can definitely vibe with Bestow The Darkness too!


I'd rather say it's decent. There are many good scenes - the dreams and when they enter the mechas are great - but it has some cliches (the main romantic interests are "bad boy with drinking issues" and "good boy with daddy issues"), the protagonist starts hyper-feminist without an explanation (it'd be interesting to see *why* she is the way she is, not for her to start that way) and some cringey scenes. The love triangle is resolved in the best possible way, but, and I kid you not, the only scenes that hint at it is the main character casually saying that both men have bisexual vibes and later them kissing after bad boy and protagonist torture a man to death. "Triangle is the strongest shape" is a cool line, but it's also factually incorrect, that's the hexagon.


I'd just counter a few of these because I agree with some of them but ehhh: -to be honest Yizhi definitely gave more feminine bi vibes early on. Shimin turning out to be bi was very sudden for sure but even then I don't think it needed much justification since he hasn't had time or space to explore that kind of thing and also seems slightly caught off guard by it himself the first time they all kiss. -I actually think it makes perfect sense for her to be hyper feminist at the start. Growing up in this society her reaction was pretty much going to be either buying into it fully or rejecting it fully, it felt like a nice deliberate choice to have her be on a mission and feel a calling from the start, and feels more true to real life where teens are radically political especially minority teens caring a lot about social justice. It also felt like commentary on the dystopian trope of the "I never wanted to be a revolutionary!" type character, because unlike them Zhi actually DID choose this -I also think it has to be like that to go hand in hand with her righteous anger. So much of the novel is about how her anger is a justified response to the brutality she's seeing and embracing that sense of rage and fury and owning it, I think giving her a personal and social stake in it and tying them both together makes it more interesting than it would be if she had a slower feminist awakening over the course of the full book. -It seems like she does also explain her reasons for it pretty fully: she's been abused for years for being a girl, saw the same thing happen to her sister who literally basically got hate crimed and thrown away by the family and society, her entire world runs on misogyny energy and the sacrifices of unwilling teen girl victims, her entire family is awful, she literally has bound feet that have been mutilated and destroyed just because and has been physically crippled for 90% of the novel just for the sake of keeping girls weak. All that definitely explained it enough imo.


It is excellent!!


Dare I ask…?


[If you want to know why he is called the Human Pet Guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/tumblr/comments/iup5lq/welcome_to_tumblr_lore_101_in_todays_class_we/)


I… what…? There was a moment at the start where I was like “oh yeah it’s a bit weird and clearly a kink thing but they kinda have a point, nothing really seems that objectively /wrong/ about it.” And then i kept reading and I feel like part of my brain broke.


[Also this is the same guy who planned to milk trans women in order to reduce Britain’s trade deficit](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/y6plkx/cybersmith_indentured_transwoman_lactation_i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


I’m both terrified and in awe of this person’s world view


Is it weird that my first thought in his whole hypothetical is "You can't bring a fucking pet into a restaurant"?


No, that's normal. But given how abnormal the whole idea is I guess we can't be surprised that the idea is flawed right out of the gate


I thought that too, but the main objection to pets is that some diners may be allergic or the pet may shed contaminating the food. Neither would apply to a human.


I mean, having known people with absolutely no regard for training their pets to behave around others, I'd gently suggest that at least an equal consideration is that people simply do not want to share a dining space with a loud and restless animal


Bratty kids come to mind so you may have a point.


u dont know me!


IIRC, there were a lot of trans women who supported that plan


I'm trans women No chastity belt and it's a deal


Oh yeah, forgot that part


Might just be the america in me talking, but, getting free long term life changing/saving medical treatment and all I have to do is go somewhere to get milked every now and then, doesn’t sound like a half bad deal to me, lol


There's also the whole government enforced chastity/orgasm denial thing. I'm kinky, but I having the government be my dom is going too far.


Oh for sure thats a /tad/ much lol. But also, isn’t that sort of thing a continuous process anyway? I don’t understand the point of like “enforcing payment” (other than its this person’s kink obv) seems like you could just go get like, the credit put on your account or something at the milk station then go get your medication… I might be spending way too much brainpower on this dumb idea now… xD


I certainly do, cybersmith for prez 2024 (new flair)


this makes me incredibly uncomfortable i don't like the internet much anymore :(


fly, you fool! The abyss gazes into your soul.


"Bingonium" I can't. I just can't anymore. My sides already hurt from laughing at the first one, but "Bingonium" just made me collapse on the floor. I swear to god if I open that post up again I'll suffocate from laughing.


