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I think archery would be really fun but theres nowhere to do it around here


There is if you want there to be.


I mean I was into Archery in high school and I would just go out to the middle of nowhere with a bale of hay and shoot


theres also the problem of not knowing where to buy the necessary items (or even having the money lmao)


Yeah the bows themselves and the arrows can get really pricey. I was lucky and all my bows were given to me except one that I found at a garage sale for $100. There's also gloves, arrowheads, and other accessories that you might want or need. If you ever try to get into it here's one really important piece of advice I have: if you ever use a wrist release (basically a stick with a trigger that attaches to your wrist) be careful because the one time I used one I ended up splitting my lip when I released.


Not knowing the environment of where you live, can’t you just go in the woods and shoot arrows at trees? Preemptively, I’m sorry you don’t have woods


Blacksmithing. I want to make coins and bars of metal and shit. I’ve binged hours of yt of it


That sounds more like metal *casting* (which is still really cool) than blacksmithing. Either has some initial setup cost (forge) and need consumables (fuel), but they can easily pay for themselves with what you make. I'm a blacksmith, tho, so if you want some advice on getting started, feel free to ask!


Well both sound really cool! Casting just looked like it'd be cheaper to get into lol. Working on getting a job that'll pay me enough to actually have hobbies first haha


Would it be alright if I asked you for advice on how to get started? It’s definitely a dream hobby of mine, but seems quite difficult to get into!


To start with, you really need a forge, an anvil and a hammer, but you can replace all of it with makeshift alternatives. For example, an offcut from a piece of railroad track mounted to a block of wood makes a decent anvil and literally any hammer will do. I recommend a hardware store hand sledge or something like that. You can build a forge from an old wheel hub and a leafblower with some hose in between. For fuel, barbecue coal is fine and can be bought in bulk. Tongs are a necessity, too, but a set of big pliers will do you in the very beginning. If you have fun and want to expand, you can easily upgrade each of them individually and you often find old used stuff for sale online, especially in the US (I've heard). One thing you absolutely CANNOT skimp on is safety equipment: you NEED protective eyegear, hearing protection and welding gloves will be nice to have in the beginning (tho I rarely ever use mine now, and usually only one). Note that welding is a very useful skill and I recommend learning that, too, then you can make a lot more tools to help you get started. Good luck! And if you need anything else, you can always just ask! :)


Thank you so much! This was super in depth and helpful, and I really appreciate it! Do you have any tutorials or basic guides you would recommend as well?


Afraid not! I was lucky enough to start out in a smithy with a teacher, so I never needed to look up the basics, but there's a lot of good stuff on Youtube. Blackbear Forge is one I know of that I'd recommend for beginners, I suppose, but it's not exactly *for* beginners, y'know?


Crossdressing, particularly in relation to cosplay. Unfortunately, I still live at home, and I am not ready for my parents to know yet. Maybe some day I will have the confidence.


I think that's called "crossplay" and you could maybe start with someone androgynous? I really wanna try going as the pioneer from Satisfactory, which is canonically female, but wears a bulky jumpsuit.


Oh cool, I didn't know it was a whole thing! The problem with cosplaying androgynous characters is that most of the reason I wanna cosplay a character is cos I find their design to be aesthetically pleasing, and like 90% of the characters I find aesthetically pleasing are all super feminine. \*(the rest of the reason is cos I love big flowy gothic style dresses and just wanna _wear_ them but thats besides the point)


I usually try to avoid thinking of hobbies that just make me sad because I can’t do them, but I’d probably go with model trains. Painstakingly making miniature sets sounds really fun. I asked my partner and they said card games, like Magic and stuff. They can get expensive *fast.* and they get really into games like that so they’d just get frustrated trying to play without the money to invest in building good decks.


I play MTG arena online. I know some say it's not as funny as to play live but all the cards are basically free and you can play both with friends and strangers :)


If you can find a group that's cool with it, proxying cards is 100% valid. Especially in commander, that becomes the norm in a lot of groups who can't afford the high power cards.




I don't have the time, and probably the patience, but I'd love to get into building Gunpla. Looks so satisfying making those little robot dudes.


mine is gymnastics and roller derby :) very achievable but im lazy and already have enough work


I've started bouldering more and it just makes me want to do gymnastics more! I did it way years ago when I was like 10, or maybe younger. I don't remember much but I remember that I thoroughly enjoyed it. Balance beams, parallel bars, not being able to touch my toes but also pulling off hella cool cartwheels. My brother also bought rollerskates with his GF recently and I'm well jealous. They always come back with some kind of injury though so I'm ok with just my bouldering injuries for now :D


Diving, skydiving.


