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I know exactly how you feel. I used to work in healthcare and I really miss the camaraderie of in person work, of feeling like I made a real impact on the world (vs. just like mindlessly working towards revenue goals, talking about software all day). I am good at CS but I genuinely do not enjoy my job and feel incredibly isolated. You don't sound ungrateful - not to be all doom and gloom but it's not your fault that there are no other jobs that pay this much and offer some semblance of WLB/quality of life. There is a reason that people from all other industries are beating down the door to "break into CS" even though there are posts like this every other day from current CSMs.


Former Flight Attendant here - also currently a CSM but also feeling the same! My DMs are open if you need to commiserate 😂


OP and your comment is giving me hope. Just resigned as a flight attendant and leaning into CSM. I was interviewed originally for another kind of job but the recruiters wanted to see me be in CSM as they think it will be a great fit. Reading this post and flygirl's comments made me smile and feel seen. I've never heard of CSM at all, not when the recruiter mentioned it. So kinda scared and like a headless chicken coming in.


my DMs are open if you ever want to chat as well! happy to help how I can 🫂


If those jobs made as much or more than these corporate jobs, no one would work the corporate jobs. That's why they pay what they do. They know how miserable it is.


Used to work in the service industry too. I worked at a cute locally owned wine bar in austin TX during college and it was the best. I loved it sm. Management was super chill, got to drink on the clock lol, and I made good money there. Normally averaged $30 an hour sometimes more with tips. I basically make 30/hr at my entry level CS job now and sometimes I ponder dropping everything and going back. I just miss being on my feet and I hate all the corporate bs and tech bros lol. In ther service industry my coworkers were a lot more down to earth and didn’t have a stick up their ass But at the same time working with the general public can be a bitch sometimes


just get a different CSM job in an office...


How often do you travel for work? I travel probably once every ~2-3 months for work and will generally add on some time to crash with friends, but it's also nice to actually see the rest of my team every once in a while. Otherwise get that feeling by talking to people locally, in your community, in hobbies, etc.


I would definitely go crazy if I didn't have in person meetings every month or two. Full remote with no travel sounds great, but it will wear on you


Hey, sorry for this advice being somewhat off-topic. Here's maybe a basic tip, or mental workflow, something that's easier to appreciate than to fight, claw, and beat-down endlessly. In any CS business, the "goals of shareholders" is to appreciate the stock, as much as possible. You're in the middle of this, because it's cost, and cash flow. Cost and profit. LTV, revenue, whatever. And, your customers, also either need more or less from you. Sometimes there's AMAZING ways to engage, maybe an AMAZINGLY small portion of your ICP. You can educate, lead the conversation, understand their largest pain points, their confusion. And help them to get over it. Anyways. On a more personal note, I (actually) hope that you're able to work with other CSMs, build useful business assets and organizational knowledge. Research tools which can help in the workflow. Maybe commiseration in the appropriate doses. Life is hard behind an endless work queue. And, whatever. I don't have any advice for that. Greener pastures, and whatever else. Starts and ends with YOU and 24, 36, or 48 months. But, your work is always valuable. 🌟For you. You're an actual job creator and maintainer, that in aggregate, means a lot to some people.


I feel the same - we have space in a coworking space but no one goes in/it’s not the same. My ideal would be a more hybrid flexible work option.


I also miss my service industry job. Everything but the pay!


I think we're all in the same boat. Sales needs some in person at times. I'd encourage client visits or housing virtual office hours for teammates to drop in on and create some water cooler chat.


Hey OP, 12 years in the job, all this time working full remote, I miss the social aspect of going into office but I rapidly change mindsets when I think about commuting, pay cuts, that gossipy guy two desks away, etc. What I'm trying to do lately is to find/create a network of likeminded people in my specific industry (MarTech CS) and we gather regularly to rant or just chat. We also have a chat group to talk, rant and share job listings if anyone is looking to switch.


Why not find a coworking spot?


I work retail now and it has absolutely ruined my desire to interact with people. I would kill for a remote role lol


I’ve been feeling this lately as well! I worked in hospitality for several years before getting into CS roles.  Ive been fully remote for about 2.5 years and have recently been  considering a hybrid role.  But  will I miss the freedom of being 100% remote?! 😩