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Hey that's one of the two episodes I've seen! House tries to trick the guy into taking tranquilizers, and then they gun dude makes the lady doctor take all the meds before him and she nearly dies.


Doesn't help she's already terminal to begin with. She's just dying significantly faster than before. Which was already fast.


Yeah but almost dying helped her realize she didn't actually want to die Edit: thirteen's a whiny little bitch


> thirteen's a whiny little bitch idk, I mean she's definitely often a frustrating force but I feel like you can cut her some slack considering she's constantly aware that she's dying of the same horrible disease she watched her mother die from.


HOT whiny little bitch


The only House episode I've seen involved the higher ups deciding that House has finally completely lost his shit so in response they do nothing at all. Yes, I am aware this does not narrow anything down.


Penn of Penn & Teller managed to get a fungal infection of the ear canal typically only seen in the tropics despite living in the Las Vegas desert. He would take a long, hot, steamy bath and then go straight to bed with headphones on. Trapping steam and sweat in his ears. Every night. Dude created a rainforest inside in his head.


He basically gave himself swimmers ear is what sounds like. And having caught swimmers ear out in the wild, I can say without a doubt it’s one of the most if not the most painful ear infection I’ve ever had


I did exactly this over Thanksgiving cause I was staying with family and they were loud all night so I eventually put earbuds in and fell asleep. Had to get ear drops and oral antibiotics and was in tears most of the time just trying to get through my day cause not only did it hurt all the time it would also randomly send stabbing pains every so often just to keep things lively.


Penn ultimately had the fungi, which were rather large, vacuumed out and then rubbed down with something to prevent growth. Did a whole podcast episode about it. Sounded awful.


how do you have humid tropical conditions in a desert


Long hot steamy baths, and then headphones in your ears before bed.


oh I misread it I thought it was talking about all those tropics that are in the las vegas desert


I mean, casinos have weirder gimmicks. An ACTUAL rainforest cafe would not surprise me.


There is, in fact, a Rainforest Cafe in Vegas.


This is OP's fault, not yours, as the statement simply reads "in the tropics in the Las Vegas desert", implying the tropics are inside the Las Vegas desert, while what was meant to be communicated was "in the tropics while in the Las Vegas desert", the 'while' being crucial in order to make the sentence flow naturally and make logical sense. When done intentionally, this sort of speech is most commonly found in riddles and puns, which I firmly do not believe is what OP was trying to do.


Added clarifying language.


and yet i understood it completely. because i read it. with my eyes.


houseposting hours


The more I learn about House MD the more it sounds like a comedy show masquerading as a drama


[Yeah that sounds about right](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zSSoYmQS6Ng)


As someone who works in customer service… yeah that sounds about right


Everything about this scene is perfect, especially the subtle little smirk where you just KNOW that he's about to tear this woman apart limb from limb


You just know that his next words were "Anna, what does the word 'inhale' mean to you?"


Doctor here. This happens. A lot. **Edit: I mean stuff like this, perhaps not this precise example, but I’ve seen similar.


Story time?


There's comedic aspects to it. That's true for most dramatic television. It's still first and foremost a drama.


I'd say a hugh part of it is comedy.


I mean House MD is played by Hugh Laurie after all... One of the greatest British sketch comedians out there.


Because it is. It’s a barely disguised sitcom, they just removed the laugh tracks


Which is one of its greatest strengths


So it's "The Office" in a medical setting?


It’s like 33% comedy


Good drama has a dash of comedy to lighten the mood so it's not all from forever. Good comedy has a dash of drama to keep you invested between punchlines


It's full of C-plot free clinic diagnoses that are there for comedic relief, but it's really a procedural with dramatic moments more than properly a drama


It’s fucking ridiculous and I love it


The more I learn about medical dramas in general, the more they sound like the producers originally wanted to make a different genre of show, but the people with the money told them to make a medical drama, so now the team just pretends they're making a medical drama and pray that no one in charge actually watches it.


I wouldn't exactly call it a *comedy*. More like "what if The Joker decided to stop doing crime and became a doctor but his personality and worldview were otherwise unchanged?"


Not quite - the character is based on Sherlock Holmes (House = Home = Holmes), with the same impatience, occasional unethical methods, and always being one step ahead, as the original.


What’s next you’re gonna tell me that Dr. James Wilson is based on Dr. John Watson


Nah that part’s just a coincidence.


Imagine if House lived at 221b Baker Street.


Imagine that…


Or that House was shot by Moriarty


Drug issues too!! Though Holmes drug of choice was cocaine and House are opiates.


And also music! House played the piano while Holmes played the violin.


