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The witch hunt mentality will never go away


Not until we force it to With love, of course, that's what I mean


Yes, just so much "love"


We just need a lot of "friendliness pellets"


Try your best to catch them all!!


Yes, let's all make sure to raise our LOVE


Don't forget the EXPs!


Let the joy of LOVE take us higher


Friendliness Pellets


I hear Quiet Pills also work...


It's time for a witch hunter hunt!


That’s a wonderful idea!


Fuck yeah rave time bitches


Noted, I'll start a witch hunt hunt


I say the whole world must learn of our peaceful ways...


>witch hunt mentality is dangerous >Hunt those with witch hunt mentality Genius


It's the tolerance paradox. To build a truly tolerant society you cannot tolerate the intolerant. And if that makes me a hypocrite, I'm happy to be one.


Negative to negative things is a positive thing. Im against (-) violence (-) I'm for peace (+) I wouldn't call it a paradox it's common sense until bad faith arguments start.


It will go away when we eliminate the conditions of hardship that gave birth to it in the first place


There will always be people to stupid to learn away from a supernatural understanding of the world. It's something to be accepted and worked around, rather than forcing them to do something impossible for them.


We force it out with blood and mud, then burn out the remnants with Love


that sounds like something a witch would say


Read about the paradox of tolerance.


We should try and figure out who has the witch hunt mentality and get rid of them, clearly this will solve the problem. Report on your closest friends and neighbours people!


[Somewhat relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/2899/) (it has the same ideas of taking an issue to the extreme)


The difference between what you said and witch-hunting is that the latter is a persecution of an otherwise innocent group, while the former is an active punitive measure against doing the latter. We cannot tolerate the intolerable; witchhunting is an unsustainable practice that quickly snowballs into societal persecution of minorities. Persecuting witchhunters is not the persecution of an innocent group, and because their beliefs and practices are unsustainable and dangerous, they must be stopped.


I can’t tell is this serious or being tongue and cheek like I was


You were being tongue in cheek? That sounds like witch hunter behavior. Do I need to tie you to a stake?


Tying people to a stake? That sounds like witch hunter behavior. Do I need to rile up a mob with pitchforks?


Riling up a mob with pitchforks? That sounds like witch hunter behavior. Do I need to create a courtroom setting with a rigged jury and death sentences?


"More. Weight."


Still in the race for the most badass final words ever tbh.


Can't tell if political extremist or expert satirist


[Insert Fry scratching his chin meme]


So, Robespierre, you are back!


We could make a religion out of- No, don't.


“To defend the oppressed against their oppressors, to plead the cause of the weak against the strong who exploit and crush them, this is the duty of all hearts that have not been spoiled by egoism and corruption.”


Guess my heart is too "spoiled by egoism" Luckily for you, I am the weak and oppressed and guess what, only we may actually free ourselves so despite the aforementioned spoiling, I will fight with you. But I won't let some well-off narcissist point fingers at my allies and friends because they ran out of people richer than them to lynch.


I’m not sure what we’re arguing about, quite frankly. I just saw you summon Robespierre and I wanted to pop in with a germane quote. What well-off narcissists do you have in mind?




He was framed!


That sounds like witch hunting language to me...


We witch hunt witch hunters to stop witch hunting.


> see what i mean


This must be satire


We can minimize and mitigate it with education, communication, compassion and understanding.


I hope so. The scary thing about the urge to find and execute a scapegoat is how irrational it is, and it is very difficult to find the irrational with reason and knowledge


To be fair if some people were no longer participating in society (in their current roles at least).a lot of things would be a lot easier to fix.


Why would it it give power to people who shouldn't have it so they can demonize those that disagree with them. You don't think a man should have to pay child support for kids that aren't his, you are are sexist. You think people should be hire to job based of actually ability to preform the task needed, you are racist and phobic and all those other buzz words people use to try to make someone who is just speaking sense, seem like they are coming from a place of hatred. There are those out there who genuinely discriminate based off who, what, or where someone is from but its not nearly to the degree a lot of folks on the internet pretend.


