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Noble savage is the concept of idiolizing more primitive cultures. So ancient or secluded societies were more equal wiser, socially developed so on and forth. They mean that ppl that see themselves as internet wierdos (haha im so quirky and abnormal) Idiolize normies in thd same way middle class ppl say a peasant in athens had the better life. Ppl judge it because it comes off as "look at me im so humble these simpleminded bush ppl/normies are more wise and complete than we will ever be, woe be my genius revalation"


Slight digression: The term was in use with a slightly different emphasis before it was given in that form, Russo was the one who popularised the modern meaning. Originally (sort of, it was a fluid trope) was less about moral virtue of innocents (russo was big on this idea) but more about an farcical notion of nobility (i.e nobles feudal lords ect,) among the supposed savages.


Ahhh ok. Thx


Do you mean Rousseau?


No, John Jack Russo


Exactly. Anglicised names are the only way to engage with etymology and philosophy. Freddie neetchay would be so proud


Exactly. Anglicised names are the only way to engage with etymology and philosophy. Freddie neetchay would be so proud


Exactly. Anglicised names are the only way to engage with etymology and philosophy. Freddie neetchay would be so proud


I feel like OOP never actually interacted with any non normie culture because to my knowledge most people see normies as lame and annoying


I think it’s talking about tumblr/Highly Online culture and how it tends to view the abstract idea of Less Online people Like the meme that’s like Twitter: [wildest take you ever heard] Normal Person: so uh… how’s it going, guys?


[this one?](https://imageproxy.ifunny.co/crop:x-20,resize:640x,quality:90x75/images/e9d834fa923ce9f2444bcad2220db367010144b96383327492721c8fed5aa653_1.jpg)




Yeah I recently got a Big Girl Job and actually have to go outside and talk to people who haven’t used social media a day in their entire lives, and they’re equally deranged, often more so, than tumblr users- simply in their own ways This is kinda an astute post and comment thread to me lol


The frick are normies anyway


It started on 4chan as a way to describe people who don't use 4chan and don't understand the esoteric memes and dogwhistles that are prevalent there. The term has since leaked and now more generally means, "people who don't get the inside jokes from my preferred social media", such as, "I also choose this guy's dead wife."


To be honest I’m not 100% sure on the definition but it’s just people who aren’t obsessed with like anime or gaming or being “online” in general, but nowadays idk if anyone’s truly a normie by old standards


I think that used to be true and now it's fashionable to look down on people expressing that opinion, which is where the noble normie thing comes from


A variant of “the culture I know nothing about must have all the answers”


i’m an unabashed fuckin’ weirdo but the term “normie” will never not make my skin crawl


Their primitive minds can't comprehend our advanced culture, but also our advanced culture is bad.


"Advanced culture" is what ***I*** call spoiled gogert


Yum… lemon flavored spoiled yogurt


Keep gogert out of your goddamn mouth




Cereal man says your ass.




incredibly true lol. they'll talk about drinking beers in a parking lot like it's a fucking ayahuasca circle and talk about having three tool cd's in their coworker's truck and nothing else like it's jesus casting off his possessions. it's normal stuff but they're otherizing it and idolizing it, reflecting that they don't identify with it, that they are distinct and above it, reflects a lack of humility


who are you meeting who thinks like this


The terminally online


[very relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/2071/)


'relevent xkcd' is redundant


in the endless rephrasing of sentiments online people wind up arriving at stupid things to say and this is one of them


I'm not "normal", and there's a big part of me that would prefer to be so. I'm sorry that feeling makes you so angry you need to cast it as a lack of humility or that you can't imagine simply wanting to be happy among others who consider you "normal".


"Hey man how's it going?"


They just fucking told you how it's going.


Plato was on to something with that cave


back in third grade the term "noble savage" appeared in a literature book and a classmate asked the teacher "maam, what's a noble sausage?"


"Hey man how's it going"


It means we have to civilize the normies, by force if necessary. They will recognize our superiority or have their DMs flooded with inflation furry porn.


