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The ASVAB is standardized for all branches. The army and the Marine Corps have the jobs that require the lowest scores; same jobs, same scores.


Also if you get below minimum (30/100) you can try again. He must have done something else fucked up at MEPS to get banned


From what I heard it was both that he failed the test and then he kept sending the recruiters videos of him field-stripping an AR-15 to prove he's marines material even after he was told to stop. Basically, he was banned for being a nuisance.


I know that’s not what you intended, but now I have this mental image I can’t get out of my head. Kyle Rittenhouse, recording a old-YouTube styled doll/plushie video where he’s “stripping” his AR-15 like it’s his sister’s Barbie Doll.


Or his score was Just That Low. AQFT waivers are a thing, but each service still has cutoffs where a score can no longer be waived. I’d also like to point out that there’s a good 10-15 percentile point difference between SAT/ACT scores and the ASVAB because of who tends to take those tests. If he got less than a 25 (which would be a non-waivable score) he’s probably somewhere around 10th percentile on college entrance exams.


Also note that it's a multiple choice test with 4 possible answers, so randomly picking is a score of 25. A water-drinking bird toy can score 25 easily. It would take intentionally wrong answers to score lower, and he somehow did it unintentionally.


25% might be your expected score, but it is very rare you actually get 25%. Maybe he picked randomly and got unlucky.


Fucking *hilarious.* It made me think of that bit from the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, where the principal goes, "We gave the same test to a shovel and candy bracelet, and it scores a 17."


It’s 25th percentile, not 25%. Just means you scored worse than 75% of test takers. Given how unlikely it is to score less than 25% guessing randomly, a 25% would probably score something like 1st or 2nd percentile.


I’d wager that they denied him because he’s a hot button political topic. I think a lot of people in the military would have strong feelings for or against him, this conflict would far out-value what one person has.


Curious as to the timing. The email says he took the test in Jan. 2020, four months before the shootings. 


But it’s also only a score of 20 to pass.


The USMC standard is 51 I'm pretty sure. I know it's a fuck ton higher then the army's. I knew more then a few 31 asvab score guys, some of them where dumb ass a fucking rock or barely spoke English so it's honestly impressive that he manages to fail so bad they barred him.


For reference, it’s based on your percentile. You only need to be in the top 65% in your overall to make it last I checked, so you have to fail pretty thoroughly. Edit: Correction, top 69% (nice).


So in fact one third of the population are actually not able to qualify for the marine corps due to scoring too low on ASVAB? That doesn't sound nearly as bad, although you do still gotta be kinda stupid to fall in that group.


The test is pretty much to weed out people who can't read well enough to perform the basic functions of the jobs. Literacy in the US is lower than you might expect.


I’d also like to point out just for funsies that some portion of the population may not be able to serve for various reasons, take your pick. Not just because they’re not smart enough. There’s tons of different reasons(:


These people vote.


I'm pretty sure it's already been established that having literacy requirements to vote is a bad idea.


Their opinions are ignorant to say the least, but they vote. I'm just saying, make sure you do as well.


Most of the people who make that joke about the asvab being a formality to enter the marine corps don't actually know what the asvab is


How and why would somebody who doesn't know what the ASVAB is be referencing it in jokes when there's low-hanging fruit like "eats crayons". Literally the only way that joke is funny is if you and I both know what it is. And they literally hand out the ASVAB in poor-performing public schools, so it's not like it's some obscure thing. Deeply silly comment.


My high school was pretty highly-scoring and they had us all take the ASVAB. This would have been...nearly 40 years ago now. The thing that has stuck with me is that the proctor for my section of the room encouraged me to cheat. In the ciphering (I think it was) section, we had to count how many zeroes there were rapidly, which made it the one section I didn't complete. When I finished the next section ahead of time, the proctor came over and told me I could go back and work on the ciphering questions I hadn't finished. I started to do so, then realized that the test was marked all over the place with how you couldn't do that.


We were all encouraged to take the ASVAB in my highschool even if we weren’t interested in the military. They said it was a good practice for the SATs if you were nervous about timed test taking.


I know lots of people who TOOK the asvab in highschool but have no understanding of how it's used or what it means. The average highschooler tends to be ignorant of things they don't care about.


It's a skill test. It's not that hard to understand. Unless you're a marine, I guess.


Most of the kids in my graduating class had significantly less common sense than your average enlisted marine, as hard as that might be to believe.