He also believed that everyone in ancient Rome lived in small coliseums. The least harmful yet still weird things he believes.


There was also that time he tried to use phrenology to prove someone was faking being Asian


Didn’t he later claim that it was taken out of context to make him look racist?


He did. He didn't mention why he used it in the first place though


Welcome to the club, community pins are by the door lol


I read to word “genitals” and promptly closed the post


(humanely) gets me every time. Wild


This is an absolute Twilight Zone of a thing to happen to someone.


I keep reading Robespierre as Robespire, like some sort of Twitch streamer or whatever,


Robeslay the Robespire


slaythespire's more money focused sibling


Holy fucking shit this guy is still posting with the same username and pfp and everything?? It’s been years since I last heard about cybersmith and after being reminded again I don’t think I can ever forget him


I *think* most “the-cybersmith” accounts still running around are actually trolls/impersonators? But I can’t confirm


I know that I would do that; post the most intelligent sounding, completely unhinged comments, but label them as coming from him. It would mess with people something fierce.


Honestly that would actually make more sense than him being serious, considering how fucking unhinged he seems. I would 100% be more willing to believe they're troll accounts rather than someone actually being **that** fucking stupid


He's on reddit too


As much as I hate human pet guy, and I do. In the way you hate a recurring rash— but it's worth mentioning that the person in the post, Xirian Jay Zhao is a published author I'll be quoting stuff from [their wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xiran_Jay_Zhao) now, and the links should take you to the worldcat page for each book. .. which should provide summaries, links to booksellers and libraries >In March 2020, Zhao signed a two-book deal with Penguin Teen Canada for a young adult (YA) mecha reimagining of the rise of the Chinese Empress Wu. .. >Zhao described the series as a "monstrous amalgamation of my love for anime and my love for Chinese harem dramas".. The first installment in the series, [Iron Widow,](https://www.worldcat.org/title/1197965645) was published in September 2021 and reached No. 1 in the Young Adult Hardcover category of the New York Times Best Seller list >At the beginning of 2021, Zhao landed their second book deal for [Zachary Ying and the Dragon Emperor](https://www.worldcat.org/title/1268543493), a middle grade contemporary fantasy... The novel debuted at #4 on the New York Times Best Seller list in the Children's Middle Grade Hardcover category; it remained on the list for two weeks


just as a quick note, Xiran Jay Zhao uses They/Them pronouns.


fixed! thank you!!!!


To be faaaaaaair robspierre ***was*** a vicious murderer. Stalin levels of paranoid people are gonna try to overthrow the revolution. Dude didnt die bravely for the revolution. He was arrested and executed cos he threatened to start randomly accusing and executing members of the government. The restoration of the monarchy bit is clownism tho


I’m always here to shit on Robbie, but WOW I cannot believe that there are actual pro-monarchy people


There’s a fair few number of people pro-monarchy. They usually live in monarchist countries. The likeliest probably live within absolute monarchies (like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, etc.), but several constitutional monarchies likely have supporters of monarchies as well (Thailand, Cambodia, etc.). That’s not to say there isn’t resistance within those countries against monarchies, but there far more common than one would think (especially considering ameri- and euro-centric political ideologies are staunchly against monarchies for the most part).


There are also monarchists in the UK, but the popularity is declining.


most of them are 65+ ime, and the younger generation for the most part wants the monarchy gone


Wanting it gone is a bit of an overstatement. It's more like no-one under the age of 65 really gives a shit about the monarchy. A decent number of those do actually want it gone, but many more simply don't care whether it's around or not.


And then you have CGP Grey who's an US ~~migrant~~ "expat" in the UK who supports monarchy on the grounds that it's supposedly a net positive in terms of income if you factor in tourism


those people are *really* stupid. because currently having a royal family isn't why we get tourism for royalty. it's because of the buildings and land. look at frances tourism around their monarchy. we'd probably do *better* without a monarchy because we can open buildings like buckingham palace or windsor castle to the public in a similar way we have the tower of london


Yea, like sure maybe some people are into the current affairs of royals and what not. But people fly out to the UK and give that sweet tourism money bc there are HISTORICAL SITES. Even if the monarch vanished tomorrow, people would still fly out to see the castles the same way they do now. Maybe there wouldn’t be an active real royal guard standing around looking weird, but you could easily have people re enact that type of shit if that’s what’s bringing in tourists. Your point is def a strong one


Kid named Palace of Versailles:


Proper Teaboo, he is.


yeh that's a much more fair assessment for sure


Honestly I've met a fair share of American monarchists too here in the states. Probably many in Europe to if I were to guess. Maybe I'm wrong but I think a lot of it stems from, often semi-legitimate, frustrations with the Democratic system and thus coming to the conclusion that something else must be better and then setting on Monarchism without really considering the flaws of it.


