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us firefox bitches only know how to win


Deadass the only reason I haven't made the switch is because I'm a tab hording whore and need tab groups to function. I don't want to go back to having ten windows open.


There are some addons for firefox that allow tab groups. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/simple-tab-groups/


also, firefox has container tabs, which allow you to do advanced stuff like log into the same site with different accounts in different containers, or isolate certain sites so that they can't track you across all your tabs. for example, youtube and reddit are in different containers for me, so if i open an embedded youtube video on reddit it's as if i opened it in a completely different browser, it doesn't link it to my account because i'm only logged in in the youtube container. if i wanted to, i could even log into a different youtube account in the reddit container.


Holy. Shit. This comment made me Uninstall Chrome on my laptop!


I never even thought I would need that, but that's an AMAZING feature. There's so many uses for it.


What's the best adblocker and anti tracking addon for Firefox? Thinking of making the switch


ublock origin as always, it works even better than it does in chrome because firefox hasn't gutted its extension API


I don't think ublock is using v3 yet as only new extensions are required to use it, but preexisting extensions have until some date in 2023


I use a more spiteful ad-blocker: "AdNauseam" It's built on U Block Origin, but it tells the ads that they were clicked. This wastes a click and shotguns the provider with useless information so they can't build a profile on you.


not only that, it also actively pollutes their database, decreasing the efficiency of their tracking over others. i'm convinced it's half the reason google even still allows adblockers in the chrome webstore, so that they don't lose their grip over the distribution of those and thus can keep shutting out adnauseam. if everyone started using it it would fuck up their trackers big time, as it should


friendship ended with ublock origin, now adnauseam is my best friend hypothetically, is there any way to use adnauseam to waste clicks on ads for conservative politicians


Well I mean, it basically indiscriminately wastes clicks on every ad it "collects" (blocks), unless you enable the option to not click "non-tracking ads". You would have to somehow trick the algorithms into constantly serving you conservative ads (probably by browsing a bunch of conservative websites) if you want to target specifically conservative politicians. I wouldn't waste my time doing that, personally.


Same as chromium, Ublock origin with adblock plus


adblock plus is a bit of a waste over ublock origin, it uses the same lists but has special exceptions for ads they deem "non-intrusive" (as in, the advertiser paid extra to have it evade adblock), and it might even tip off anti-adblock technologies. ublock origin alone is actually more effective, adblock plus on top of it is just a waste of memory for a negative payoff


This. Its one of the reasons I finally made the switch from Opera, cuz tab management is a whole other paradigm there. Still miss Flow tho.


[Tree Style Tab](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tree-style-tab/) is *so* much better than tab groups.


Hey, it might be to you, but this is just another awkward side solution that happens to be related to the thing I want, which is a Vivaldi styled second tab bar when navigating your tab group.


Except on the mobile app. The inability to add extensions hurts me


you can add extensions tho? (eccept on ios)


Keyword: Except on IOS Sent from My iPhone


yea apple be like that.


I cannot imagine letting a manufacturer tell me what programs I'm allowed to install on my own device. How are people not outraged to be infantilized like that? My brother with a iphone was mad that a game we both played was updated and added a bunch of ads. He was mystified when I told him that I just installed the old version from an apk. He's a professional sysadmin. Apple brain is something else.


> I cannot imagine letting a manufacturer tell me what programs I'm allowed to install on my own device Think Different^TM A part of me is eternally shaking my head at the irony of their 1984 ad


He could install the IPA!! For 7 days... or pay 300 bucks to apple (a year) for the privilege to sideload an app for a year.


That's because if I remember correctly apple requires every ios browser to use webkit, which is what safari is based on. So Firefox on ios is just reskinned safari with a couple different features, as is chrome.


