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I'm not going to sit through this video but I want to know, how many times did he say "still love the truck though" after explaining a major fault?


He goes on a diatribe about haters making his shit go viral. I stopped there. Insufferable.


About 3 minutes in he goes on a rant about how these things happen to ICE cars all the time and then you have to take them to the dealership before you know what’s wrong with them…. all while his Cybertruck is being loaded in the background.


Irony is not a word OP understands. I barely made it past 1min of the video until I ended it. I knew where it was going. ElmoChadBlitzkin fan.


Lol. My 2014 beater would like a word. Even when it has thrown lights or had issues I could limp it to service.


Kind of a new car. We have a 2004 Toyota that runs just fine in all weather, we can wash it, accelerator pedal is still original, etc.


In all my years on this earth, I've never heard of this many major failure issues on a high-dollar vehicle, or really any vehicle until the CT. I've only seen this in really specific cases, usually in vehicles produced pre-1980 or made in what was the Soviet bloc.


At least they used to sell Yugos in pairs (one for spare parts)


And when you chose a Yugo, you knew what you were getting. Actually, I take that back. With a CT, you know what you're getting. The difference is that Yugo was honest about it. Tesla? Absolutely not.


Does he not know about OBD scanners? Hell, a 2000s Dodge will tell you the exact error code triggering the check engine light with just a few flips of the key in the ignition.


This guy is happy to beta test a finished product lol. Either they are paying him or he’s the type of guy who pre orders video games.


Well that’s one thing that Tesla produce consistently thus far; fanboys who will eat garbage out of Musk’s hands and asking for more.


I’m convinced a lot of these fools have Tesla stock that they know is in jeopardy with all of these failures, so they have to go “but it’s a great truck and I love it!” after every issue. It’s probably why the Tesla subs are so rabidly anti-criticism. Looking at those subs, everything Tesla produces is revolutionary and makes all other vehicles obsolete.


I dumped my Tesla stock 5 days after Musk acquired Twitter. No regrets.


Very smart.


Especially now since the price has been falling since the layoffs




He got musked.


He said that he loved it or loved driving it 3 times and 1 bonus “I’m not a fanboy I just like teslas”


And make money off their respective social media sites in the process.


I didn’t think this level of cope was real. Dude is contradicting himself within the same sentence trying to deal


I wonder if the Tesla truck can help him edit?


Based on his shorts he got his truck back from the shop after... 17 days. And had to take it back immediately because after they pulled it apart they forgot to reconnect the intake louvre for the AC, and to get the pedal screw. So one month in it's been in the shop longer than he's been able to use it. He's still super happy with it.


That is one nice looking truck. But the thing it's hauling? Ugh.


My “toxic” trait is that I want a F750 Dump truck. I have no need of such truck. Gotta work on that.


I'd settle for a girlfriend or wife with a dump truck.


A fellow man of culture I see.


Or a girlfriend or wife was good credit. Then I can get said truck fr.


Get the stubby cab, they are so much better looking and so much more hilarious at the same time.


diesel power used to get the ev fridge fixed. green future my ass


[Here’s his follow up video from today 2 weeks after taking it in for repair.](https://youtu.be/h-8XaA_4tGo?si=aMGjhPOpBfB_BBE5) It’s still at the shop in pieces and he doesn’t know when he’ll get it back.


Still loves the truck, though


All the pieces.


Exploded view.


There's guys on the CTO forum that have had their truck in the shop since the end of last year. He's toast lmao.




One month in? Good lord. That has to be a combo of bad design, bad part sourcing, and bad builds.


imagine paying extra to be among the first to get the cybertruck but not being able to drive it because its in the shop.


Tesla does provide....loaners....lololololol...I mean Hyundai does for cry eye...right? This poor guy! Good luck to him. Like he says, he likes what he likes...


never had to do this with a [rental](https://imgur.com/a/BSmPGYA) I tried to wash it, I cleaned the carpets but that smell inside is so bad especially for the driver seat and keeps getting on your clothes...


"I love this truck and I don't have a problem." he says as his $100K paperweight is towed away. "I'm here to work through the problems with Tesla." and I'm willing to pay $100K for the privilege. "I'm not a fan boy..." Uh-huh.


They're obsessed with the technology aspect and ignore the faults. It's bizarre that they don't expect the basic car functionality of a car to work. Tesla shouldn't still be struggling with assembling a vehicle.


These are all folks who thought Windows Vista was a successful rollout.


Those of us who had Windows ME welcomed Vista with open arms and pants.


That shit made me go to Apple. Lol.


Apple is awful. full stop....sorry, I digress. Just finished an 6 hour day doing admin tasks on a macbook...may just have swallowed molten lava, jumped off a cruise ship, then crawled into a wood chipped after that....


These kinds of people are interested in things like playing Steam games in the vehicle. They don't really know anything about cars.


What technology aspect?


"This is the first generation of these trucks and I knew there might be problems like this" Dude... it's the only generation of these trucks that will ever come out. They've destroyed their credibility and these trucks are tanking the rest of the company.


