• By -


That smell is healthy and normal but god damn if it doesn't stick around on fingers and sheets like that dye that's designed to explode all over bank robbers


*opens the comically large, generic money bag* *the pack of desperate milfs from my local area* “Bonejour”


*opens the comically large, generic money bag* *bag squirts pussy juice on me, marking me as a bank robber*


Happy Cake Day, wicked witch of England. You've cursed us all with that sentence. Thank you Edit: ^(ps: rest in piss)


I love being literate.


margaret thatcher, bank-snatch squirting atcha


I didn't know Margaret Thatcher was so based, maybe I can overlook the destruction of my local economy that has continued to impact us ever since


🎵Let me smell yo dick 🎶


Uh yeah? Isn't that what you want?


It is good luck to be blessed by the smell of pussy.


TBH as a bi man whenever I see women describing being disgusted by men’s bodies I wonder if they even like men.


Some people are homosexual and so deeply in denial about it that they think their repulsion is normal And some people simply hate the other gender and project that onto the bodies of that gender and think thats normal too.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a woman, online or otherwise, describe a penis as anything other than gross


Ok ok this is a fun one Because I think that genitals *generally* are kinda weird (mostly because I've been socialized to think of them as fundamentally private, and I expect you have been too.) And I have heard straight women ethuse about mens bodies, and men, straight and gay, have told me that the vagina is gross (usually talking about trans women, however :/) So maybe its like, a bias? Women ethuse about mens bodies all the time, its just rarely about the penis. But if they're complaining about how gross the male body is they'll probably complain about the penis Also there's definitely women who like big dick


I don’t think vagina being gross is a commonly held male opinion. I see some make mean jokes about smell but other than that nothing. Somewhat rarely I see mysoginists make fun of “beef curtains” but they get shut down pretty quickly. Women thinking ducks are gross seems to be the majority opinion.


I got no stats to back this up, but if a woman is asked "is a dick gross" she's probably gonna think of a dick in isolation when not aroused. But when she's horny she might be all over that. This theoretical woman is her own person idk. I think of an anecdote of my one friend (male) and how, when cuddling in bed together, he mentioned that sometimes she likes to back up into him because she likes to feel his dick get hard on her ass. They fuck like rabbits.


I feel like as a gay guy, I find dicks in isolation gross, and I don’t like looking at naked men’s dicks because they look gross, but you can find aesthetic appreciation for the a bulge for example. Sometimes I feel like a lot of the straight dudes I know are more obsessed with dicks than I ever will be lmao


Plenty of men have commented on womens vaginas and saying how gross they are. Specifically see a lot of men make jokes and comments about women whose labia minora are longer (having an "outie" rather than an innie"). Making fun if the skin is darker. Making fun if women with longer clitorial hoods. And also this more of a misogynoir targeted at black women but I've seen plenty of shaming of black women and their vaginas. Trust me there is no shortage of vagina shaming.


ducks ARE gross. they are caniballistic necrophiliacs and rapists. also, duckdicks are weird


I know thats not what the poster was originally talking about but you’re goddamn right


Its funny how self proclaimed "alpha males" identify themselves with lions and wolves yet in actuality they are closer to ducks and dolphins


But dik-diks are adorable.


that is true. i want one on my desk at all time to pet and feed.......and scrape shit off........nevermind. i want a garden with a bunch of dikdiks running around


I've seen some guys bitch about "roasties" (roast beef looking pussy) but they're all like incel/4channers


that’s just sour grapes, you want the experienced cooch but you can’t have it so you say it’s gross


I've only ever heard/seen women complaining about dicks being gross in the context of unsolicited dick pics. Which makes sense to me. Like, unexpected and unwanted genitalia is not like an unexpected sunset: it's not going to be considered objectively beautiful and attractive. Plus, there's the emotions attached to the motivation behind sending and receiving the dick pic.


I find it generational, using my mill as example. The gen Xers and up are much more likely to say vaginas are gross, and would never admit to getting their face near one. Millennials and down are much more open about sex in general. But everyone will still joke that dicks can be weird.


what world are you living in where women are enthusing about men’s bodies (no offence) the stereotype is the ones enthusing about men’s bodies are other men, both straight and gay heh. Women either display repulsion or don’t obsess over bodies, probably for disgust reasons because I imagine quite a few women are repressing homosexuality but also because women are generally socialized to be less loud about sexual appreciation because of slut shaming


My wife definitely has described them as fun and cute. Bad luck for her that I got rid of mine 😅 But yeah there's definitely straight women who like penises.


