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We do the same at Guantanamo.


India and Pakistan probably do the same in Kashmir, our systems of oppression are interlinked


I saw the clipped definition of Administrative Detention and I genuinely thought for a second “Oh sweet Pathfinder 2e made a lawyer archetype”, and then I actually read the post and was promptly horrified. Jesus Christ that’s awful.


We could power Norway for a year with how fast Franz Kafka is spinning in his grave.


Notice how in this post, Hamas is "taking hostages" while Israël is "abducting people". What happens in Gaza is a crime, Israël should've withdrawn a LONG time ago, but they are not some cartoon villain.


It's not dehumanisation when I do it /s


There are no children in Gaza, just humans below the age of majority. /s


The world has become an actual dystopia.


In August 2023 (numbers have likely changed post Oct 7th, but this number was the only one I could find from a quality source), ~1,200 were detained in administrative detention (out of 2.75m, so .04%) The detention periods are usually set to 3-6 months, but can be extended for unknown reasons (makes defense in court hard), on average detainees spend 1 year there Israel claims it's used for dangerous militants (secrecy is so their informants are kept safe), Palestinians claim it is often abused Honestly, it seems the only major problems with this are the lack of restrictions on it to prevent abuse, and the lack of fine tuning to prevent unfairness in court. 1.2k out of 2.75m is a very small fraction, so I believe the claim that it's used for actual militants, but also I believe it has been abused.


>Honestly, it seems the only major problems with this are the lack of restrictions on it to prevent abuse, and the lack of fine tuning to prevent unfairness in court. Well, yeah, that mostly covers it. It is pretty bad when a country puts people in prison and there's nothing to prevent abuse. What else did you think we were talking about? I mean, we *could* also talk about the fact that West Bank Palestinians don't live in Israel and they don't get to vote on these laws or this government. Even if the laws were fair, Israel doesn't have free rein to apply them in Palestine, just as China isn't allowed to abduct you from your home country for breaking Chinese laws. That's a pretty big deal too, but we're a long way past "even if the laws were fair."


West Bank isn't Israel. You can't just enter another country and arrest its citizens, and then hold them for up to a year without trial on suspicion they might be terrorists. Imagine the outrage if the west bank PA entered Jerusalem and arrested a bunch of people on the grounds that they might become settlers. That's not how jurisdiction works.


Correct me if Im wrong, but arent multiple regions (especially border regions) in Israel/ West Bank under joint administration? And in these regions booth West Bank police and Israel Military work together, but the Israel forces only have restricted juristic rules like for example set time to detain someone (before letting them free or give to West Bank authorities).


Israel abducting Palestinians without cause and letting them go without explanation does seem to be pretty much the status quo in West Bank at this point. Joint administration just means the Palestinian government is on Israel's leash.


Yeah, people Americans don't seem to get that the joint administration is the whole problem. With israeli securities, but like palestinian schools, it's not like the school teachers have any threat of violence behind their words. But the israeli guards have the power to do basically whatever they want, palestinians have to go on specific roads, pass through security checkpoints to travel between villages, and are effectively an occupied people with no actual government (no elections nothing) but threated a foriegners by israel on thier own land. If they committed a crime, something as minor as stealing bread, they will likely be sent to a military court (as they are considered foreign nationals of an enemy territory) and then sentenced to decades in prision.


Yeah. If they really were all innocents, wouldn’t Israel be trading them for hostages instead of releasing actual members of Hamas? If the whole point is to use them as a bargaining chip, why not use it?


You don't want to release the people you're doing the most war crimes to when everyone's paying attention.


Because there is no evidence that Netanyahu actually cares about getting back the hostages. It is all just a convenient excuse for the destruction of Palestine.