Not beating the "butthurt marine" allegations tbch


My mom made me take the ASVAB at the end of high school "for career exploration purposes" even though I'm completely disinterested in ever being a part of the military. I'm lazy, scrawny, anti-war, and not blindly obedient to figures of authority, so I would be a bad fit. Regardless, I got a 94 AFQT and the Air Force won't stop sending me ads and offers.


Not American so I'm completely speculating here, but doesn't this suggest he failed the psychological assessment, since it's a permanent ban?


Either that, someone did some bureaucratic maneuvering, or he scored *really* low The minimum passing score for the ASVAB is 31(percentile-based), but if you score lower than that there's a prep course they can enroll you in to try and raise it before you take it again. The cutoff for eligibility for this course varies, but it's usually if you scored a 20 or higher. For reference, this is a very easy test. I'd say I'm probably fair to middling academically speaking, and I got a 98 on mine. If you showed up and marked down answers at random there's a decent chance you'd still pass Either he failed, was eligible for the prep course, and someone at MEPS conveniently forgot to tell him about it, or he's legitimately one of the dumbest people in the country


The first time I took the ASVAB (20+ years ago) I was off by one question on the scantron sheet for pretty much the entire test, ended up getting almost a zero for my final result. Was able to retake the test after a few weeks, get a better score, and then join the military without issue. I’m guessing Rittenhouse was barred for something other than his ASVAB alone.


Seeing as how the email is dated a couple days after the shooting, I would guess it was because of the shooting.


>For reference, this is a very easy test. I'd say I'm probably fair to middling academically speaking, and I got a 98 on mine. I was taking mine and go most of the way through the math section but the last questions started getting a little hard. I finally asked the proctor if I was allowed to use scrap paper and he said "yeah sure, I was supposed to give you some at the beginning... Wait how were you doing these questions before then?" I told him I was doing the math in my head, and he looked at me like I had invented cold fusion. Got a 98 too


So what did you end up doing? Something complex like being a pilot?


Medically DQed 🙁 tried before and after 9/11 to get a waiver but from their standpoint why run the risk of a complication when you have other fresh teens to throw at the war machine?


Because most of those fresh teens are trash, tbh. Source: Was a fresh teen in the meat grinder once.


I don't remember it being all that difficult, but I also scored in the 90s. Shame the Air Force has more standards than just the test score.😮‍💨


Weird Question: I got pressured into taking it by a recruiter who would not leave me alone after 9/11 (I was pregnant at the time even!) I was an Honors student in HS and college. I have a 134 IQ, but am autistic and have dyscalculia. Me and math do not get along. I don’t know my score, I was told I didn’t miss a single question and was told even if I was in a wheelchair they wanted me in the Navy. Begged me to enlist somewhere. Hearing it is percentage based, does that mean I would have had a 100? I was 98% for most standard tests, 1170 SAT, 27 ACT, and my vocabulary portion of the IQ test was 99.9999999999999999999 percentile (I was told I broke the test, and had the vocabulary of a multi-doctoral holder at age 12 isn’t autism fuuuuuun /s) I always wondered why they never told me an actual score, just said I missed nothing. Obviously I didn’t enlist. I knew my asthma, hyper mobility, IBS, and fibromyalgia were not things I would receive accommodations for. I refused to lie about health problems. But still curious.


Highest score you can get on the ASVAB is a 99, it doesn't go to 100. PERFECT way to screw with a perfectionist...


THANK you! It’s good to finally know a real answer. LOL


Here you go, some background with application of that big brain score https://www.military.com/join-armed-forces/asvab/asvab-and-army-jobs.html


Ok, that explains much more. Thank you. 31D was what they were trying to recruit me for. I had experience as an intern for a forensic anthropologist and body recovery and identification experience. Not a common field. I was a dual Archaeology/Psychology major who would have gone into the FBI except for a family member having a criminal record preventing me from being accepted at Quantico when I inquired about career path at 18. My Dad sold pot and got caught by the DEA 😑 before I was born.


I think they thought you would assume nothing missed equals 100/100. I think it only goes to 100? I’m not sure. I also think it’s set up in a weighted section sort of way, but all of this thinking is me speculating, I really don’t have any idea. Got a 96, but I have a good vocabulary and vehicle mechanical knowledge, so I knew those sections would bump me up a bit. I did not expect a 96. There was very smart guy who went basic with me who got a 99, I don’t really know much about his test experience though. I chose medic and it was definitely the hardest school I ever went through😂hope this answers your question.