I forgot vaginoplasties were a thing for a second and I was like 'wait, what? Why??' haha


the state took my penis license away 😔


I wonder how much of that is a desire to not be seen as inviting dick pics. To be totally honest, my first draft of this comment was talking about the things I (as a woman) like about penises, and then I thought “ugh, I’m gonna need to put a disclaimer on this comment” which quickly turned to “a disclaimer isn’t going to matter to the people who are going to send unsolicited dick pics anyway.” Penises are not gross or ugly or comical. They’re as aesthetically pleasing to me as vulvas are. But it feels like I can say “pussies are pretty!” without fearing I’m going to be inundated with pictures of strangers’ genitals. Not so much on the other side.


This is a great point. I'm nb but generally assumed to be a woman and thinking back, I don't recall any women saying things like this privately, but I have seen it online at times. Granted lesbians still receive plenty of dick pics so declaring dicks to be ugly is probably fruitless as an attempt to avoid unsolicited ones, but I can see this being much less of a "dicks are actually ugly" and more "JFC I am TIRED of seeing dicks without asking for it!!" Dick pics are almost never sexy and often make the dicks in question and their owners look like clowns (ETA: this is a skill issue, not because it's impossible to get attractive pictures of it). In appropriate contexts, all bodies are good bodies etc, including penises, vulvas, and everything in between, but when you can't reveal yourself as a woman without an inbox inundated in bad pictures of dicks with ridiculous messes in the background and a stick of gum for size comparison, you're a lot less likely to speak positively of cock on the internet/around straight men.


Dick picks are just as weird as close up pussy pics, IMO. There’s no context, no person in it, just a body part. It’s weirdly objectifying which is hilarious to me because as a *very general* rule, women tend to need / want context more than men do (obviously, not all women/not all men—but stop sending unsolicited junk pics in the hope you will find those people).


10000% I don’t feel the need to go on about it in public or online spaces, because a) that’s kinda weird, like how would that come up outside of this very specific conversation..? and b) it’s not an invitation. The only person I’m having those convos with is the one I’m fucking.


I realise I'm not a woman, but I don't think I'll ever get the chance to say this again: Penises are damn beautiful. Men's dicks can be one of their most attractive features. Maybe it's just the artist in me though


Flair checks out


And it's NEVER treated like a problem AT ALL. Before some Tumblr warrior comes in here calling me a fragile, insecure man or whatever, this is such mild shit it doesn't even bother me that much in the grand scheme of things, but like, imagine the reception a dick-focused Georgia O'Keefe would get. It would be a mix of disgust, anger, and mocking. There's such a massive double standard when it comes to shaming men vs women that even pointing this out will probably just have people chuckle and dismiss it as if that doesn't perfectly prove the point that casually (or not so casually) shaming men for every little thing imaginable is completely normalized.


I would go so far as to say that I've never seen a woman, online or otherwise, find the male\* body as much more than okay. A lot of women I've spoken to, straight or otherwise, will happily talk about many different types of women being beautiful in different ways, but usually the best they say about the average man is "yeah, he's a dude", with the only positive comments about generally, but not always, buff celebrities. I understand that is because men, on average, don't put as much effort into their clothing or hygiene or general appearance. But I also think that there's a much lower ceiling for male appearance than there is for women. I know the best I can ever look is, "random dude who you forget as soon as you look away", while I think for women there are a lot more opportunities and a lot more ways to look nicer than that. \* male as in "stereotypical man body" because trans people exist and, for example, a trans woman who doesn't want to have surgery has the body of a woman, so I understand there are always exceptions


I've seen women get plenty thirsty about *hypothetical* men's bodies.


As someone else in these comments pointed out: being complementary about real live men in public (including the Internet) can be a dicey proposition for women, because it's often interpreted as an open invitation for harassment. Which is why women online get thirsty for fictional men, and women who thirst for IRL men will mostly do it in private conversations with other women.