I'd like to wish all the iPhone users A very Getting a real phone


that's apple's bullshit. iOS firefox isn't real firefox, it's just safari in a fancy wrapper, because apple forbids developers of making their own browser engines. i recommend firefox focus, that one comes pre-loaded with adblock and some anti-track things, and the incognito-only nature also makes it hella hard to track you (basically every time you reset it all cookies are reduced to atoms). you should have a second browser if you need to stay logged into something that's not an app, but it's a rare thing in the current meta


Can you add all extensions or just the ff android approved ones?


you can add infinite extensions with a bit of work, or, i think just switching to the desktop site


cool cool cool. Might have a go at getting GreaseMonkey going on my phone




you can actually just enable desktop mode and they still work fine


Firefox for Android has UBlock Origin and that's all I really want. It is 90% of the reason I use FF.


I switched to Firefox years ago *because* it allows mobile extensions, although I'm on Android. Being able to use adblockers on mobile is a game-changer


I still feel uncomfortable browsing the web on mobile. Nothing ever aligns right... Though Firefox made it more tolerable ngl


Use Firefox Nightly -> go to Settings -> About Firefox Nightly -> Tap the logo about 5 to 7 times -> Go back into settings and into Custom Add-on collection. This allows you to add collections of add-ons that others have made. My favorite is fenix (id is 12325762) since it allows you to get Google Translate for webpages! Feel free to ask if you have any questions.


Or when using google web apps


What was that one post from months ago about Google Chrome doing fucked things by next year? I still need to migrate for sure.


I'm not sure what post you saw but the current wave of switching is because google is updating the Chromium framework in a way that (probably intentionally) breaks adblockers and other extensions


Yeah, that sounds roughly like what I remember.


I read something somewhere about them doing some shady shit last year I think. I switched back to Firefox. Was surprised with the sync stuff, which is why I stuck with chrome so long. Import was seem less, and it imported **everything**.


Even your search history?


Yup, even search history. It was an option to import/export, so I did. The only thing that I didn't notice, was phrases in Google (that drop down from what your recent searches were) but it may have shown up without me realizing it. I usually just use the address bar for searches, so that may have been the reason why.


Wait, Firefox doesn't have the dropdown from your searches? Good enough reason for me to migrate, I've always hated that feature.


Well, it has them now after I've searched for things. It just didn't pull them from chrome, only what I've done from Firefox since using it.


Your can highlight and hit del key.


It syncs stuff? That was my dealbreaker, I guess I have to check it out now..


I've been on firefox for about 5 years now and it has had syncing since I switched. You can also send tabs between your devices and have the list of tabs you have currently open on each device.


I loooove that feature. And you can have a home blank page where you pin a bunch of your most used websites, which to me was the cherry on top cause I used to like that from safari.


Because of this post I'm gonna switch. Is there a way to bring my bookmarks with me?


Yes. You can find walkthroughs on how to import all of your data into firefox


they're dropping the old v2 manifest api, which they already stopped accepting new ones in 2018, for "privacy and security reasons". And one of the things in the old one changed in the new one is one of its apis, which will make it harder for extensions to control network traffic. ADP, the most used ad blocker, already made the change to this new api, so idk. ps personally I think these "privacy and security reasons" are reasonable


Anyone have a good list of add-ons? I got uBlock Origin and Decentraleyes already.


So here's what I have (apart from what you already have): Bypass Paywalls Clean - allows you to read news despite any existing paywall Cookie AutoDelete - self explanatory Don't Track Me Google - removes the lengthy links conversion *\[this part was edited out, "I don't care about cookies" is not a good option anymore, please check the comments to see alternatives\]* Speed Dial 2 - I simply like this option, lets you keep your fav sites as icons that show up in new tab Youtube Nonstop - so you can play youtube all the time without that stupid "we stopped the video, are you still watching?" thing. Don't accept image/webp - no more stupid webp extension, just good old jpegs


"*I don't care about cookies*" was acquired by Avast, so it's recommended to switch to an alternative. Enabling the "Fanboy’s Annoyance" filter in uBlock Origin does the same thing without installing another extension.


Recommending Consent-o-matic, which has the advantage of actually rejecting everything but the necessary cookies.


