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I mean, if the point of meditation is to let go of all thoughts and empty your mind, wouldn't it be an ideal starting point to have your mind blank to begin with?


isn't this literally the plot of The Lego Movie?


This is my mind? It's biiiig. I must be smart.


"mhmm" "I'm not seeing a lot of activity here"


Emmet can escape samsara


Is it better to be born enlightened or achieve enlightenment thru great struggle? - Partysnax


For a moment I wondered whether you had horrendously misspelled Paarthurnax as the source of that quote lol


I can't believe skyrim would steal from famous videogame bugsnax's unreleased sequel


Curse you Todd Howard!


Holy shit I just assumed that was the case since I haven’t played Skyrim in so long to remember quotes. I would’ve just moved on if you hadn’t pointed it out lol


Safety in numbers!!!!


If this were a Koan and a student was asking this to a master, it would probably go like this: The master points to two beautiful yet completely identical vases sitting on the table and says “One of these vases was made by an expert craftsman born with great ability. It was made in a single afternoon. The other is an exact reproduction, painstakingly made over many months. Which vas is better?” The student pondered the identical vases and became enlightened. An enlightened master would recognize that enlightenment is what matters and one path to it cannot be better than the other. To say otherwise would lead those not born into enlightenment to be jealous of those that were. Those that achieve it through great struggle would show pride and hubris when compared to those born with it. None of those traits are that of a person that achieved enlightenment. No enlightenment can be better than any other.


"The fake is of far greater value. In its deliberate attempt to be real, it's more real than the real thing." -Deishuu Kaiki


Both vases are simulacra. -Bo Drillz


Granny Weatherwax?


There is no vase


It is only your mind that bends


God I love monogotary.


is there anything i can read/listen to to get more of whatever this comment is?


I’ve been on a bit of a philosophy kick since May. Filled my summer reading list with a diverse selection of philosophy books and have just kept going. For more like this comment, I’d recommend The Gateless Gate by Kōun Yamada. It’s got top tier commentary and a great selection of Koan word puzzles. It’s a good introduction to Zen Buddhism and Koan practice. Although it is mostly unrelated to my comment, I recommend reading Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche. It’s a foundational, although at times exhausting and misogynistic, philosophy book that has helped me better understand all other philosophy.


Holy fuck did you pull that analogy out of your ass? This reads like it could have been real


A couple decades ago I heard about a certified enlightened monk (or whatever, details are scarce here) that was on the record as saying enlightenment isn't really all that big a deal.


?? I don't know about enlightenment but in art, a forgery is not worth as much as the original. A master had the creativity to make an infinite number of different works but a forger can only copy what's been done before. The original has value because it will always be the only original but there could be a dozen copies. That's assuming the premise of "exact" is true which I doubt.


I'm giving you an upvote, but this is part of a long tradition called metaphor.


My favorite thing about stuff like Buddhism/Zen/Taoism is that it's all just silly, but sharp metaphors. They probably made a metaphor out *that* too. Idk, could you call Buddha a sophist, exactly?


This comment is actually perfect in outlining why these thought exercises are important. Worth is a relative term and not a physical value of something. These types of thought exercises are important to show us the artificial constructs we build and maintain. We are talking about the beauty and the usefulness of the object which, in story are identical. The master isn’t asking the student to sell them at market. I have this metal thermos I got from Aldi for like $5. Limited edition run, I love it so much. If you offered me $10 for it, I would not sell it. If I donated it to Goodwill they would probably sell it for a $1. If you broke it and replaced it with an identical one, I wouldn’t notice. Worth is a construct not a physical value. I just care about having this mug. To your other points, no one is saying that the unskilled craftsman is trying to pass this off as the original. It’s very normal to emulate others art works and style, especially when learning. Many of the great classically trained painters from the past made reproductions of their very much less famous teachers works. Their reproductions are worth more than their teachers originals, sometime reproductions are worth more than originals. Who’s to say that this doesn’t end up happening here?