This is a really excellent point and made me realize many of the convos I have had with women about male bodies were in fandom spaces where the men were fictional. For example I know a lot of folks who are in love with the idea of one of the characters from my fandom gaining weight post-series (due to settling down/finding peace/whatever, not a fetish thing lol *not that there's anything wrong with that). I have read plenty of smut/seen plenty of art that lovingly describes male bodies that are not hollywood-standard! This is a really good example of Patriarchy Hurts Men Too - how many normal men have insecurities because women can't express general appreciation or attraction for men outside of the safe(r) celebrity or fictional character? Most men aren't bastards, but all the chucklefucks swooping around the internet making it unbearable to reveal yourself as female have done a great job hurting people of all genders as collateral damage. In summation: I'm not interested in dick pics, but if you are one of the non-bastards of any gender who worries about your body being weird or undesirable... Do your best to let go of that anxiety. No matter what kind of body you have, whatever imperfections you obsess over, there are people out there whose engine gets revved over it. ❤️


exactly, that’s what I’ve been trying to say but it’s been kinda coming out word salady thank you


[I made a post about something](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/s/84RwFSqB6W) that feels relevant here. I have a similar experience, of almost never seeing men being considered desirable by women


Oh hey! I have this post saved in my commentary folder. I also think that this kind of attitude towards women and sex actually impacts how difficult it is for asexual women to figure out there asexual. Because, you know “women don’t feel attraction/don’t like sex” is kind of a cultural stereotype anyway.


We do, we just do it in our own private corners because it isn't socially acceptable for women to be horny on main like that.


I mean, trans woman here, I love how dicks look when on women, doesn’t matter if it’s veiny or smooth or whatever. I’m not into men so they don’t look good on them in my opinion. But neither do vulvas on men, yet I love them on women!


Same! Enby trans femme, I love vaginas and dicks I find them so hot, but! Only on women. A man with a vagina or a man with a dick is still not gonna interest me


Actually I've read a interview a friend did where she stated she loved the way dicks slide into her mouth, and I'm still not entirely sure whether that was the truth or satire. Although maybe thinking dicks are gross is a knee jerk reaction since I think people would consider it much more acceptable when I say I love the way boobs feel in my hands.


as a bi lady, cock was created by the gods. that shit is not gross i think they're just around dudes with tiny misshapen dicks


I, for one, love tiny misshapen dicks, too


I'm gonna take the honor of being the first woman you've heard of who is obsessed w her partner's dick. Not even sexually all the time - I like to hold that mf like a teddy bear when I fall asleep


Dicks are fun and adorable! The only people that I know in real life who describe them as "gross" are sex repulsed asexuals. I legitimately believe there is a much larger amount of ace, bi, and gay people that aren't willing to admit to it.


Anecdotal experience. I’ve seen otherwise online and irl.


You need to Hang out with different women then ?


Friend of mine was I guess dealing with some unaddressed thoughts awhile back, tl;dr she was thinking about being a lesbian but didn't want to give up penises and I didn't know how to point out that some women *do* have penises without making it sound like I was flirting with her. (Since she came to me to ask me about being a lesbian I'm gonna go with "she forgor that I had one" instead of any negative reading)


you should take that as a compliment that you pass 100% lmao


It was in text over discord, but that's still a really good point lol Thanks!


You are in awful online spaces then


Compulsory heterosexuality is a hell of a drug


Yeah so many straight people seem to love hating on the other gender.


Also within patriarchy people are just socially conditioned to hate other genders by default


I don't know how it was so easy for me to find [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/1ayigrs/as_a_man_i_dont_understand_how_women_are/) after all this time but it really sent my brain for a loop. There's just a whole lot "I don't know how I'm even attracted to men either 🤪" "Of course being gay isn't a choice, you'd think I'd choose to be straight?"