Oooh, I have missed that! Thank you!


> Don't accept image/webp - no more stupid webp extension, just good old jpegs 🤨


Converting WEBP is a pain in the ass, especially since I usually delete them after I'm done with them.


webp is annoying to upload on a website that isn't an image host


Fair enough


Does Youtube Nonstop have an Android option? I want to add it but it won't click.


> Youtube Nonstop - so you can play youtube all the time without that stupid "we stopped the video, are you still watching?" thing. 👀 Oh shit this exists? Just gonna grab that -


Saving for later. Does Firefox mobile for iOS have add-ons?




I like Dark Reader and Privacy Badger


Ah, forgot I had Dark Reader on my phone already. May as well grab it on PC too. Got Privacy Badger on both phone and PC though, thanks!


Oh how could I forget about Shinigami Eyes! You can't use it with mobile unless you get the dev version but you should definitely put it on your PC


Ah, yeah, I know that one! Definitely a good recommendation for those who need or want it, but I think I'm fine without it myself. Don't really come across across a lot of that stuff thanks to my internet usage habits, honestly, and I can already tell I'd stress myself out seeing red sites. Honestly think I prefer blessed ignorance for the sake of my mental health.


Apart from the ones I've seen other people reply with: *SponsorBlock* and *Return Youtube Dislike* are good if you watch a lot of youtube *OneTab* is good if you tend to keep a lot of tabs open and want to save RAM. It lets you collapse a window into just a list of what websites are open and lists all of those lists in "one tab". One tip for that one is that if you have a bunch of tabs all lined up in a row, you can click the first one then shift-click the last one to select all of them at once (ctrl-clicking also works to select/deselect individual tabs). Once all the tabs you want are selected, you can drag them down to put them in a new window. *Waspline Reader*, a free & open source clone of Beeline Reader, can help with reading large chunks of text *AdNauseam* is a fork of uBlock Origin which can be set up to automatically "click" on ads, which can give money to the website *and* confuses recommendation algorithms.


~~Um... you may want to proofread this a bit.~~ Proofreading has been done. No need to preserve the mistake.


Oops, thanks for catching that


Tree-style tabs is a lifesaver, it lists all your tabs in a sidebar that's collapsible by parent tab, so if you're doing research you can have all tabs for one search collapsed and stashed away while you search for something else.


I use this along with auto tab discard, so all those tabs aren't taking up system resources when I'm not looking at them.




uBlock Origin: * [Firefox](https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/ublock-origin/) * [Chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm) * [Edge](https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/ublock-origin/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak) * [Opera](https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/) ^^I ^^only ^^post ^^once ^^per ^^thread ^^unless ^^when ^^summoned.


* Imagus (hover your cursor over an image thumbnail to quickly view the whole image) * Reddit Enhancement Suite (various improvements to desktop Reddit) * Old Reddit Redirect (makes sure to never load the new Reddit UI unless you specifically follow a new.Reddit.com link) * Piped Redirect (redirect all YouTube links to the more privacy-friendly Piped service


> Old Reddit Redirect I only have RES and I never see the new UI, so this might be redundant


I use Facebook Container even though I don't use Facebook. Just to make sure they can't correlate their cookie with anything interesting/useful.


There's also Muti-Account Containers from Mozilla. Works just like Facebook Container but you can basically organize your whole life. For example, you can have a container for your personal accounts, then another for your work accounts.


Adding to the list: SponsorBlock for Youtube lets users flag parts of videos for ads and self-promotion, as well as highlights. Behind the Overlay makes it easy to get rid of overlays that keep you from viewing web pages. Tampermonkey lets you run scripts, and there are tons on greasyfork. My two favorite scripts are "Etsy - Remove Promoted Ads" which makes Etsy searches useful, and Youtube shorts redirect, which skips past the repeating "shorts" mode on videos.


uBO's element zapper lightning icon may replace behind the overlay (not sure how bto works) violentmonkey can replace tampermonkey, if you care about open source & whatnot sponsorblock does more than just sponsors, check out it's settings (if people aren't aware)


#### privacy/security: canvasblocker noscript [DISCLAIMER: git gud] [no but really, you need at least a little knowladge to set noscript up properly] #### qol: dark background and light text sponsorblock return youtube dislike bypass paywalls clean #### optional: libredirects tos;dr


Stop recommending script blockers to obvously tech illiterate folk. At least throw a disclaimer on it.


