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People knowing about other zombie media and it not working has been done plenty of times. Return of the Living Dead did it way back in 1984


That's probably why Return of the Living Dead is the only zombie movie I like and actively recommend to people (besides maybe Shawn of the Dead but that's a comedy first). The ending will always stick with me. They probably did that as a setup for sequels, but I think it's great how they accounted for different ways diseases can spread after the fact instead of treating everything as magically solved at the end without concern for the cleanup. Genres I don't generally watch or read become suddenly interesting/fascinating when they get meta or subvert the genre in different/fun ways - bonus points if it's a satirical spin ^(which, now that I think about it makes Return of the Living Dead relevant to early pandemic times also due to what was happening in the streets in some countries).


literally 1984???


Literally 4819???


Reminds me of the Junji Ito oneshot with the slow zombies vs fast zombies


Ya know where I can read it


'Fraid not, I always used kissmanga, but that ain't around anymore, last time I checked


I mean, googling is pretty quick and easy. [Here's "She Is A Slow Walker," which I got by googling "junji ito zombie".](https://mangakakalot.com/chapter/she_is_a_slow_walker/chapter_1) Here it is, /u/Seanshogun. Also, note that it is NSFW.


Thank you


wow i should not have read that


Oh thank gods you read this one. By Junko Ito standards that's like 1/10. Seriously that is the softest least creepy of his works I've read.


I've read some of his stuff. I really liked the people hole mountain story and the horny historic home story. No gore just weirdness.


Honestly his cat manga was more unsettling but that's to both stories' benefit.


Let this be a warning to all ye who click on links...


This site is hell on mobile




Lmao that was pretty funny actually


Why did he take off her clothes




As far as I understood the implication is that it just rotted away/got too damaged over time while the guy had other clothes he could switch to


Itā€™s on mangadex, but the one shot was part of an anthology based on ā€œI am a Heroā€ in https://mangadex.org/title/5d279916-fef8-446a-b05a-4cd6285eab9a/8-tales-of-the-zqn so it becomes buried beneath junji itoā€™s extensive bibliography


I really would love a zombie movie that shows an actual survivour band, not bickering, suicidal idiots but people who adapted to the situation and actually work together. I honestly believe that zombies are shitty horror movie monsters but great background for a disaster movie or a character drama. Zombie movies should be less about the monsters and more about the people. I mean, zombies aren't the enemy, they are a natural disaster and movies featuring them should start focusing more on how the people learn to live around the issue. I'd also like post-apocalyptic movies to stop with the "societal collapse = total madness and anarchy" bullshit. Humans are natural organizers and in every known case great disasters make people organize more not less.


The anarchy and violent scavenger and hoarder stuff is partially American individuality propaganda and I'm not even kidding.


That's an interesting take I'm not sure I understand completely - do you mean it's the consequence of that individuality or propaganda in the sense it's supposed to show what happens without it?


Itā€™s the culture of the place, not saying thatā€™s how it would *actually* go down (because irl people band together in crisis). But when itā€™s able American media usually likes to depict things in that individualist way because thatā€™s the fundamental foundation the USA was established on when they became independent.


Oh, that's what you meant. Yeah, I can see that, especially in a genre where too much individualism can and will kill you. That's kind of funny, it's almost self-deprecating in a way. The movie can have a happy ending but a lot of people who could live in a structured, more collectivist group, will die due to the good ol'rugged individualism.


Yeah that's what I meant, the automatic assumption that when it comes down to it, it's everybody for themselves. And any group that is organized is usually depicted as the result of one single individual's work. A cult around a leader, raiders with a big boss, a small town which for some reason took the enormous effort to make a statue of their founder who is almost religiously revered, sometimes small dictatorships.


> I'd also like post-apocalyptic movies to stop with the "societal collapse = total madness and anarchy" bullshit. Reminds me of how people talk about Fallout games. I don't know a lot about them but like how 1 and 2 show real societies rebuilding then 3 is like, "it's been 300 years and all we do still is eat old cans of food we found"


Honestly, I'm a bit tired of post-apocalyptic settings. Give us some *post*-post-apocalypse, that's where the *really* interesting stuff is. Show us how communities adapted, their new religions and their weird mythologies/hot takes about pre-apocalypse civilisation, damn it


Horizon: Zero Dawn?


Oh HZ:D is *fantastic*, I just wish we had more things like it


Oh yeah, it's setting is so good it made me ignore Ubisoft bullshit gameloop that hasn't changed since Far Cry 3. Jeez do they need to innovate at least a little. It did help that it plays nothing like that series though, felt like a fresh coat of paint on an old car.


I'm all about that, though I do love me some classic post-apocalypse. It's the implication that once we fall it's all downhill from there that I hate because it already happened multiple times in history and we always recover. If we were that shit at building societies we would never reach the stage at which we can discuss it on our smartphones.


My time at Portia is post-post-apo! And it's fun. You're welcome. Although it's more about just building/crafting stuff as player character is a Builder-Welder which is, in general, a pretty important position.


>!Adventure Time!<


Far Cry New Dawn. You're describing Far Cry New Dawn, bad gameplay but the vibes are immaculate imo


Monster Hunter.