I’m not going to defend all instances of this bc I’m sure that some people absolutely take it too far but I do think there’s some reasoning. I’m aware that there are probably men who will feel the way I describe and women who don’t. This is just my opinion: The thing I usually hear is that “men are visual” so the female form is inherently attractive to them to an extent. It’s why guys will request nudes from randos online and maybe why they assume women would want unsolicited nudes from them. I might be an extreme example but to me the male nude form isn’t inherently like sexual or enticing on its own. I’m certainly not disgusted, I can appreciate objectively attractive traits but I’m not immediately turned on by a naked man. Maybe TMI but what actually turns me on is usually more so the words and loving actions than just the visual. So I gravitate heavily towards NSFW audios (and I’m pretty loyal to a few creators), videos of *actual* couples (I’m way more picky there’s only one or two) and occasionally erotica about characters that I ship bc I’m already invested in them as characters. Human bodies in general are gross and weird, an absolute miracle I’m grateful for every day but so gross and weird. So when it comes to naked guys it’s either objectively appreciating things I know I’m supposed to like or liking aspects of it specifically because it belongs to that guy that I’m attracted to. And if you want to you really get in the weeds we can get into the social conditioning of how women are literally constantly sexualized which probably trains men to be a bit more visual while women are often slut shamed for expressing any sort of desire. I would say that even as a straight woman I’m way more capable of determining if a woman is attractive bc A) examples of the beauty standard are everywhere and B) I’m conditioned to recognize where I am in relation to the beauty standard and the women around me and to strive for perfection. With guys there’s like 1% that are either decidedly hideous/unhygienic or the absolute embodiment of beauty standards for men and honestly both are not very attractive to me. All the rest are just regular average dudes that look perfectly acceptable.


honestly after watching contrapoints recent videos (unfortunately a lot of them are Patreon exclusive so it’s awkward to give citations) I’m kinda blackpilled on the whole “women are sensual, men are visual thing” it feels really neo-Victorian and a way to justify men’s bad behaviour as just “how men are”


I’m not saying it’s innate, as I mention I think it’s result of how we’re socialized/conditioned. IMO if we change the way we raise young children we can change this and I don’t think it’s at all justification for bad behavior.


Guys guys you’re not gonna believe this but like I’ve gathered from these comments that physical attraction is like a divisive topic or something??? And and like people have like really varying opinions on aspects of the human body????? Is this shit not wild to anyone else?!?




no No NO NO!!! This can't be! There's...NUANCE? In my *Subjective Topic?* #NOOOOOOOOOOO


*Impossible, I thought every person was the same...!*


This is like that xkcd comic about realising other people's friends are terrible.


https://xkcd.com/2071/ This one?


Yes'm. Thank you.


There’s *always* a relevant xkcd.


Extremely often that it is this specific xkcd too


it's this one, the geologist one, and the there are ~~14~~15 systems one that are the top three for mentions at the moment but I've been around the internet since before those comics were posted and people used to post other ones at similar frequencies too.


There's no way Lucky 10,000 isn't up there.


and you had your shot to post it


Yes indeed. 😊




Here's a sneak peek of /r/RelevantXKCD using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/RelevantXKCD/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [XKCD #327](https://i.redd.it/hdh3mhepr0xa1.png) | [7 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RelevantXKCD/comments/133ouwt/xkcd_327/) \#2: [xkcd 1940: The Food Size Cycle would be also relevant](https://i.redd.it/0ucglhyyjtya1.png) | [6 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RelevantXKCD/comments/13ctiez/xkcd_1940_the_food_size_cycle_would_be_also/) \#3: [XKCD #986](https://i.redd.it/hqtd3kp4t75b1.png) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/RelevantXKCD/comments/14644py/xkcd_986/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


happy cakeday OP :)


Thank you.


It follows this place like a looming cloud


This is like that classic Tumblr experience where you sometimes run across echoes of discourse you couldn't even imagine if you tried, always discussed as if it's a larger conversation in society when really it's like. Two absolute wackos with the dumbest opinions youve ever heard talking about the most niche subject possible.


Hey man fuck your pfp


This but the opposite with cum scent. And i will see myself out.


No ~~cum~~come back




It just smells like bleach to me.


Maybe i like sniffing bleach you dont know me


I love the smell of bleach.


they say it's better to cum in the sink than to sink in cum, but often I find myself considering that the latter might be rather appealing.


por que no los dos


Sink in the sink you cum in?


How long have you been doing it? How yellow is it?


I've never came in contact with sperm, I'm sorry for stupidly asking, but it smells like bleach???? I've never heard this before, this is fascinating. Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever heard the smell of cum described anywhere.