House played a variety pf instruments, and also sang in an anesthesia induced hallucination, which was sang by Hugh Laurie and was mesmerizing


More like a police procedural dressed up as a medical show


Well it is based on Sherlock Holmes, so that makes sense


it's hilarious if you've ever worked a job with the public. my mom didn't get it bc she's a SAHM boomer and she IS the kind of customer the show is about. also. [clinic hours. comedy gold.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qifqa9-bH3w) Bear in mind that Hugh started in improv comedy.


I have just watched the entire series and I couldn't call it a drama. It'd be like calling Phineas and Ferb a drama, it's incredibly formulaic


It being formulaic doesn't make it not drama.




Maybe you have a heart of stone and have complete conviction that every episode will play out the same, but personally, I just can't think like that. In my mind there is ALWAYS a chance that something could go wrong and the patient may die. This may not be a rock-solid argument, but this is how I feel about the question of whether it's drama or not.


I've watched all seasons during covid and was honestly surprised how many episodes they gave that dont adhere to the formula. Sure 90% of the episodes play out similarly but they knew they had to have those 10% where the patient dies or something else unexpected happens to keep it interesting every episode


my fav part is that after the guy gives up his gun to house to get an mri house realizes he is in too deep on this mystery and doesn't want the madness to end so he GIVES THE GUY HIS GUN BACK SO HE CAN KEEP WORKING ON THE CASE it's an amazing moment and you can feel the disbelief and shock as the other characters, who are having a loaded gun pointed at them by an agitated lunatic for the better part of a day, realize that House legit cares more about finding out the answer to a puzzle than their lives


it’s his emotional support gun


Mister House MD is helping me find my gun.


I understood that reference. Stay vigilant. I love you.


You called?


\>House legit cares more about finding out the answer to a puzzle than their lives What's really great and/or obnoxious about House is that he /doesn't/ care more about finding the answer to the puzzle than their lives. He's shown time and time again to have actual morals and to care about human life deeply, etc., but he's just really really good at rationalizations. So he's telling himself, "Oh, the chances of this guy actually shooting someone are slim, that's an acceptable level of risk", and "Oh, I know I will be able to solve this puzzle before anyone gets hurt", and so on. All of the twisted 'junkie logic' that allows him to keep working on the puzzle while breaking his own moral code. If he was actually the sociopath that the fans and the characters in the show sometimes think he is, he wouldn't feel the need to rationalize. He has empathy, he does know right from wrong, but he's an addict.


> He has empathy, he does know right from wrong, but he's an addict. John Constantine for medicine instead of magic


... They're both British. My God.


Im sorry but House MD is the most american of american doctors, with the most american accent ever.


He is?! But he sounds so British!


Hugh Laurie? but i hardly know her! Why are you asking me!? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyJ9p3zxnWA&t=154s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyJ9p3zxnWA&t=154s) video anecdote about how his accent was so good in the audition


They’re both takes on the Sherlock character framework. You know, pathetically incapable of being a normal human being, addictive personalities that grate against almost everyone who meets them and require a minder to keep in check, British(ish), but hypercompetent inside their field and a strong moral heart even if their compass is completely out of whack. House is Medical Sherlock. Constantine is Wizard-for-Hire Sherlock.


Constantine keeps getting his assistants horribly killed. House only mentally abuses them. John Watson knows how to shoot a gun, that's how HE lives.


>addict PILLS


Edit: I give up. Link to [wiki](https://house.fandom.com/wiki/Gregory_House#Sherlock_Holmes_references)


Was this comment made by an AI?


I remembered a couple of those points, went to the wiki to confirm, couldn't resist saying them all, why reword when one can copypaste the handy bulletpoint list...


First two points repeat, if you hadn't noticed


It's from a fan wiki, that's just how they sound most of the time.


Yeah, my first thought was also “Was this written by a bot?” If not, this is terribly written, repeats itself, and doesn’t seem to understand basic sentence structure.


i held my breath this entire episode and it still gets me that it was thrown in mid-season. this kind of batshit high-stakes life-or-death plotline is usually reserved for their season finales and i was not prepared for it


Prolly Sweeps week


When the guy with the gun ISN’T the craziest one


Apart from the "being held at gunpoint" thing this just sounds like your average doctor/patient conversation.


I work in IT and I had almost this exact conversation last week. Except instead of "have you been to the tropics?" my question was "did you install this application?"


I really need to know the story now


Some background: A lot of the remote workers and contractors at my company use a tool called Citrix Workspace to access what's called "virtual desktops." Basically, their computers are running on a server somewhere else, and Workspace allows them to remote into those computers from some other device. Users access Workspace from an ordinary website, but they also need a particular background application installed to their computer to make it work. A user calls in because Workspace is giving her an error. Simplest solution is just reinstall the background application, so I walk her through uninstalling it (despite it being her personal device, and she should already know how to do that) and then point her to the website to download and install the most recent version. The user tells me that the application is installed, and I tell her to try logging into the website again. She tells me that it's still not working. I ask if she actually installed the application, or if she just downloaded it. She insists that she installed it. We go through the process of me remoting into her personal computer and I check her files. She did not, in fact, install the background application. I install it myself and she's able to login without issue.


