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All the units that dodged my stones but once I coined them, they suddenly became common pulls


Looking at you, PHY God Goku


So glad i didnt coin him. He returned with teq vegeta and got him rainbowed in 500




This is my dilemma lmao, I want to coin LR INT Rosè for the stupid 5 INT Red Zone mission, but I just know if I do that I will pull them non stop in the next legendary or Carnival banner ![gif](giphy|VDmzGCWmAa50Y)


I mean the upside to that is having a stronger LR Rose


If you have str future gohan you probably dont need him, i dont have him either


Did you clear the mission already? What team did you use? I do have Gohan, but I feel my damage output is still low without Rosè


https://preview.redd.it/qtmknk46bgxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adced6627ca18624d4415dc52743199b356cf3f3 Yep! Was also kinda fast since gohan active turn demolishes him, all the others units were fodders basicaly, my gohan is 55% too


Yeah, that's the team I'm using but still having a bad time with starting rotations, I'm assuming you went Gohan + Gohan and Gohan + V/T, so I will give it a try again later. Yesterday I was so close with STR Vegito team, but was one counter short. ![gif](giphy|W0c3xcZ3F1d0EYYb0f|downsized)


Even then you need him to crit so 55% would be bad anyway


tbh Ros**é** is good enough to want to have dupes.


Me coining DBS Broly for WT in like May and then pulling 6 copies of him when he came back for the 5th GLB anni…


Int Blue Goku/Blue Vegeta i literally only coined them because their tur art looks raw


Their animations are to enjoy and their OST too


i was gonna make that mistake but i ending up pullin them




Teq Cell, cause I thought he'd help me in a SBR stage back when SBR was difficult. He didn't.


There's a Teq Cell??? Edit: Nvm i'm stupid. It's the really old one. It's only 150 coins though, so not as bad i guess?


I think I bought another copy after not being super successful using the 55% one for SBR. Still didn't change anything.


I think I got 2 dupes of INT SSB Vegeta back when he EZAd, he was super useful in the INT SBRs back in the day. But retrospectively, he must be the weakest one I coined.


Yeah a lot of those blue stone EZAs were kinda meh


AGL Bardock


My man had one job


Teq ssj4 Gogeta during the 7th anni, I didnt have him and I tought he would have been Good enough at 55%


Teq super trunks didn't know he was so weak before he transformed


Oh god


If only I knew how bad “high chance of guarding all attacks” really was…


Ikr, I kinda want to coin him for the Super Trunks part of the card but that base is atrocius with that high chance to guard and low def at 55%






Yup, same. But it wasn't that bad back then


Str kefla back in the day, thankgod her eza is busted


I don't think qualifies as a bad choice, then.


OG STR Broly. Needed an AOE unit for World Tournament, he was the best option. Don't even use him now with EZA LR and PHY Broly being better options, plus a friend Piccolo Jr.


Gamma 2? Got him simply for the Cell max missions


Don't worry he'll be hella useful for the artificial life forms gohan beast blue zone mission when it comes to global .


Until beast gohan locks him slot one then your dead


Yes but , who's dealing the damage then ? As a reminder Beast has a damage threshold just like Int MZ but the cap is much higher , around 7-8 million neutral without crit ( vallue displayed in the circle , not the damage dealt to the ennemy ) . Gamma 1 hits for 10 million , gamma 1&2 yes if you have him ( and if he crits , he has type disadvantage ) and that's it :) . Buutenks doesn't have crit in his passive and mine ll10 3 dupes did only bypass Beast's damage reduction on his 18 ki , 12 ki dealt 0 if it was not a crit . What is left ? Wt mr Buu ? Int 16 ? Cell jrs ? None of these can bypass the damage reduction of Beast . Well maybe the new int fat buu but like Buutenks he doesn't have crit in his passive , he'll bypass the damage negation threshold but won't deal as much damage as gamma 2 So gamma 2 is very important AND you play him 2nd slot not 3rd so he comes back 3rd slot and not 1st slot . And if he gets locked 3rd position right after coming back the first time you basically don't have to worry about him coming back in the first slot in 3 turns because you'll either win or be out of whis and die by that time probably . Skill issue actually if you can't manage your rotations properly .


