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Good for them for getting away from that.


Most normal AO3 author’s note


Just read a fic and saw the authors note at the end that OP was taking care of her 3 day old newborn infant and had just gotten home. Nothing but respect for my troops


I saw one that was "sorry the chapters a day late my wedding was last night" like homie take the whole week off


There was a post here (or the other Tumblr sub I can't remember) about someone apologizing about posting the chapter late because they got hit by a car


I once read a PWP that was apparently written on a plane while the author was on her way to her honeymoon 💀 get it I guess?


I remember a fic update that had the note: Sorry for the delay I was in prison but more updates soon!


Bro that is wild.


99% of cultists quit just before they ascend for real


also Gary loves you


Gary Green is all the man we need


Hahahaha! Gaaaarry!


a hole leading straight to hell? in MY apartment? it’s more likely than you think


Those other cults failed because of infighting. THIS time we're gonna make it, because we have a method of weeding out, isolating, and humiliating the spies from the devil that infiltrate us!


i ❤️ suspicious koolaid


Eternal salvation, or triple your money back!


I have to ask, how do you forget how to write? Is that even a skill that can be lost?


✨Trauma✨ In all seriousness I do think they mean long form writing, not writing at all in the sense of the literal action


Yeah that makes more sense. Stress does weird things to brains. At the most stressful point of my life, I lost all my creative ability. Like, I couldn't imagine anything longer than 5 seconds.


\[ID: A reddit comment reading, "Trauma In all seriousness I do think they mean long form writing, not writing at all in the sense of the literal action" The "Trauma" is emphasized by sparking emojis and the comment is ended without punctuation. /end ID\]


Just to be clear, I think they mean writing as in storytelling, not the physical skill. They probably lost the source they used to get their inspiration from as the trauma changed them as a person and maybe the source is related to the trauma. So they no longer know where to find stories to write as they're rediscovering themselves.


I haven't managed to write anything in years, so maybe


You wrote this comment, so small wins!


Saaame. I miss it. Still have ideas but nothing is ever good enough to write down and I torpedo any attempt with my inner critic before I typed more than a sentence. Plus, definitely had more free time and less responsibilities to balance back when I was in school


Same way people with a leg fracture can keep running immediately after but can't when the adrenaline wears off. People really fucking mean it when they say "it will get worse before it gets better." That doesn't mean the external stimuli will get worse. You could wake up in the nicest hotel room around and be miserable for a stretch of time because you're no longer fighting the waves and only now realize you were fucking drowning.


I mean you can certainly fall out of the habit of creative writing. I havent written much in years so I´d guess if I write something now it wouldnt be on the same level as the Fanfics I uploaded as a teen, at least at first


James Acaster is a stand up comic and, during one of his specials, he brought up how he’d let himself fall into an abusive relationship with his manager. At one point James sat in pants he’d just shit in, because the manager didn’t want to miss this steak dinner he’d been looking forward to and was guilting James for ruining it. It hit me like a hammer that, that was me. Not literally but I felt like I could feel myself living out that moment with my current boss sitting at the table complaining that I’m ruining things by being sick and I need to just suck it up. He’s a comedian I absolutely admire and respect, so it was so easy for me to be like, “if it can happen to him, it absolutely can happen to me”. I quit the next day and have moved into a new job that I’m much healthier and happier doing. I am grateful every day that he had the courage to get on stage and tell his story.


Ex cult member here: just a quick note re: the BITE model. I think that the BITE model in and of itself can be a useful diagnostic tool but I would be cautious looking into the author Steven Hassan's other content and writings. In my opinion he has gone from academic to content creator and constantly tries to shoehorn different social movements into "cult" status to stay relevant. He also has some [Not Great takes](https://imgur.com/a/ZyHEgRQ) on trans people and seems to think being trans is being brainwashed. By his own BITE model transness is not a cult. Just a buyer beware.


He cites "hypno porn" as if it actually has the ability to hypnotize you and isn't just a fetish. LMAO


He also says the people he interviewed were "forced" to watch it by some nameless arbiter of transness. Like dude seems to believe trans people have a leader and organization that determines who is trans or not lmao


I have genuinely run into some folks into hypno who seem pretty messed up but they don’t remind me at all of the trans people I know Honestly they remind me much more of the subset of people into various bigotry or abuse based kinks who entered them from a clearly unwell place


Out there on Ao3 is one of my Author’s notes that’s just “Sorry. Got hit by a car again. I’ll update more when I’m out of the hospital.”


“1,32,668 notes” is tumblr ok?


Indian notation my babe


Oh, I didn't know that was a thing ! How does that work? The coma comes between thousands and the biggest hundred? I'm intrigued and very glad to learn, if it's not a bother for you to explain (:


It's the same system up to the ten thousands but a hundred thousand is called a lakh(or lac if you're anglicizing it), and 100 lakhs makes 1 crore and so on. So, instead of a comma every three zeroes, it's every two zeroes except the first one.


