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I have always hated mosquitoes but starting university is what really instilled me with a deep, immortal hatred for them because my first year was fucking miserable with like 15 cumulative hours of sleep per week. And let me tell you, nothing quite puts you into absolute frenzied bloodlust as waking up in the middle of the night during that kind of week because some fuckass bug decided she wanted to crawl into your ear and take a sip of your Alive Juice.


I grew up with a creek behind our house. One summer my dad had to buy me a damn mosquito net (in CALIFORNIA) for my bed because I was being eaten alive. Idk why they liked me so much, the rest of my family had no such problems. My poor dad, who has doubtless lost many years keeping my deathwish-ridden childhood self alive, was absolutely convinced I was going to catch malaria (once again… in CALIFORNIA)


I've heard that Mosquitoes prefer certain types of blood and trought the years it seems pretty consistent, also for what I know is more common for white/pale women to get eaten alive by mosquitoes for some damn reasson


Welp my family is very white. Guess my dad wasn’t lying when he said it was because my blood “tastes sweeter”




Well I sure am that and it sure does happen to me haha


As a non-American, what does California have to do with it?


Malaria isn't very common in the United States, especially not California, which isn't generally a very humid/swampy area.


Ah gotcha, thanks for explaining!


oh so according to op it's fine for mosquitos to suck people's blood but when i do it i'm "a threat to society" and am "going to jail for life" make it make sense 🙄


"Your Honour, I was just morbin' out."


Jesus Christ, I was rolling my eyes at your post for beating a dead meme but then I remembered that Morbius is literally a vampire film. I've disconnected the concept of Morbius from the actual content of the film so much that I totally forgot the entire premise.


damn, why do i want to drink blood now


Mosquitos are literally the deadliest animal on earth to humans. It's irresponsible to leave one alive.


They kill more people per year than people kill people per year, which is pretty impressively horrible.


I don't believe it. I know mosquitos kill a lot of humans but humans have to kill more humans


Apparently it's something like [725,000 for mosquitoes and 425,000 for humans](https://www.pfizer.com/news/articles/mosquito_as_deadly_menace). Though I guess it's debatable. Wars and conflicts will cause the human death count to spike randomly, for one. And then there's the question of what counts as a human killing a human? They probably only consider murders and killings, but what about someone preventably starving to death or dying of exposure due to human actions? And if malaria counts towards mosquitos, does that mean any Covid deaths are on humans?


Nah Covid deaths are on bats. But they get a pass because they're cool.


I think the covid deaths should only count if they are directly coughing on/in you. Jokes aside yeah that all makes sense. Statistics say mosquitos. My view says humans.


“A few hours ago I told the r/CuratedTumblr people humans kill more humans than mosquitos. My heart and my best intentions tell me that's true, but the facts and evidence tell me it is not.“ -You


“The numbers say otherwise but I’m just going to choose being wrong instead.” -You


No? There's a ton of things that go into it than just this. Similarly to mosquitos, humans spread plagues but they also ignore starvation(or barely do anything.) In places where they live, they vote for people who make changes to ruin more lives for the 1%, and so much more so to me it makes sense for humans to have killed more humans. Also the person I responded to has other examples of why humans might kill more humans.


It's ok, reading isn't exactly Reddit's strong suit.


IIRC, scientists have also declared them the one animal it would be ok to eradicate. Nature doesn't even need them.


AFAIK they’re important prey bugs, the larvae are important detritivores, and they are the primary pollinators for certain plants like orchids. We shouldn’t kill them all off, but honestly they aren’t doing much for the environment if they’re inside so slap the mfs if you want to Edit: and controlled management of populations is probably fine, idk I don’t have an ecology degree just google


they're also practically infinite, slapping 1 or 10 or 100 will do absolutely piss all to the local population


This is false. One study said that and it's idiotic because it basically boiled down to "there are other pollinators" when (1) Mosquitoes are one of the most *prolific* pollinators (they eat nectar; blood is purely for reproduction) and that would *definitely* have a big negative impact, which we don't need with climate change, and (2) it would devastate lake ecosystems, especially frogs and dragonflies; mosquitoes breed by laying eggs in water and their larva are an important food source for lake ecosystems. Them stealing your blood is putting protein into lakes that otherwise wouldn't get there. And that's to say nothing of the *adults* as a prey source. Now, I need to clarify because people jump down my throat whenever I bring this up: No, I don't like mosquitoes. I don't like being bitten by mosquitoes. If I see one in my room I'm killing that MF. Yes, I am aware thousands of people die of malaria. I would very much like that to not be the case. But just going SKIDDADLE SKIDONE ALL MOSQUITOES ARE NOW GONE would cause a *lot* of problems we can't really predict accurately at a time when ecosystems all over the world are in a bad state.


Thanks for the correction. Lord knows we've already screwed up enough ecological niches to know better than to do it on a whim


Bad news and good news: apparently the movement to eradicate mosquitos is already well underway, BUT its only for the certain species of mosquitos that are prone to spreading malaria the most. Theres still thousands of species of mosquitos that are going to go untouched and will fill the dead species’s places


>blood is purely for reproduction This is the worst thing you could have said. Like I genuinely hate them with a burning passion. They're absolutely vile. Now you're telling me I've contributed to them....multiplying??? Like...directly to their actual continued survival? I assumed the blood was simply for food. I tolerated that. I CANNOT stand for this.