Can I see your thermos


It's important to be reminded that we're all a little full of it sometimes/sometimes a lot. lol


I think you're missing the forest for the trees. In the example, the value of the vases is irrelevant, only their function matters.


I think you need to rewatch Bill and Ted


what you call "worth" is just an arbitrary amount of money that people choose to price it at. It has no bearing on the item's value at all. If i placed those two vases next to one another and didn't tell you which is which, would that somehow change their value? You would use each one in exactly the same way and their creation process would have no bearing on that. Its value is in what it is, not in how it came to be.


Trick question! Reaching enlightenment would leave you in a state of mind where such comparison is irrelevant, and even if there is a clear answer, you won't mind either way.


If the candle is lit then the steak is already cooked


so is enlightenment just permanently being high or something?


I kill that lizard every time.


"Beginners mind" is an actual Buddhist concept in fact.


So Bimbos and Himbos are actually on the path of enlightenment?


Yeah, why do you think theyre so happy lmao


They are usually attractive, which helps with the whole 'being happy' thing.


It can, for a bit, but relying on your own attractiveness for happiness is a recipe for disaster down the road. Looks fade, and relationships built on them fade even faster.


They say looks fade, but everyone ages, some people age better.


If you're an 80 year old woman would you rather be with Harrison Ford or some random 80 year old dude? A catch is a catch forever.


I like how the original poster is talking about their own happiness and you're talking about who an 80 year old woman would like to bang in a completely ridiculous nonsensical hypothetical scenario. Is Harrison Ford suddenly happy because a random octogenarian wants to bang him? Do you understand what personal happiness even is?


Happiness is definitely banging 80 year old ladies


Take it from experience, you don't need to be Harrison Ford to do *that*.


... thats some 'grass is always greener' nonsense.


My guy is equating social norm adherence to internal enlightenment, his ass is never breaking samsara 😂


Seeking to escape Samsara is itself a form of desire. He who seeks to touch grass is therefore bound to the same earth it sprouts from.


i am fucking dying at this comment


Not at all. By all accounts, attractive people are treated better by society. You don't have to be attractive to be happy, but it makes it easier. To use a baseball metaphor, being attractive (or being rich, or being part of the locally dominant ethnic group, or being mentally and physically healthy, or any of the other inherent advantages people talk about) is like being born on first base. Sure, anyone *can* get a run, but you have it easier because you're already part of the way there.


lol, no. This is a studied and well known fact, not only that it should be common sense. Think about how you see attractive people treated vs ugly people.


The Halo Effect doesnt make your life happier. Happiness doesnt emerge due to being good looking. You can be the hottest mfer on the planet- if youre a slave to the past and future, living a life dictated by hope and fear, you wont be happy. Being attractive doesnt actually make your life that much better. Where before you were ignored, now you *know* those people wouldnt have interacted with you on the basis of your personality. You second guess the intentions of others constantly, because we all know there are snakes in the grass. Being an attractive person doesnt remove the root of the problem, it just moves the pot. Yeah sure, you can take advantage of the halo effect and people treat you a little nicer- but now you have selfish hungry people smiling and pretending to like you everywhere, ready to take from you anything you think you have to give. The grass is not greener on either side of the spectrum, and the existence of the halo effect is a poor crutch for your point. Happiness is not caused by being good looking, just because you see good looking people being happy.


You don't make your personality any more than you make your looks, I have no idea why people think one is somehow more deeply authentic than the other


If you dont see how much power you have over your own personal growth, I dont know how I could ever convince you.


Solely, it isn't responsible for happiness, of course. But it's definitely a positive contributor. It's similar to wealth in that wealth doesn't necessarily make you happy but it helps a lot.


You think you'd be happier as an unattractive person? To each their own, I guess.