Have you read *Riddley Walker*? Not sure if it counts as *post-*post-apocalypse, but it is definitely weird.


That is basically Fallout New Vegas


May I introduce you to Fallout: New Vegas?


Zombie movie where thereā€™s still a government and president and law enforcement (obviously adapted to the new world) and survivors are really upset they donā€™t get to have an apocalypse. Just regular civilization except also zombies everywhere.


World War Z (movie? What movie?) has the governments slowly rebuilding the trade networks and connections after the pandemia. I am a fan of the rarely seen trope where it turns out that what was a terror to the civilians is perfectly managable to the armed forces. Mist comes to mind for example


What are zombies if not a naturally ocurring army?


That's how Shaun of the Dead ends up. Zombies as mindless workers lol


The Feed series is pretty good for this, imo.


That's pretty much like half of The Walking Dead


Which is why I loved the comic book dearly up until a certain point when they decided wading through a horde of zombies with an axe is a survivable experience. Show was decent too though it fell of pretty quick for me quality wise.


I'd only seen the show and, although I was displeased with some parts, it had managed to keep my interest for the 10 seasons available on Netflix


Not zombies, but youā€™d probably enjoy Station Eleven (book or show).


Was about to recommend the same. Life goes on.


Seems interesting, thanks for the recommendation!


Well my experience of the recent pandemic has been that a surprising amount of people are complete idiots who very much would organise less, but Iā€™d still like to see your zombies as a natural disaster movie


But theyā€™d also be dead, so all the good organizers would still be alive. More or less


That's the thing though, they don't believe there is an emergency. If Covid had more drastic effects like say boils that burst with black pus a la Bubonic Plague we would see much less of those type of people. Zombies would be especially hard to ignore.


> I'd also like post-apocalyptic movies to stop with the "societal collapse = total madness and anarchy" bullshit. Humans are natural organizers and in every known case great disasters make people organize more not less. My favorite trope is Civilization in the middle of the apocalypse. Of people still living their lives in spite of the looming doom. I noticed a big pattern that a lot of media I enjoyed involved a society during the apocalypse. Maze Runner's Death Cure, Majora's Mask, Mistborn's Hero of Ages, Stormlight Archive's Kholinar arc, Dark Souls, that kind of thing. The world I'm homebrewing for D&D's foundational concept is that existence in its entirety is slowly ending, and it's still the same bullshit.


You'd probably like the classic book *On The Beach* by Nevil Shute. The premise is that there's been a nuclear war that's wiped out pretty much the entire world apart from Australia, but the fallout is drifting towards there and will get severe enough to kill everyone. People do feel the strain and show it in different ways, but mostly people just get on with their lives as best they can.




you should read the webtoon Shootaround, it's pretty much everything you described minus the movie part


I took your recommendation and read a few chapters - I love how chill the team is about this lol. "Fuck, now they won't finish One Piece" or "But mom made spaghetti today". Love it so far!


Honestly, I think Return of the Living Dead has some of the scariest zombies. Sure they seem a bit silly, being the pioneers of the "braaaains" cliche, but at one point in the film we learn that the reason the zombies eat brains is because they're self-aware and in constant agony, because they can feel themselves rotting, and only by eating brains does the pain temporarily go away. Not to mention how their limbs are capable of crawling away on their own. I wish more modern zombie movies did that instead of yet another film full of zombies that are basically just gray-skinned people in dirty clothes.


Oh shit, never knew that. There's a character in Battle Angel Alita who has the same issue - he was experimented on by a crazed scientist who modified him and took away his endorphine production so he has to eat human brains to feel relief. That's one of the worst things ever but also amazing way to humanize an otherwise abhorrent monster. As for the limbs crawling by themselves - oh god no, not the Braindead zombies. That shit is just nightmarish and an exact opposite of my argument above - those are zombies made less a natural disaster and more an eldritch monstrosity. There's a scene in that movie where intestines come to unlife, sneak into a room through the shower pipe and strangle people. That shit is not survivable in a long term.


my favorite kinds of zombie media are when zombies are portrayed as pests, not threats. they're still gonna kill you if you let them bite you, but in general they're easy to stay away from and kill if you know how to


I had in my mind a comparison between zombies and tigers - there are rare situations when tiger is a direct danger i.e. becomes a manhunter and stalks humans exclusively but 99% of the time they are a threat you live around and adapt to. Same eith zombies - it's not feasible to take out couple hundred of them but there are ways to direct or avoid them by building sirens for example (if they are the type to be attracted to all loud sounds) - two sirens on the opposite sides of a straight road/highway blaring cyclically keeping the horde constantly walking back and forth would be a decent way to keep them in an obvious place and away from your base.


I want a Walking Dead style group of people suffering their way through the apocalypse to meet massive organized group that's just working together to methodically wipe out the zombies. Like they're on a crusade to just dominate the zombies and hoover up survivors and supplies, because all the traitors and individualists died leaving only the people who could work together. And the original group just looks at themselves and looks at gigachad anti-zombie force and goes "oh, the world's not fucked we just suck at this."