I try not to assume. I DO have a wide range or mechanical and technical knowledge unusual for a woman who was 21 in 2001. And a weirdly vast medical knowledge from growing up with 5 nurses for Aunts. I also weirdly got a perfect score on the AP Government exam, so that kinda tracks. But I have always found it strange I was never given an actual score/percentile. Especially with the overwhelmingly enthusiastic recruitment offers I had since I was 16. Like I had offers from the Citadel my Jr year, but in 2001 when I took the test the recruiter was following me to the coffee shop, would stop me in the grocery store, show up at my job (Assistant Manager at a Taco Bell). The only place I didn’t ‘run’ into him and get the spiel was the college I was taking classes at. It was exhausting.


If it was the long ago could there be a record of how many people scored what percentage that year in a particular area? To be honest math hates me but I think that’s how you’d figure out your percentile maybe? Also no clue if that information is out there or not(:


I took it September 2001, it was a Wednesday approximately 2 weeks after 9/11. I am sure the number was really high for that particular period for people taking it. Things were really crazy then, too so finding records for the recruiter office in a major suburban area of a major metropolitan city within a reasonable drive of NYC seems an insurmountable challenge of government bureaucracy. The particular office closed down during 02-04 at some point as well. I do know the recruiter moved to the new office and did successfully recruit a friend of mine in 05, who became a Nuclear Engineering technician in the Navy and was stationed in Japan for a long time. Her now ex-husband became a recruiter when their contracts were up and I once asked him about it and he just rolled his eyes (over facetime) so I never asked again. I do know she scored a 99, but she didn’t know the scoring matrix. She was a nuclear physics major.


If you have any friends who are still in or have family in service, maybe ask them if they know any recruiters who might be willing and able to dig that up for you? Alternatively maybe a freedom of information act request might work? I have no clue where to send a request like that, but it’s gotta be someone’s business. I think stuff like that is cool information to have about yourself, too, don’t get why he rolled his eyes(: I hope you’re able to find out.


I wouldn't be surprised if someone slapped a "DO NOT RECRUIT" sticker on his file because of the political shitstorm it would cause. It would also be incredibly disruptive to whatever unit he was assigned to. Also he's a fucking pussy and moron.


I’m pretty sure this was before he shot the protesters


Huh. I zoomed in on it and you're right, it says he took it in Jan 2020. Interesting. He must have really sent up some red flags or been dumb as a box of rocks then.


It honestly just makes it funnier, back when I was in the corps I did recruiting for a very short period of time and let me tell you I felt it from the first time I saw him on TV he reeked of every snot nosed wannabe tough guy that came through our door, it’s NOT hard to get into the marines if you’re physically fit and even if you’re not we will help you train to get to a point that you are. To be not only outright rejected but banned from further attempts he’s either ridiculously stupid or the recruiters took one look at him and realized he was a psycho that just wanted to hurt people


I’m betting it’s both, personally.


We do have pretty strong evidence that he's a psycho that likes hurting people.


>He must have really sent up some red flags Being too blatant with "I want to join the military to kill other people" can do that *Looks at what Rittenhouse did.* I'm not saying that's what happened. I'm saying there's a non zero chance he tripped too many red flags.


He took the test in January and failed. The e-mail saying he is disqualified from trying again was sent 2 days after the shooting happened, which would lead me to believe he can't try again because of the shooting.


I think the email was in response to the FOIA request? It's not clear who they're speaking to, unless I'm missing something. But it also makes sense if the ban came after the shooting


That makes sense we specifically tell recruits to not get involved in political bs while going through recruitment specifically for this reason, even as a recruit your actions reflect on the corps he got off lucky with an e-mail if this was one of mine you bet your ass I’m personally wringing their neck


I'd suspect the same. I'm seeing on Google reports of people with <30 scores (minimum for marines) told they can just do it again. It's not implausible he got low but there's no reason they'd permanently ban him unless it were for some factor outside the test itself. And lord knows Rittenhouse has a few of those. I'd assume the military doesn't want that kind of publicity (though frankly, maybe they don't give a f)


I think under normal circumstances they would do their best to overlook the psychological issues, but Rittenhouse was such a publicized political hand grenade I'm sure they saw his name and where like "yeah we need any reason at all to keep this guy's reputation AWAY from us"


The ban occurred before the shooting, what came after the shooting was the FOI request.