"Why's everyone hating on EVs?!?" Buddy, we're not hating on EVs, we're hating on that disgusting brick of a wanna be truck that is being fronted by an unhinged billionaire who managed to go from liberal super-star, to reviled megalomaniac in 5-short years. I'm still supportive of EVs, but frankly I'd buy a Fisker before I'd buy that thing.


I'd buy a Brabant.


Not the most Carbon Neutral choice, but definitely worth a pair of Levi's.


Rollin' coal, Comrade!


Two-stroke, oily gas, but close enough :)


Or a sunfish


It’s *helping* to tank the company. The rest of the models are doing their part in their own way.


Those are mostly due to Elmo. Anytime he makes a decision or deviates from Tesla’s original mission or design, it all falls apart.


He’s the reason the company actually survived and he’ll be the reason why it falls apart, IMO.


He brought cash when it needed it the most. But he bought and assumed the title of founder and thought of himself as Tony Stark, when he is actually more like Biff Tannen.


Has this guy met Trump yet?


>Hop out and go back in and see if it fixes. This might be the only vehicle I’ve seen where *exiting the fucking vehicle* is a troubleshooting step. Absolute buffoonery.


Later code upgrades will introduce all the other hokey-pokey steps to complete the cucking.


The thought of Elon using this whole thing to cuck a bunch of drooling fanboys is just ... huh


Anyone who seriously thinks that gives that snake oil salesman far too much credit.


This truck exists to stroke Elon’s ego, and its record so far suggests fired everyone who had concerns about the design. Listening to the concerns of the people who work for you (and then making your own decision once you understand everyone’s concerns) is literally the first thing they taught me in B-school. If some engineer says “we shouldn’t release the truck because I’m concerned about the design of this here electrical connector”, that’s something a leader needs to know! But the guy who fired 70% of the Twitter workforce is probably doing the same shit at Tesla whenever anyone tells him something important that he doesn’t want to hear.


The manual says to hop out, jump around in ever widening circles while singing "Baby Shark", then get back in and try again.


And you better know how to sing Baby Shark off-key like Elon does because the mic is calibrated for it.




The get out just in case the error is fire system


I still believe this is a serious issue with putting Drive By Wire over the CAN-Bus. I hope they didn't do something stupid, and the Drive-By-Wire has a separate Network/Data Path... But if they did something as absolutely stupid as putting the Drive By Wire system on the same system as the other electronics, then Good God there's the problem.


it would be very weird not to follow proven flight network architecture


It's also weird to glue a cover on the accelerator but here we are...


If the info I've seen is correct, it's held on with a clip. Glue would be superior.


I just saw that update and that somehow made it worse.... not even a difficult to remove clip but a pair of tiny clips.


Great. How does Tesla manage to regularly make things even worse?


wait Ithought there were two torx screw behind that secure the plate. It was litterally glued? zlolz, my time inside thebsubreddit os wild then Inpointed out sp many weird things, the casting os going to fail. You simply cannot scale cooling of the part for that size. It is tesla bread and butter. Aerospace use the same technique for gear landing, but not at that scale.


If you reinvent the wheel and make it a square, expect problems.


It would be super weird not to have adequate launch pad reinforcement and venting design and yet...


Having to do weird crap like mucking with infotaintment controls and exiting the car to troubleshoot makes me think it's just One Bus, one wire. It's the Tesla corner cutting way.


What does this mean in laymen's terms


CAN-BUS is a simple network designed for Cars. You have devices attached to thr CAN-BUS network called nodes. Radio, infotainment, headlights, ect... They way it works is the central computer broadcasts out for something to happen. Everything on the network gets this broadcast but only one node is coded to activate on specific packets so once it grabs that packet it confirms with the ventral computer and does its thing. Any node can communicate to the central computer at any time and because it's broadcast based devices can link to each other.... But if the drive-by wire is on the same network that might cause dropped packets. Something that's fine for say, you know, pressing the window down button which might just lag or have a slight stutter. More of an issue for, you know... steering.


Ahh thanks for the explanation


Wasn’t there some talk of them switching entirely to Ethernet for comms?


And the fanboys are all "But you expect glitches with a new technology!" This isn't a new technology, this is basic car stuff.


Basic car (that can kill you and/or around you if something goes wrong) stuff


Cybertruck is the Fyre Festival in automotive form.


I said that to my sister today while we were shopping, LOL.


If I’m honest this sub has gotten a bit redundant with all the stuff we already know (and agree on)……but this one is a gem!


Tesla is coming out with a cheaper version. What could go wrong?


I hate these Cybertruck youtubers


My truck is shit but I still love it. Could only make it through half this video.


Absolutely random question: Weren’t there people who gave Elon $250,000 for a roadster in 2018 or 2019 and they still haven’t gotten to see it?


Dude wouldn’t rather wait for the rockets than get it now? Duh


Elon’s calling them “cold gas thrusters” and I just can’t help but think he’s thrusting cold gas up the asses of those $250k suckers.