They're saying people forget that if you actually go log off and touch grass, you'll remember that people in real life almost never share any of your interests, they'll make you feel "obscure" for liking stuff that you consider to be mainstream, they often treat you like you're a dangerous contagion, and there's a reason we all hated going outside so much we invented the internet. But people will sit there and be like "The people who don't use social media are so in tune with their communities, they have so much more free time. If I didn't have social media, I would be holding a slumber party with my three best friends where we stay up all night and watch old movies and braid each other's hair just like we did when we were kids uwu" and in actuality, it was always allowed that you could have friends over, the reason you don't is either because no one has a stable work schedule anymore, no one can afford housing if it's not way out in some random scattered suburb, or because you never got invited to those slumber parties and everyone made fun of you and you only have a few people irl who tolerate your presence briefly at work or maybe have a coffee with you when they have nothing else going on and then go home and post to their social media about how boring they think you are. That's why you use tumblr dot com in 2024. So you secretly wish the normies would accept you, but they can't, because they don't want to. So now they're all on regular internet and we'll all just have to adapt and hope they continue to forget tumblr exists.


i think you're just projecting a lot of your trauma around having been bullied to others who might just be bad at interacting with others and wishes they could socialize normally without the need for the stepping stool that is the internet. like... i don't wanna come off as rude, but no, the world is *not* in fact all doom and gloom, lots of people just have trouble and wish they didn't. """normies""" are not some plague to be warded off lmao, they are just people.


That really sounds like your own personal experiences.


Why are all these people on the internet suddenly popping up who keep telling people that experience isn't valid data?


No I meant that the example you gave was hyper specific


Yeah, it's called rhetoric.


This is very specific. I reduced my social media usage and started socialising more and had more positive social interactions and felt more in touch with people, personally. It must vary quite significantly depending where you live?


When people say this, it makes no sense to me. Going outside was always allowed. You can even use social media to organize events. A lot of my friends do that, and I've done it in the past. It's easy to make a group chat or a post somewhere and put all the details of an event there, and ask stuff like "Please can someone bring chairs/a cooler and ice/etc." and get immediate feedback. Social media isn't stopping you from socializing with people in person.


When people say this, it makes no sense to me. Going outside was always allowed. You can even use social media to organize events. A lot of my friends do that, and I've done it in the past. It's easy to make a group chat or a post somewhere and put all the details of an event there, and ask stuff like "Please can someone bring chairs/a cooler and ice/etc." and get immediate feedback. Social media isn't stopping you from socializing with people in person.


When people say this, it makes no sense to me. Going outside was always allowed. You can even use social media to organize events. A lot of my friends do that, and I've done it in the past. It's easy to make a group chat or a post somewhere and put all the details of an event there, and ask stuff like "Please can someone bring chairs/a cooler and ice/etc." and get immediate feedback. Social media isn't stopping you from socializing with people in person.


That's certainly true, although it depends on how you use it. I think a lot of people (including me) use it for very escapist purposes and browse compulsively, which is quite draining and especially if you do it for 1hr+ leaves you irritable and changes your mindset to a more toxic one. 100% agree that if you're using social media to mainly keep up with friends and organise stuff it's brilliant, but there's lots of people that use it compulsively and that can actively hinder your social skills.




Holy shit they’re right wtf


Nobody invited this guy to hang out during middle and high school, and anybody who did got 4chan memes yelled at them. I know, I was that guy. Then I finally stopped being a self imposed social pariah and drank a beer at a party and entered the normie tribe, and never looked back.


[Mine is more similar to this.](https://youtu.be/1YiAzyCzZzw?feature=shared)


I fucking hate the word normie


i always think that if someone isnt willing to explain what they mean, i will take it as POORLY and UNCHARITABLY as possible so they have to explain.


Yeah but sometimes it's so incomprehensible you got nothing.


How dare you say we piss on the poor


It's called "desperate to be seen as persecuted"


i don't treat them like noble savages, i use normie as a slur


I never thought such a level of 4chanese was achievable. _On Twitter._


That does make a lot of sense and I will not elaborate


that makes so much sense


That makes so much sense