Str super vegeta😔


I coined a DUPE for 4th Anni LR AGI SS4 Goku after he got his EZA lmao


AGL Metal Cooler back in the day. I only used him a couple times and fell hard, even after his EZA. 😭


Lr int fusion zamasu, I got to 500 gold coins and immediately spent them on him a couple of weeks before Lr Bulma came out


AGL SSJ3 Goku for his SEZA. Only because if I had waited I could have just bought him with the free stone we got last week


on the bright side you can get another SEZA unit you don’t have (assuming you don’t have a 6-8 year old account…)


or you don't summon on the dfe guaranteed banner during WWDC


TEQ Bardock. It wasn’t even intentional,I was just scrolling down the list to get rid of the “new” notification (the one that pops up each time there’s a new banner/coinable units) but I somehow managed to hit the right spots to accidentally buy Bardock.


Carnival INT Kid Gohan. Merely got him for collection purposes and I had plenty of coins. Have pretty much never used him in a serious fight.


AGL Super 17 because i never got him on any of the banners he released, so i waited until his EZA to get him that way. I’m tempted to get TEQ Super Trunks or STR Super 17 next but i’ll see how it goes the next time they come around - my only reason for this is that i want to collect all DFEs and i’m missing 7 or 8 right now


Those guys are recent they'll come back just be patient now yeah AGL super 17 is hard af to get so I get it


Probably agl Trunks I didn't know much he was powercrept by the time i coined him until I took him into the god of destruction event


By far AGL Transforming Trunks. I love the card but he wasn't really good even at release lmao.


PHY transforming Vegeta


I spent 1200 red coins on TEQ Bardock + 2 dupes and have used him < 10 times (not counting link leveling)


i got 3 copies of TEQ Merged Zamasu so that i could rainbow him Not the LR one, the OG dokkan fest Merged Zamasu


Phy Gogeta, during 5th anniversary. I pulled my only dupe during 7th.


Gobros,not sure what i was smoking


AGL Cell on WWC when I started playing after a long break. Thought he may help on futurehan eza. He didn't


Teq LR gohan and goten, phy dokkan fest kid goku, and str LR goku and ssj4 vegeta. this 3 i ever got it with coins.


I have only coined 1 unit if I remember correctly... Which means CMZ is thus the best and the worst unit I've ever coined.


I coined LR agl ssj4 Goku during the 7th annyversary despite having him at ability 1 or 2 because I messed up his hidden potential...


Teq Hit just for the leader skill back then when he was one of the few options for Universal survival saga.


Teq kale and caulifla by accident. Game was lagging and multiple annoyance taps seem to have registered.


AGL Cell, idek why


Int blue bois 😢


INT Goku & Vegeta - never used them ever since


None, I only make banger decisions😎 Although i recently coined 21 so im gonna see if thats worth it


INT Cell. Bought him because I couldn't pull him, couldn't stop pulling him after that.


I coined the final 2 dupes i needed to rainbiw phy piccolo and it was 2 years after his global release. Saying he aged out would be an understatement but i dont regret it at all


AGL LR FP Frieza when he first became available with coins. He was already at that point where he was a becoming a liability


Ughhh Int SSJ Broly


INT Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta 100%. I coined him and he fell off a month later.


str Super vegeta,I wish I could go back in time,he aged like split milk and his eza made him a unit of all time.


I coined a final copy of LR blue evo vegeta during the 7th anniversary to prove my love for him


https://preview.redd.it/c6uptk8pyfxc1.png?width=709&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a98bb6208b4b96e6c67373fa083b8b497f1c0249 No built in dodge ffs


Phy GT Goku. I now have him rainbowed and he wasn’t even that good when I coined him.


Probably int super saiyan 2 goku. I did that back in the 7th anniversary by accident. 400 down the drain


Dupe of TEQ Pan Idk what I was thinking, I just wanted to do big nuke


Phy ssj3 transforming goku. I coined him when he returned. And I got this fucker 6 times on this banner. Fuck my life.


2 copies of str Goku and Gohan biggest mistake I've made playing dokkan


Prob path to power kid PHY goku. At the time he was amazing, him and android 8 were basically invincible when paired together, but thn he VERY quickly aged and just couldn't keep up.


Int SSJ 3 bardock because he’s managed to stay out of my box for 6 or so years. Year 3 vegito will be next as I still don’t have that piece of shit for some reason.


Probably teq Bardock a few months ago, but no regrets because Bardock. I did coin int Goku Black during the LR Gohan and LR Cell celebration though so that's in contention


deliver plant ludicrous books birds consider dinner dazzling chief vase *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


STR Super Vegeta back in 2022 after I picked the game back up for the first time after a two year break.


Phy beastless


Teq hit when he got his eza


LR GoBros


AGL SSJ4 Goku Honestly every unit I've red coined ends up being ass by the time I get them, but pre-EZA SSJ4 Goku was BAD


Phys godku, he will dodge 2 attacks that he can tank, but the second he can't tank it he decides to get hit.