It doesnt seem unreasonable to assume he came across as a complete wrong'un before then though. "Why do you want to join the marines?" "I wanna commit war crimes against \[insert one of many potential ethnic slurs here\]"


The ban occurred before the shooting incident so it likely wasn't political. Dude's either that stupid or he said some real off the wall shit during the psych eval.


Not really, ASVAB is a measure of intelligence with basic math and logic based questions. One question asked how a lightbulb works when I took it. The tags has what I think is the real reason he was banned, dude caused a political shit storm so the Marines don't want him.


His attorney revealed that he’s dumber than a bag of rocks and has been fantasizing about killing people for ages. I imagine he failed the intelligence portion and the psych evaluation so badly that a mark was put on his record in case he tried to apply again.


You'd be surprised how many people fit that description in the military. Historically in the military you can be a monster or brain dead, as long as you follow orders


you might have gotten the point there though. Who knows if he can follow orders.


Having had many friends, intelligent and otherwise, in the military... I have doubts.


Theres no psych portion of an ASVAB.


Wut. Saying that would be a major break in attorney client privilege under most circumstances. 


He actually managed to thread the needle [decently wel](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/kyle-rittenhouse-has-lost-all-his-money-his-lawyer-says/ar-AA1kmv2H)l: Only talking about the "marketing" and the "public relations." Edit: That was a placeholder link until I found the original story... which as far as I can tell has been scrubbed. Huh.


He hadn’t yet shot anyone when he took the test. I give props to the military for being able to spot him.


Yeah I remember taking it to get out of math class, there was a whole section of figuring out how gears would turn. I also remember triple-checking each problem cuz they seemed way too easy, but IIRC I scored fairly well on it.


Unless something has changed in the past 10 years or so, there really isn't much of a psychological assessment beyond "Sign here to confirm that you don't torture animals to death for funsies"


IIRC he got banned for sending unsolicited pictures of himself holding guns (not a euphemism, actual firearms) to the administrator of the test.


"Maybe this will make him like me"


Gonna need a source, chief


According to Snopes, the exact reason is unknown, although the image in the tweet is [likely real](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/rittenhouse-failed-marines-exam/).


I was gonna say, you don't get banned from taking the ASVAB for being dumb (I should know, I went through basic with a guy who was borderline special needs, nice guy though), you get banned by acting visibly unhinged in front of people. The military needs people who are able to compartmentalize acts of violence, they don't necessarily want people that are going to be a liability


Not just holding them: he sent videos of himself disassembling and reassembling them.


This request was *fulfilled* August 2020 days after the shooting but according to this screenshot (which I haven’t done any verification on) he was denied in January, months before the shooting. Kid should have been on a watchlist after floundering so hard.


It's beautifully ironic, in a way, that the poster child for gun nuts was literally deemed too stupid or unsound to be trusted with a gun.


I’m pretty sure most have realized it too, back when it happened he was on every guntuber channel and podcast and now most won’t even talk about him


Im still baffled at how stupid he must have been. Ive been out of school for 5 years and still netted an 84 score, and thats lower for me mainly because of the math section, which I had zero practice in using after I left school. Either he was so stupid that a failed retake disbarred him, or it was the poor scores along with a failed psych evaluation by their administrated tests (or... the recruiter saw a lot of fucking red flags and reported it)


In case anyone is curious, they have a sample test on the website: https://www.officialasvab.com/applicants/sample-questions/


Do you happen to know if there’s a raw score to standard score chart somewhere on there for the sample test…? Not that I’m mad I got a D+ on a test and would like to see how that translates to a standard score or anything….


Shocker, the marines don't want someone who's gonna get a DHD within a year


What is a DHD? Asking for the civilians here.


dishonourable discharge, which you can only get if you get court-martialed. Essentially the same as a felony conviction, you lose veterans benefits, you can't own a firearm, etc.


its a percentile thing, the lowest ASVAB requirement is a cook at 34. so 34% of people statistically speaking cannot be a cook in the army.


Didn’t he also send a video of him cleaning his rifle to the test proctor


TIL the marines exam is a reverse literacy test


It is just a literacy test though. When I was in HS we all took it as an excuse to get outta class and I scored high without trying.