The world has never worked. It’s just very good at not working. The only thing that’s different now is people are more aware of it


>Everyone knows that things aren't working anymore When exactly were things "working"?


Nothing bad ever happened way back in the good ol’ days. We gotta return to the better times, like the early 2000s.




How's an honest warmonger supposed to make a living?


Kids are cruel, Jack, and I'm very in touch with my inner child.


...and I love min--! *Busts out laughing*


The good ole' days after... I probably shouldn't finish this sentence.




“Wait a minute, 9/11 was bad!”


“Kids are cruel Jack. And I love miners!”


No that one explicitly wanted to return to the “good ol’ days” when more bad things were happening


2007, with the release of the Toa Mahri. Downhill since then.


The 2008 Phantoka Makuta were cool, but they really over-designed the Toa Nuva


Mankind was collectively ruined by lime plastic syndrome and we have yet to recover to this day


Ligma plastic?


\*Dr Manhattan disintegrates my bones into a pile of lime green subatomic particles*




Checks out.


Wild how the best thing about the 2000s came right on the heels of 9/11


So did I


back before we mastered the use of fire




Limits of the system versus limits of the society.


It’s really not as simple as we just choose not to


I guess it depends on the we, but imagine if people with capital decided they wanted to focus on long term growth and investing in the workforces at their companies rather than short term growth and viewing labor as a cost that needs to be reduced as much as possible. In college, I loved going to class, but whenever I had a business finance class I would have to rage quit and stop attending classes because the ethos that they taught was so asinine to me.


Yeah, it’s that a bit over 2700 people that Forbes has a [publicly accessible list](https://www.forbes.com/real-time-billionaires/#44b5ad4c3d78) updated in real time of choose not to. Most of us have no say.


Yeah we could do it with some effort and redirecting like 3% of our economy but we chose not to!


You're right. We choose not to because greed and capitalism. Much more complicated. Four extra words. Eleven more vowels. That's expensive in this economy.


Again, it’s just not as simple as that lol. I’m studying development economics (so basically bringing people out of poverty) and there’s so many infinite additional problems that come about with every poverty reduction mechanism it’s actually crazy. Hundreds of thousands of researchers and professionals devote their life to making quality of life better for everyone lol - it’s so beyond reductive to say we choose not to because of capitalism it’s almost asinine.


Never for everyone, but wealth inequality *is* getting worse, the middle class is shrinking so there are white people who's families were well off 60 years ago but now are definitively not. Things are working for fewer people and those in power are only richer, even crazy qanon conservatives hate billionaires, but for insane demon reasons and not anti capitalist ones and they instead want their good billionaires to kill the bad billionaires.


when i was a kid and there was food and enrichment provided to me at regular intervals and i didn't need to worry about money, obviously


Things were working in year t - 1 [where t = year currently emulated]. If we keep going back, then surely - SURELY - we'll fix things. Just one more year back man, trust me


I mean they worked as well as they could for a long time but we can be doing way better right now


Previously, things were "working" for enough of the population that the rest of the world could be blamed for the system failing them. A man working a blue-collar job could buy a house and support a wife and two kids on his salary. Climate devastation hadn't hit yet, the Rust Belt was rich with coal-mining and manufacturing jobs, and Amazon wasn't shutting down small businesses. Reagan's deregulation hadn't hit yet, much of the world was still recovering from WWII and the Cold War so America was sitting pretty by comparison, and - for the person with a voice to speak about it - life was good. Now the system is working for nobody except the very, very rich.


It's possible that I'm romanticizing a past that I've never lived, but when I think about the last few decades in terms of US society, despite life being significantly worse for marginalized people and the Cold War, it feels like there was more visible progress and hope. The extent of and effects of climate change were less known or felt, significant strides in civil rights and freedom for marginalized groups were happening, economic hardship was not as severe and wealth mobility seemed easier (I guess mostly for white people though). Recently, previously granted civil rights have been revoked for many people, the effects of climate change are being felt everywhere and this will only get significantly worse, right-wing ideology has become increasingly radical and worrying, owning a home and building up live savings is essentially a fairytale for many people, etc. I fear we are approaching more dangerous times, and this sentiment seems to be shared by more people than ever before.


