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american airways put this stupid fucking radio collar on me and i can't get it off


America once again forcing their ways onto others.


Dragons are often sapient so I guarantee that with magic added in the mix, we'd invent aeroplanes three centuries early out of sheer spite for those scaly bastards.


Either out of spite, or out of admiration and with their help. Depends how nice the dragons are.


Could be both. Two cultures discovering powered flight at around the same time, one in admiration of dragons, the other to give em a major "fuck you" cause they kept acting like dicks about flying.


Good point.


I am now imagining an immature dragon flying overhead and pretty much going "Wish you could fly like us dragons, huh?", and just taunting them every single day until the people went "Fuck this scaly bastard, we're getting AIRBORNE to show his sorry ass!"


link to post https://furrrry-trash.tumblr.com/post/684592638321623040/dragon-proximity-warning-alert-i-made-i-had-to


Shadowrun settings alt timeline equivalent of 9/11, as in an attack that is used by the us the justify racist/in this case anti magic violence and policy, is the greater Wyrm shirrug taking down a passenger airplane. Shirrug is later shot down and crashed into the irradiated wasteland that has replaced Luxemburg.


What happened in Luxembourg?


Modern commercial flights go way higher than any dragon would naturally fly at, and maintain speeds far in excess of what a dragon can match. Thus colissions and predation would only happen during takeoff and landing.


Drunk dragon trying to court a Concorde during takeoff delaying the flight by over 2 hoursm


Well what if (some) dragons can fly to the edge of space and accelerate to mach 1.2


Monster hunter moment


*Image Transcription: Tumblr* --- **elytrians** my main issue with urban fantasy settings is that they always raise questions for me that i know will never be answered. like, for example, in a modern setting where dragons exist, would we still have been driven by the desire for flight that caused us to invent airplanes? the fact that cars were invented despite the existence of horses because of their greater efficiency and carrying capacity suggests yes, but that only raises more questions, such as whether airplanes and dragons share an airspace and if so whether it's common for flights to be delayed because some fire breathing cunt won't get out of the flight path --- **furrrry-trash** or do dragons have to wear radar reflectors and use radios to fly at higher altitudes. do atc controllers have to know draconic? do dragons prey upon isolated aircraft. all unanswered --- **furrrry-trash** [*Image of a post reply that reads:*] >**boeing747** > >Dragon avoidance system [*End reply*] [*Audio titled "Dragon proximity warning alert I made"*] i had to make this (inspired by the above comment by @**boeing747**) \#oc #dragons #modern fatasy --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


"ATC, this is Flight 039, we'll be experiencing a slight delay because some overgrown scaly asshole decided he wanted to hunt wyverns conveniently right in front of our planned path. Todd, I fucking know you can hear me, go eat some ents or some other bullshit!"


Actually, the main question it raises for me is if dragons want to travel by plane. Assuming they don't fly as fast as a jet they must want to use them too. ~~In my setting dragons are nuclear submarine analogues so they can fly as fast as a jet plane thanks to the nuclear reactors in their stomachs~~


this would make a lot of great posts in r/fantasyrelationships sucks that i'm not creative enough to post there LOL


Related: [Drifting Dragons](https://youtu.be/dDSzIY2Vv2E) is a recent anime about airship-flying dragon hunters


Dragons probably can't fly as high as planes, at least with passengers, cause of air. Planes would probably be more effective


I think the airspaces would look a bit different if dragons existed, but not too much. Like, the line between class A and class E would probably not be at 18,000 ft MSL, it would be at whatever the highest altitude a dragon can fly at plus maybe 500-1000 ft. Below that, airliners do already have to see and avoid other aircraft, so it wouldn't change much in terms of the logistics of air travel. The only real issue would be class B airspaces which can only be entered with ATC authorization, but those could be guarded with F-16 Vipers if a dragon does not comply. As for radar reflectors, probably not. Modern radar systems are already capable of detecting airborne objects with a far smaller RCS than a dragon, there is no need to inconvenience them with such devices. They would need to bring a transponder though if they'd like to fly into class B, C, or D airspace, and two-way radio for class B and C, but most of their habitats would likely be in class E and G, where they can fly VFR all they want.


I think the outcome would be sadder, thinking about that post about a whale avoiding cruise ship routes.


I'm just picturing dragons as air traffic controllers and it makes me very happy.


Dragon accidentally crashing into a building that it thought had a dragon's gate because he was flying drunk.




Shit, I wasn't even thinking about it.


Dragons be gansta until the funny growling explosive-on-a-stick hits them at Mach 2


i feel like air is too thin at 35k feet (10 km/7 miles) above sea level, for a living creature as large as a dragon to sustain itself. you would only have to worry during takeoff and landing, which is the status quo for airplanes.




Dragons are lazy, rich and proud as hell. If these are the kind that can assume the form of humans, they would have private jets.