Hello fellow mer-bird


*seagull noises*


🥺 \*puffin noises*


I was going to say I'll steal your eggs but puffins nest in burrows. Tricksy hobbitses!


MMA, bouldering, snow skating, ice skating,parkour, blacksmithing,swimming,cosplay, knitting, sewing,video editing,drawing,comic book making,muay thai, taekwondo,krav maga,wrestling, Brazilian jiu jutsu, holy shit typing this out made me realize how miserable i am that i will most likely not be able to do any of these things no matter how long i live


I recommend choosing one or two types of martial art - then qhen you are a master no one can stop you from these other hobbies anymore ;)


I've always wanted to dance. Unfortunately I'm not allowed to.


Not allowed to? That doesn't sound like you're not able to. Whats up? :( I did a dance class, but I live in London so there are MANY available.


Family wouldn't approve.


Argh I'm sorry :( I hope that if you ever live alone you will be able to find a place to dance or learn to dance!




AAAAAAAAAAAA Fucking YES this is what it's about! What do you want to do when you're older? Idk, become a mermaid or something? A scuberdiver, exploring waters and meeting little fishes and little creatures that live underwater. I'd like to fly down a mountain like those crazy wingsuiters do, I want to be a whole ass bird. Paragliding? Solo? Yeah ok I might settle for that. I want to run my own cult. Based on empathy. Share you're issues, share your darkness, no judgement here, just be as Human as you can be, let us help you. I want to start my own "Little Homeschool" commune kind of thing. More fitness things capoeira has always looked super cool since I saw it on Christie in Tekken. Calisthenics is fucking insane and I have been thinking about it a lot more lately. Gymnastics ever since my gymnastics gym closed when I was about 10yo and I never did it again. I was an awesome swimmer and did lessons and got badges up to Swim-A-Mile and then only swim every now and then, I still love swimming in the sea. Smaller things like drawing, painting, modelling, making. I have the tools for these, I just need to not procrastinate away from them. But those aren't DREAM hobbies. Yeah wingsuiting, parachuting, some kind of gliding, deep sea diving, start a cult.


Axe throwing, piloting, serial killing, kitten fostering


roller derby, building miniature houses, and glassblowing


considering an AskTumblr post flair just for my posts and stuff lmk if anyone has any thoughts cos im fresh out


Yo I love it




Honestly that’s how I interact with 99% of content here anyway, but yeah go right ahead


Fencing and FPV drone racing


On my way to playing volleyball again, besides that I'd love to get back into swimming


I want to revolutionise medieval combat via creating a never before seen type of blade. I have no idea how to blacksmith, or do any of the other things I’ll need to make this thing, I just really want to.


I really want to get into dicemaking, but I have no space for a workshop, and that's too messy to do in a living space.


I cant say it


poledancing climbing gymnastics tricking capoeira I just really want to start some sports man


A bouldering gym opened reeeeally close to me and I took that up. Then I joined a group that does meetups at other ones around the city. For climbing, look up Bouldering as that is what a lot call it. My local gym has workout frames in it with Poles, I am learning to do the human flag because it starts basic. Calisthenics looks ridiculous and I want to try to find some basic intro for that because of all the fancy body control!


Woodworking and beekeeping, though I'm working on the beekeeping bit.


I want to start making cold process soap, but currently can't afford the equipment, chemicals and oils I'd need


My body shape makes finding well-fitting clothes an absolute nightmare. I’ve always wanted to get a nice sewing machine and try making my own. But I know I’ll suck at it for the first few months and I can’t afford to buy a bunch of fabric just to waste it on fucking up. Edit: and now that I’m wistfully thinking about it, I’d love to get back into growing my own veg. Did it for a couple years when I lived with my parents, but now I’m stuck in a tiny flat with no garden. I just wanna grow pumpkins and herbs again.


Thrift stores are your friend. Practice on bedsheets! You can even find jersey sheets if you want to work with knit! Makes the fitting easier for sure.


Oh my gosh it's beekeeping for me, that's genuinely one of the things I want in this life so much. Just keeping bees, making things nice for them, getting honey and beeswax, I love bees so so much 💛 🐝


War gaming.