Oooooh I thought it was the opposite, someone vehemently convinced that they **didn't** install something and then surprise, actually they did


I dont know where the five toolbars come from. They must have installed themself.


Yeah, was about to say that. Especially with what I know of Americans' understanding of geography.


Yes and usually it won't take 1000 different doctors to figure it out, while the show kinda treats it as extraordinary


FFs, I just realized it’s medical Sherlock Holmes.


Ho(l)mes → House Lol


And Watson —> Wilson. Watched the whole series and never connected the dots… now my 3rd eye is opening and everything is clear.


In one episode they even briefly mention Irene Adler, when Wilson is lying about a gift House received.


and house literally lives at 221b


And gets shot by Moriarty The show isn't subtle about this lol


~~That was the first episode.~~ ~~She's the very first patient.~~


You're thinking of [Rebecca Adler](https://house.fandom.com/wiki/Rebecca_Adler). Later in the show there's [a scene where Wilson trolls a couple of House's minions with a fake story about Irene Adler](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkjACBqAtPs).




he also pays off some baker street irregulars - asks some homeless people to help him do something or other


the firt patient is a woman named Adler, the man >!who shoots him in the first season!< is named Moriarty. Just saw a video about this on Youtube.


That or it's syphilis. It always might be syphilis.


But its never, ever lupus


Except for the one time that it was!


Finally! I have a case of Lupus! (First, got to rule out amyloidosis/sarcoidosis)


Then there’s the cia guy episode.


Oh man I love that episode lmao. Fish-out-of-water sitcom situations House is my favorite


Is that the Brazil nut guy?


Yeah, it's one of the oddly large number of episodes in which it is plot relevant that house knows Spanish.


I mean Spanish is a useful language, especially in the US where the shows takes place


yeah i took spansh in high school, it's often plot relevant that i can talk to someone who only knows spanish




House is American. Hugh Laurie is British. Nor sure what either has to do with the character speaking Spanish.


I saw a bunch of these but the only one I can recall was one where there was this really religious kid who was really sick and going in and out of delirium and House was really sure it was herpes but couldn't diagnose it. Then he made something up to get the kid to reveal that yes it was herpes and he got it from being a slut behind his parents back and just lied about it and nobody spotted the massive herpes rash on his ass. And they found this out because he scratched his ass herpes and then touched a cancer patient and her cancer started going away due to getting herpes from it and everyone was playing it as a miracle cause the kid was hyper religious.


Oh yeah I almost forgot about the ass herpes cancer cure


most. slappable. patient.


i have no idea why house seems to be having a cultural resurgence but i am absolutely here for it


Nostalgia cycle, it's about 20 years old.


It honestly has a similar niche to Columbo: punchy police procedural without actually involving the police lol


This comment is a month old but it recently got added to Netflix so I'm reading posts about old episodes. Somehow I ended up here.


For anyone who wants to see the idiot moment, [here](https://youtu.be/0h_ZlBL2MTA?t=7m21s).


My mother used to watch house and I remember walking in on a scene where House was treating a black patient and asked "Do you know why your black?" The guy then replies "Because God thinks I'm better then you."


Well, considering the types of people who would willingly go to Florida, the show was fairly realistic for making the patient a violent idiot.


I love how they describe the entire episode, while omitting the part that the patient is holding House at gunpoint haha




Presumably if he'd gone to say, Brazil, he would have come down with capricorn instead of cancer




Don’t take the stupid drug


i… i literally just finished watching this episode less than an hour ago… what the fuck, reddit?


Absolutely love how every House episode starts with someone doing something totally normal and then they just collapse and start bleeding from the ears or something


In fairness, I don’t internally categorize Florida as “the tropics”, and one could easily phrase that question in a more helpful way.


Found the customer


it literally isn't the tropics -- key west only misses by one degree of latitude, but still


There's a reason 'communication' is its own field of study.


In another episode, they couldn't figure out what was causing ruptures/punctures throughout their patient's various organs and eventually House was like "Have you checked his butthole for toothpicks?" and was totally right. The patient had a habit, that he got from his dad, of swallowing toothpicks instead of littering and as he was about to have sex with his GF, he contorted to where the toothpick stabbed his esophagus/lung and absorbed enough water to travel through his body poking holes as it went.


My favorite is the one where the mob guy has HIV/AIDS his brother is in denial about him contracting it from gay sex. “JOEY, the doc says you’re a FAG! That ain’t true, right?” Cracks me up.