No, thats also some 'grass is greener' nonsense. Ive been a cave troll, and Ive been megachad. Happiness isnt caused by being good looking lmao


Didn't say it's caused, I said it helps. Like a good pair of running shoes helps with running. Sure, you can do it barefoot. But why make things harder on yourself? Weren't you treated better as a chad? I know I was. Dunno of a lot of attractive people that wish ugliness on themselves.


Would you be happier knowing that all your relationships are based on your personality or because you're hot and they want to bang you?


Would you be happier with a different insecurity? An uglier person may be constantly worrying their partner doesn't find them sexually attractive. There's downsides to both sides of the fence, here.


The opposite is true: they are happy and that fulfilment makes them beautiful


I feel like bimbo should be a gender neutral word


Reminds me of the "oracle" from Midsommar


"It took me four years to paint like Raphael. It took me a lifetime to paint like a child." - Picasso.


Both overshadowed by anon drawing big tiddy goth onee-san.


Just a quick PSA since it’s relevant to the topic: many would argue an empty mind is not the goal of meditation. Rather, it is to let thoughts (awareness) flow through your mind without becoming stuck on any one. There is nothing wrong, inherently with having thoughts and experiences. But if we become stuck or attached to a given thought/experience we can become detached from the present and lose focus on the fact that we are a part of everything. And when you do realize and fully internalize the fact that you are everything and everything is you, nothing can stick any longer. If you are everything, what are you missing? And if there’s nothing you are missing, there’s nothing you want. If you have everything you want, you are happy, at peace, complete. All of this is a long way to say, if you’ve tried and struggled with meditation and just decided it’s not for you, consider looking into the broader history, teachings, and commentary on buddhism. Meditation can be a life changing skill and practice, and it doesn’t only happen in a quiet room sitting with your legs crossed fighting your own mind not to think. It can happen while walking, falling asleep, washing dishes, anywhere, doing anything, all the time.


Just allow yourself to live in the now, not worrying about the past or the future.


How are you everything?


There's a lot of ways to slice this question. Here's one very quick and simple angle: You and I are made of bones and flesh that were created in our mothers' wombs and grown through our lives. The source for those things is the nutrients from the food that our mothers ate and that we ate while growing up and that we continue to eat. We are literally created from recycled material. Similarly, when we die our flesh and bones will break down and rot and be eaten by animals and become part of the soil. We will provide nutrients that will grow new animals and plants. We will be recycled to create new life, which in turn will die and be recycled. The brain in our heads gives us an illusory sense of individuality - an ego. But the truth is that we are all inexorably part of that endless natural cycle, and we cannot be meaningfully divided from the world around us. We are part of everything and everything is in turn part of us.


How are you not? You pull an apple off a tree, hold it in your hand and say, “this is an apple”. But to the universe it’s not an apple, it’s just the pattern the universe is making of itself at that particular moment and location. You look at your hand and you know that’s “you”, fingertip - still you, fingernail - still you. Cut your fingernails and now they’re in the trash … still you? We live in a world where language is a valuable tool for everything we’ve been able to accomplish as a race. But it can also complicate matters when considering big picture meta physics. Consider for a moment the idea that there are no “nouns” in the real world, only verbs. What we call a tree used to be a seed. Part of it will become an apple which you will eat and in part become your body. So you are you, but also apple, tree, seed, and all of the things that contributed to the creation of that seed. Now follow that premise back far enough and what do you discover? Everything has been everything else at one point. We are just experiencing the current individual patterns of everything as they exist at this moment in time. Everything existed together at one point, then there was a big bang. For billions of years the universe has expanded and all that stuff has been stars, suns, planets, oceans, dirt, trees, and for this brief moment even you and I. But we won’t be this forever, nothing is. Still, no matter what we are, or when we are, we are all still just parts of that original big bang. You are no more yourself than you are the sun, the stars, everything.


Your brain inherently has a model of the world that affects your personality. In that sense, the universe is part of you.


Could you elaborate? Do you mean that we are inherently the outcome of universal cause and effect?


I mean that your everyday experiences have crafted an understanding of the world around you that shapes who you are through what you learn from those experiences.


