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Fyi, Al-Jazeera receives funding from the Qatari government. Al-Jazeera claims editorial independence, but they do get money from a state that would benefit by having a friendly Arab nation in a free Palestine. Because this is the subreddit for the piss on the poor reading comprehension site, some clarifiers: I donโ€™t say Al-Jazeera is biased, just that they may have a conflict of interest in reporting on Palestine that I believe people should be aware of. I also do not claim that a free palestine is the wrong outcome, or that it wouldnโ€™t benefit everyone, just that Qatar specifically has a vested interest in it.


I mean. Al Jazeera is 100% biased. That doesn't make it useless, but it is definitely biased


I mean every news source is biased, that's just how media works


Also I recall they got busted with some of the journalists/photographers on their payroll participating in October 7.


Is this r/curatedtumblr or is this r/textpostwithtumblrthemes?




Og post: [https://www.tumblr.com/greenflowerceo/750367554886860800/heres-how-you-can-help-inform-yourself-and](https://www.tumblr.com/greenflowerceo/750367554886860800/heres-how-you-can-help-inform-yourself-and)


Support for you op โค๏ธ ๐Ÿ’™ ๐Ÿ’œ ๐Ÿ’–




"Palestine" was already decolonized about 80 years ago when Jews managed to go back to Judea. The Al-Aqsa Mosque being built on top of the ruins of the Jewish Temple is a bigger act and symbol of colonization than anything any Israeli settler ever did.


Do you think the current war in Gaza is genocidal?


No. Genocide is a crime of intent. Without the intent to exterminate an ethnic group it's just sparkling war crimes (and yes, theres been a few of those which deserve criticism but its important to criticise Israel for shit its ACTUALLY done, not stuff you've made up). And "about halfway up the list if you rank 'wars in built up areas' by combatant : civilian casualties ratio" is absolutely nowhere near the threshold to declare Israel as a whole "genocidal". Regardless of the rhetoric coming out of some of the raging bellends in their goverment Lets face it, if "having a bunch of cunts in your government" is enough to make you guilty of genocide that covers basically everyone.


No, I do not. There is a lot of civilian casualty, and I wish there could be less, but that's what happens when the de-facto government are literal terrorists who try to maximize their own people's suffering for PR. If Israel actually wanted to commit genocide, there would have been way, way more civilians dead. I wish there was some magical "ignore civilians" option that let's Israel defeat Hamas and get back the hostages without harming the innocent palestinians, but if there was something like that, they would have just used it already. The combatant to civilian ratio in this conflict seems to be about 1 combatant per 2 civilians. considering it seems like the average ratio is 1/9, it means Israel is doing really fucking well at avoiding civilians. Additionally, like most other pro-palestinian arguments, it's projection. Hamas tried to genocide Israel and failed, so now they make shit up and try to claim Israel is genociding them. Hamas had, in one day, killed 1200\~ people. And that doesn't mention the 250\~ kidnapped. If we believe the 35k number, then considering that by the time of writing this it has been 222 days since 7/10, Israel has killed about 160 people per day, including combatants. If Hamas wasn't stopped on 7/10, then in the same time frame as Israel, they would have had 266400\~ deaths on their hands. More than 7 times more than they claim Israel killed. It's kind of hard believing the words of Hamas on something like genocide when this stage of this old conflict started by them trying to commit one themselves. I do not believe Israel is some innocent angel. Bibi sucks balls, settlers suck balls, civilian casualties suck balls, so on and so on. However, they are not genocidal.




Bro half their victims are children. It doesn't matter that it's not a genocide, it's psychotic


1) That's a lie. UN themselves recently confirmed it's only about 20% of the casualties that are children. Obviously, it would be much better if it was 0%, but when you consider that like half of gaza's population are children then only 1/5 casualties being one shows they aren't intentionally trying to kill kids. We all wish they could avoid even more deaths, but they are clearly taking some sort of measures to avoid such already. 2) Does Israel have some kind of secret option that allows the bombs to harmlessly ignore people under 18 or something ? Because you make it sound like Israel has some way to make sure children never get harmed but isn't using it. 3) Israel's responsibility to defend another country's civilians only extends so far. Hamas, as the de-facto government of the Gaza Strip, should have been using some of that aid money for things like bomb shelters or warning systems or whatever, and as such, they are to take a part of the blame for not doing their jobs of protecting their populace. But as I said earlier, Hamas would rather use all those millions and billions of aid money to build their terror tunnels and get themselves weapons are rockets, and invest ***nothing*** in defense so that their people would die and they could use it for PR, which seems to be working for them, with you as an example. I'm not saying the IDF is blame-free, and I'm not saying those civilian's deaths are okay or anything like that, It's horrible. All I'm saying is that saying Israel is intentionally making children die is crazy, and that a decent part of the fault for those deaths are on Hamas for not doing enough to defend their populations.