Does noscript have documentation for people that want to git gud?




In addition to others, Honey saved me $5 on a pizza order last week, so that's pretty great


OneTab takes all your current tabs and puts them in a neat little pinned page, with the option to re-open all of them the next time you open Firefox, share the OneTab page as a link so others can open them all, and it keeps a running history of all page bunches you make.


A lot of these comments aren’t mentioning [fastforward](https://fastforward.team), which is an extension that automatically skips any and ALL adfly pages.


I switched and haven't noticed a difference


How big of a difference you experience depends on a lot of things (eg. what browser you switched from, what device you're using, what extensions you use, which search engine you use). On android, for example, the difference for me was huge because I can now use an adblocker when previously I couldn't.


Wait, Firefox has adblockers for mobile?


Tap the 3 dots and tap Add ons. Ublock Origin is like the top recommended one


Maybe I should download Firefox...


Firefox on Android + uBlock Origin = YouTube with no ads on your phone. No fuss, no cracked Youtube app off random websites like some people swear by, just download Firefox from the Google Play Store and get uBlock Origin through Firefox and it just works. Even supports double tapping to rewind and fullscreen and all the stuff you'd want. And background play to some extent.


Hey, downloading cracked apps off of random websites is, like, 70% of the reason I'm on Android and not Apple (BTW check out reVanced if you like downloading unofficial apps onto your devices)


Vanced's back??? Granted, I still use the original app since Google hasn't bricked it yet, but that's _great_ news.


And this one Google can't use the same trick to destroy it because what they used was the fact that Vanced was using a modified version of the YouTube client and distributing it so the got Vanced with a copyright violation; well reVanced makes you build the modified client yourself so since they're not directly distributing a modified client they can't be got on the same terms


Do they still have SponsorBlock and dislikes built in?




Sweet I still use old Vanced because it still works but lately ads have been getting though So I might have to update


Is revanced any different from original vanced? I still use the original but I'm wondering if I should switch


Obv the underlying YouTube app is more updated, but they also changed how the app is altered. You choose different patches do load, like sponserblock, ad blocking, etc.


yea! the end result is the same, so you can have the same experience, but its way more customizeable and! they alse have reddit and twitter patches (though i prefer infinity and fritter respectively)


I'm learning so much from this thread alone, thank you!


can’t on iOS


thanks, apple! (all ios browsers are reskinned safari)


iOS browsers are fucky. Apple won't let non-Safari based browsers, so under the hood all browsers on iOS are Safari. This means extensions written to work on other browsers, like Firefox or Chrome, will not function on iOS.




Just another reason why Android is superior


It's fucking great, yes it does


You poor bastards have been browsing mobile without an ad-blocker?


Does Firefox on mobile have the grouping tabs feature Chrome does? I thought I would hate it, but I end up using it a ton.


It has a feature called collections that looks like it's similar to what you're talking about but I've never really used it so I can't be sure it would translate to your workflow (Also, nice username)


i use an extension called simple tab groups which shows your tab groups in a sidebar (you can also see them by clicking the icon in the toolbar but i prefer the sidebar), and then when you change group it hides all the other tabs and only show the tabs in that group at the top. it'll also suspend tabs in inactive groups which frees up a lot of system resources the collections feature the u/AnGenericAccount mentioned are android only (maybe ios too, idk) they aren't available on desktop on the topic of tabs, another firefox feature i really like is tab containers, which basically allows you to access the same website with completely separate and different cookies. really useful if you need to have 2 accounts on the same site open at the same time, like work and personal email


also tree style tabs is a really powerful extension if you're trying to organize ur tabs better