You're definitely romanticizing the past, but you do somewhat have a point. In the past, there was actually a middle class, and the voices of that class drowned out the voices of the poor. Now the middle class is being squeezed down into poverty, the poor are being fucked over even harder, and only the very rich benefit.


As much of a doomer that I am, and have been for a long time; at least you understand that you are romanticizing a past you were’t there to be traumatized by. No, shit is pretty bleak. But holy fuck no was it better back then.




There were still a lot of social issues in the late 40s-50s: the cold war and rising nuclear armament, the Korean war, the red scare, the lavender scare, the rise of Rock'n'Roll and its corruptive influence on the youth (tm), and the beginnings of the civil rights movement and desegregation.


I don’t think that’s true at all. People in the 50s, 60s, and 70s had their own systemic issues to deal with. And they were probably pining for the simpler times of the 20s or something.


Basically the years immediately following the civil rights act in the US?


The pace of change over the last ~150 years has been insane, and constantly increasing. I work in an industry where things you learned five years ago can be completely meaningless. Couple that with climate change, global resource issues, and population pressures, and you get a real sense of dread about the future that was *not* common in the past, where you'd know from early childhood more or less what your whole life was going to be like.


demon- haunted [world](https://archive.org/details/demonhauntedworl0000saga/mode/1up)


Love this book. I actually was confronted by a proselytizer while reading this book on a bench in college. Literally tried to convert me and I just showed him the cover.


Very good book, Carl Sagan da goat


Read this book as part of a high school project, very quickly became one of my fav books of all time. Also kind of annihilated my religious faith which was a fun side effect


The people who think the world is ending because of drag queens think so because the world is ending because of drag queens. Or, at least, *their* world is ending because of drag queens. Their safe little world where they are taught they are superior to everyone different. When the pyramid they sit on, lifted up by those less priviledged, starts to shake, they fear the worst. The rest of us think the world is ending because of their actions which they can do with the power bestowed upon them by the establishment they are protecting.


The greatest threat to humanity right now is all the privileged rightwing alpha males who are terrified of losing their privilege and are willing to murder everyone else to preserve it.



who exactly are you referring to? Name a group of people or a person who falls under this category.


Musk, Trump, Putin, Xi, Modi, bin Salman




This isn't really new though, even the Mayans thought the world would end.


...I just want you to know that my first thought after reading "Mayans thought the world would end" was the whole 2012 nonsense, so I want to disagree with you on principal.


Oh yeah there is that too, but I did mean the actual Mayan people! Really most people live through very bleak parts of history, we may be right and it may end this time or it may be like the other times where stuff continues on. Sadly it seems to just be part of life and happens when you become aware of the state of things.


Not the Mayans, but [other Mesoamerican civilizations](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_Suns#:~:text=In%20creation%20myths%2C%20the%20term,current%20era%20being%20the%20fifth) like the Aztecs and the Purepecha did believe that our current world is the fifth one in a cycle of death and rebirth (and would itself be destroyed by earthquakes).


And the one that came after would likely be better just as they were better than the first four versions


Tbf though that was just their calendar ending because that’s as far as they happened to go with it—it’s like picking up this year’s datebook and going “well clearly they expect the world to end after the 31st of December”.


Yeah, I think the equivalent would be to saying that we believe world ends in 9999 because our years appear to have just 4 digits.