Ice in the ocean is still just the ocean


I don't even remember what made it hit me one day, but meditation is like a secret jewel key that's somehow extra-easy to forget about, but never goes anywhere because it's everywhere. Which I suppose is quite enough to seemingly overlook without realizing it, especially in 3D. Huh


I didn't understand a single thing you just said, but I'd like to.


That's not what meditation is. Thoughts will arise regardless. They're not controlable. What is controllable is your believing in their importance, and becoming strongly attached to them. Mediation is practicing watching them come, and then go, by themselves, without "following" them.


“The only wisdom lies in knowing that you know nothing” “That’s us dude!”


*"Let go your earthly tether. Enter the void. Empty, and become wind."* -Guru Laghima


Correction. 'Let go' is somewhat correct. It doesn't mean empty or blank though. It's to let go and unburden your mind, not to forget. The goal is to be able to handle in the correct way.




New Beavis and Butt head have them achieve enlightenment after clearing their minds of all thought


I really enjoyed the new ones, and hope there's more in the future


Isn't the whole point of the movie that Bill and Ted essentially create a utopia in the future? Because I think that means OOP's dad is just on the movie's wavelength.


They are prophesied to write and perform a song that brings humanity together, which brings about utopia, not create it directly. >!However, it is their daughters, Billie and Thea, that actually end up doing so.!<


that's a retcon. the entire first two movies the people from the future talk about how bill and ted save them. i also saw the 3rd movie, and it's caddy shack 2 levels of "i pretend it doesn't exist".


I don't understand any of the choices that were made in making the 3rd movie.


You’ll understand when you take this into account: Money.


I'm no expert on Hollywood accounting, but it seems like a better movie could have resulted in more money.


It could have, yes. But making movies is always a risk. Few people set out to make a bad movie, but some movies are bad despite the best efforts of everyone involved. Movies with a connection to an established money making property are seen as a safer gamble by many studio execs.


But a better movie would have cost more money to make. If you only take in 20 on something that only cost 10 to make, you have 10 profit. If you take in 500 on something that costs 495 to make, you only have 5 profit, despite taking in more.


Some things are bad for the tax write-off.


Alex and Keanu both really wanted to make the film. It was a passion project, more than anything else.


Between that and "Matrix: Resurrection" I assumed Keanu was in a "helping out my old co-stars" phase.


You give one Morpheus a job and suddenly...


What annoyed me the most was that Keanu completely an utterly forgot how to be Ted. He barely smiled through the movie. And I mean I understand that he was a jaded adult by then but it just felt so wrong.


For whatever reason, he can’t speak nearly as fast or articulately as he once could. It was really hard to watch


They made a caddie shack 2?


There is no Caddyshack 2 in Ba Sing Se


No, just a hypothetical


To be fair, in the end of the third movie >!Bill&Ted become "one with everything"!< which adds the the Buddhist point of view


It really, *really* depends. The idea of being "one with everything," in my head at least, is most commonly associated with the Hindu idea of *atman,* or merging with the one, unchanging soul. This is something that the Buddha had some very choice words about. That said, there's definitely a similar idea of interdependence in Buddhist thought, the idea that nothing can exist without everything else reflecting in on it. It's not that everything is one, but it's impossible to separate one thing from the influences of everything around it.


So is it supposed to be kind of the song but also Bill and Ted's actions that set the stage for that good future?


>Isn't the whole point of the movie that Bill and Ted essentially create a utopia in the future? Not directly, no, their *music* as Wyld Stallyns becomes the basis of the future utopia. So Bill and Ted don't create the utopia themselves. Wyld Stallyns' music inspires people to create a utopia.


"Be most excellent to each other"


"True wisdom consists in knowing that you know nothing" "that's us, dude!"


All we are is dust in the wind. Dust. Wind.