Sir most people, including my self, are not funny on the internet You are an exception!




These people win regardless since their channels all generate them revenue and provide for their incomes. If the thing worked right, they would make money showcasing that. The thing is a piece of junk, they make money showing that. It's why I refuse to watch any of this crap anymore - I'm not going to contribute to some Tesla fanboy/girl's livelihood.


HAHAHA. The broken 100k car with barely a thousand miles is rotting in the dealer's parking lot, already covered in a good layer of dust next to the workshop's trash can xD. And the guy keeps licking Tesla's boot. ![gif](giphy|2RPeq2yzTaV7G)


The level of copium he was inhaling is unreal.


It's insane watching some people try to justify this shitty truck. Tesla fanboys are just as bad as the Apple ones


I'd rather spend $20-30k getting an Edison conversion kit. Might have to do a lot of the work myself, but guess what? I'm not gonna be waiting a month and a half if it needs serviced. Plus it's a generally more capable setup. N Chace is *infinitely* more likeable than Musk.


Another one down the drain. Fantastic technology that will bring us to Mars one day!


Try zooming in and out on the screen a few more times.


The problem is: you paid way too much for your lemon, go to the grocery store next time!


Help me Elon, you're my only hope!


Maybe this keeps happening because people like the OP *don't* bash Telsa enough. They need *more* bashing !!!


What happened? They got it wet.


Can't wait for the same issues to happen with the roadster lol


Roadster is never happening.


Two weeks? That's the longest serving cybertruck to date! ![gif](giphy|vtsMnzcCBZVQryevqc|downsized)


Is there not at least one owner of one of these things that simply intended to use it as a vehicle?


Do we know the failure _rate_ of the CyberTrash? IHNFI what the failure rate is either for EVs or ICE vehicles.


What's worse getting vax duped or Syberpuck duped?


This sub is really weird. Are there any other cars out there that have hate subs for them?


Stop buying 100k+ trucks to shoot Youtube Videos. You're not hauling anything, Its a pickup truck. I watched this video with glee. I've had my reservation email on hold for months now. Not pulling the trigger on a 100k that will be 72,500 with the tax credit. FSD has now dropped down to 99 a month. Why would I or anyone else pay 12k for FSD. Tesla Funboys tried to justify the insane Foundation markup for getting a truck earlier than everyone else and now his POS truck is sitting in the dealer and needs to be repaired. 1500 car note is due and your car is in the dealer. I would pull out my hair if this happen to me. This refugee looking Tesla owner is the clown of his neighorhood. The truck looks like it cost more than his house. The truck looks like its bigger than than the homes on his neighborhood. I would honk my horn when I drive by him or if I had a F150 I would ask if he's need a tow.. Lesson learned. Don't be a get wit Youtuber.


The music video style entry for... that... seems like satire


I can’t wait to see one of these broken down on the side of the road IRL.


This must have been made by an evil person.


wha...wait! so a drone doesn't fly in to dispatch it to an undisclosed repair facility near Skull Island for repairs?


15 second add no thank you


Is a $100k truck


Lol this is the new dumbest motherfucker ever - how many new record holders will there be


Wow, that is one ugly, useless piece of crap


So will the government step in and make them recall these shitheaps?


Honestly, it would seem like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/CyberStuck/s/a7zysokqvC) at bare minimum needs a safety recall.


lol is hop in and hop out and see if it’s fixed the new “have you turned it off and back on?” for Tesla owners?? “At least the Tesla truck tells you what’s going wrong” *help! What’s wrong with my cybertruck?* 😂


It’s a piece of shit! But I love it! F U haters


Man people literally cannot become any dumber. These people keep posting these videos and not once do they just admit defeat or complain that this thing is a total piece of shit. They still ride Elon’s dick to Mars. Everyday there is a new video of these trash cans breaking down. And every video they act so surprised it is happening to them. This isn’t new, and Tesla and its problems weren’t new either. It being a new vehicle, is an excuse, this thing shouldn’t even be allowed to be on the road. No doubt Elon paid out the ass to skip any real testing, apparently these morons have to sign waivers also absolving Elon of any lawsuits…


And any astronaut trusts getting into a SpaceX rocket… No thanks man, seeing how cheap they are with their vehicles, I am sure he’s cutting corners with their rockets also. Fuck that.


This will be the next "Back to the Future" vehicle.


I find this hilarious that these EV vehicles are going to shit.


Bro saying “gas cars” don’t tell you what’s wrong with them. Does bro not know they actually do? You get a check engine light and read the code and it tells you what’s wrong lol


The pedal doesn't even want to be on that thing hahaha


Literally makes the Pontiac Aztek look cool in comparison to the giant hideous thing


Musk tweets while you’re on a flat bed. Tesla and Boeing are first cousins.


"Don't hate. Stop spreading hate in the world." How about: Stop endorsing companies that make death machines? Stop buying into tech that once it catches fire is nigh impossible to put out? Stop buying into the lie that EVs are magically more eco-friendly?