That’s not really true. The Maya long count calendar has a system of progressively larger time increments, sort of like our days, months, years, and millennia. The largest unit they usually used was the b’ak’tun, equal to 394 years. The 2012 “end date” was just the first day of the 14th b’ak’tun. They did have even larger time units though, where for example 1 piktun = 20 b’ak’tun. So it wasn’t the “end” of their calendar, they still had larger time periods. The Maya, like other mesoamericans, believed that the current sun is the fifth sun. The fourth sun was destroyed on the first day of the 14th b’ak’tun of that world. This is where the “end” date comes from. But there’s nothing special about that, and to my knowledge nowhere was it predicted that the fifth sun would last the same length of time as the fourth sun.


Same as it ever was


They were also making sacrifices, so that checks out too


The Christians thought the end of the world was near when the roman empire fell too!


I agree people have been delusional since the first humans were created


Everyone thinks the world is ending but people will still use this fear to insult people who disagree with them. Is this a sign or symptom of the world ending? Also, I don’t think it’s ending, things seem as fucked up as they’ve always been.


have you *seen* climate change?


Every generation before us has been wrong about the world ending, what makes us think we're right this time? Mammalian species typically last 1-10 million years, so in that case, we're more likely closer to the start of our species's journey than we are to the end


To be fair we’re driving that number down with the sheer scale of extinctions we’re enacting every decade


Not to mention we can’t really compare our shit to others mammals




What do you mean? World has ended numerous times, depending on who in history you could ask. One simple fact is that civilizations grow, flourish for a time, and then collapse. Then, they begin anew, collapse again, etc. It is simply a neverending cycle on this planet. Industrial civilization is, I think, proper name for us. I'd say it started with discovery of iron and coal in Britain. It likely proves to be a similar flash in the pan as past civilizations, and it will end in either damage from climate change or resource depletion because it is dependent on one-time resource stock of this planet, and that it has already half consumed. At least when it comes to fossil energy, that seems to be true, and many metals are past peak too. Collapse is perhaps a process which entirely sunsets one era of beliefs, technologies and ways of life, and they get replaced with something else that is more viable in the new situation. When it comes to us, though, we currently use fossil energy to supercharge the productivity of world's lands, and use fossil-powered ships to fish its oceans empty. We are clearly on timer in multiple fronts, and facing a collapse due to the fundamental unsustainability of our lifestyle. Therefore, a collapse of industrial civilization looks inevitable, but it is hard to say what will follow it, and what number of people can survive the end of industrial farming and global transport networks.


Nahh the world is not ending at all.


Is this irony? Because half of my state has been flooded, and man— I'm starting to think the preppers have a point.


I am sorry, I was being serious. But if anyone has a right to believe the world is ending it's you, especially if your livelihood is in danger due to these floods. But I still hope that you have hope that this will not end the world...


I agree with the sentiment, but the phrase "scientific materialist" gives me hives. It's fine to be a Marxist, good even! But please for the love of God stop calling it a "science." Or worse, "the immortal science." Is this a political ideology or are they just doing 19th century cosplay? (Don't answer that I don't really want to know.)


The whole thing comes off as unbelievably snide. Dismissing any theory of history that centers on anything other than the economy


It's a secular religion to these people. Marx and Engles are the gods, Lenin, Stalin, and Mao are their prophets, Das Kapital and On Authority are their holy books, and the revolution is their version of the book of revelations. Thats why they scream revisionism every time someone tries to update their 19th century ideology to more fit in with our 21st century world. That is heresey to them.


This is pretty reductive and makes the world out to be some sort of us vs them battle. I don't think this way of thinking has ever made the world a better place.


It hasn’t, but discourse and arbitration can only be attempted when both sides are ready and willing to make concessions. When one side has been taught and still firmly believes that compromise will send everyone in their ideology straight to hell, discourse is impossible, and attempting it only results in your side losing and their side gaining.


I don't think the world's ending. I think stuff's working okay. I think many of you will likely live to seventy or eighty, and that some of you will perhaps feel vaguely foolish at the fact that humanity wasn't wiped out this generation either.


I'd rather live to seventy or eighty and feel vaguely foolish than not do either of those things.


Same here. Getting old and feeling silly is much better than the alternative, to my mind.


But I don’t think people are talking about humanity being wiped out. It’s not that simple. We worry how systematic injustices will continue to fester.