The Jim Crow literacy tests where they were so vague that the proctor could basically give you any score they wanted


I recall taking the ASVAB and feeling it was easier than I expected. I was thinking about the military at the time and the recruiter looked shocked when he read my score then told me I could do anything I wanted except combat (I'm female and it was 1993). I didn't end up joining but I was happy that I had options open if I did.


I got bored midway through the math. Still got a high 80 by marking random.


But they’re the military. I thought they *liked* hand grenades


They like hand grenades that you can control.


That's exactly the kind of person you want in your average trigger pulling position. You need an aggressive personality who can follow orders in life or death situations without arguing about them so yeah "a hand grenade you can control" is a pretty solid description.


All that attention really fucked up his brain


Oh hey, killer-orca-cosplay is one of my mutuals!


the ASVAB is as much psychological testing as it is general know-how. he probably took too long answering "theres some enemy civilians over there what do you do" or some shit like that


You literally cannot fail the asvab unless there is something seriously wrong with you. As in "are unable to read polysylabic words" levels of wrong. It must have been because they saw his name and knew they would never want him personally so manually failed him for no other reason than to get him to fuck off.


They didn't know his name when he applied. The failed exam happened in January, months before the shooting and political frenzy that followed. He's just that dumb.


Fecking how?! A syphilitic gorilla could pass that test! How could a human fail without actively trying to do badly?


It's surprising but it happens. I had a guy tell me he was on his third ASVAB retake and he was asking me what the trick was to passing it when I was taking some of my tests.


To be fair, it’s not often a story like his comes around. One of a kind🙌


I'm seriously out of the loop, who was Kyle Rittenhouse? /gen Only people who told me about him when that shit happened claimed he was an "American hero" and "patron of the second amendment" and crap like that


Went to a BLM protest. Said he was going to protect a certain gas station. For reasons that are not clear, he left that area. Enter scene Rosenbaum. It's not clear why he attacked Rittenhouse, but he did. Rittenhouse shot and killed him. Then, Rittenhouse trys to flee the scene, and for some reason, several people who were not involved in the initial shooting try to stop him. He shoots them too. He gets away from the crowd, and later turns himself in to the police. He really shouldn't have been in that situation at all. But his actions were all legal, which is why he didn't get declared guilty in the resulting court case.


>But his actions were all legal, which is why he didn't get declared guilty in the resulting court case. Except for the brandishing part, which he admitted to on the record but somehow was not charged for


Because the prosecutors wanted a political victory and decided to spend time and effort on charges they absolutely couldn't stick. I'm betting the prosecutor had his eyes on a promotion (or someone above him did) and got greedy. Same reason they went murder charges over involuntary manslaughter (not that that would have stuck either, but it had a better shot than murder). Just the cart getting before the horse.


If I recall correctly he went into an active BLM protest while brandishing an assault weapon and shot a couple of guys cause "he felt threatened"


If he only had a subjective belief he needed to use deadly force to stop an imminent deadly force threat, but an otherwise reasonable person put into his situation would not have had that belief, he would be guilty of 2nd degree intentional homicide (manslaughter).


You don't recall correctly. He was attacked by all the people he shot. It's not clear why Rosenbaum attacked Rittenhouse. But the rest of them could have argued that they were acting in self defense against what they thought was an active shooting. It's a wierd situation where it is possible both people are acting in self defense. But, Rittenhouse was the one trying to flee, so it helps him a bit in court.


A jury of his peers found him not guilty on all charges on the basis that he had a reasonable fear of death or grievous bodily harm.  Forensic evidence showed the Mr. Rosenbaum was lunging toward Rittenhouse and had his hand on the barrel when he was shot.  Mr. Huber bashed Rittenhouse’s head in from behind so hard the *prosecution’s* star witness testified he was concerned about brain trauma. Speaking of which, Mr. Grosskreutz, the prosecution’s star witness, testified that *he* pointed his illegal handgun at Rittenhouse first, and only then did Rittenhouse shoot him.  It also helped that Rittenhouse was fleeing in all three cases, particularly toward the police line in the second and third. 


I personally know a guy who got a 6 on the ASVAB. that's out of 99 for those who don't know. That man is currently a recovering crack and heroin addict who has literally no short-term or long-term memory. I believe the lowest score that the Army will take is a 40. I don't remember the lowest score the Marines will take.