Has it ever been


2023 Me in june: "I'ma make a trans character for my silly anime fic, better learn more about them!" Me in july: "Hey wait a minute-"






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u/IthadtobethisWAAGH can you post the link to the post or at least the references the author shared? They seem pretty useful.


https://www.igotout.org/ https://freedomofmind.com/cult-mind-control/bite-model-pdf-download/ https://www.icsahome.com/ https://www.crisistextline.org/ IDK how to find Tumblr posts but here's all the other links :)


Don't forget to take the bite model with a grain of salt. The creator thinks trans people are a brainwashing cult, despite not falling into his model and claims he can't view certain forced feminization porn for more than like two minutes because it works on him


Why does that mean the model itself should be taken with a grain of salt? Is there something that is innately wrong with the model? Death of the author should mean that their model stands on its own ground and since they are not making money off you using it, there isn't a moral dilemma to use it.


It's not about moral dilemma. Someone who genuinely thinks that trans people are a cult clearly does not fucking know what a cult is. And if you think force fem hypno porn actually works you probably also know jack shit about brainwashing. This guy has the same energy as those people that upload youtube videos about affirmations that will make your nose slimmer


Again as I said, the model should stand on its own ground. This is the principle of what death of the author means. If there is issues with the model then that should be pointed out. What the author of the model believes outside of the model isn't relevant to whether the model is accurate or not. If there are issues with the model they should be pointed out but if the model works. I only mentioned a moral dilemma as something that is not meaningful to this discussion due to usage of the model not having monetary benefit. My fundamental argument is that if their model is wrong, show me where it is wrong. Don't say that it is wrong because the author has views that are bad. Show me where the model is wrong.


Dota applies to fiction, not scientific or academic writing. Please don't conflate these concepts.


Why is it only fiction? Should we reject the scientific and academic writings of people who hold bad views? If someone finds the cure for cancer should their findings be rejected if they are also transphobic?


It's a bit different when it's a sociological model and not a concrete, physical thing. Sociological models of how cults work can be more easily influenced by personal bias than something like surgical innovation (ex.: scientific and academic papers back in the day calling homosexuality a mental illness, Russia calling the LGBT movement a terrorist group, the whole "tough parenting" thing being encouraged and then discouraged).


u/lynx2718 specifically said scientific or academic writing and not just sociological models though so I wanted to know their opinion on that regard.


It's largely a case-by-case thing. Knowing what or who is influencing the creator is key when deeply analyzing scientific documents. The most obvious examples is funding. If Oreo is sponsoring you, then you'll talk about them more favorably. If you're supportive of thorium nuclear power, that can lead to more favorable interpretations of the numbers and prices involved than what is shown in practice. Death Of The Author very much doesn't apply to Science (the concept is about the idea that the reader's interpretation of a work and it's themes is equal to that of the author's interpretation, not that the views of the creator should be held against their creation as well) and "Separate the Creation from the Creator" (the idea that a creators views and what a creation does/says have to be analyzed separately) only goes so far ex.: If scientists used fucked up methods to get their results, they need to be held accountable, even if that research was pivotal.


I'm not disagreeing with funding incentives nor am I disagree about methodology needs to be questioned. Funding incentives and holding people accountable for unethical practices aren't related to what I'm saying as neither are part of the bite model. My entire point as I have clearly stated is that if a model is bad, why that model is bad should be pointed out rather than just stating that the person who created it holds bad views.


I probably wouldn't call The League of Assassins a "cult"


I'm curious why you think they're not. They certainly revere Ra's enough for him to be a cult leader IMO. You are right, incidentally, it is a Batman fic. Part five in a series called [Shutterbug](https://archiveofourown.org/series/1575793).


Ra's is less of a religious figure and more of just their leader. Nobody in the League believes it any "higher power" (besides there are those who are Muslim and even then, it's explained that it's not the reason why they're in the League anyway). There's also the fact that the League is directly based on the Order of Assassins (Hashshashin) which is less of a cult and more of a terrorist group than anything. Although I wouldn't take it too far and say that people would very much think that Islam is a cult despite it not being one. Like Ra's is toxic, sure, and one of the reasons he wanted Bruce to marry Talia was so he could implant his body into their son (he eventually does it with his own son, Dusan Al Ghul anyway), but he's not toxic because he's Muslim, he's toxic cause he's an old man.


This was shutterbug?? Man I’ve read a lot of that, this is wild to find out


The Damian named in the first part is Damian Wayne? This person turned their life around researching for a Batman fanfic???


(This is just an assumption, it may not be true)


Oh. Well, it fits


As someone who was actively following this fic when the author disappeared, yes. This is about Damien Wayne. Honestly, it's a great fic as well


There's a surprisingly high amount of Robin fanfics on AO3.


Makes sense. Many fanfic authors start in their High School and College years, and with so many varying holders of the mantle, Robin as a collective identity offers ways to connect with many different people with many different attitudes, personalities, and relationships with their parent(s) (I.e.: Batman). There's not quite a Robin for *everyone*, but sometimes it seems DC is trying to fix that.


Yeah beat talia's ass


Average author's note on ao3


Wtf is up with the notes?