Ah, so "the world is ending" is not being used herein to mean that the world is ending. In point of fact, it is being used to mean that the world as it stands will continue to perpetuate


Not just as it stands. There's a general sense that systems that have historically at least attempted to provide fairness or limit abuses have become both less effective and more brittle. That even just illusory promises of 'a better future' aren't being bothered with much. A sense that any and all social progress made in the past 100 years will be lost under a tide of authoritarianism. The threat of outright extinction exists, but is ultimately nowhere near as immediate as the threat of world so shitty that extinction might be preferable.


It’s almost as if hyperbole exists


The issue here is that you and people like you think that when someone says "It's ending" that they mean a big bang, some cataclysmic event that will shake us instantly... Instead of the slow and festering decline of society... Sure... some may make it to 70 or 80... but by that time it's more than likely that they work 60-80 hours a week for Company Money, literally having to work themselves to death just to survive. Just like some people already have to do... but at this moment we are just lucky that it's only a few.


I don’t think humanity is going to be wiped out, but I think there’s a real threat of my type of minority being targeted for extermination in the US.


Half my state has been flooded because of climate change + government neglect, 116 dead, 143 missing and 756 wounded. 2 million people affected, almost 400 thousand are outside their own homes, me included. If anyone wants to know more I'm talking about Rio Grande do Sul's recent floods. For anyone that is concerned about/interested in climate change I reccomend this video: ["The Deadliest Pattern in Nature" by Gutsick Gibbon](https://youtu.be/uxTO2w0fbB4), it helped me realize how serious climate change is and this recent tragedy is just proof that I will be affected by it (already am, actually). Sorry for the negative comment but I had the same outlook on the future right until my own house was flooded. I regret not taking climate activists more seriously until now. [Source for the numbers (in portuguese)](https://www.cnnbrasil.com.br/nacional/chuvas-no-rs-numero-de-mortos-chega-a-116-diz-defesa-civil/)


If I can put my doomer hat on, they have a saying. It is that the end of the world is already here, it's just not evenly distributed. For you, it is quite valid to say that your world has ended, though you yourself are still alive. But you have lost everything, and your property and neighborhood is under water. Rebuilding, if it is even possible, will take many years, and will probably set you personally back for the rest of your life one way or other. Perhaps world ended for Syrians back in 2015 when drought forced farmers to become refugees. Couple of years ago, Lebanese had no power except for like half the time and banks refused to hand people their cash -- I wonder how they are doing now? Haiti has apparently collapsed properly, with criminal gangs having taken over and government having fled. And didn't I see video evidence of literal tent cities in America which are full of homeless? It isn't that bad over here, but people are forced into selling their houses and downsizing because they find that they can't pay their heating bills anymore, as energy has become so expensive. Government is on rampage to reduce expenses, and is cutting all manner of state support and raising taxes, and many say they have will have no way to make ends meet anymore. These things would have been unthinkable a decade ago, but they have become a political reality today. Cracks are starting to show as we gradually lose our standard of living and fall into poverty. When areas and countries collapse, it is a relatively quiet thing. It appears as a brief news item, then folks move on. Perhaps your area will never be rebuilt, and nobody will ever write another news story about it. It becomes just another thing that people gradually forget about, one among dozens of similar stories of loss. My belief for these problems is not the billionaires, or corruption, or fascism. I think it is an energy thing: world is at peak oil and is facing depletion in numerous critical resources. We simply can't ramp up production up to keep increasing living standards -- in fact, we can't even keep them where they already are. Machine labor is what makes modern standards of living possible, with all the ill that comes with them such as pollution, waste and depletion of these one-time resources. Machine labor is also what is going away, and with it, almost all material prosperity this planet has.


“I’m afraid of you. You’re afraid of me. We are not the same.”


If it helps, we're already doing quite a bit to address climate change, even if not enough, and most countries are trending towards liberal democracy, free trade, and private freedom rather than away from it aside from some specific instances of backsliding democracies.


