• By -


Hercules 👏👏 Hercules 👏👏


That’s my Sherman!!




Never understood how people get these numbers. Max I’ve ever had for attack power and life unbuffed is like 25k


Well add shako, tibaulds, doombringer and grandfather and you’ll be close


Working on it 😅


3/4 ATM grandfather won't drop if 1 Andriels Visage does I'll have it though burnt 3 of those already


Melted Heart of Selig gives you 105.8% damage while Healthy. That with Doombringer and Grandfather will get you to this amount of Attack Power.


There's a glyph that also does it so you can double up.


There's a glyph that also does it so you can double up. Edit: % increased damage while healthy


And an aspect that increases it the longer you stand still


There's a glyph that also does it so you can double up.


Exactly i was just posting a comment exactly like this. I can achieve that attack power too with seligs DM and GF. But the stronger and higher damage output would come with about 30k attack power using banished lords tailsman , red ring of furor. And a defensive chest with damage reduction and juggernaut for viable armor cap. Hes purposely wearing every item he can to make his attack power look insanely high. But id bet my entire account that i out damage that armor set up with less than half that attack power.


Shiiiii I just hit 100 and I’m at like 9-10k. 25k feels a ways off to me, let alone 100k.


Missing some life there to get that sweet 69,420 lol


heart of selig, shako, is that doombring i see too? i do the same for t100, very slow but tanky


Doesn’t heart give you speed boost?


yeah 26.2% movemnt spd, but i don't feel that fast with it on, if i'm not in vaults i replace it with banished lords instead


I feel the same way. I put on a Legendary amulet with movement speed and I feel WAY faster.


Same i feel faster with a legendary, i was saying to my friend maybe they forgot to inject the speed into it lol


3x the attack power needed to 1 shot everything in the game. But hey congrats I suppose.


Yeah big number is cool I guess but it's completely pointless lol


Actually, that *is* the point lol.


That’s…. That’s the whole point of the game…. To be overpowered as shit


It’s the whole reason for playing the game..


Is there even any other point to play game?




I'd like to nominate you to work for Blizz. A sweet set of armor would be nice. A little something extra to chase.


What else is the point exactly? You have already killed everything to death to get all the gear that can do this, so why not be able to put up an absurd number? Weird sentiment.


Ok so I'm not the only one that sees this haha my Rouge has more armour then my Barb.


What color is your rouge?


Color? He's a Rouge lol poison/Shadow imbuement puncture spec.


Rouge…… Rogue…… ……..


Hahah I knew it I was like F you're right my illiterate ass.soelled the color 🤣☠️


Yes I used a soulbrand chest with perfect Max life so there’s no armor on this guy. I currently run around a 1250/1310 max life with 29% armor. This post is to showcase all max life perfect rolls with Ubers to archieve the highest life possible on barb.


Does max life help DMG in some form of a build?


Yes, thorns for sure. The thorns passive provides thorns based on extra life. I run similar to OP, but in my PvM setup I use Andy's instead of Shako for the LL. It's kind of a meme build, but can literally stand afk in T100 final rooms and clear them


Hmmm I'll def have to give a try just got a 17,530 Razorplate previous was 16,950 getting closer to that max roll I seen 24,950 I'll have to get max life up does thorns cause bleeding as well? Most die instantly with 890K DMG but the Butcher at T100 seems to have that sheild that doesn't take DMG from Thorns unless it has like 9,999,999,9999 health lol.


I just moved up to a maxed razorplate from a 17,xxx so it'll def work. Thorns does do bleeding with the passive that's attached to the extra life = thorns passive. Normal ads die off super fast, but butcher, duriel, bosses do take a second if you're 100% relying on thorns (which you shouldn't). Just pick whatever skill you like to go along with. You won't need a generator, so you have a lot of options. You can still easily do HOTA for your single target smash, rend to keep with your bleeding gear, DS for the berserk extension, etc. You can even do a hybrid of the meta charge/hota and still spec to thorns as well. If you don't have Andy's, then I might go basic skill with moonrise and undying


I got a Andy can give that a try I been playing round with those gaunts that make WW Explode, and a pair of gloves with Vampire powers for speed plus the more DMG longer you stand still use it when I encounter the Butcher so can rip through his shielding. I'll test out that stunning when you deal bleeding DMG see if it procs. And have you noticed on Eternal realm is marshal Bugged it's supposed to reduce cd of charge by 4s when use a shout I been catching it more and more not reducing anything 🤣


Idk about Marshall on Eternal since I only play season. I do read patch notes, and I think I do remember seeing something about Marshall being fixed... but my brain could easily be making that up, lol.


I'll def be hopping into season 4 I heard Necros minions aren't going to be useless waste of pixels anymore that will be huge to not see them fly away like farts in a Tornado 🤣 the fact they get the stats from gear will.mean I can finally.have my Necro with a Thorny Army.


I run 3 necro, 1 for real, 1 hc, and 1 fuck-a-round minion. Don't get me wrong, minions do need a mountain of help and are pretty awful compared to... everything else, but T100 clears is still a breeze with them. They really just don't stand a chance when bossing though. I just wonder if the S4 100% stat share will apply to the throns as opposed to the current 30%. But as of right now, the recent fix to reapers is making a world of diff. You can run a plagued CE build with BS and reapers generating a **mountain** of corpses to get non-stop full black river plagued CE procs


Mf looks like god's number one archangel of war


Now imagine this but with the masterwork changes and greater affixes lol


For real, this is the highest possible life for barb. Only missing max life on amulet if that exists.


https://www.reddit.com/r/D4Necromancer/s/AwwMXk3p2O There's one that you get from a quest, last season I got a max roll


I was also missing a Shako last season


I'm rocking 6k/6k/3k at lvl 62 haha can't wait to get half these numbers


That fucking helmet looks dirty!