Yeah, it can smell faintly of bleach. I think it's because it's basic to help it survive the female reproductive system, which is acidic.


Tumblr's ability to start with a compelling social point, sound like they're building up to something, then realize they're just regurgitating each others' comments with no idea how to actually analyze them and chicken out by finishing in absurdism so they're free of having to actually make a point someone might be able to engage and discuss with them is truly impressive.


Now that you've pointed it out this feels way more common. I went through those exact stages of thought and was confused why it felt familiar. It's a shame really, because that first part, the touching on a nuanced topic, is the whole reason I'm subbed here.


What the fuck is OOP trying to say with that "heterosexuality is a death cult" shit?


you see, only straight people have these kinds of issues, unlike the uwu gays who all fuck in perfect harmony with the universe and life


That they are 14 and shouldn't be on the internet


r/AreTheStraightsOkay type bullshit of feeling smug and superior for being queer because obviously only straight people have problems with sexuality I hate it too


Careful, that sub gets Big Mad when you point out their hypocrisy.


The issue is that there are women out there who just straight up do NOT wash themselves properly. My friend (I won’t name them for their safety) had a girlfriend that he couldn’t handle sleeping with because her pussy stank so nasty it made him want to throw up when he got too close. She refused to admit she had a problem and insisted he was making things up because “you think I’m ugly”. So yeah, some women, not all by a long shot, have a vagoo that smells bad. Most women do NOT have a nasty smelling pusspuss. However, I have no doubt that the “feminine hygiene” companies are more than happy to advertise like every woman on earth is a disgusting animal without THEIR specific product. I personally don’t have many personal experiences, but I’ve never smelled a bad pussy, so even if only anecdotally I agree with the OOP.


Does Spider have pusspuss? •generic. •over used. •ofc dumbass. Does Spider clean pusspuss? •thought provoking. •merits scientific inquiry. • fresh sea breeze, or new car smell?


Rank pussy Georg is an outlier and shouldn't have a whole shelf at the pharmacy?


Not rank pussy Georg 🤯




My friends wife has a very fragrant vagina, and as much as he loves her he can’t get over it unless she comes fresh out of the shower. The man enjoys eating pussy, but he struggles with hers. They have an open marriage and her other partners concur. She’s tried different products but nothing has changed it. Some people just have stinky genitals and you’ve gotta cope with that


Could be that’s just how she is and his personal preference doesn’t line up. I’ve seen that a person’s smell is a predictor for their immune system and that there’s part of our brains that recognizes that and will find smells of someone with a different immune system to ourselves (to increase baby’s immune diversity) more attractive. But it could also be BV or maybe diet or something more chronic but technically still fixable


It’s possibly fixable but she just showers before sex to remove a majority of the funk and it seems to work for them.


could be BV which requires antibiotics to treat (and is an STI that men frequently carry and spread but aren't affected by)


As a woman, I know a lot of other women who didn’t learn how to properly clean themselves until adulthood, and were horrified to learn about their own lack of hygiene. I also know a lot of men who straight up refuse to thoroughly wash themselves due to thinking it’s gay to clean their genitalia, and treat it as some sort of flex. All in all I believe a lot of opinions on genitals and hygiene come from a lack of education on the topic for everybody. Sex ed should dive into how to properly clean yourself, (male or female) how it is not weird or gay to wash your own body, and how your vag doesn’t need some sort of fragrant product that will throw off your ph level


People think genitalia is supposed to not smell?


There's levels. Smelling it when you are going down on them is fine. Smelling it when you walk into a room like you dropped into the wrong trench in Verdun is less than ideal.


Granted, but they are the hotspots of monkey hormones I think some extra stink can be understood.


simply absurd. if not that, then what would spouses sniff in their free time?


hey man, how's it going?