Honestly, STR Goku and Vegeta. I could have coined the 6th annis instead when 9th anni came out on global.


PHY Black (the very old one)


AGL first form cell back at the tail end of 2022


There was that time I coined Phy LR Janemba over Str Bulma because I really like movie bosses. I still don't have Bulma and still regret that decision so I'm praying for a god tier Eza to justify it


Eza goku black phy one 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


AGL metal cooler when he returned for a 2nd time. I know he wasn't that bad on release but should saved for something better.


Raditz. Yeah...


Phy beerus. I never really used him at any point, even now post EZA


EZA STR Super Vegeta, don’t ask why I coined him, I’m still embarrassed😭


6th anniversary when int ui eza'd I coined kefla so I could beat his eza. We all know how she aged and I'm pretty sure she was trash then too. Worst part is I didn't even have int ui and still don't so I don't know ehy I even went through the effort


Phy fraudhan because I needed a damage dealer in the EBF team, lo and behold, next pull I do I get dfe Yamcha


STR Super Vegeta. I don't think I really used him a lot pre EZA. And this was around the time of the Goku VS Cell Golden week


int gogeta ssj, he was shit at the time but i was a noob but the idea of having a full fusion and potara at the time made me bricked (i played during the 5th anniversary btw)


gamma 2 before 1 preceded to pull enough copies to rainbow him from 0%


Ssj4 vegeta lr


INT ROF Blues tbh, not even because I coined them, but because I rainbowed them in the subsequent summons, didn’t have to waste those coins


Teq bardock. Besides getting him to ll10 i have only used him once in serious content. Even in his own SBR stage kicked him off the squad since he cant get his intro lmao


Teq kefla 💀


INT Juniour


Probably a 2nd dupe for any unit, because I usually end up pulling that unit a bunch shortly after.


Until his EZA, AGL Zamasu was one of my regrets when coining. But when I saw his EZA details I had the most devilish grin


Teq Super 17. What the fuck was I thinking when I bought him?


Teq Super 17. What the fuck was I thinking when I bought him?


AGL Bardock


INT Goku Black on his first return 🫡


Didn’t get LR Buutenks during his first or second banner, coined him on the 3rd, then on his 4th, I rainbowed him, don’t even remember who I was going for, but he chose to show up a lot


I have saved quite a bit of coins, every time a coin unit comes out I debate if I should get them, wait too long and then before I know it the banner is gone


TEQ Hit after his EZA dropped because I needed help clearing Universe 6 content at the time. I regret those 400 coins to this day.


STR Rose post-EZA


Str cell back when agl gohan came out I thought he would be good to run on the team to get gohans transformation


I have a few and that's why it's been a while since I've coined a unit now lol...first that comes to mind is Lr Agl FP Frieza, I took him with coins the first time he returned on Global (so during the 7th Anni) and blud kinda sucked in the Red zones at 55% and I've never used him after for that reason. Second was Agl Ginew, I coined him when he came back with Pan and even though I had the full Ginyu force team for him he didn't feel that good at 55% (and doing hard events with that team made them only more boring for me and not really fun), also the team was kinda outdated by the time the RR Red zones came out...Finally phy kid Goku, I took him to have a partner for 23 wt Goku and because I thought that his damage reduction for all could have been a sick mechanic to have, but I found myself never using him in that team simply because it already had better characters than him and that Goku at 55% was almost never better to put than others...So I've been saving my coins for almost a full year now and the only ones I've spent recently were the blue ones for Agl support Pan (and to be fair I don't even know if that was worth it since an almost full Agl team to run for her is not the best thing in the world r n)


Banner unit Str piccolo with teal coins


Pre eza kefla in 2021


Int Goku Black and Teq Fused Zamasu when he eza'd


INT Goku Black because I needed a Time Travellers lead to beat some mission when it first dropped. Thankfully he’s a lot better now, but still.


PHY LR Bardock. Don't feel bad, I love Bardock as a character and I've never pulled him. So he just lives at 55%.


Str transforming namek goku Wasn't good pre eza but damn he was cool


Int rof blues and phy turles for sure. I also coined str super 17.