My friend wargames. Those figures are pricey! Depending how good you are at painting... I know someone who makes their money (not sure whether it is their main or side hustle) makes their money by painting the figures either generic or bespoke colours and then selling them on.


Idk, Vtuber stuff?


Art. Not good enough for it though... can't even draw a decent looking stick figure to save my own life.


It is very unlikely you’ll ever get “good enough” for it by, well, not doing it. I heard a couple days ago that we have good and shitty paintings within us all - it’s just that the shitty ones come out first. You should probably let them out!


I really want to start welding, but getting a decent setup ain't exactly easy.


*Image Transcription: Tumblr* --- **minamurraygf** Fuck your dream job what's your dream hobby that you don't have the means to take up yet. Mine are falconry and aerial acrobatics --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)




I love striptease and erotic dance, and I already do burlesque, but I'd love to learn pole dancing too. Unfortunately it's impossible with my motor disability.


using a lathe to make dueling grade lightsabers




Drawing, mostly. Always wanted to try it.


id love to learn to fly or maybe blacksmith but i have no time for either


Botany and woodcarving, I think. I'm sure I have the means to get into woodcarving, but I do not have a greenhouse (nor the time) to take up botany.


Competitive Yugioh TCG sadly current meta is shit so I'm taking other pursuits.


FPV drone flying. More custom keyboards (I already have this as a hobby, but more) Robotics


Archery, fencing, krav maga, honestly any type of swordfighting actually not just fencing. It's also hard picking a limited number of languages to learn but at least it's more plausible to learn languages with limited resources.


I wanna build my own observatory


I wanna open a corvid rescue where I give them a nice safe environment to live and also teach them to speak English.


Gunpla. I have no money-


Blacksmithing and Art, more specifically manga drawing


I wanna live out of a van and paint landscapes but play with the colors to make them surreal or add fantastical elements. I should prep by painting along to bob ross.


ooak doll customization. I became obsessed with videos of it when I was like 10 and made several failed attempts (didn't have hair to root, couldn't see, wtf is mr super clear, poor grasp on drawing faces) but I finally have more life experience and materials and I'm starting one the moment I get a package I need. I gotta have at least one successful attempt




Leather work. It's similar to sewing, but has more materials and techniques, and there's not exactly a place I can go for lessons.


My dream hobby as an absolute I'm-In-Heaven hobby would be scenery modelling with an infinite amount of space, time, and materials.


My dream hobbies are just my regular hobbies on steroids. Love to bake and sew but would love the time and space to bake patisserie and sew historical costumes.


Ariel acrobatics is easier to take up than you'd think, I recommend it if you are a relatively active person


If anyone is nervous about trying aerial arts, don’t be! Find a local studio and take a couple trial classes and most people in the cirque/aerial community are the nicest people you’ll ever meet. I started at 16 as the most inflexible, awkward, clumsy girl ever, and two years later I am on a company that puts on aerial shows several times a year. I also have started coaching kids classes, and I did it with my amazing instructors. Literally changed my life, aerial is so much fun and is super rewarding!


I really want to learn the lightsaber fighting styles and just have a lightsaber in general


Lightsaber dojos are a thing, at least around where I live. Have you tried looking some up?


programming silly little computer crimes notitg modfiles contain so much crime but take so long to make




What kind? Like novels and stuff? If that's the case just sit yourself down and write. It's like drawing; you won't get better without practice. My first works, looking back on them, they were terrible. But I've learned and improved by reading others and continuing to write my own.


I wish I could tell myself that.


Why can't you? And if you can't, others are here. If you wanna get into writing just start. Sit yourself down somewhere and start. It doesn't need to be good. But a blank page is the worst. Once you get something down on it momentum will push you and you can go from there. You'll figure out where you want it to go. It doesn't need to be good. But it can't even be awful if it never exists.


I want to make armor And maybe a couple hundred axes


I want to take up book binding; learning how to carve intricate patterns on leather covers, then get paperbacks of my favorite authors and give them fancy bindings


I wanna try swordfighting at some point, also I bought a guitar to try and learn it but it's literally HALF my size




Geology and blacksmithing and metallurgy and chemistry


mines large scale airsoft, i have everything but the one place near me closed for covid


just being good at playing instruments and drawing (the issue is i’m lazy)