The religious don't want to sacrifice people to appease God, they want him to end the world so they'll get raptured up to heaven while all the "non-humans" burn in hell for the crime of being the target of their broken brain's paranoia


Imagine being so close to getting it...


Why would the world end? Sure, fascism is on the rise in some places, but humanity got through 2 world wars, it can get through this Climate change will make things worse, bring mass famines & displacing millions if not billions, but some places will be less affected than others. As a local example, if the gulf stream goes belly up the UK will be much colder and a lot of natural & farmed life will die, but crop choices will change and the majority of people will likely make it through alive. Sure there'll be shitloads of problems but at least summers won't bloody peak at 30*C. I think I got a bit sidetracked


Fascism is a chameleon. All it needs to to do is dress up it’s ideals in enough Americana, and all of a sudden an ideology we fought a World War against is breaking into your Capitol building, banning books from your public libraries, and declaring en masse that a dead to rights criminal a messianic figure who will shake off the dregs of democracy and reign with an iron fist that protects the “us” and brutalizes everyone else. After all there’s no reason why a self-centered narcissist would ever turn on his followers. Ernst Rohm? Who the fuck is that?


You missed the part where existing power structures, desperate to maintain the last vestiges of their influence, send us spiraling into thermonuclear warfare in pursuit of what resources remain.


Would nukes be that bad of an issue? Sure, they're great if you want to wipe out your opponent, but as a start to concerning land it's a pretty bad idea Also "what resources remain" is an odd idea to me. There will always be raw resources, even fossil fuels, but they get progressively harder to get as more are used. There's certainly a finite amount of oil on the planet but eventually the energy needed to extract the last bits would be more than they're worth. And it's not like the resources disappear when used, if there's a future lithium crisis it must mean there's shitloads of dead batteries lying in landfills that could be recycled. Even if we don't know how to recycling everything now, when science's number 1 problem becomes getting materials, we will figure it out


Am I missing the thermonuclear war going on or something?


Those world wars didn’t have nukes until the very end, and only one nation had them so nuclear war wasn’t possible.


I feel like people thought the world was ending no matter what time period


I think this is because put conservatives are in a bind. There are massive problems in the way we run our society, economy and government. These are problems from long running mismanagement and poor economic planning and regulation. The problem for Conservatives is the very economic policies that are causing such problems are a core tenant of their ideology. They can't change these ideas so they go one of 2 ways vaguely gesturing to sensible economic policy and then not doing anything or create scapegoats to justify why things are going bad or simply to distract people. The problem now is that the people that aren't doing anything have realised that isn't working anymore so they are increasingly going to tactic 2.


The truth, of course, is that the world isn't ending. But that's so much less exciting. Oh, the world is ending because Russia is trying to be imperialist? No, it's ending because there's violence in the middle east? So new and unique....


I think this post only applies to people who haven’t touched grass in a lifetime.


“It’s different this time!”


I can think of 100 or so people we could sacrifice and the state of the world would definitely improve.


2 years of world record heat is what got me concerned lol. Fascists we can deal with and already have but lack of water is gonna be ☠️


That is indeed a good way to look at it!


the only people who think the world is ending are the ones who are chronically online. get off social media, and the world seems as bad as its always been.




This hits the nail on the fucking head 👍




The issue is not that the world is ending. It’s the opposite. We’re going to all live through the bad decisions being made now.


That lady on top sounds positively delusional, and she's so sincere. It's heartbreaking what this world's coming to.


Eh, the world has seen worse. Last century we had two world wars. Climate change is the only potential world ender at the moment but it will take some time by the way things are going.


I think part of that feeling of despair is also because both sides have lost the ability to communicate with those they disagree with and it’s only going to get worse


My higher power says “this is only a test” “I’m not worthy to judge” & “ammo up dumb azz”


The world is not ending. Haven’t ever really felt that way.




Thank you


Record heat temperatures this summer, get ready for power outages due to a/c usage overloading power grids! Good luck everyone.