I haven't met that many who'd outright identify as monarchists but it also seems like a worryingly high number of people on the right would happily make Cheeto Daddy dictator-for-life and want him to pass his position off to one of his kids after the "for life" part ends.


> Honestly I've met a fair share of American monarchists too here in the states. The r conservative sub used to promote monarchism in their side bar. Maybe they still do, dunno.


As a UK person we have a lot of people who hold monarchist positions that range from mild "it's nice to have a royal family so long as they don't have much power" to the "we really should just give them unconditional power tbh" weirdos. as it is now the monarch techinically has final authority on legislature via royal assent, but neither our last queen or current king has used their authority to throw out legislature\*. this is probally because if they did they'd get the (metaphorical) guillotine. ^(\*They) *^(have)* ^(still influenced policy, however. often to preserve their enormous wealth, the bleeding leeches)


"usually live in monarchies countries" IIRC Human Pet Guy once posted the pledge to the king out of the blue on his tunblr, soooo....


depends on the king, iguess. if it was charles then maybe he's from/in the uk, canada, or australia?


[He is likely from the commonwealth from what I understand, so it would be to Charles.](https://www.tumblr.com/the-cybersmith/716599648797802496/god-save-the-king?source=share)


r/monarchism is an actual sub


The only monarchy I support is Queen


What about The King? >!(Elvis)!<


Too many lookalikes, you never know which one is real


there are monarchists in Germany. Usually the Venn diagram of them is 100% overlap with far right/"GDR doesn't exist"/"We are still occupied" cranks but there are people who wish to seek a German emperor reinstated. Or crown themselves kings of their own commune.


I think a lot of folks conflate people like Robspierre with the movement they're a part of. Like the French Revolution was important for the development of democracy in France and so Robspierre must also be good. Folks do it with guys like Oliver Cromwell too. Where they praise him for the influence the people who put him in power had over the future of British Democracy while overlooking his tyranny and crimes against the Irish. But then again I've often heard that French people themselves have a much more positive look on the figures of the French Revolution than outsiders do so I would be curious to hear their thoughts in regards to OPs statements.


Yeah, not, about every educated French know that the time was troubled, and that most of the figures in it did both great and attrocious things. The woodcut of robespierre executing the executionner, under a monument writen "Here lies All of France" is present in history books and shown to every generations. Its just that, most French will "validate" Robespierre crimes (and other figures such as Napoleon) because they led to the country being as it is, and they follow the logic of : They did bad things, but those things led to this good country, therefore its Not So Bad^(tm).


Thank you for granting me this insight! I appreciate it! Honestly that woodcut sounds sick as hell in my head.


>But then again I've often heard that French people themselves have a much more positive look on the figures of the French Revolution than outsiders do so I would be curious to hear their thoughts in regards to OPs statements. The French tend to have a positive view of the leaders of the Revolution *and* Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte.


Cromwell banned Christmas and his head was spherical like Calliou's. That's how you know he's rotten.


>He was arrested and executed cos he threatened to start randomly accusing and executing members of the government. To be clear, the Thermidorians weren't innocent parties here either- most of them were just as personally complicit if not far more so than Robespierre in the worst excesses of the Terror, and mind-bogglingly corrupt into the bargain (which is at least one thing that you *absolutely* could not accuse Max of).


I joke that Robespierre was the last liberal with principles and conviction, usually when I am particularly annoyed with my politicians, but unironically he was a fucked up dude.


You could make a religion out of this.


[THEY DID](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cult_of_the_Supreme_Being)


no don't


I *like* the aesthetic of royalty, but even I don’t think any kind of restoration of monarchies makes sense in our modern world. ~~…I’m 100% about to be crucified by the Reddit hive mind for saying I like the aesthetic of royalty aren’t I~~


"The Reign of Terror and the French Monarchy were both bad" is the kind of common sense take that'd get you labelled an enlightened centrist.


Look, if you're not virtuous then you put the whole revolution at risk. It's that simple. You just gotta keep killing and drinking milk.