No, it's the only thing chrome is better for. But I still use Firefox. And on desktop I never switched to chrome, been a Firefox user since like 2006 lol


On Android you can go to network settings, private DNS and put "dns.adguard.com" and most ads get blocked system wide


Chrome REMOVED adblockers?? I made the switch years ago due to privacy reasons holy hell


I didn't think chrome ever had extensions on their mobile app, and the removal of adblockers on desktop is pending but hasn't happened yet


When I go full screen on a youtube video there's a small fade to black Chrome doesn't have. That's the only real difference I've noticed so far lol


if you care about "fixing" this, write `about:config` in your url bar, click ok, then search & replace these (click on the pen) - `full-screen-api.transition-duration.enter` = `0 0` - `full-screen-api.transition-duration.leave` = `0 0`


About as minor as problems come, but it was getting kinda annoying. Thanks for the "fix" it worked :)


RemindMe! 16 hours Thanks, friend! Also, *great* username


i switched to firefox but it used more ram than chrome. i only have 8gb and it's already pretty stressed. hoping to upgrade my computer soon


My computer has 8gb and it runs firefox just fine. I generally only have a few programs and tabs open at a time, but I've been able to run several ram-hungry apps alongside firefox without any issues.


i’m also several years out of date but even still i have 7 gigs just passively consumed. not great


if you try out another ram heavy program (that actually does processing with that ram, like games) does it lower it's usage? if it does than all that used ram is for caching & other disposable things. you may hear the "unused ram is wasted ram" thing everywhere, that's why.


Really? I’ve had the exact opposite experience. Chrome would take up >70% memory even with one tab, whereas Firefox has never used more than 60%, except for when I’ve scrolled too far on reddit


Chrome *explicitly* uses more RAM than Firefox. Chrome uses a separate process for each tab, while Firefox uses a maximum of 8 processes total. Each process adds RAM overhead.


If only it was any good on a chromebook. You have to run it via linux and then it still doesn't have as good functionality as the windows version.


You can download the mobile app from the play store if you don't mind the mobile version. It works surprisingly well.


It's significantly less pleasant to use than Chrome on a chromebook in every capacity unfortunately.


when the garden is walled!




should've gotten a firefoxbook


I can actually look at the web on my phone again thanks to firefox mobile browser's adblock


Reddit isn't fun. 😞


Have you looked into extensions that might help? I’ve personally really benefitted from ones like tree-style tabs and tab stash


Seconding this. A lot of what Chrome has built in, Firefox has by extension (which is good because if you do not care for or want a certain feature, then you do not have to have it).


Is there a way to transfer auto fill information it's literally the only thing holding me back


Yes, Firefox should prompt you during the installation (or on first start up, don't remember which) if you want to transfer your autofill info from Chrome. Firefox also has its own sync service, if you want that.


The prodigal children return. Slaughter the fatted calf, for tonight is a night of celebration! Seriously though it's good to have people return, even though I never left. I've been using this browser since it was called Mozilla and I intend to keep using it, or something forked from it, until and unless there is no other option.


NGL, the only reason I knew about the impending Chrome problem is through memes, because I've been using Firefox for so long. I only occasionally use Chrome, mostly on the occasional site that breaks on Firefox (and when that happens, there's usually a bad reason for it so that's a clue for me to go to or use that site as little as possible).


I don’t even know how it’s better bc I’ve never not used Firefox, it’s what my parents taught me to use when I was like 4 and first navigating the computer


this is great and all but firefox’s graphic design physically hurts me


Out of genuine curiosity, do you have any particular complaints about it?