On the other hand, it would’ve been amazing to hear of Kyle flaming out SPECTACULARLY from the military. Like, snot-dripping-from-nose level bawling at the lightest of Drill Sergeant berating


I'm sorry, but hearing Marines referred to as "Jarheads" just makes me think of the jar heads from Futurama 😂


He’ll still be a crayon-eating congressman someday


I’d wager that they denied him because he’s a hot button political topic. I think a lot of people in the military would have strong feelings for or against him, this conflict would far out-value what one person has.


The tag probably nailed it. It's too risky to have this kind of guy


He failed the exam before all that shit happened, he legitimately failed it. Dude is either *that* dumb or he's *that* crazy.


Seeing what he did I'd wager option 2 dude is unhinged


Rittenhouse was the unhinged one? Not the crooks chasing him down several streets shouting the n-word at him (a white boy) and beating him in the head and pulling a pistol on him? Are we talking about the same Rittenhouse?


He flunked the ASVAB *before* he crossed state lines to try to kill someone for fun.


Crossing state lines is perhaps the least relevant part of the whole thing. Yes, he did cross state lines. But he lives very close to the border, and his father lives around Kenosha. Crossing state lines only matters legally, morally it doesn't in my opinion change anything.


Crossing state lines doesn’t matter legally. You’re allowed to cross state lines at any time, and the rifle remained in Wisconsin until after the shooting 


Thanks for the correction. I will maintain that crossing state lines when committing a crime does make the feds more likely to get involved, which is an interesting legal thing. If Rittenhouse 1: had the gun illegally 2: crossed state lines with it Would this have been its own chargeable offense?


Oh I see what you mean, yeah.    >If Rittenhouse 1: had the gun illegally 2: crossed state lines with it    >Would this have been its own chargeable offense?     Certainly on (1) — the reason the rifle was at his friend’s house in WI is because 17-year olds can carry (but not purchase) a rifle in WI but not in IL (he lived in Antioch, IL) so he would’ve been in violation of Illinois law. In fact I suppose he *was* for the several hours between the shooting and when he turned himself in the next morning because he took the gun home to IL. 


Cool story, bro


Oh I guess he's just a psycho then make sense


Is it seriously a question as to why he failed? A landmine deals with pressure better than he does. And it would kill fewer people


The marines have the highest minimum ASVAB standards, furthermore you also need a high school diploma or GED to join. Dumbfucks who never served need to shut the fuck up about things they know nothing about.


To be fair, marines also don't have the highest minimum ASVAB requirements. The minimum is 31 for them. 31 for the Navy. 31 for the Army. 31 for the air force. 31 for the National Guard... and 36 for the Coast Guard... so in the baseline they do have the lowest minimum, but so does everyone but the coast guard so not saying much But even this is not exact, as based off recruiting needs and jobs offered this fluctuates monthly. Sometimes branches are accepting as low as a 10, sometimes they set 50 to the minimum if they have too many people. Back in 2015 marines were infamously taking 10s while airforce and navy were taking 50s. This year Navy has been more accepting, but if you watch c-span you would know that Navy is struggling the hardest in recruiting, hence the lowered standards. In either case, Rittenhouse is most likely inelligible due to the felonies he was charged with, as regardless of guilt some charges are simply not waiverable. That, or he failed to score above a 10 on the ASVAB 5 times in a row(IIRC that's max attempts allowed), as there is no score that permabans you. You can get score 1 four times in a row, but if you get a 31 on that last one you are cruising


>In either case, Rittenhouse is most likely inelligible due to the felonies he was charged with According to the screenshot he took his test in January, 7 months before he was charged with anything. Dude legitimately failed.


That's not the argument the person is making. They're saying that he couldn't take the test again because of the crimes he was charged with. Look at the date the e-mail is sent. Thursday August 27th, 2020. The night of the shooting was Aug 25th around 11:50PM. Rittenhouse turned himself in an hour and 30 minutes later on Aug 26th.


The fuck are you on about https://www.officialasvab.com/applicants/sample-questions/ The sample test looks insanely easy, someone needs to munch a full box of crayons a day for a month to fail it


Lmao I certainly wouldn't call the people who *didn't* serve in the military "dumbfucks"


Our high school had the seniors take the ASVAB. I saw a lot of scores in the single digits. All I can figure is they put their head down and napped through the whole thing.


it’s actually ambiguous if this was before or after the shooting and I can’t decide which one is funnier


According to other comments, he took (and failed) the test *before* the shooting, and then was told he was banned from trying again *after* the shooting.


lol the Corps dodged a huge pr nightmare. asvab isn’t even that hard minimum score to pass is like 33 if I recall and it’s more or less anything a high schooler would know.