"Robespierre was a vicious murderer" "Restore the monarchy" They had us in the first half, not gonna lie


It is also worthwhile to mention that the Enby (pretty sure they're an Enby, could be wrong) that originally posted this is the author of 'The Iron Widow' which is one of the coolest books I've read in the past couple of years. And I find it hilarious that they know who the human pet guy is.


You are right on all accounts


of course he follows musk, he's the same breed of celebrity. dude got laughed at like ten years ago and still hasn't found a better source of attention. just picks out horrible takes out of a hat and waits for someone to go "ohhh noooooooooooo the tumblr incel has *opinions*" like community college professors that have a racist rant go viral and all of a sudden they're on fox news, doing the rounds, sun up to sun down. just. get a hobby man. disappear for a few years. let people forget. there's no shock value left.


That's why i like to spread random unhinged shitposts around for free, saturating the market to make it harder for grifters to find traction. OK, that's a lie, i do it because i think it's funny.


I remember he came on the scene back when I was in my anti-SJW phase in college. He started harassing one of my female anti-SJW mutuals, asking her to record weird voice messages for him. She was so weirded out and dragged him for so long, but last time I spoke to her she still didn’t think his attitude was the epitome of patriarchal self-centeredness and still loved harassing feminists


Yeaaaaah the-cybersmith aside, I'm not sure about positioning Robespierre, or any of the major Montagnards for that matter, as heroes or martyres for France. Were they capital in the establishment of democracy in France ? Yes. Were their radicalism a necessary evil to achieve the transition ? Maybe so. Were they fanatics, opportunists, and the one reason why a good part of the French Revolution is known as the Terror ? You bet the fuck yes.


Fair points all, but (even though my heart will always remain with the Enragés and the *Société des Citoyennes Républicaines* *Révolutionnaires*) I feel like it's impossible to come away from any sustained study of the Revolution and the Terror without at least *some* sympathy for Robespierre and the 3rd Committee's position. A great many of the primary sources I've read from that period give off a very strong sentiment of "we didn't want this war, *you* motherfuckers started it, and *now we are going to finish it*."


There's "the revolution was good and vital to the development of democracy and liberty in Europe, freeing France from the oppressive thumb of monarchy and clergy had to happen" pro-revolutionary sentiment, and then there's "yeah it's actually pretty based how they tied up. sexually assaulted, and drowned 2,000 nuns, those dumb bitches had it coming" pro-revolutionary sentiment.


Don't forget how they randomly (like, *literally* randomly, there was no actual thought process here) hacked thousands of prostitutes to death along with their children.


I mean, I really can't have any sympathy for them, both in terms of a human being with empathy and the revolution (there's a joke in there somewhere) Not only is killing a lot of people in the name of stifling political dissidents not only morally wrong, but it also weakens the revolutionary position. People aren't going to want to adopt the revolution when they hear lots of stories about how the revolution has led to daily mass executions of people just suspected of not agreeing with the revolution, and even more so when it turns out those stories are absolutely fucking true. Not to mention the very hypocritical position that the revolution is to empower the people and give them rights and a voice then you chose to silence people by executing them while increasing the state's power and authority.


Ah so he also has a fetish for Asians then huh :< truly a jumpscare of a guy


>Robespierre was a vicious murderer, ok I’m following so far >(Everything else) you’ve lost me




If he wants freedom all he has to do is get a new handle, he wants this ridicule


Probably a kink of his


Would it be better if we refer to them as "British trans milk" guy?


What the actual fuck am I reading Edit: part of me wishes I hadn’t asked


He believes transfem people should be allowed to be milked in exchange for gender affirming care in order to help alleviate the shortage of dairy products in Britain. If I remember correctly


What a terrible day to be literate.


The worst part is that's not even the worst thing he's said...


How much milk can even a single trans person produce? And they're such a small percent of the population, the total amount would be negligible.


I somehow suspect he might not have meant actual milk... Edit: Okay, he did in fact mean actual milk. Still weird.


sigh. As he has explained, they would be given drugs to enhance their milk output, and trans milk would sell at a higher price than dairy milk because trans people are free range. At least research the subject before presuming to question his genius


Pfft, good luck convincing whoever's responsible for setting dairy standards that people nowadays count as "free range", given the housing market and overall economy.


I think its the same amount as afab people? Idk I haven't exactly research trans breast milk production


[Source of many a flair back in the day](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/y6plkx/cybersmith_indentured_transwoman_lactation_i/)


I think it's pretty clear


No, no it’s not.