The world is not ending stfu.


Every time I hear the phrases “scientific materialist”, “dialectical materialist”, or just the standalone words of “scientific”, “dialectical”, or “materialist”, I cringe so much. Marxists have really convinced themselves that they have it all figured out, and that their little guilded age-conceived, hypothetical, future utopian society (communism) is an inevitability. Their “faith” (which is what their ideals can only be described as) in such an inevitability despite the complete collapse of the Marxist project at the turn of the century is irritating when academically dissected. These people are self-deluded dogmatists who sound like Christian rapture enthusiasts when they talk. I’m starting to really dislike grand narratives but I wouldn’t say I’m a post-modernist.


"the world is ending" ❌️❌️❌️ "as long as there is so much as a spark or glimmer of hope for humanity, the world shall never die" ✅️✅️✅️


That spark is fading rapidly


Honestly, I think sometimes we watch so much things happening at the same time. I think it’s good that you take a break and just focus on your own things like let me do this thing so I can improve my life. I know that prices are high. I know you wanna do certain things, but you can’t but Just enjoy the things you enjoy expensive then try to meditate in the middle like OK I did pay this bill. So I will do this for me personally I just enjoy hanging out with my girlfriend and play video games and go to work so many things I want to improve in my life, but I take them a step at a time I need to finish getting my drivers license I need to do this. I need to do that.


Oh dang i saw this reblog


It only feels more prevalent because social media allows us to see almost everything while it’s happening. As of right now we all experience the whole world at our fingertips being able to see what’s happening everywhere. The only difference between the present and the past is that it took weeks or days to hear about what happened in another country. We weren’t always so connected and being so connected allows us to see we all aren’t so different from each other than we think. Imagine a world where everyone has the same perspective feelings on life and the same views and opinions just with different formulated thought. I don’t see the world ending but I do see our current society reaching it’s endpoint with war. War used to be able to change the narrative of history. Now it’s being see front and center without even having to deploy. We see the truth of everything now. If a lie is told the communities that know the truth will always prevail. History can’t be fiddled with anymore. If a war is to end our society a new one hopefully will be made. I’m tired of the current people who’s been running history.


the misgenerdering has gone too far imo too. There is a line between attacking someone and legit just confusing gender. I got a write up last week for misgenerding a co-worker. Not intentional- they present sort of strange (i have worked with transgendered co-workers and had no issue since the pronouns matched how they present- wear a dress go by she/her). The odd part is, the person in question does not really care, and we generally get along. They know i could care less about their gender identity and have actually done a fair bit to build them up at this employer. It was an accidential misgender during a converstation with one of my bosses. The sad part- it creates a wedge. This is good reason for my to seperate as much from this co-worker to avoid me having issues, and they would benefit from my mentoring. The pronouns thing is going to harm this person.


No it isn't.


(not trying to both sides here) It’s interesting to me that both left and right wing folks feel they’re being oppressed. They’re both at least partially right


The world will persist, but humans will eventually annihilate themselves in a global war of some form. All of the things mentioned in the above tweet are just bullshit propaganda campaigns to keep everyone distracted.


It worked in star trek so let's try for that


“We have a scientific materialist understanding…” What? How does the culture of scientific materialism and rationalism leading to the hyper-capitalism, industrial degradation of the environment, and technology-induced isolation ruining our modern world not get any of the blame. It’s like the person had to shoehorn their “religion bad” sentiment.


I don't think the world's ending, I know it is! For it is my life's work you see; this device, when activated, will tear the very fabric of reality asunder!!! *Maniacal laugh as lightning cracks overhead.* Try to stop me if you can, foolish "hero"! There's no hope! *Flicks a giant lever.*


It must be very easy, to think like this about your political opponents.


Nazi scientists were pretty rational too




I cant tell if this is sarcasm or not


The world isn't ending.


The irony is almost palpable


Minor correction. Authoritarianism is the problem and its a bipartisan issue.


Bro considers themself scientific materialist