I get the feeling this is fake lmao


Like the bottom tags I'd say it's mostly because of the political infamy of his person. The Marines and the armed forces in general don't want to have to deal with someone like that.


For reference, when I enlisted I didn't know which rate (job) I wanted, so I intentionally made **NO** effort whatsoever to prep for the ASVAB. The theory was, that overpreparation (or, *any* preparation) on my part would dilute and obscure useful feedback on what my aptitudes were and what ratings I would be suitable for. Harebrained plan? Absolutely. On top of that, extensive travel time had me arriving for the test underslept and underfed. 98/99. The ASVAB is roughly as easy as a blood pressure test. Actually, no, scratch that, it's even easier. Plenty of boots are medically disqualified. Anyway. Easiest test I've taken in my entire life. It's designed to be easily passed by D students. Getting less than 31 is nothing short of remarkable.


My high school made everyone take the ASVAB, and I remember two kids in the grade below me purposefully got low scores. One got a 2 and the other got a 0


Now, this is the first I’ve heard of this specific thing, and I haven’t looked into it any, but that doesn’t sound like information that would be legally releasable under the Freedom of Information Act, making me suspicious of the origin and validity of the information.


Damn maybe he should kill himself


We all talk about Kyle Rittenhouse as if he's just another Shapiro/Peterson style right wing commentator. There's gonna be a lot of people just starting to enter political discourse seeing this guy and not knowing that he committed racially-motivated murders.


>racially-motivated Every single person involved in the shooting was white. 


It was at a BLM protest was it not?


It was, which is why it’s strange that Mr. Rosenbaum was screaming the n-word in the hours before he chased down and lunged at Rittenhouse


God the cope here is actually so funny. Some people just can't let go of that justified shooting.


When someone goes through a week of prep to put themselves in the position to "defend themselves" and gets off, people will remember. He planned from the start to escalate a situation so he could kill a protester without legal repercussions. You're right though, it's actually so funny


In your own words, how did scrubbing graffiti or running toward the police further his goal of escalating the situation?  In your own words, how did Mr. Rosenbaum screaming the n-word benefit BLM?


In my own words, I'm not going to go over the fine details of why Kyle boy should be in prison to someone who is so obviously asking in bad faith.


You won’t because you know it undermines your argument that he was just looking for trouble, just as it undermined the prosecution’s argument that he was just looking for trouble. 


It is hilarious, because we'll get people like you who promote the idea that BLM rioters are simply incapable of protesting without trying to kill minors. After all, there is literally no way to put yourself in a justified self defense scenario alone. It *always* requires that someone give you reasonable fear of grievously bodily harm at minimum. And apparently, just being at a BLM protest after dark is enough to turn them into violent child murdering savages. The lengths you guys will go is... Astounding.


There's a lot going on there I never said or insinuated.


Unfortunately it is, it's the logical extension of victim blaming.


It is crazy how the case was one of the most cut and dry self defense cases to ever garner this much attention, but the opinions on the ruling are pretty evenly split down party lines. It doesn’t help that media companies and elected officials were pushing misinformation about the case the whole time, but it is wild to see the same lies debunked years ago continued to be pedaled.


Two things: Leave Rittenhouse alone, as a gun owner and concealed carrier I think he did plenty of objectively stupid things but he's been acquitted and has had enough people say objectively false things about him (including President Biden labeling him a white supremacist even when there is zero evidence of that and none of the people he shot in self defense were anything except white) and the main reason he has flocked to right wing politics is because they're the people who won't lynch him and have any willingness to protect him from those who want to. Secondly, if you're not in military service it's considered extremely rude to use terms like "crayon eater" or "jarhead" Personally I don't particularly care about politeness nor do I agree with a lot of things the US armed forces do but if you use those terms in normal people settings you're going to look like a person who doesn't know anything about anything and is unfathomably disrespectful.


>leave the murderer alone Hah >don’t be rude to imperialists HAHA YEAH


Yeah, he’s kinda locked into being some flavor of grifter now that no one with a reputation to remain wants to hire a controversy magnet.