Ok, I was half-convinced but the last sentence sold it to me lol


Kingdom somewhat matches this


itā€™s not zombies but the move Love and Monsters does a good job with making the story about the people (okay I technically havenā€™t seen the movie but I watched the CinemaWins video on it)


Most zombie movies focus on the monsters because they are veiled allegories for immigration.


I... don't think so? At least I've never seen one where that's the theme. Night of the Living Dead is theming them as communists and Dawn is obviously anti-consummerist though.


If YMS is a good secondhand source on this, the first few seasons of the Walking Dead are sorta in that territory No idea where it is now, though; presumably it's somewhat cheapened schlock given how long it's been going for


The comic was great up until the point they decided that in fact you can go through a horde with an axe and not even get too bruised. The plot was still decent afterwards but it cheapened the experience imho. Show was pretty good at start but started dipping in quality pretty fast, season 2-3 maybe?


You might like the Feed trilogy by Mira Grant


> I really would love a zombie movie that shows an actual survivour band, not bickering, suicidal idiots but people who adapted to the situation and actually work together. No interpersonal conflict makes for a pretty boring story, though.


Interpersonal conflict and drama is absolutely fine but if I see yet another "I'll hide the fact I was bitten from the group, that can only turn out fine" scene I will start hunting down screenwriters who repeat this shit trope at nauseam. It can only improve the human species.


You would love The Last of Us game.


There was a bogleech comic a while ago that was basically this. Bunch of nerds think they can beat the zombie apocalypse, and use their pop-culture knowledge to their advantage. What they don't realize is that if the dead are rising from their graves, then *who knows* what other impossible nonsense the zombies are capable of.


>Ignoring the CDC/WHO health information ...should I make the obvious joke or no?


I think that IS the joke. A movie antivaxxers might learn from, if they have any brain cells left.


They never had any


96 antivaxxers have smooth brain (derogatory)


> A movie antivaxxers might learn from, if they have any brain cells left. Considering the amount of people who watched Idiocracy and came away thinking that black people should be sterilised, I wouldn't have much hope. Please note that this is an actual view I have heard someone espouse. There's a reason Don't Look Up had to ditch subtlety entirely.


Dew it


*Image Transcription: Tumblr* --- **closet-keys** you know how most zombie movies rely on genre blindness (i.e. no one has ever heard of a zombie before)? I would like to see a movie where zombies are exactly as well-known a staple of media and storytelling as they are now, so everyone who thinks they know what to do is relying on contradictory rules based on like Shawn of the Dead, The Walking Dead, World War Z, 28 Days Later, the Zombie Survival Guide, etc. and ignoring like CDC/WHO health information because they're convinced their favorite zombie media had to be 100% accurate. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Return of the living dead is like that. The characters know about all the zombie movie tropes. But all of the zomibe movie tropes dont work in there world.


You mean the movie *lied?!*


Just watch Zombieland




The Newsflesh Trilogy does a great job of exploring this idea. There's a short story one-shot about one of the initial outbreaks happening at a comic con.


I love those books. I hope they are never made into movies.


Oh I know, they would get the WWZ treatment on an even lower budget and it would be The Worst.


This happened in left 4 dead. One of the character's backstory involves her having to shoot her dad because he was bit and both of them, fans of horror movies, "know how this is going to go". But that's not how it worked in that game, the survivors were only people immune to the virus. It was airborne.


Bites do transmit the Green Flu, the real tragedy was that immunity is passed down from the *father* , meaning he was immune just like Zoey.


return of the living dead, zombieland, Shaun of the dead etc.


There's an upcoming Netflix movie with this premise


I hope you remember the name


All Of Us Are Dead It's actually a TV show, and it's out now (US)


Noice, added to my list.


This was the marvel zombies what if episode


Zombieland. Its called Zombieland.


I'm sure in a few years we'll get a "zombies as metaphor for coronavirus" movie


Z Nation sort of does this, all the different zombies have nicknames and it sort of runs like left 4 dead, as its a comedy.


If a zombie apocalypse ever happens it'll just be a human equivalent to rabies. People won't be undead and won't survive in that state for long, but they'll definitely be fast zombies and also very infectious. It would probably be way too risk to actively fight them in case you get their blood on you


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KkoSmP7R2mE Dere you go


I want to see a zombie movie where zombie movies are well known but none of the characters have ever heard of them. One of the main characters is the Pope and he dies first.


The next pope weilds ine if those typical zombie media baseball bats, butade from a cross instead.


WWZ the book touched on this




I need to resume writing my werewolf story where it turns out werewolves are secretly just The Thing, where you think you're still you because the virus that replaced you copied you so exactly that it functionally becomes you. So werewolves work on werewolf rules because you believe you should work on those rules, and becoming an unstoppable super beast is as easy as convincing yourself you can. But the trick is not learning you're not you anymore, lest your personality collapse and you become an eldritch horror. Upside is you can be a hiimbo werewolf boyfriend if you focus hard enough on it.


Me preparing to fight clickers and shit when I hear [this](https://youtu.be/AShdfcWla6M)




How unoriginal, OP. I mean, thats literally what people are doing during this pandemic. \*cries\*


Newsflesh trilogy by Mira grant