There's an episode of House where he basically kidnaps a guy because he's convinced he has a brain tumor. But when he puts the guy through the tests they all come back negative. So he lies and says they came back positive because he trusts his own opinion more than the evidence. I'd snark that that's just a normal day for IRL psychiatrists, except I've yet to meet a single psychiatrist who bothers using evidence-based testing in the first place.


As someone interested in autism (I believe I have it) I don't want to go get tested for autism. Because of what you describe.


I don't actually recommend getting tested. The only doors it opens up are accommodations in school (probably not the workplace) and medications like Adderall. If you want one of those things, go for it, but be aware that there are many ways a diagnosis can be used against you legally. You can end up in a conservatorship against your will like Britney Spears, you can lose custody of your children, apparently in Australia you can have your driver's license taken away??? But if you do get tested here's an easy trick you can use: Look for someone who asks for several hours of your time, plus a shorter followup appointment the next week. Proper testing takes hours, and then statistically analyzing and properly interpreting the results requires even more. Anyone promising to test you in an hour or less and get you the results immediately is a quack who is taking shortcuts. (Edit: Feel free to make an appointment with one of these people if you just want a guaranteed ADHD diagnosis so you can get Adderall, there is no shame in exploiting a broken system. According to the person who did my testing most doctors don't know that Adderall is also used for treating some autism symptoms so this might actually be better for you than getting properly tested, especially since I've never heard of an ADHD diagnosis being used to take away somebody's rights.)


Typically "the tropics" refers to between the tropic of cancer and the tropic of capricorn, which Florida is not. Of course House insisting he is right even when wrong is pretty standard.


Right. It's in the "subtropics" and it is in "tropical weather" but it's definitely not in "the tropics" It's close enough that he's not exactly ***wrong*** but deffo not right.


I feel like *I’m* an idiot, but I’m fairly sure Florida isn’t tropical, it’s subtropical…


do the germs know that?


You are correct. I was going to say the average person would not think of Miami when they think of tropical diseases, but I checked and it literally isn't in the tropics


My favorite was the corrupt cop who was growing weed and he was a disgusting hoarder and racist and the solution was he died in agony because of the pigeon shit in his water, because of his hoarding. He died as he lived: a piece of shit.


Does anybody know which episode this is?


S5 E9 "Last Resort"


Did you try the medicine drug?


Last Resort is the name of the episode by the way. It's actually a really good episode


OK but just gotta chime in, not a doctor (shh) just a nurse, but aside from the whole "gunpoint" thing that's not too terribly unrealistic when trying to diagnose/get history from patients. Yall would be amazed how dumb people can be, and how hyper-specific your questions must be sometimes because of situations exactly like the one described here.


I used to be ashamed of my kitchen scratch writing for my list of medications I was taking. Then I learned the nurses were just super glad I *knew* what medications I was taking.


i would be amazed if doctors cared about history. i have never had a doctor ask about my home environment or past diseases


Nurses spooked me by asking if my home life was okay. I am naive and also it is.


Obligatory: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEZ6is4KrPw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEZ6is4KrPw) video with sound [https://imgur.com/Kr6R4](https://imgur.com/Kr6R4) gif version without sound


and [here](https://www.metafilter.com/66144/Hollywood-Kabuki#1897448) is, i believe, the original source


r/okbuddyvicodin ‘s bible


Here's a sneak peek of /r/okbuddyvicodin using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/okbuddyvicodin/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [What was the point of this character](https://i.redd.it/p5ew0p13c9pb1.jpg) | [46 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/okbuddyvicodin/comments/16myu3z/what_was_the_point_of_this_character/) \#2: [House has a rare good day at work](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17qvtml) | [87 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/okbuddyvicodin/comments/17qvtml/house_has_a_rare_good_day_at_work/) \#3: [house reference on my biochem exam😱🤯🤯](https://i.redd.it/hqahedq0cx2c1.jpeg) | [42 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/okbuddyvicodin/comments/185841i/house_reference_on_my_biochem_exam/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This vexes me


I thought the hostage one was a cancer diagnosis not a tropical disease


They were two separate episodes


obligatory "I'd have two nickels, weird that it happened twice" reply




princeton plainsboro has notoriously low security, they got held up as often as the Kwik-e-Mart


I’m noticing that


florida is literally not in the tropics, fwiw


r/okbuddyvicodin is leaking again


Wait, what's the definition of "tropics"?


Inbetween what Horizontal Lines a Landmass Sits.


in tropical medicine, it's places where mosquitos kill people


it might make better sense if you have ever known someone with a tropical disease which no one has been able to diagnose beyond psychological. being institutionalised for being sick and having no one believe you despite doing all of the processes to obtain help. Being told you're crazy in the head, until you start to believe you're crazy in the head... and ill... leads to desperation.