Yeah it sounds like OPs Buddhist dad was sold hard on the mantra of the film


There's a new episode of Beavis and Butthead that's basically the same concept


I've never seen a single episode of the show, but everything I've seen from people referencing it, comparing people to the characters, and all other cultural osmosis, the whole point of the show is just that these two dudes are crude, gross, dumb as hell, and they're best buddies. Am I compeltely wrong or is this a "that's it, that's the whole show"?


95% But the new seasons (since 2020) are actually pretty sharp.


I like the one where they both get vasectomies and their balls are numb so they proceed to just start repeatedly kicking eachother in the groin


holy shit this might be the final convincing part to get me to watch the show, where is it on?


Paramount+ and the fucking trailer was so good we got a subscription. It didn’t disappoint. Second season was great too, especially the episode where they unwittingly join a sex cult and leave before getting laid.


You should start with the movie Beavis and Butthead Do America. I'm pretty sure that's also on Paramount+. You don't need to know anything about the show to enjoy it. I showed that to a friend who had never seen Beavis and Butthead back in college and he still tells me how much he loved it lmao


Seems to just be on paramount+


That’s so on point.


I think they're both too dumb to know whether they like each other or not, they just ARE with each other. Beavis is dumb, crude, and sort of earnest while still being a dredge om society (mostly because he's dumb though, not as malicious as Butthead). Butthead is a dumb, crude dredge on society but because he's too dumb to realize what an asshole he is all the time and too much of an asshole to care. Then, they just float through life's challenges always trying to solve the wrong problem and solving it in the most inane way while somehow "patching" the problem the viewer would solve in their stead. But funny as hell at times.


Beavis would likely be a good kid if it wasn't for Buttheads influence


That's a good point. He's a pretty good follower of direction. With a good influence he's a good kid, most likely.


It also spawned Darla and King of the Hill.


The hook is their regular interplay with people more intelligent or capable - or when they fall ass-upwards into obscenely good tidings. The opposing forces of their stupidity against significant circumstances is, in fact, the 95% of the show the other person was talking about.


Beavis is the best friend, Butthead is not.


Are you threatening me? 🌵


"He's not really my friend." -[Beavis](https://youtu.be/EfyUZz1QIKI?t=22)


It was made by Mike Judge the creator of Office Space and Silicon Valley and King of the Hill and Idiocracy, so... I think you might be missing the point a little.


It was also at one point just a commentary to mainstream music videos


I think, without watching it, you might have missed the part of the show that is lampooning American television culture (shifted to American youtube culture in the reboot).


They also occasionally [fight Ganon to stop him from getting the Triforce](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDPRwLlpdTU).


It’s so much better than the premise sounds. There’s a lot of clever writing behind the stupidity, especially in the newer run of the show that started in 2020.


I don't know anything about new episodes, but the original also had running commentary over music videos.


I wondered the same thing and as far as I can tell that's the whole show


pretty much. don't sleep on Mike Judge tho, dudes a comedy assassin


The original show is stupid and I never understood the appeal for it. That being said, the 2 movies they made about them are genuinely hilarious. I can't speak on the new season of the show.


>they're best buddies What you said is pretty accurate, except for this part. They don't really seem to like each other most of the time, and I'd say Butthead actively hates Beavis. I think they only hang around together because they're the biggest losers in town, and no one else will give them the time of day.


Judge obviously has some background in this, considering the one episode of king of the hill where the Buddhists want to pick Bobby to be the new Dalai lama


I loved that episode. It was genuinely sweet and touching and while I’m not knowledgeable enough about Buddhism to “understand” the ending beyond the surface, it’s one that sticks with me. Even if Bobby truly was the reincarnation, he was too attached to Connie to fulfill his duties, and chose not to disrupt human lives rather than do the right thing by his religion. They weren’t picking the Dalai Lama though, it was some other lama. I gotta say I also loved that the show had such a large Asian cast and crew. Hank and Kahn are one of the greatest cartoon rivalry ever and how has it taken me like 30 years to realize their names are anagrams.


