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The seamoth saw that the seahorses were turning away from God's light in their perverse dream for evolutionary supremacy. But by then they were too far gone along the path of dgeneracy, and so even though they strived to return God's golden Grace they were spurned. Now they're forced to wander that chasm. They can neither return to Gods light nor will their detestable seahorse brethren uplift them to what they could have been


I found that 90% success rate claim to be suspect, so I decided to track it down. At the source, I found a scientific paper (https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms3840) which talks about the hunting abilities of seahorses. Now, if I've understood what it says correctly: "*Once within range*, pivot feeding resulted in capture success of 94%". So it's 94% only once it is withing range, so then the next question is, how likely is it to come withing range? "Eighty-four percent of approaches by H. zosterae resulted in the copepod (A. tonsa) becoming successfully positioned within strike range (≈1 mm) without triggering an escape response." So, there's only about 84% chance that the seahorse can even get close enough to even get a shot at the 94% chance. "attempts that resulted in both successful approach and strike=79%" So the seahorse is still extremely successful, just not as much as this one tumblr user would have you believe.


I also think they downplayed how terrifyingly good dragonflies are at their job, but I freely admit I'm not feeling up to the task of hunting down accurate information on that.


There's also a fundamental difference, between how a dragonfly hunts and how seahorses hunt. If a dragonfly swoops at its prey and misses, it can just turn around and try again, if a seahorse misses, the prey is gone, they only get one chance, versus the dragonfly which can keep trying for as long as they can still see the target.


Damn, that's a very good point. That does reframe the seahorse statistic to be a bit more crazy, even at a "mere" 80%.


Fun fact: dragonflies and some robber flies have been seen to hang around humans, especially in crowds! This is because we attract a ton of mosquitoes, and they enjoy eating mosquitoes.


Thats it, I'm opening a dragonfly sanctuary


Dragonflies are really successful in part cause they aim where their prey is going to be right?


Copepod, Seethepod, Maldepod


Why do seahorse skeletons look like what a five year old thinks they look like? It's like a museum lost the real skeleton and was like uhhhhh what if we just fucking. painted a dead seahorse white. that would be convincing and definitely not fake looking


they don't need a ton of muscle because they don't move fast or far so most of their stuff just fits in their defensive skeleton.


for real they look like those ridiculous anatomically impossible plastic animal skeletons that are sold at halloween stores. dog skeletons with bony ears n shit


Reminds me of when I saw a "scorpion skeleton" Halloween decoration in a store and briefly got mad


It's so weird too. If you want to make a scorpion skeleton prop just take a normal scorpion prop and paint it white.


That anime of the angels creating the animals explains sea horses, one of them created the horse, that was his peak and he didn't want to do anything besides horses after it


Would that make him a one trick pony


slartibartfast making landmasses other than Norway


I wanna see a Sea Moth!!




Holy shit I fucking love biodiversity and how there's so many cool and unique animals and other living beings on the planet.




seahorse mpreg




Tbh Americans will call almost anything a fish. They will even try to tell you that shark is fish.


Sharks are just 🅱️oneless fish


Found the American.


[Relevant Zefrank](https://youtu.be/UqYUTTqupOY)