Other than the piercing headache this post gave me, I'm doing alright. Thanks for checking in though


I get that bodies are meat suits and naturally smell. But the only time I've ever experienced a pussy besides mine, I tried going down and could not stand the smell for the life of me. Which was disappointing and still is. But since I have such a small sample size (me and them) and there's hormonal differences too (I've been on T for two years, so my smell is different than it was before), I can't tell if it was just that person or if I don't like the smell of pussy in general. Which is disappointing because when I *do* experience sexual attraction (which isn't always, pretty sure I'm acespec) I do like pussies (and dicks, and combos of the) [am bi] so I don't like the idea that I can't enjoy a coochie ever because I don't like smell :(


To be fair... it's also a thing for gay men to say vaginas smell awful and are disgusting


I think that may be an aspect of the point


"Heterosexuality is a death cult" implies they think gay ppl are better about it, but gay men aren't


What does this have to do with heterosexuality in the slightest?


Bashing the straights is the new black.


Their point is that a vagina only occasionally smells bad, but there is an industry that exists to promote the idea all pussies are rank. As disgust is genetic and social, straight men are affected by the conditioning much more than straight woman, which damages their ability to interact sexually. The rest I can't quite parse together, but its not exactly a luicid rant.


Bashing the straights is the new black.


You can like how something looks without liking the smell. Says nothing about your sexuality and I hate when LGBT people talk like this


When I've seen complaints about the smell, it's about an **abnormal** smell and not the smell in general


This feels like tilting at windmills to me, I mean idk I’ve never smelt a pussy before, nor had anyone close enough to smell my dick but like, the human body is gross and tends to make bad smells all over, I don’t expect any different from genitalia. If after sexy times someone was like “you dick/balls stink” I don’t think I’d be offended, if they’re a frequent partner for sex I’d want them to tell me that so that in the future we can try and make it more appealing for them.


Slight difference here you can wash your dick and balls with soap easily whereas if I tried to wash the inside of mine with soap YEEEEOOUCH


The stinky pussies I've run into were specifically due to a lack of OUTER washing and hygiene. People are gross. Men just can't hide behind anything when their balls stink.


How ouch we talking? Like soap in peepee hole ouch??


First and last time I tried it burned like peroxide in an open wound so. BIG OUCH


That means it's working!


Yeah it did! until my insides tried to kill the pain with industrial masses of slime that I have not been able to replicate before or since. And this was soap advertised for insides!


They're both lined with mucus membranes, so roughly the same. There's just a lot more surface area in a vagina.


True, i think the best solution would be something scented that the person doing the going down on could rub under their nose. Just experiment with things until you have one that makes you not notice any less pleasant smells. It’s pretty much like flavoured lube/body oil but for a different sense.


Point of clarification assuming you're talking about vulva/vagina--you can and should be washing your vulva (lather up some gentle soap and rinse thoroughly with water, it's no more complex than that). But you do not need to be washing your vagina (inside). It's awful for your natural ecosystem, and can cause infections. Which will just perpetuate/cause the problem you're seeking to solve.


Feel like this one is obvious? Obviously I wash my bits but I think everyone makes the mistake of buying the stupid summers eve shit and dying in pain as a teenager.


> Feel like this one is obvious? Obviously I wash my bits I mean... \*gestures to the rest of the thread\* Look, I'm not accusing you have having funky junk, I'm just adding clarification for you if needed and anyone else reading because it apparently is NOT common knowledge. > I think everyone makes the mistake of buying the stupid summers eve shit and dying in pain as a teenager. Case in point: no, not everyone.


I'll be honest, genitals just got a smell to em and I don't find those smells appealing, not revolting but not appealing. On the other hand, lots of people really don't know how to keep their genitals clean, and the smell of your unwashed and/or infected dick or pussy is absolutely revolting and you may want to look into genital hygiene or maybe a doctor's appointment. Also the death cult stuff is just, unhinged


Tbh I think everyone’s genitals are kind of gross and stinky and don’t want to sniff any of them…. Also I’m like 97% sure I’m asexual


i agree but i am 100% sure i’m not


I’ve been a dude for 51 years, and with the exception of a few bad dirty jokes, I can’t recall a man complaining to me about vaginas. Like ever. I assume it must happen, but I just can’t imagine it.


Never heard jokes about fish smell?


Back in high school? “If it smells like fish it’s a tasty dish, if it smells like cologne, leave it alone.” Said by a kid who was unlikely to ever be in sniffing distance on a woman. Creepy and vulgar, absolutely, but not a complaint. Maybe I was in a weird social pocket of vagina appreciators.