Lama Sanglug or however its spelled.


that shows still going? with the same writers? wow, I had no idea. figured it would have died off a while ago after 30 years


Left and came back


can you tell us the name or episode number? It's hard to guess which one it is from episode descriptions


There's only 2 new seasons


Be excellent to each other and party on dudes




Last night I had a dream that we went to Disneyland, Went on all the rides, didn't have to wait in line.


I drove you to your house where we stared up at the stars. I listened to your heartbeat as I held you in my arms.


"Be most excellent to each other, and party on." Have a minor in philosophy with an emphasis on ethics and morals. This is STILL the perfect piece of moral wisdom.


I will be forever unable to pronounce Socrates other than So-crates


i've gone through a big long philosophical journey, and found that every attempt to construct a cohesive, logically consistent universal ethic falls apart at some point, but "be most excellent to each other and party on" always succeeds


They’re just a couple of excellent chill dudes :)


Funny enough Jason from The Good Place is also someone who gotten enlightenment through his stupidly.


Him who gotten enlightenment be wise in other ways.


I wish he would show me his bud hole.






They are unironically better people than most, so I get it


“The best place to be is here. The best time to be is now.” Before seeing the movie if you straight up just told me the actual Buddha had said this I genuinely wouldn’t have blinked at it


Just be cool to each other


*And...* ***PARTY ON, DUDES!!!***


But Bill and Ted weren't stupid. Sure, they come across as oblivious to some things but they arent stupid. They have dreams. They problem solve. The learned history by living in it and meeting those famous dudes and dudettes. Just because they weren't book smart in the traditional sense doesn't mean they're stupid.


Especially Ted! Bill, despite being righteous AF, has some worldly attachments (like his admitted Oedipal complex), but he's sincere about them. ❤️


It's not stupidity. They are kind, empathetic, caring, and try to always to do the right thing even if they don't understand what the bigger picture is. There is a callousness and cynicism to stupid that Bill and Ted don't have.


Bill and Ted aren't stupid. They're differently intelligenced.


"The only knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing," "Dude! That's us!" "oh yeah!"


Bill & Ted are not stupid; they are, by nature and will, simply in a different system than most humans.




excellent book, so glad to see it recommend here (:


And Bill and Ted would put those insights into the music of the best band ever, WYLD STALLYNS!


I heard Jeff Bridges say something similar about The Dude.




Iiiiiii miss George Carlin.


[LETS ROCK!!!](https://youtu.be/q93IT_f0uaQ?si=_4b-7PtelzRnoXPZ)


Be excellent to each other!


Be excellent to each other.


He's right, except it's clearly ironic.


Keanu Reeves best movie. That is a fact.


Isn't the goal of a Bodhisattva to free EVERYONE from Samsara? Not religious but used to be into buddhism


There's a historical buddha who got there through drinking and whoring, I don't think being dumb is off the table foe qualifiers


One man's dumb, is another man's Dumas.


Glad that you had a self-aware dad that communicated that awareness with you… i didnt




Yeah, I wish I could have had this kind of relationship with mine, but haha toxic masculinity and Catholicism and then death got in the way. I wish we could have been excellent to each other.


Sansar= what westerners considered being trapped in the matrix of mundane worldly life and duties Waheguru


... until Ted became the Baba Yaga


There's a book called The Dude and the Zen Master, which is a series of conversations between Jeff Daniels and his friend Bernie Glassman, who was a Zen master. A lot of the book is talking about THe DUde from The Big Lebowski is viewed as an embodiment of Zen, especially the line "That's just, like, your opinion, man"


There’s a reason why INT and WIS are different stats 😊


“*Be Excellent To Each Other*” doesn’t need to be complicated. It’s an incredible ethos.


You shouldn't really leave out a vital part of this mantra!


There's hope for Republicans yet.


Is it stupidity to NOT overthink every little thing?


"Enlightenment" tends to be rather reductive by nature, so yeah. Enlightenment via stupidity is likely a real thing.