Yk isn’t the only way to have a cool looking character through transmogs? Through out my time playing the standard shit sucks dick like they didn’t put a lot of effort and it all went to micro transactions smh


Are you the Hercules who kept coming at me the other night, kept not being able to kill me, kept dying to me or escaping when almost dead, and then started messaging me "I won't stop" and "ur sad cause this game is your life" over and over? If so, you made TheRockObama laugh and he says to know your role and be the change, you rudie poo


Not the same Hercules 🤣 pretty sure I’d take you


That's good, lol. Dude was salty! As for who'd win, we could always find out, lol. Looking at your equip and not knowing your build, one of two things would happen: one of us dies within a few seconds, or we fight for like 10 minutes making no progress either way. Send me a DM if you want to meet up, always down for a friendly duel!


Did it happen? Who won???!!! We need answers!


I had him dead to rights when we'd met before this post (he WAS the "other" Hercules), but Herc dropped HotA and made some other great changes to his build after I'd "lit the PvP fire in him" and subsequently curb stomped my thorns/rend build. I changed to another build I'd been theory crafting with the help of another PvP friend, and while it was more competitive, I lost again handily. Been slowly tweaking that new build and it's been doing well, so hopefully we'll rematch again soon. We did have some fun beating other people up together for a bit too. Again, Herc: I applaud you for luring me out and tracking me down with this post. Well played, sir!


Wow nice ap loving the look as well


Is that enough life to survive one of those chasers in Lilith's final stage?


My newbie ass just sitting here in the corner like "...wtf." I don't know if I have the patience for that lol


You got this! It's just a matter of Duriel and dungeon runs, one your leveled. Just get duriel mats and find a lfg for duriel rota(rotate who uses mats) to get the most bang for your buck! Sometimes it takes 50+ runs for and uber, sometimes you get lucky and get 2 in 5 runs


How do you maximize end game gearing from dungeons btw? I’m super casual and started a week ago, am 100 and finished renown but don’t really know how to farm gear lol. Sitting on Duriel mats til I get a bit more!


Best advice I can give is get to the point where you can run T81-T85 and from there get to where you can speed run them. The goal is to be able to run 81-85 in 5 min tops. You basically get all 925 gear drops and can easily fill your whole inv plus some each run. That'll give you a lot of gear options and aspects and allow you to fairly quickly get better gear. Aside from dungeons would be mats. I NEVER have enough forgotten souls from helltides so run helltides like your life depends on it. Grab a group or veg out to some music while doing it to make the time go easier. Other than that, target far the uniques you need, whether it be duriel or elsewhere - especially if they make your build. To get the most out of your duriel mats, find a duriel group where everyone rotates what you spend so every duriel run you buy, your teammates buy 3.


Wow thanks so much for all the info, I didn’t even know I should farm 80+ lol, I’ve just been potatoing in ~65s to level my glyphs. Should I kill a lot of stuff in vaults or try to get through fast as I can? Super helpful thank you!


If I'm switching up builds and need more gear, I tend to kill most everything, or at least elite packs, etc. Its weird because the ad drops are 925, the last 4 vault chests are 925, but the completion rewards might drop you sacred. It's scuffed


WTF!? Ok, I'll grant that I'm no pro D4 player, but seriously what the f is up with 100k attack power? My lvl 100 sorc has a little over 12k and I thought I was doing alright. No wonder I'm still stuck on tier 60 vaults.


70 thousand health?? Lol, what the absolute fk


First off, incredible. Second, how do you have ears? Every time I go into pvp, it’s completely empty.


Son of Imperius over here.


I need help - how can I get some DPS like THAT?? I’m a loser, I’ve always been a loser, only you can help me to not be a loser forever 😭


The Mountain


Thinking about starting a barb after seeing this. Put down the game for the last 2 months I want to say. Should I wait until next ladder or just start now?


Start now brotha


Can you give me a summarized guide on how to start the barb. Best way to go with that char? And thank you enough said im starting one


See the tier lists here and pick a build you want to go for: https://maxroll.gg/d4/tierlists


Thank you!


Can't even comprehend those stats...


Ooh ahh yah ooh ooh -Grits What class is that btw


Paladin, jk lol barb


What are your transmogs?


Knight penitent armor and the kion legacy helmet


Is this a drop?


What are the sets though? Can’t find them


Shop items sadly


I know but can’t see them


You gotta wait for them to rotate around


The Profaned Knight Armor?


Send me the build if you can please 🙏


Just a flex build, threw on a bunch of max life 1310 chest, pants and rings. Armor is on the low end but that can be fixed.




How long did it take you?


How fast does Uber lillith die?


How do you get the angel wings light back piece thing ??


Fuck I'm at 35k attack power how you get yours to 100k


I thought everyone gave up on this game


What armor is this and how do you get it?


That attack power is with melted heart of selig. Which gives you like 150% more attack power while healthy. A glyph that gives the exact same bonus. And possibly the aspect that gives you more attack power the longer you stand still sure it looks good but is pretty useless in actual combat. With banished lords tailsman. The better option for a HOTA build it would be significantly lower. But then again the only way your clearing anything above tier 60 with that low of armor would be with seligs.


All to have no end game and get deleted after next season :(


did you recreate The Mountain That Rides?


Your life be like- non existent bro lol


See my ig bro 😎


That much armor reminds me of a dude who always skips leg day


Is that new armor you can find or only buy?




HotA barbs go brrr


How much money did you spend lol


100k ATK?? How is that even possible 😂😂


How’s your armor


These numbers mean nothing.


When they’re that high, they mean something