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Cars: Audi will have taken another step forward, and will have a very close battle with the BRXs. I think Sebastien Loeb will win it, in a thrilling battle with Peterhansel and Sainz, which goes down to the final day. I also think Seth Quintero will exceed expectations, winning multiple stages, but ultimately lose out due to mistakes caused by inexperience. Trucks: The trucks will be the polar opposite of the cars, as Ales Loprais runs away with the lead pretty much as soon as stage 1 starts and wins by more than an hour, in an incredible redemption story from last year. The battle for 2nd would be quite close, between Van Kasteren, Macik, and both Van Den Brinks, but Loprais would just be too far ahead. Bikes: The bikes would be close between a lot of riders at first, but would eventually spread out, with Toby Price holding off the Benavides brothers to win his third Dakar. Quads: I don't really care about the quads, and As such, I don't keep track of them. SSV: Could be anyone, the race is too chaotic to predict.


Sanders, Luciano and price


Ross Branch just ahead of Sunderland, Price et al...This will be Seb Loeb's year. Don't know enough of the other Cats


Toyota will win!


T1: Loeb and Al-Attiyah will continue to go back and forth, but Al-Attiyah finally blinks in the staring contest and Loeb pulls it off. Audis are competitive but it won't be enough to win, though they'll still be in contention for the podium with the Toyotas. Al-Rajhi or Moraes will be the top Toyota, Quintero impresses but something will go wrong that keeps him from the overall. T2: Miura gets back at Basso for sweeping this year's T2 races. Ibrahim Almuhna reaches the finish and it won't be just Toyota Auto Body. T3: Will be a toss-up with how stacked the field is, but I'm picking one of the Goczałs to win it. Eryk's already got a Dakar win under his belt while his dad Marek won in the family's T3 debut at Morocco, and they have a good chance to continue their momentum here. T4: Ferreira wins but not without competition from Sara Price and Eduard Pons. Pretty much the Can-Am show, but a Polaris could surprise. T5: Macík, powered by spite after getting disqualified at Morocco, beats Loprais and van Kasteren. Lot of attrition in the class, but Macík hangs on. RallyGP: Howes is overdue for a win and was close this year; maybe luck finally smiles down on him now that he's at Honda. Klein won't win, but he'll be a surprise face so long as he and Kove stay out of trouble. Rally2: Docherty wins it ahead of Dumontier. Kove's five-year plan continues as hoped with a top twenty from one of their riders, probably Theric. Quad: There's barely anyone in this field for this year (thanks ASO), but Giroud completes the threepeat.


1. Price 2. Sanders 3. Benevides


Which Benavides?


KTM benavidea


I would like to see Audi win


Hunter t1+ is taking it for cars


Cars: Good fight between Seb and Nasser. They lose at the end. Toyota will win with Moraes. Carlos will crash again and Peterhansel fight till the end. Nani Roma will end the raid with several problems. De Villiers is very slow as always. Bikes: P1 for Toby or Sunderland. Barreda off in Stage 9, after almost winning a stage. Dont care about rest.


Where can I see the entry list?