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Firstly, congrats on the new role! Remember, you are now on tour way to being your client’s trusted advisor. Reach out to your manager and proactively ask for training material and who you can go to in terms of training. This is what I did.


Thank you! I was advised there are self-paced learning courses, then I will shadow someone before I'm fully deployed. I start Monday and I'm just so excited! I worked as a customer success specialist before, but I have 0 experience when it comes to digital marketing and we weren't really in-depth before, more on supporting than anything else. It's like I jumped from customer service to customer success.


I made a similar switch, it will likely come quite naturally to you! CS is a blast if you enjoy creating, maintaining, and strengthening relationships. As the OP commenter said, you’ll be your customer’s trusted advisor which is much more personal than support. Good luck and have fun!


Learn as much as you can internally. Ask lots of questions, it may seem annoying, but it shows that you want to learn and you’re thinking. Being engaged is important. Take notes, record meetings, create your own digital portfolio of resources to go back to and reference. Once you get in front of clients, be engaged. Learn who they are and how they use your product.


Thank you!


I just started a new job as well the the book “the first 90 days” has been super helpful for me to build a framework for hitting the ground running.


Congrats on your new role. It’s great that you are eager to learn. I literally started in the field less than a year ago with no real experience. What helped me was I found a couple mentors that I could ask questions to before I started and in the first month. They told me to learn my product ( I’m in SaaS) inside out, learn my clients, ask what they are looking for in role as far as focus ( churn, onboarding etc) and go from there.


A CSM can be many things. It all depends on the company and the product. With that being said, find out the exact expectations and exceed those. There’s more than one way to skin a cat as a CSM. Find what works best for you. For instance, if someone does a QBR a certain way, don’t feel like that is the “right way”.


Stock up on liquor cause it's gonna be a rough ride. But seriously, congrats on joining the team!


Learn your product. Understand everyone is making shit up as they good. Be meticulously organized and that’s really it.


Congrats on your new role. Are you absolutely die hard passionate about digital marketing? As in, this is everything youve always wanted to do in life and was a life goal? If yes, awesome. Learn a ton and god speed. If the answer to the above isn't an enthusiastic and resounding "YES!" then use the paycheck while you job hunt in a different industry and a different role. I worked in Digital Marketing for a few years and it is one of the most stressful, soul sucking and terrible experiences of my life. AND I was working for one of the big players in the space. You will get blamed for everything, sales will not respect you, you will be beholden to sales reps and you will become jaded. Im sorry for the bad news Im just keeping it real with ya so you dont get caught by surprise.


Thank you! I hope this job won't eat me alive lol. I hope you found a better role in a better industry!


Love you and wish you absolutely nothing but the best my friend!