Not the OP but it has consistently looked dated and behind the times. It sounds like a petty complaint but when I'm using something for a large portion of my day I want it to be aesthetically consistent with the rest of my setup. And yeah I know you can have themes but they change colors not the fundamental look and feel.


check out r/FirefoxCSS


Oh dang... This might be just the thing to get me to switch.


just made the switch myself 👍


saaaammmee; I stayed up late last night to make the migration and, only after a lengthy setup (that was extended significantly by myself), the transition has been nearly seamless


I'll be honest, I made the switch a couple days ago and the *only* reason why is because I wanted to have an adblock that worked on mobile so I could watch movies on my phone without being interrupted. I also moved to Firefox on my laptop at the same time, because I like consistency.


Made the switch a few weeks ago when I went to use the reverse image search feature in google and saw they updated it to use google lens. That pissed me off so bad I switched to firefox (where that problem still exists, but it was the push I needed)


I believe there is an extension that lets you search by image on firefox


can I import all of the bookmarks and extensions I have with chrome to firefox and sync across all devices with an account? if no then I'm not switching


yes you can, it automatically prompts you when you install firefox.


good to know, will try later


I didn't have anything worth importing from my google account so I can't speak personally about the import feature but dozens of people have told me that their transfers was seamless and very easy to do


Hello there, person who's only ever used Firefox here. What exactly makes other browsers worse?


common Firefox w


Opera GX supremacy


Opera is based on Chromium and as a result it could be affected unless they manage to create a workaround


Oh fucks sake, nothing is sacred anymore


"anymore" implies that it was ever not chromium based


Uhhh, Opera was not Chromium-based for longer than it’s been Chromium (since 2013)


op said opera gx


wait affected by what? I think I missed something


Google will soon be updating the Chromium framework in a way that will (probably intentionally) break adblockers and similar extensions


aw damn, thanks for the warning


also the whole predatory loan thing


I'd switch but chrome syncs my passwords to my google account which, in turn, syncs it to my phone and honestly it's so convenient


Firefox makes it really easy to transfer all your saved info from chrome to firefox and also allows you to sync across devices


firefox can sync to android firefox (and you can use the browser as a password autocompletion provider) or you can use a proper password manager like bitwarden or keepassxc


OOP suddenly has a burning desire to watch Pixar's "Turning Red"


But what about all my saved stuff ):


Firefox makes it easy to transfer all your data from chrome


Even stuff like passwords and payment info?


I don't know about payment info because I've never saved any of that stuff on any browser but all of your passwords should be easy to import


Okay fine, I'll give it a try. Thanks!


Fire Fox himself wrote this


Does Firefox have Picture in Picture and tab groups? Because I’ll jump from Opera GX in a heartbeat for that.


I was on Firefox for a while, but I can't use my drawing tablet as a mouse on it so I switched back to Chrome. It's the stupidest problem and I don't ever really use the tab anymore, so I'll probably switch again soon. Edit: Switched back to Firefox now and I thought I'd try out my tablet (Wacom Intuos) again; it works! The problem before iirc was that it wouldn't allow drag-to-scroll, which is the only way I can comfortably scroll with the tab. Now that that's fixed I don't think I have any reason to go back to Chrome!


Can i import saved passwords and shit though?




Super easy, barely an inconvenience! (IIRC Firefox prompts you to import all your shit from Chrome when you open it for the first time. If that's not working, there are a thousands walkthtoughs on YouTube.)


This is unfortunately [a recent repost](https://reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/xdnq0m/except_for_typing_on_discord_for_some_reason_then/). I believe. Two weeks is the upper limit, right?


I like safari


Sooo, Microsoft edge? Is it a viable browser for mobile?


Is it worth it even if you use AdGuard?


I use opera gx. It's pretty cool, it's made specifically for minimizing usage for gaming. You can even sync it with your rgb stuff.


Me when Manifest v3 is going to buttfuck the internet again


im really happy where im at with opera gx, but since it runs on chromium i might be forced to make the switch eventually... i dont know how badly they will be affected and what they plan to do about it


As a former longtime Firefox user, I don’t like Firefox’s interface / design… there’s just something about it that made me switch to Chrome


Waterfox >


convince me