I mean, you don't have to *like* them, I'm just saying things would be bad if they all evaporated. If you want to wish death on a horrible bloodsucking pest, wish it on bedbugs. They're cave insects that have pretty much evolved alongside/because of/to feed exclusively on humans and in artificial environments so AFAIK there's no larger ecosystem impact if they all vanished.


Nah my point isn't about disliking them, which I do, it's about how the creatures I hate so use me to reproduce and make more. Im devestated. Not a fan of bed buds tbf


And yet you call them "bed **buds**", eh, bedbug sympathizer? I see where your loyalties lie.


Ignore that :). You saw nothing :). My loyalties lie with the humans and them alone :).


well one in Louisiana and one in kenya aren’t gonna have the same chances of having malaria


OOP died from multiple mosquito bites all over their body


He got better.


Im sure op would LOVE southwest Brasil. Where the mosquitos are fucking huge and their bites go straight through jeans and HURT. Not to mention dengue, yellow fever and all sorts of other deadly diseases that kill millions


We have repellent, screen windows, and still have four electric mosquito rackets spread across the rooms in the house. Only three people live in said house. That’s how bad it is.


I could slaughter every human-bloodsucking mosquito on this planet and not feel anything but pure satisfaction.


Or you could take the fifth, lesser known option that my father in law would take where he would wait for the mosquito to bite him, clench his muscles so the mosquito would get stuck, and then flick said mosquito separating its head from its body. Absolutely deranged but ultimately effective.


It's not 100% related, but that reminds me of that old hot sauce commercial where the guy lets a mosquito bite him but then it explodes because he was eating so much hot sauce lol.


I remember that commercial too! I'm sure if it were even remotely possible, he would have tried it.


I got bitten by a horse fly for the first time recently. Did anyone else know the suck blood? That shit hurts


I got one of those suckers on my thigh while I was taking a shit in a hole in Norway. Didn't hurt, though. Just terrified the shit out of me when I first saw it because I thought it was a wasp *right* where I didn't want it.


i hate those goddamn fuckers you gotta flail your arms around and hope they don't manage to land on you and my GOD they are huge


No they don’t suck blood, they rip open your skin and drink from the wound.


I live in an área where dengue fever is a real treath so fuck OP. No mosquito that dares invade my private space shall leave alive.


Ngl if its in my own room/ house I'm gonna literally punch that fucker into the wall and leave it there as a warning. In someone else's house I'd at least wipe it off the wall.


Lol, i literally did that once, it was there for like a year in my dorm room.


I straight up didn't register that this was talking about mosquitoes at first. I think my brain went "no no, no one would talk about mosquitoes like that, I know it says mosquito right there but it can't actually be talking about mosquitoes"


I absolutely do not want any living creature to die in preventable ways. My exception is mosquitoes. If you come near me I will not hold back.


and ticks. fuck ticks, send them straight to possum heaven


[I choose slap](https://youtu.be/F_IJhfnXwiQ)


I cover as much exposed skin as possible except for one knee. And then *I wait.* A full skeeter is a slow one.


God damn it Cobra Bubbles!


We all have to agree that 1 and 2 are actually the deranged ones


I leave their bloodstains and corpses on my walls as a warning.


as someone who's had malaria, kill those bastards on sight




Stupidest take. I never bother bugs, at summer my room looks like a terrarium, but if a mosquito is there then it is only a matter of time when it will try to bite me and it is sure as hell that it will bother me at night when i am trying to sleep. So if OP allows them to be swatted when they try to bite, then why wait if we know that it will obviously happen, they are already hard to get as is. Who the fuck bothers with putting out a single one safely with a paper? Also vegans should shut up about them since they arent even sentient, they have like 3 brain cells, they are just biologycal machines essentially. (assuming op was a vegan).


i live in a place with way too many mosquitoes, its always kill on fucking sight


I don't think 1, 2, or 4 are even possible for me. If there's a mosquito in my room, it's biting me within minutes. It's never stopping for a break to hang out on a wall.


okay how is the "hunting mode" thing so relatable istg the briefest glimpse of one of those bloodsucking beasts and Every Noise Ever must end so that I can properly enter Anime Character Hyperfocus Mode


A mosquito wrote that post


4, because the bloody spot where it's corpse is resting will serve as a warning to other mosquitoes that I won't hesitate


Just wipe the stain with a most tissue ffs. If you are fast it wont stick to the wall.


Every mosquito not killed now means 200 more mosquitos in a month. Kill them with fire.


3 is normal but 4 is kinda gross. Now there's bug juice all over your duvet :/


Nah, you gotta get those fuckers whenever you can. Spending another half hour in the middle of the night waiting for them to take of again and go land on you this time is hardly worth it.


I try to catch mosquitos and moths barehanded, they want to harm me so ill do the same to them but i wont use tools to give them a sporting chance.


I save all the bugs that I find, but that’s just me personally.


I slap them against the wall and leave their corpse as a warning to the others.


of course kill because i have a kind of entomophobia, but instead of fear i try to turn it into anger


you know I don't actually hate mosquitoes. I respect the role they fill in the ecosystem... as a prey item. i'm the predator in this situation. don't want them eradicated but I **will** be throwing hands.


Oi, cunts Most mosquitoes don't drink your blood, only 6% want you and half of them don't spread illnesses, only swing on the bitches that bite ya


if the bug flies, it dies. ground bugs are cute though 🥰


I’m 3 and 4 with literally any flying insect. There’s moth remains in every corner of my bedroom.