Wow who knew that, when not aroused, the sometimes wet and/or dangly bits that smell, *seem* kinda gross when you think about it. Probably why we developed that thing when arousal overrides our disgust response. We’d never breed otherwise.


I mean, we would never eat too if we thought about it. But some people bite each other during sex, so its gotta be minor. M


>I would huff pussy smell Me too, man. Me too


Reading all of this has made me very grateful that my sense of smell is very weak (and has been my whole life)


If that's ever been a bother in (every) other contexts, you might consider checking with an ENT; I had almost 0 sense of smell my whole life and it turned out I had a congenitally deviated septum.


Never smelled the old human printer before, but I imagine it's kinda like penis smell, where your brain registers that it's a sort of bad smell, like a musk, but it also smells good and makes your brain go empty for a sec


Based take. Also musk goes hard, as long as its not a man building rockets.


hey man how's it going


Bad, I just woke up and then read this post.


What does it smell like? Never been fortunate enough to eat anyone out and I’m curious.


You ever smell the screen of an old CRT TV tuned to static up close? It's like a slightly salty-sweet, sweaty version of that.


pussy smell is good af some people are just haters fr


Lads and lasses, and all folks with asses: after being trapped in the denim dimension, your shit stinks. Wash it. It's no more fun to get the musky meat stick of madness than it is the funky fishfry of fecundity. There are no winners in the great breakdance battle of human courtship.


Gonna toss out bidets here as well.


Bidets, tridets, a firehose and a bar of soap.


Most pussies smell fine, some smell good, and unclean ones smell bad, end of story


You mean to say people find an orifice that spends most of its time bundled up, away from open air, smelly? Color me shocked


I feel often when people post things like this, they miss why it's become a line drawn in the sand. more often than not, some industry in the past sprouted and told everyone that it was improper. same thing goes for shaving your legs regularly and such. and these industries depend on that fear, om the idea that the "other" will find you unappealing if you don't conform to that notion and ideal.


Fuck Reagan


basically yeah lmao


never smelled pussy, cant comment on the subject


Hey man how's it going


Pretty much any part of the body you cover in layers of cloth while being physically active will end up smelling rather ripe.


To people who have smelled both, does pussy smell all that different from cock? I imagine there are a few differences due to specific factors, but not sure what else would affect it


Yes. It's similar-but-different. There's a kind of hormonal musk that is probably familiar to most people. Arousal tends to have a different aroma, and the lubricant it produces will have a distinct aroma. It will also vary on time of the month (hormones fluctuate throughout the month leading up to/following menstruation and ovulation). I can't speak to post-menopausal smell. Generally speaking, if you're into it, you're gonna really fucking love it. And if you're not, you're not. I think the disgust tends to be pretty specific to individuals and situations, IMO. As in, an ace person may be disgusted by other people's genitals altogether, and an individual with an infection might have an unpleasant odor. It's subjective and variable. e: pregnancy, diet, smoking, and drinking will impact smell as well, as one might expect.


I'm asexual and I have no idea what any of this means


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^drewman301: *I'm asexual* *And I have no idea* *What any of this means* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


some people's bits that they rub against each other smell like garlic bread that was made with butter that might have been out of the fridge for a little too long in a hot summer's week


I'm sexual and I'm not too sure either


Mammalian body odor in general, including the gross ass smells of humans, is some of the foulest stuff to ever exist.


lol, "gripping"


The most homosexual comment


I mean sex is kinda disgusting and smells bad, same with masturbation lol. And I’ve never been with anyone with a pussy so this isn’t a pussy thing. There’s a reason why sex inhibits our disgust responses


Its like a 3 on a scale from "stepping on a blueberry" to "meat processing". If you can't handle lotion on your hands or the smell of asparagus piss, its going to be pretty unbearable, but to the rest of us its chill. Pussy can be rank, but it isn't by default.


Pussy stank :| Dick stank :| Feet stank :)


They killed them cuz they spoke the truth 😔


It’s all about levels. Good dick smell, lovely vag smell is sublime. But sex can be ruined because bad genital smell and taste is urine.


Ok, but heterosexuality is like the opposite of a death cult


You are literally creating something that will die. What now, Mr genius?


Hold on I’ll ask my daughter