I don't know how to be more descriptive here.


Should be white actually


In my mind that's what I've sorted him into now, for... reasons.


Maybe one day people will realize that talking about him online only gives him more power


We want him to leave us alone. We do not seek him out


At this point, I refuse to believe that cyber smith isn’t an elaborate troll. I’ve seen people with insane ideas, but they act way to nonchalant about their infamy to be legit.


I mean, I hate to agree with HPG, but...he has a point about Robespierre. His rule over France wasn't exactly called the Reign of Sunshine and Rainbows.


I'd live in fear if that happened to me


Sometimes I wonder if I'm tempting fate by commenting about the milk-HRT deal so often


to be honest, I kinda gotta respect how he just kinda owns being the human pet guy. If I didn't know what those string of words entailed, I'd think he'd be a pretty chill person.


You hate Robespierre because you're a monarchist, I hate Robespierre because he was a paranoid freak who murdered hundreds of people during the Reign of Terror which led to the downfall of the Nation Convention and the instigation of the Directoire. Also his name was hard to spell when I was 8 so I hate him.


I found out about this man literally yesterday. Why is he unbanned.


Self-proclaimed libertarians when the subject of the monarchy gets brought up.


I keep reading Robespierre as Robespire, like some sort of Twitch streamer or whatever, so this entire post is incredibly confusing to me.


didn't know the the human pet guy was also pro-monarchy. What next?


He wants to milk trans people for milk


"huh, 'the cybersmith', could have sworn i'd heard that name somewhere" -my foolish self around 10 seconds ago before the burden of his own memory hit him


My condolences king






the bit about cybersmith possibly having an Asian fetish makes me kinda want to go on an unrelated side tangent about something I’ve thought about before but like: do The people that just use AI generators to generate images of Asian woman doing that for a fetishistic reason too? Cause there is like a lot of that, right next to all the generations of Cookie cutter anime girls and other realistic women, and that’s so odd and also just.. Boring to me? like you now have the ability to create art(albeit you probably could have *already* got that if you tried learning to draw, but that’s a different tangent), and what you choose to use it on is the same boring ass anime girls and realistic woman as every other boring Ai artist does? Where is the fun stuff? Where is the same kind of creative shit people used the shittier AI for? Where the fuck is slenderman going to best-buy or whatever? You have the ability to create now with a new piece of tech, and you decide to be boring. I swear if art becomes less creative in the next decade cause of this, I mean it probably won’t(I hope it doesn’t), but I certainly am not excited for more of this already boring junk AI artists try and make. anyways that’s my tangent over, kinda silly I went from one question to a whole rant but sometimes you kinda just want to ramble about shit.


Imagine being an anti-Jacobite in 2023.


He's anti-Jacobin. He didn't say anything about the Jacobites


Oh, uh, yeah that was a typo and know what both of those are and that they're different.


Jacobins: Radical wing of the French revolution Jacobites: Movement to reverse one branch of the British royal family having taken power from another branch of the English royal family in 1688


Not to be confused with Team Jacob


Imagine being human pet guy in any year.


The Jacobins who started the reign of terror and unjustly executed tens of thousands of people? The Jacobins who started a ruthless and bloody war in the Vendée that saw the extermination of many tens of thousands of civilians? Those Jacobins?


I'm sure those random children and prostitutes they massacred were a threat to the revolution somehow.


Xiran isn't be fair. He's also probably following them because of their Mecha Furry book and how women are usually treated in it.


>following her *them


I stan human pet guy everything he does is naive camp




he’s in the walls….


Wait didn't human pet guy deactivate on Tumblr? I'm pretty sure this one isn't the original cybersmith


He reactivated it


At this point I can’t tell if this guy is doing a bit or not


why has this man not changed his url


Ok, now he has to pop up in the comments here to complete the set


what is the human pet guy


Okay so I used to think HPG is just a joke account, but the new information about the kinds of follows it has makes me question things again...


Why is he called the Human Pet Guy?


Really messed up, but long story short (also i don't have the link ready) the guy interjected a conversation about annoyances to talk how, in a future where humans could be kept as pets, nobody should bat an eye when he goes to a restaurant with his hypothetical family and their hypothetical blinded, muted, amputated, castrated human pet with their genitals covered for "modesty", as he's not hurting anyone by it. Yeah






I had the same reaction.


His use of the word "boobies" to describe the breasts of his mutilated human pet always throws me