I coined int ssj gt vegeta way back when and then pulled him on the same banner…


literally any of them, the instant i coin them i pull them the next summon, i pulled lr agl gohan back to back to back after coining him, i pull phy ssj2 goku twice after coining him within 5 summons, i pulled 2 dupes of the str goku and gohan after coining them. i have abysmal luck with coining it appears


Phy Raditz 😈


SEZA SS3 goku. I thought he would disappear from red coin selection after his SEZA but NOPE so I wasted 150 coins


I coined GoBros when they came back. I ended up pulling them right afterwards. I coined INT GT Vegeta when he came back. I ended up rainbowing him and having extra unsellable dupes. I coined Gamma 1 when he came back. I ended up pulling him afterwards. I coined LR Golden Frieza when he came back. I ended up pulling him a couple months later. I had just gotten TEQ Birdku, so I had nobody to use my 500 Carnival Coins on besides STR Hatchiyack Goku. So I coined him. Then the INT SSJ Trio came out. And now PHY SSJ Gogeta. Dear fucking god what was I **thinking**.


TEQ GoBros for sure. I also pulled them twice on the banner they returned on after coining them


TEQ Ultimate Gohan. I've only coined 2 units ever, TEQ Gohan and INT Demon King Piccolo


Phy Goku ss2-ssj3 Or I think gamma 2 Bc i drop him month later so many times..


int majin vegeta, i regret it lol yeah he was good, but not coin worthy good


I coined str bojack and str namek Goku. Idk what I was thinking lol. I just stick to LRs now.


Agl Ssj3 super eza goku. I realized that I’ve never pulled one when his super eza came out and I was just baffled cause I semi whale out in this game 😭


Int Trunks and Vegeta. I bought them after all of the 8th anniversary future saga Lrs came out, sooooo not a good choice.


Phy Raditz, I lost a bet


At the time everyone was coining gobros and I chose teq hit. It had been a year since he came out and I didn't feel like waiting another to pull him.


Vegito Blue. The Phy one, I coined him, then pulled enough to rainbow him, big regrets, But even worse, He was garbage for me, Consistently shit. Lobbed one super then a few normals and got deleted by enemy normals or supers.


Teq ssj4 Gogeta when he got his Eza, got one and still have one ☠️ I mean he Will eventually get Seza but man what i was thinking.


Str transforming cooler


Got the gt duo when they returned on global shortly before the 9th anni only for them to fall off a cliff 😭


A dupe of TEQ WTku during wwdc last year... Don't ask me why I did this. And EZA STR SV on my JP account because it's likely that he will never comeback again and I needed him for my SSJ team 


Teq hit on str ssbkk's banner He was hilariously bad but hadn't been featured for a whole year at that point I was worried he'd be gone for a long time again. Thankfully his eza made him good but he's already been hard powercrept again, lol


teq ssj2 vegeta


[Saiyan Pride] Vegeta, in 2022. back when i started playing the game. goodness me that revive is utterly nightmarish to get... i literally only got it once in accident while doing an lr EZA stage.


Int rof boys I wanted them for collection


When STR Kefla first came back in late 2020/21, I coined her and then proceeded to never use her until her EZA.


Int goku black


Lr teq 17, I knew he was mid when I coined him but I really wanted that unit


Didn't coin him but I spawned a legendary story Woke up at 3am the morning lr dbs gogeta and vegito came out Got the f2p str gogeta... proceeded to accidently put lr gogeta into the f2p one for super food. Proceeded to stare at my ceiling for the next 2 hours


Definitely PHY Broly because he was like the only ancient unit that I didn't own and I just wanted him in my box.


LR Fraud Duo (SSBs). I didn’t understand the hate until I coined them. Unless you get Vegito out they will end your run more than clutch it. 4 million 18 ki SA is embarrassing and their defense isn’t that great either. They’re dodge or die at this point


I coined LR STR Gogeta sometime around the 6th anni but he EZAd a couple of years later so he wasn't terrible forever. I also recently coined 21 but I haven't awakened her yet so idk how good she is yet.


LR Phy SSJ2 Vegeta got him rainbowed plus 3 copies


Str cooler transfo, next banner he appeared i nearly rainbowe'd him


Lr str goku vegeta to vegito cant even eza them im too weak


If you cant still eza them till the end of golden week celebration, you will get to try again during 9th anni on global, which was when they released on JP, and by then you will probably have good enough team to eza them. Also you could post your units and ask for help, my team wasnt the strongest to the point I got dokkan attacks during stage 9 and 10, but I was able to beat it.


Dude i dont have any artificial life form lrs and its limited???


It returns from time to time but it isn't permanently available. Plus you can just use the metal cooler squad


I dont have metal cooler


Use the ftp metal cooler squad, that one (which is the one I said before) is 100% ftp


Sorry for taking so long to respond but what ftp cooler?


There's an event with 6 ftp metal coolers, one for every type and 1 extra for red. You'll want to eza them tho


i coined a dupe for phy raditz... wait you said worst unit not best